Read The Intergalactic Peddler-Volume 1 Page 1

The Intergalactic Peddler - Volume I


  Ronnie Coleinger


  Ronnie Coleinger Publishing

  Copyright © [Ronnie Coleinger, pseudo.] 2009

  Illustration copyright © [Ronnie Coleinger, pseudo.] 2009

  ISBN: 978-0-98311793-4-4

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1 – The Beginning

  Chapter 2 – The Empress

  Chapter 3 – Connie Smith

  Chapter 4 – Planet Quantum

  Chapter 5 – Universe Number Six

  Chapter 6 – The Marriage Proposal

  Chapter 7 – Connie’s Achluophobia

  Chapter 8 - Nightmares

  Chapter 9 – The Wedding Day

  Chapter 10 – The Open Market

  Chapter 11 – Influenza Strikes the Empress

  Chapter 12 - Deoblo 12

  Chapter 13 - Ronnie’s Patience is Challenged

  Chapter 14 – The Birth of Jill Marie Yutaka

  Chapter 15 – The Ganme of Universe Number Four

  Chapter 16 – Angela Returns Home

  Chapter 17 – Teleportation Accident

  Chapter 18 – The Skipper’s Revenge

  Chapter 19 – Death of the Matriarch

  Chapter 1 - The Beginning

  The time travel membrane named, The Empress, was setup as a huge traveling warehouse. Its designer used the membrane to provide commodities to the entities of the universe. The owner and skipper, named Ronnie Yutaka, thought of his vessel as a traveling General store. If Ronnie did not have it aboard The Empress, you probably had not needed the fucking thing in the first place.

  Ronnie had a large clientele from all over the cosmos. Some of the universes he visited required many hours of travel, even using the latest technology in time travel computers. The most distant clientele away from the Milky Way Galaxy were the entities that called themselves the Dendrals. They were located in the universe of Htrae, in the planet of Desab. This journey would take The Empress just short of two Earth days. Ronnie would then spend another day in orbit around the planet of Desab waiting for clearance to enter their inner space to perform docking maneuvers.

  When Ronnie had completed visiting his customers in the Universe of Htrae, he would usually visit the Bahs living on the planet of Reja, in the Galaxy of Nosaj, in the Universe of Lyraja. This trip would take almost three days, but the Bahs were much easier to trade with. They would teleport directly to the secure room of The Empress and Ronnie would never have to leave his vessel.

  Ronnie’s next customer visit would take him back to his own universe (the one planet Earth is located in, Universe Number Two) to visit the last of the customers on his itinerary. One of Ronnie’s least favorite entities to visit was the Supross on the planet Quantum, in the Galaxy of Fusion. These people would pilfer the fillings from your teeth if you fell asleep in their presence, especially if you were traveling on a commuter shuttle. The planet Quantum was where Ronnie had been born and raised but he no longer lived there, his permanent residence was now aboard The Empress. Ronnie knew the planet Quantum and its people very well. Janet, Ronnie’s sister, still lived on the planet. Ronnie would often visit her and spend a day or so spoiling her two young daughters rotten. Janet was having a very hard time living on Quantum but she still refused to let Ronnie move her to planet Earth where she could live and raise her daughters comfortably, and most important, raise them safely.

  Ronnie liked the planet Earth in the Milky Way Galaxy and always did a brisk business with the Earthling females. Ronnie seemed to be able to charm them easily with his large inventory of pretty jewelry he had purchased from around the cosmos. The Earthling girls would sometimes want to teleport up to The Empress for a little adventure. Most had never teleported and soon discovered a new thrill in their lives. Ronnie never refused their advances. The Empress was so large that when Ronnie placed the vessel into an orbit around planet Earth, you could easily see it in the night sky as the sun began to set. It would not twinkle or shine as a star might, but instead would block out the stars behind it and create a black starless place in the heavens.

  The last two places on Ronnie’s customer list were both very friendly trading partners and Ronnie usually spent a few weeks on the planets, visiting, trading and dipping his wick. The first port of call was the planet Heryl in the Andromeda Galaxy. This planet had an interracial mix of humans from Earth, and they had mixed again with entities from all over the cosmos. When Ronnie ran out of customers, and ladies, he would hop over and visit another planet in the Andromeda Galaxy, called Rowkin.

  The people that lived on the planet of Rowkin had acquired the name, Rowkins, just as the people of planet Earth had acquired the name, Earthlings. No one really knew why the people had acquired the same name as the planet, but that is just the way it was. Ronnie had discovered that the female Rowkins liked to mate with human males. They could produce no offspring from the joining, as their DNA was incompatible with humans, but they certainly enjoyed Ronnie’s company. Their beautiful bodies were a golden color and they had dark, almost black eyes. Neither the males nor females had any body hair for some reason, Ronnie guessed because their planet was so humid and warm that their evolution had never called for body hair to keep them warm.