Read The Drellic Saga: Books One, Two and Three Page 1

  The Drellic Saga

  Books One, Two and Three

  Copyright © 2013 Michael John Marlinski


  All Rights Reserved

  Copyright ©2013 by Michael John Marlinski

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without permission in writing from the author.

  Printed in the United States of America

  First Printing


  Drellic Kail, died on Earth, one million years ago. It must not have seemed possible, to those who witnessed the event. I, myself, have a hard time imagining the almighty tyrant, shriveling up like a prune and just withering away; but that is the way of the universe. The unexpected happens more often than the expected. And frankly, I would not have it any other way.

  I don’t know what first inspired me to write this story. Perhaps, it was the great legend, passed down from our ancestral homes. Perhaps, it was the recurring dream from my youth, in which Aia would visit my subconscious; tormenting my curiosity, to no end. I will never know for sure.

  I am no one special. I am simply a messenger, for a calling I cannot explain. Something is compelling me to tell the story of the man, who almost single-handedly annihilated mankind. So, as I sit down in this interstellar diner, watching the many faces of the galaxy come and go, I find myself hearing his voice for the first time, as if I had unleashed him from his prison, myself; on the rim of the our home system, so long ago.

  There is so much more to tell, than I am capable of telling. But, this will have to do. Because when the story of Drellic Kail is involved, what the hell is truth, anyway?

  “The Narrator”

  The Spiral Times


  The Wicked Descend

  Book One of, “The Drellic Saga”

  Copyright© 2013 Michael John Marlinski

  ISBN: 9781301359981


  Modern science and history both tell us that human beings are the descendants of great apes that lived on earth a few million years ago. Since then, we've inherited opposable thumbs and the gift of reason. Our humble beginnings, consisted of the discovery of fire, the invention of the wheel and the first written and spoken words. Disturbingly, none of this is true.

  It may hold true for other naturally evolved sentient races that live amongst the stars, but it does not hold true for mankind, as we know it today. The story of the birth of mankind, if it can even be called that, is a much more wondrous and insightful tale about the true origins of all life on our home-world.

  Roughly twenty billion years ago, massive, radically advanced spaceships, belonging to a far superior race, from the farthest reaches of the universe, entered a region of space, which would later become modern man’s first solar system.

  To this day, the aliens’ true name, true physical appearance, true origins and true motives, remain a mystery. All that is known is that they were here and that they were the “Architects” of the original Earth and all life that lived upon it.

  The same can be said for Mars, which was eons ago, a beautiful world, much like Earth that was rich with countless forms of life; another testament to the Architects’ infinite wisdom and incredible technology.

  At the beginning of their great experiment, the Architects altered the composition of a lonely main sequence star, in order to ensure that it could never harm or destroy the planetary bodies that would soon surround it.

  They concocted breathable atmospheres for both Earth and Mars, positioned both worlds at a safe distance from the sun, and then allowed the two planets to begin natural, elliptical orbital paths around their newborn star.

  The first human beings, along with various forms of wild animal and plant life, were then introduced to the new worlds, at around the same time. All life on the two worlds was genetically engineered in order to ensure conception.

  But upon the Architects’ eventual departure, the various species on the original Earth and original Mars, were allowed to evolve at their own natural rates.

  In the aftermath, these incredible experiments, led to the rise of two great human civilizations; but not before the two worlds were repeatedly ravaged by senseless wars; world wars that eventually became interplanetary feuds, resulting in mass destruction; once the two worlds of man came into contact with one another.

  Yet, buried in the ashes of the two smoldering planets, was a mutual desire for survival, through coexistence. The people then subsequently lived in an era of peace and prosperity that lasted millions of years.

  It was this miracle of long lasting unconditional love, spanning both Earth and Mars that inspired the Architects to one day return to their many creations.

  They returned to the two worlds, five billion years later, and introduced themselves to all of humanity as parents, as well as guardians of the universe. They marveled at the incredible cities, monuments, diverse cultures, various religions and armada of spacecraft that their children had created.

  But it was that very expression of astonishment and pride, which ironically led to the unraveling of everything that the Architects had worked so hard to achieve with mankind.

  There was once a well- known and respected public servant named, Drellic Kail, who lived in the city of Siren; the capital of the original Earth. The planet Earth was also referred to as Siren by its people, during this time period. While Mars, Siren’s brother world, was formerly known as Tyrran.

  Much to their dismay and disbelief, Drellic rejected the Architects and conceived the notion that they were unwelcome, would-be dictators, who were trying to claim responsibility for the accomplishments of mankind and steal all that they had.

  His beliefs inspired an entire generation of his people, including citizens of Tyrran, to lead a revolt against the Architects, who had dozens of gargantuan, organic spaceships, hovering over the chaotic cities of the two worlds.

  The ensuing revolt was laughable, because no weapon of man could even remotely challenge the most primitive of Architect defenses. However, this did not discourage Drellic from staying on the offensive. He believed that as long as the Architects underestimated him, the odds would always be in his favor.

  One day, the Architect Flagship, a massive heavily armed cruiser, the length of ten football fields, arrived over the streets of Siren City, as a warning to the people.

  Knowing that the efforts of a single man on foot were not likely to be noticed, Drellic found his way on board the massive vessel. It was an act of bravery and selflessness that would ultimately secure undying loyalty from all those he felt he had enlightened.

  Once aboard, Drellic eluded the yet unseen creatures on board, long enough to discover a strange laboratory; a laboratory containing hundreds of tiny glass vials.

  Each vial contained a glowing white liquid that seemed to call out to him and have a consciousness of its own. As he sensed the aliens closing in around him, he gave in to temptation and removed one of the vials from its holster.

  There was an instant reaction. The chemical had an adhesive property that bonded to Drellic’s skin and weaved its way through his nervous system, forming a symbiotic relationship with his brain. The intense bonding experience, subsequently gave Drellic superhuman strength and speed.

  Upon realizing the potential of these new gifts, in a violent rage, he savagely ripped the ship apart piece by piece. Both his anger and ego, propelled him through the dark corridors and chambers of the craft, at an incredible velocity.

  He continued destroying everything in h
is path, until he had finally eliminated enough vital systems to send the supposedly indestructible Architect Flagship, spinning out of control and crashing into the city below. Thousands were killed, but those who survived, continued to fight for and worship Drellic for many years to come.

  Before escaping from the ship and jumping down to the streets below, landing unscathed, Drellic had recovered a massive supply of the biological material that had given him his remarkable abilities. He then proceeded to share the mysterious element with any who would swear allegiance to him.

  It wasn't long afterwards that Drellic and his followers discovered that the material not only guaranteed incredible strength and speed, but immortality as well.

  Faced with an immortal, superhuman army, driven by senseless bloodlust that would live and die by Drellic’s command, the Architects found themselves in an impossible situation. They were forced to make a terrible decision, knowing that their precious experimental compound had fallen into human hands, and had suddenly evened the odds in the dispute.

  Fearing that Drellic and his people would stretch their vengeful hands further out into the universe and one day threaten their superiority, the Architects bombarded the surfaces of both Siren and Tyrran with powerful energy weapons, and also dissolved the atmospheres of both planets.

  Upon being exposed to the vacuum of space, none survived; none except Drellic, the first to be exposed to the compound. He miraculously survived and was discovered days later aboard an Architect vessel, not realizing that Siren and Tyrran had both been completely destroyed and that all of humanity had been wiped out of existence.

  Upon discovering him, the Architects saw that he had at least been weakened by exposure to open space and took advantage of the situation. They were uncertain as to how to reverse the effects of the compound that had given Drellic his extraordinary powers and resilience, as it was part of a brand new experiment, merely in its testing phase.

  Despite the Architects’ best efforts to remove the compound from Drellic’s body, every attempt proved to be ineffective. In the end, Drellic was taken to the edge of the solar system, after being encased within the core of a massive ice world; formed by the Architects, as a makeshift prison.

  Assuming Drellic would eventually wither away and die as the other humans had, the Architects left that region of space, never to return.

  Over the next ten billion years, a devastating celestial event, known as The Great Storm, ravaged the known universe and forced a violent realignment of galaxies, in order to make way for an innumerable amount of newborn celestial bodies.

  Modern human scientists misinterpreted this storm, as the conception of the universe and dubbed it, “The Big Bang”.

  In the aftermath of the storm, Drellic's icy prison eventually fell prey to its environment and broke up into several smaller, yet still gargantuan pieces. In all that time, miraculously, the earth managed to re- evolve into something very similar to its former state. Whether it was because of left over bits and pieces of Architect genetic framework, the divine intervention of a higher power, or simply chance, mankind was conceived and had evolved yet again, into almost the exact same form they had taken during the age of Siren and Tyrran. Only, no life had reappeared on the surface of Mars; no indigenous life, anyway.

  Modern man then waged war after war, and bickered over natural resources like spoiled children, just as their ancestors had done in the past. But to this day, our destiny remains unclear. We are part of a new rendition of mankind, the origins of which can be pinpointed, while an explanation for our miraculous rebirth, cannot.

  Presently, Drellic's prison is known as Charon, the largest moon of Pluto. Even after eons in black, there was still some life left in him, as he continued to sleep amongst the stars.

  More importantly, the hand of man, finally reaching out into the universe once again, during the early 21st century, came dangerously close to Charon, resulting in the Drellic War.

  Something stirring in the dark had peeked man's interest. If only they had followed in the Architects' footsteps and left well enough alone. After billions of years of imprisonment and pent up rage, Drellic lived to prove that he would stop at nothing to reclaim the world he was forced to leave behind.