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Read The End of the Universe: Universal Verses1: Page 1
2013 Copyright M.Stow12 ISBN-13: 978-1492746775 ISBN-10: 1492746770 The End of The Universe: Universal Verses One Universal Verses1: in three-parts: 1. Stellation... 2. The Universal-Axial. 3. Universal-Axial Stellation. 1.At first there was neither being nor non-being. There was not air nor yet sky beyond. What was its wrapping? Where? In whose protection? Was water there, unfathomable and deep? 2.There was no death then, nor yet deathlessness; of night or day there was not any sign. The One breathed without breath, by its own impulse. Other than that was nothing else at all. 3.Darkness was there, all wrapped around in darkness, And all was water indiscriminate: then That which was hidden by the Void, that One emerging, Stirring, through power of Ardor, came to be. 4. In the beginning Love arose, Which was the primal germ cell of the mind. The Seers, searching in their hearts with wisdom, Discovered the connection of Beings with Nonbeing. Rig Veda (around 1400 BCE India) X, HYMN CXXIX. Creation. …before the reflection of any object in a mirror can be said to be accomplished, it is necessary that rays of light should first strike the object and subsequently impinge on the glass, to be thrown back again to the subject – to the eyes of a man, for instance. There is therefore an appreciable and calculable interval of time between the throwing by a man of a glance at his own face in a mirror and the registration of the reflected image in his eye. So far, one may say, so good. Whether this idea is right or wrong, the amount of time involved is so negligible that few reasonable people would argue the point. But De Selby, ever loathe to leave well enough alone, insists on reflecting the first reflection in a further mirror and professing to detect minute changes in this second image. Ultimately he constructed the familiar arrangement of parallel mirrors, each reflecting diminishing images of an interposed object indefinitely. The interposed object in this case was De Selby’s own face and this he claims to have studied backwards through an infinity of reflections by means of ‘a powerful glass’. What he states to have seen through his glass is astonishing. He claims to have noticed a growing youthfulness in the reflections of his faces according as they receded… Flann O’Brien: (1911-1966 Eire) The Third Policeman or Hell Goes Round and Round (1967) Harper Perennial 2007. Copyright M.Stow12 2013 Copyright M.Stow12 The End of the Universe: Universal Verses1: 1. Stellation: in three-parts: 2. Universal Axial: 3. Universal Axial: Stellation. 1. Stellation: in three-parts: -Welcome to The-Universe: Between nothing and the start of everything else: without so much of a Big Bang! As a sumping deep dull thumping thud! Unseen unheard But then felt enough to know that something tremendous had occurred. By the smallest scalar sizing by any minimal metric measure By which anything can be measured or known. Something incredibly wonderful: a point of inflection pierced held Profoundly waited weighty credible instantaneous false-vacuum framing Zero-arrowing doubling negating neutral-booming force-field vector. Tipped tripped synergy wave-forming foaming: -The Universal-Transcendental… Continuous inconclusive radial half-spin up and half-spin down. Full spin circumferential-spheroidal in magnitude unresolving Indeterminate terminal. Being: a point in and of seemingly unendingly Approaching perfecting-infinitude With no net-charge as yet Assuming tentative-tenuous Potential seeking-halogenic forever-becoming… Diametric almost equal radii-rationing -Wavelength and frequency… Of every probability possible squared-area cuboid Voiding-void voided hollow-surfacing… One to two to three to four dimensional. Quadripolar inner-stretching equilateral angular-extended Hexing imaginary almost solid-block perfectly stationary Spheroidal as yet assumed: -Singularity… Rotating Each of Us Now! differentially constantly energetic-masses… Equatorial-bulging polar axial size and shape Dependent on energy-mass and rate of rotation Predicting-model: -Dense Black-Hole… -Neutron-star core… -Pulsing-Quasar… -Macrowave-background… As at the by now gone Centre Of Stars and Galaxies and Atoms free-falling: -Universal-Space: -The Universe! Forming ejecting material along polar-aligned radiation-axis Micro-wave compressed glowing Event Horizons lit… Hovering on the shadow-edge radiation falling-out floating Collided disorder: -From perfect purely-lawful order… -Dis-Order! Now! More than all combined entropy Rotating positive particles from shortlived virtual anti-neutral Double-negative annihilating reducing: -Event Horizon… -Proton…positron… To points of no-return white hot Light! Flashed!: -From Absolute-Zero…nothingness… -Cold-exploded… -Inflationary-expansion… -Massively-heating from the interior… -And then there was light! -Everywhere! The gaps in-between evaporate freezing radiating fractional-degrees Above: -Primordial Black-Holes… In and around: -Neutron-blank… Suddenly immediately from Nowhere: -Alpha-Beta-Gamma Ray-Burst! -Light! Everywhere! Bounced-then slowed almost ceased…then instantly blown-apart: -Protons and electron neutrino’s -As Stars and Galaxies forming… Smooth impossibly uniform-equivalence shattered clouding Evaporating-away collapsing crunching-particles… Cool-clumping compounding: -From Absolute Zero-Mass… -To potentially infinitely finite hot… -Starry-Galaxies… -Cooling electron/anti-electron… -Photon-neutrino… -Dark-Matter nucleons holding as Dark-Energy expelled: -Neutron-Proton Stars… -Force-Fields! -Each of Us! Doubling in size immediately absorbing blasting-out fast slowed return: -At half the heat to light electro-magnetic energetic-sped… Inward particle dense-region emptied-outward… Collapsing star spiral barred-Galaxy. Galaxies spinning-off irregularity: -Ratio-mass to energetic boson-nucleic… -Fundamental electron-charge: -Doubling-negative positive-Protons! -Each of Us! Constant-steadying factors amongst the seeming chaos Stilled barely moving if at all. Stabilising collapsing as in homogenous
irregular-particle Motion-phase transition vacuum-bubbles: -Summing as-over-history… Imaginary numbers as Time infinite Within our Own finite edges No boundary… No forward or back symmetrying asymmetrical Arrows of Time and Nature. Nature as Time. Time as Nature. Each of us Being: The Originating inverse square root unifying-Unit Outer-tangent doubling raddi-quartering diameter To circumference area...Natural-logarythmic aerial-aery virtually eventually circling curved around. Almost returning to The Start The Beginnings yet Each uniquely-constant Varying-finitude sprung-doubling radial-diametric distance. Sprung open string’s plucked closing-looping Almost precise repetition immediately drawn baby bare naked Anti-Quark paired negatively: A Pro-Quark positive For Each of Us Surviving. 2. Sketchy three-point tri-line body-base etching Neutron naturally-neutralising negatively pure-Black to pure-White From-Nothingness Dark-Beginnings perhaps another Universe just like-our own: -White-light-Starships… -Black-radiating Star centring… -Neural-neutral double-negative Quark negating-nothingness -Radiating-raised with no net-charge as-yet… -Protonic! Assuming tentative-tenuous halogenic-tended: -Electron-negative switching-positron cloud forming force-field neutrino… -Anti-quarks paired in defence or attack! -Now no-longer infinite but finite Massive-Nothingness… Stretching Universal-Space -Equilateral tri-angular extending Almost-equilateral Each of Us emanate continuously recurrent-repetitive… Labouring working the-point: -Originating inverse root-squared unifying-Unit… Each continuously: -Recurrent of the originating inverse root-squared… -Outer-tangent diameter-to-circumference area… -Doubling-negative quadruple triple Quark from double anti-quark-point tri-line body-base cubed pentatonic… -Outer-tangent electronic… Encircling: -Neutron neutrino-spraying Neutron-Proton Nucleon… Distance-surfacing balling uniquely ubiquitously Perennially electron-sprung Outside periphery-ingredient Armed and legged barring spiral-Star Galactic Diaphragm and girdle-bone swamp-drawn As bafflingly-erected head and shoulders Arms and hands and feet collapsed-again To formless-unknowability in itself seeming: Divine-Energy… Stomaching Ourselves yet dark-hearted Eaten or not To Be eaten Naturally as Timely given taken. As in the taking As if by theft or trapped in-reciprocity Traipsing-out: -Particle microwave-wave detectors… -Detractors… Not-so-mysterious... Each of Us as in Our Own Known Space and Time Marching in number as to unknown unknowable Battle. 3. Each of us constant-complex altering: -Nuclear atomic electro-magnetic… -Intermediary-Graviton… Weakly incomplete electronic-cyclonic Finitudinal-truncating: -Number-field… Integral-spin grouped: Each of Us set-out Setting-out set-out Each to each immediately: -Split gravitationald-disc… Grouped one to every possible few numbers Leading to innumerable-number… Tip-ended double-arrowing down down up up down: -Quark-Nucleon electro-magnetic field as gravitational mass-energy… Against an impenetrable light wall-boomed Golden elliptic egg-shell seemingly Thudded! Darkly energetic-amassed. Expanding-faster towards the fastest speed of sound To The Listeners: -The Measurers… Be-spoken speaking-spaces in-between Before-becoming: -Power and Light! -The Seeers! Slowly now colouring in the-background. Universal-microwaves started twice fallen tumbled stumbled Bounced back-up…thrice Parsimonious perhaps luckily Perhaps not. As a Matter-of-Degree Pre-planning now…smashed clashing: -Light-Sabres! Lightening In any of every direction-vacant But that plan already gone: -In Space and Time… -Sounded-Light split-second spread! Now positively-turning returning two-thirds spin-charge Equivocating including our own negation: -Anti-down-quark doubling-up again neuralising negative… -Positive Quark-Proton… Each of Us again and again and again. In the darkness surmising glue-balling re-centring low-mass lying: - Gravitational-Gluon… Exchanging nucleonic-subatomic strongly-nucleating Full-integer spin mass-particle leaking: -Unstable! -Stable?! Weakened short-lived seconding movement clocking Phonon quickened into heat and light: -Neutronium switching Positronium… -Ever?! Moved across linearly the empty space Making-up the Universal-Space: -Changing? Felt Squeaked-cleaned and through centring Thudded! again. Open centring: -Pi-onium…electronic… Drawing-in and reducing-excess. Full spinning-off stinging spinning-positively stingy releasing Sequential-ascribing…selecting-out held onto every unique member-number For millennia kept: -Each One of Us! - Of Us! -To The End of Us! Each Proton preserved-intact growing gardening-in: -The Universal-Space! -Quadrillion! Light Years to Now!: -To the End of the Universe. The-Measurers… -All! 4. All-interlinking overlapping fractal-point functional fractional: -How many? -One to two to three to four and more dimensional... -Ten…Twenty-Six even…27…oddly: -3.1415…equivocating half-point pioneering prime-numbering… -Equilateral-triangulating turning-frame. -Triangulating set of real rational number quotient…. -The common-counting numbers up and down… -Inward as outward caught… Entangling musical-scale tinkling: -Positronium… -Pi-onium electronic… Fractional four-dimensional moving linear-points. All at-once turning amongst ourselves With attraction and repulsion recognizable Denominating-nominating subtraction… Only adding oddly divisive multiplying progressment unevenly Heaving sprayed in all directions across The Void. Time and Nature begun together simultaneously separating So fastly and now so-slowly bounced-back Back-bounced in Virtual-Weightlessness Impossible logarithmic-construction Weakly electro-magnetic-fielding: -Quarks! -United! Sink-trapped each of us Zero-Spin electro-static bound > Acting not from within but now upon Each-Other: -Pi-ons… Circling and encircling as on the spot As mouthing or anus Disappeared...Stopped! Collided-with...colluded somehow spheroidal rolling-forward Flattening-elliptic moving-linearly across live-wires: -Intermediary imaginary i-fundamental particulating… Almost encircling swelling swollen with frightened rage! Open-ended tubules spoked spinning-out in Universal-Space. 5. In darkness Bi-centring ellipsoid elastic-stretched conforming Circular-linear disappearing vanishing-points retaining Minimal trigonometric cubic-equational: -Critical-axial crossing difference-resolving cyclotomic cyclic cubic fields: -Totally Real! -Polynomial permutation-rings at the same moment-of-Time: -Never-again to become… As naturally fallaciously facetiously… Each of Us in motion at the same-instanton exchanged. Secanting-variating flat-top sloping planar sub-tending Isosceles tangent sliding-down or upward as sideways inward or outwards It mattered not. Yet squaring the hyperbola:: The Universal Parabola Created free-fall parachuted-in. Under the empty-product To the dangling axis of suspension somersaulted Head over heels acrobatic head-spinning tailing Pulled in all directions at-Once. Falling in any-direction As bungee-strung netted elastic-trampolining Re-bounding almost equi-partition distance penetration Seemingly-colliding yet unevenly inevitably crashed-into The continuously-pitched-distance inherent pure endless: -False-vacuum... As yet bounced side-lined de-limiting bulging booming boomed; Thud!ded re-sounding bounded Contrarily pitted-against. Each other deeply-inspirited seemingly boundlessly A-bounding reverent-riverine emptiness Inward bounced back-up and of Ourselves Started once fallen-into twice returning In any of every direction but this: -Now Positively-nucleate... -Anti-down-quark doubling-up Quark… Of this returning two-thirds spin-charge equivocating Down-again and again and upwards again and again... Low flying-mass gravitational-gluon exchanged stuck-together. In the darkness surmising glue-balling re-centring: -Nucleonic-subatomic neutral-Neutron strongly nucleating… -Double-Negative Full-integer spin… -Mass-particle leaking unstable! -Neutronium!...short-lived... Moved across the empty open centre: -Pionium-positronium… The final-thirded reduced-excess spun-off. Stinging-stingy spinning positively-sequential ascribing: -Uniquely numbering... -Selected chosen spaces as of those available... -Each One of Us... -To All! -Of Us? Electron positron-switching stable String-point mass-recessing precessing Processing multi-dimensional: -How many? -Dimensions? -Universes... -As One. -As All. 6. Coiling crawling cooling inner-space as re-heating resonance containing Pneumatic-dynamic drilling-down as in: -Electro-magnetic winding-down the proportional variable energy constants of Quanta… Each of us localised little-Gravitational Closing-oscillate wavelength-frequency fundamentally asymmetric Regulating super-symmetric super-positing Radial-spinning Radian reaching searching-out… Turning twin-polar stretched elliptic five-point centrifugal Rebounded-sounded cyclical-square pinned. Spat-out cuboidal-helices set-square:: pentatonic point-planar light-potential… Each individual-variable arresting and re-starting hyperbolic Sub-tending pining oblong-obelisk sensed Each of us as boldly black as all the deep-blackness all-around Pre-reflective: -Golden-section searching number 1.6180339887...irregular: -Alpha-altering plus and minus... -Universal-Inflaton naturally logarithmic… -Ever approaching infinity becoming outer-space signal-simple intelligence triangulating… A sharing-hexing threat imminent-simultaneously From and within and without definite-shape. Over a seeming Cosmic-Horizon Simple to complex double-concave envelope Convex holding outer-tension ballooning: -Two to three to four-state quantum... -Binary tertiary quadrating pentatonic hexing espial septimal-tritone… Sentinel guarding computorial-superconducting system sonic-cylindrical tunnelling: -Proton singular individuating-mass... As electromagnetic-decaying: -Anti-neutrino entropic released... Altering freely-waving... -Ionespherical:...isotopical... -Radio-active... -Light! Collided dis-attached and let loose:... -Nucleonic ion conductive corded... -Absorbed and adsorbing… Conic spinning-out vortex In-the-hole vacating: -Directional in direction of propagation once-fixed… -Fixed-once capturing and/or captured: Self-propagating mostly made-out: -Solar-systemic Planets and moons and asteroid… Sprung in-springing out of spin-twisting almost returning equal Attempting assaying-perfectly nearly reality Yet Each of Us from-rest queuing non-equilateral tick-tocking... Each internal click-clocking against Each-Other. In the-moving at the same-point moved-from Differently not indifferently… Three-dimensional opening fractious and fragile formed. Fractional-factoring angular-momentum Giant Squid-like Octopus Leopardine Tigrous dicing spots as tabby-striped: -As Stars that are fished: as fishing... -Circling swashbuckling switching short-lived... -Spin-electron-point pool... -Annihilating potential neutron-proton electron-positronic... -Mon-Atomic tonic-chorded… Stated screaming-chaotic unruly-terrifyingly radiant… Strongly then Weaker electromagnetic point-cloud. Crossed transmitting-points determined only by the sonic-wave Thudded...again Booming cruel harsh callous stinging: -With depleting absence of pressure banded all-around... And within with nothing else to compare yet: -Three-point pseudo-scalar tensor split... Restless ticklish-stirring string-point mass-stretching binding bound: -Quark-Quantum Moment! -Measured! Each perversely non-zero sum distorting each other half-spin up Reverse half-spin down by apparent orders of myriad magnitude Toward the ever-present: -Ratio stretched-cyclic oscillating point strength… Weakening… -Fractally-functional common-ratio rationing number… -Giving gifting every and all-number... -Against some particular outer-vacuum pressed non-stopped... -Stopped radio-wavelength co njoined gravitational electrostatic... Furiously roughly furrowing foaming twisting and turning. Tersely truculently each-bridging snapping and spinning: -Impossible! -Star-Car!: switchback-looping known fractal-finite almost repeating... Each of Us becoming become ambient-spectral critically over-weighing: -Protean ideal real Hydrogen-gas ionizing… Clearly in Super-abundance and All-around: -Supra-HyperSpace! Within and with The All-Around. Alluding-eluding elimination illumination: -Stellar-Super Hyper-Universe! -Universal Proto-star HyperNoval... -Force-field energetic-shockwave… Each-of-Us Seductively salaciously spiraling almost out of control… Unable to hold it All-together any longer In-complete newness Each of us awaiting no-longer to make-ourselves clear reflecting: -MassEnergy... -Space-Time... shifting gear: -Quantum-fuel-electrical breakdown... -You Are. -Each photon-potential colliding with another… -Each-Proton attracting absorbing and reflecting surface… -Podium-proportional... -As a surface still relative to another… -Temperature of the frosty dry-surrounding heat… -Eating engulfing electron or spat-out... -Vacuum-bubble ultra-cold neutron flux-fixing: Phonic: -Thud! -Again! Pre-empted this time again rebounding from the grasping-degrees of edge Gasping at the outset instantaneous traveling… Thudded-back again and through the centre-passing around: -The only-possible numerical-proportion... -Unique to the cube of travelling impact-speed... Each of us naturally resonating vibrating string strung-out. Discretely-interacting: -Integral hexing helical-holding... Stepped-spiral stacking crenellating protective Castellating degree of tilt And as turreted: -Pro-active... -You! Turning built-in fine-tuning current point-number stop-starting off the blocks Rumbling purring complex non-equilateral indivisible compacted and compressed breathing re-fueling... Confounding wheeling-on-wheeling Ranking latched and ratcheted Each One of Us hatched flanking One against another and amongst Each-Other. As on invisible force-field cogs and gearings each gripped loosely: -Equalising stabilizing as near to Zero…minimum as maximum coming-around… -Hidden-variables… -Barometric atomic-pressure engine-gauging... -Using Universal-Laws… -Creating Universal-Laws… -Hidden-variables? -As function’s constant algorythms… -Except at any-moment recorded, and moved-on. Engaging disparate-desperate hanging-on insecurely onto the next. Or to be shattered apart into so many uncountable unrecognizing But yet momentary spiderous-parts… Repetitive-casually exactly almost and never again. Only seeming causally retrospective-layering prospective Timeful-entire predictive with the feeling of nothing: Yet also more than All of This. With practice more but never exactly precision The ability to slow and control. Material memoried-recalling Predictive-repetitive events approximately-restoring: -Each for Ourselves in ourselves and finally with and for Other and All-Else… -The Universe! Confirming affirming and constantly re-confirming our own existence To Ourselves and Each Other. Ever slightly or completely off-centre Circumspect imaginative memorific: -From The-Off! -Decision-making… Once having started in practical-motion To keep-going and Be kept-going… Swarming anti-par anti-doting Prodigiously spookily ghostly-distancing: -Progenic-prodigy maintaining… -Each of Us containing regenerating… -Only Just: To keep-going and Be kept-going… To be utilized in-continuity… Remembering the previous briefly whilst acting-out: presently Presented in advance of the apparent intimacy-and-immediacy of: -The-Facts... -The-Act? -The Only Other Event: Next! In perpetual darkly-retrospective Repeated lost-forgotten And continuously only part re-found. Continuous sustaining perpetuity Forever in the present planning-out: -The Future… -Of Present and Past-present… -Next-remembering thought dis-membered…. -The more most likely than least likely exact precise repeat… Part-lost: -Forever-finding as an after-thought anew… -As if pre-thought-out… -Free-Will?! Acting in The-Moment: -The Moment-Lost. In the constant presence of everything else With practice nothingness Within and without the present Forever-imbalancing The-Past all-around... Unavoidable forming and re-forming positively-powering Re-powering with the urgency of: -The Immediate… A reflective-retrospectively reasoned-action After The Action to add to the data-base of successfully survived-activity: -So Far... -All of Us! As more than all the compound atoms remaining in The Universe Now! -How Many? The-facts as ever shattered apart. Into so many uncountable nuclear atomic inter-actioning Interactions actual and possible all At-Once The most to the least probable: -An hierarchy of objects: of particles… -Gaseous liquid solid-plasma clouding clouded clock-making… -The Measurers! The Rulers! Aside now the slightest movement timeful Speeding-up ready-made space slowing as cooling Racing measured each-by-each by each of us: - The Measurers! -Ruling! Measuring dipolar-moment travelling momentous-movement somewhere else: -Each combined opposital polar-quartering… -Alpha-altering plus and minus... -Monotonic-charged anti-particle... Particle-attracting and annihilating: -Timeful darkly-watery energetic... Materialising-momentous nucleating: -Tri-parton extreme tri-Quark and Hex-Quartz. -Anti-quark...Quantum pionium-gravitational electro-magnet nucleonic massing...momentary... -Inverse-distance diminishing and increasing uni-modal iterative and re-cursive... Searching: electro-static and covalent-attraction and repulsion. Perennial-permutation permeating permitting mutation: -Massively low-to-highest temperature... -At the internal fastest speed of sound... -And then there was-Light... Abrasive vacuum-gap crossed Almost linear neutrino fired-off… Into the chargeless-neutral surrounding ghostly non-stop movement: -Algorythmically-entangled... -Algebraic-neutralising... -Mutable-mathematical vitalising ionisation-energies negative and positive... /> Each of us transmitting transporting qubit-unit communicating... probing... -Instantaneously both there and not there... -Quantum Quark-teleportation... In-movement moved-across and around the outside. Back-grounding black-body radiation-burning red-hot foggy-opaque All-absorbing: -Energy and Matter… -Time and Nature… -Total-Universe! -Un-bounding! -Sacred!! Binding: -Gravitational darkening once-more...: -Universal-pulling... Pressing-buttons computational four state indiscrete Non-discrete at-once: -Spooky-action at a distance... Apparent outer-edged inwardly-weighted pressed Each to Each so that it was as if standing-still. Or if moving at all On all-surface in the opposite-direction Of that directly-opposite Drawn-toward as well as away from Blown-apart photo-luminescent from: -The Centre… Pixelate-preference phase-transforming: -Polarities between energy and matter... -Hypernoval dense disc-centring transference... -As light-gases and heavy-liquid watery-metal:... Thudding-movement throughout unavoidable heaving-heavier flashing-light: -The Big Universe! Greatest-Macro-wave! -Force-field Solar… -EarthCentres! Us! Reflected rising into the-surrounding filling-space... -Hypernoval Universal! -Between energy and matter relative to the originating: -Zero point white-light golden gone-out... Spinning-orbital each-approximating spin-circulating Freed-radical sped-each little-universe... Each preserving momentarily-paused seemingly pin-point Prime-phasing perturbing: -Split tri-quark point-mass re-charging... As defined by each of us stopping and re-starting: -Degrees-of-separation and annexation... -Freedom...inverting-movement... Staying-mute muling sighted heard baying felt saving-energy: -Bounded added-in three-dimensional The Universal-Space… Of willingness numerically measured and ruling Degree-of Free-wheeling willing: -Each of us positively-Protonic… -Black-Body cyclotronic-radiation. The numbers non-redundant redundant Set-potentially not-finite low to high density: -To each orbiting electron point clouding… -Singularity… -Valence and core shell… -Atomic. -Universe. 7. Crackling massing-points holding-apart: -Each now non-identical electron-charge pushing against each other... -Each and every charged repulsion shared valence crossing orbital-reaction: -Atomic donor-nucleus and electron-compounding overall… Re-balancing from firing off-balance but for one billeted bulleting bulletin: -Taking pre-emptive precedence over-tipping electron-positron mass-locked away minimal to massively magnified as magnifying single atomic-mass... -One to one hundred-billion energy particulate. -Every massive proton atomic mass-ratio to electron... -Toward 99.9% 1/9th of the Proton’s Dark-Matter and Energy@... - Atomic Solar-System… -Sun and Giant gas and rocky planets watered… -You! Your energy-and-matter now... With neutral negative electron-positron capture Attracting angular-triangulating By impossibly-symmetrically paring parity promoting: -Universal: neutron-proton-electron positronic plasma... Felt-prickling-points deflecting reflecting Absorbing recording and playing-back bleeding Oscillating particle-reader reading: -Electro-magnetically rhythmic-switching-metronomal… Danced balancing-enjoined tagging-along. Rounding-out and positioning-quarter containing boxed-in Boom Boom booming thudding squealed squeaked Closed pitch-sized as sided secant-netted Dropped-in and raised stretched held-back and fired-off: -Annihilating the first-Generational energy-speeding... Unimaginably slightful insightful losing energetic-mass re-neutralising From neutral negative-positive static-pressure pulled and pushed Pulling and pushing with gusto-gushing… Galoshing-sploshing splashing Sled-ride in-a sliding Great-Vacuum: -Each of us... -Spoked-secant-joined-up... Spoked-wheeling multi-lateral linear ray-line irradiating… Re-bounding longer and shorter broadcasting from: -Electro-magnetic field-force... -Nucleonic strongly and weakly gravitational... -Your Universal-Event... Cracked-jagged ripped torn-apart : -Necessarily asymmetric tri-or-more part… -No-more… -New! Unbalancing-movement dropped-in again Impressive and compressive-force’s thickening: -Femtometric-positive Protonium... Conic-pointed seemingly massively: -Magnificent electro-magnetic.. -Mono-polar… -Sublimating-ionising... -Each of Us! Solar-Systemic! Black-Holed… Balancing net-charge unitarily-finite Non-Zero: -Exciton: Universal hot-energy...Light! -Selectron-sparkicle... Excited-ringing light-ray internal-conversion instantly boiling-away: -Double-paired outer-quadrupling hexing-sextupling... Continuously inflaton inflating suddenly as instantaneously: -From Absolute Zero cold to Universal Absolute heat...and Light! -Max.: Three trillion degrees thereabouts... -Min!: Quark-fission light fusion! -Each of Us firing-off neutral negative plus-minus positive… Universal Plasma cloud forming... Magneto-electrostatic caged crystalline leaved. Opening petal flowering voluminous as a grain of coralline-sand watery droplet rained. Glorious pseudo-pod each our own bubble-swelling swollen-lunged Bellied belied-toothed tongue-pulsing… Conducting charging-numerating holding-outward: -Inner-spin-force winded and reverse tipended... Thrown-out and into paths and passages made-ahead. Exploding destroyed and re-newed accreting rapidly re-turning: -Angular-extending captive-capturing quantitive: -Whole-hexing integer-spin... -Whole-Integer-spin...hexing... Spinning-back together-colluded avoidance and then: -Colliding-consuming outer-necessarily ideally-empty equally-expansive… -In all directions squared cubed-balling cell-bound doubling-nonet: -Across Each-Operative approximating... Imagined-centre indicating circular directional: -Constantly-mathematical multiple-proportionate... -Approaching finitude-indicating di-pyramidal imaging:... -Against a symbolic-logarithmic curve-perfecting number-point... Quasi-crystalline cross-barred prismatic sheer darkly transparently-superimposing almost-Solid… Gaseous-Liquid solid cooling freezing grid-framing Repulsing-nothingness -Condensing-Universe… -Evaporating energetic-impulsion and with equivocal-expression… r /> -The instant glinting the almost unending pure-darkness amassing: -Each Universal Black-Star centring white-starry... -The Universal-Vacuum from Absolute Zero cold... -With Universal Maximum Heat... The renewed almost-blackness: -The Universal Vacuum… Phonons only bouncing-off thudded squealing screeching!: -Absorbing photonic-returning faster -Super-Sonic booming re-energising: -Neutrino passing straight-through... Superfast then sluggish returning: -Energy to mass... -Mass to energy... Anyway, cooling white-FlashStar! Greying after-image: blue red green yellow... Orange-twinkling all-around Silver-white blue separating-out red-distance. With nowhere else to go greying-into utterly reflective de-reflection Complete-darkness under our own sheer bright-lit ballroom-lights As stars risen into an as yet starless-night.
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