Read The Promise Page 1

  The Promise


  Jess O’Connell

  First Edition

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  Cover Image and Design by Jess O’Connell

  Copyright 2012 by Jess O’Connell

  All Rights Reserved



  Seasons Fall

  Scattering of Hearts


  Horizons Time

  Autumn’s Gold

  Places Lost

  Oceans of Sadness I


  The Sea of Winter

  Oceans of Sadness Part II

  The Winter of Love

  Box Shaped Heart


  Heart Beat Still


  Loves Eventide


  The Promise of Love



  The Root of Thy Heart


  The Promise of Love

  Oh Love


  For many years I had always considered Olde Middle English to be rather

  complicated as a read. Having never fully come to grips with it, particularly in school,

  I threw out the idea of ever entertaining it as a way to write.

  It would seem I was incorrect as one day the words just seemed to flow, even though

  the words at first appeared complex in manner I altered it so it could be read with some ease.

  So my writings started to drift from contemporary to olde and mixed variations.

  The past meets the present!

  In this first ever published collection of my works, categorized under the theme of three seasons and

  the sea, beginning with autumn followed by winter through to spring.

  I felt this would be a good representation of loves transition from its untimely demise, subsequent

  longing and broken heart, to the promise of love.


  Written with warmth and feeling straight from the heart, this book intends to take readers,

  on a journey of emotions.



  Unwinding of time, unraveling the past, unspiraling the unending, the path of love.

  Painting the canvas in lavish colours of fire and flames burn like a volcano.

  The thread now spins, the fibers fray, the winter is setting in and so the frost begins...

  Seasons Fall

  Scattering of Hearts

  Closing gates

  Autumns rain

  of golden rusts


  leaves of memories

  discarded love

  and once

  whispered words

  Each leaf, a moment

  a fragment of life


  Twirling, tumbling

  vanish before my eyes

  sinking beneath

  the earthen clay

  memories gone

  into yesterday.


  Having your arms around me

  encapsulated, insulated

  even though I’m in flight

  my feet have not left the ground

  There against it all, we stand

  you and I, super beings

  from an imaginary land

  I'm held fast and strong,

  yet gentle with love by you.

  The people disappear

  one by one, fading

  into misty oblivion

  my eyes see only you

  Liquidness of warm brights

  your eyes reflect back

  the closeness of being

  the heart only knows

  As you hold me closer

  it is then you let go,

  and I am pulled away

  now you become a blur

  My eyes open

  the world is cold

  glaringly empty

  even though it is full

  I took a deep breath

  and sighed, I lift my head

  from the pillow,

  another day

  taking you further away

  Horizons Time

  Beyond the horizon

  beyond the sunset

  Beyond the sea

  beyond the distant line,

  as far as I can see.

  It is there that I find you

  It is there you are waiting

  It is there you breathe

  It is there my life is

  fulfilled in every dream.

  Sadly those days are gone

  Yet your horizons stay,

  at each dawn

  and dusk you come out to play

  I feel you in the morning,

  and in the evening sun

  In the crisp note of the morning air

  and the rustling of the fallen leaves.

  Autumns Gold

  We strolled through the park

  One autumn morning

  The moist air and scented leaves

  All filling our senses

  We remember these passages

  This time

  When happiness was yours and mine.

  The amber rusted leaves

  Descending from the trees

  Scattered beneath our feet

  Time stood still

  You held me in your arms

  And kissed my yielding lips tenderly.

  A white swan upon the lake

  Floating softly by

  You looked at me with love in your eyes

  A passion so deep it caught me by surprise

  And then we walked on further still

  We laughed so merrily

  Our hearts were bound for eternity

  But then a storm came up

  and took away the loving cup

  You left a heart full of love for you

  And you knew my heart was true

  Time will come and go

  But this day I had loved you so

  A place in my heart you will always be

  It will always be there for you to see.

  Places Lost

  In something once new

  now all but old and gray

  Solemnity bites

  through the winters chill

  Remembrances of one so dear

  Voices once graced

  this beautiful place

  No longer sweetest sing

  Bares heavily

  the weight of my heart string

  I wished not I

  to say not a thing

  For undoing the glove

  Would only let

  you see my hearts love

  Oceans of Sadness

  Part 1

  He doesn’t understand

  my emotional feelings

  absolute tears

  and heavy heart

  I shudder, shake

  my being erupting

  in the quake

  of yet another storm

  My heart

  full of love

  and strong passions

  abandoned hopelessly

  in a colossal shipwreck

  I am not strong

  but in my weakness

  love has

  had its strength

  But somehow

  he watches in jest

  to see

  the waves

  thrash upon the bows
  now there is no rest.


  Summers sun is now gone.

  Languishing high in the sky, the winter sun. The warmth no longer touches the skin. Shortened days and longer nights, bitter chilling winds sweep the heart...

  The Sea of Winter

  Oceans of Sadness

  Part Two

  Deep within

  the oceans of sadness

  lies the remains

  of what once

  was my heart.

  Love, deep

  deeply yearning

  yearning for the warmth

  the comfort of your love

  But solitude

  swims around me

  Darkest night ever

  No peace

  nor happiness

  in sight

  This vessel of love

  Now wretched with pain

  and emptiness

  Time eats at my flesh

  and devours my heart

  Moss seaweed

  and barnacles choke

  The embers

  of my earthly existence

  In this vast ocean


  without you

  My tears

  replenished by the waters

  that surround me.

  And the love once known

  now buried


  upon this ocean floor

  The Winter of Love

  Time has passed

  it maybe years

  it maybe a week ago

  time stands still

  now we here in winters glow

  Life turns the spinning hands

  wrinkled and veined from times passage

  we, foundlings of spring love

  turn the tides ebb and flow

  The picture I cradle in my heart

  of seasons and years that have flown passed

  your love in that moment never dies

  all that’s left is endless cries

  The paused look of glance and fair

  eyes brilliant, bedazzled of smiles

  and light brown hair

  Captive moments fleeting thus

  Now, silence etched in stolen vein

  endless days of no refrain

  constant darkness, stilled in time

  winters calling

  end of time.

  Box Shaped Heart

  The box shaped heart

  that seals away

  the yearns that stains

  the uncompleted heart

  The key has turned

  and all is locked

  from sight

  Loves urn

  the ashes of the heart

  Sharply the winds

  in bitter cutting chill

  now under key

  fading distant memory.

  The box shaped heart

  once of velvet

  richly red

  decays threadbare

  the hearts museum


  Myne heart of old

  Mye flesh is cold


  longed for

  dull mye payne

  of loves lost

  whose eyes rayne

  in mye soul.

  Heart Beat Still

  Alone through the woods and lakes I seek

  craving for my hearts rest

  Alone, but the crescent wave on a moon lit night

  Your dreams carry me over and on each ripple

  Gone are you, over beyond the horizon

  tranquility seeks itself no more

  buried 10 feet below

  my heart has stilled and so has time

  The briers have lent across it still

  its sweetness belies its truth below

  vacant and hollow

  through the gated wall

  where the blooms sit atop the quiet.


  Oh wanton fayre

  oh lovles

  sorrofull causth myn



  upn thy grav

  O wckd thy payn


  bynd to myn soul

  whot chaunge

  didst thou bryng

  upon whot once

  was fayre

  I sterve for thee

  Deth hast cast

  thy gloom

  pece not




  forloryn sighes.

  Loves Eventide

  In the evening twilight dwill,

  I sat amongst the barley fields

  then laying down upon blanket, t'was there

  dazzled of the closing light where twinkling starbrights linger

  encase is I of somber thought

  down cast in laden of armour of heart

  wherest I think of what hast used to be.

  I caught once your golden cloud

  I had held it gently thus even thou hast wanted to go

  After many a year I let you drift back to far away

  Oft since have I caught glimpses of thee

  floating about so freely

  Thou hast took my heart with thine own

  the whisper of the gentle breeze that softly lulls this eventide

  brings forth memories of thou gentler side

  Whisked away from all my dayes.

  And so in time, as time does, spring returns. Winter slowly drifts away. Life rekindles its warmth and glow. Onward the heart goes, forever restless, until...

  The Promise of Love


  Window seats

  rain tears upon glass

  yellow primroses

  spring up at last

  The earth and stars

  clear in the sky

  sun sits

  cast its comfort shadows

  A path

  a different road

  new light

  new dawn

  fresh dew morn

  The embers

  of yesterday

  now scattered away

  to the four winds

  the path maybe longer

  the future


  From the ashes

  the phoenix

  will rise

  as it is

  with spring



  Wouldst thine eyes be kind to me?

  Wouldst solitude prevail?

  Wouldst my heart stop bleeding and find thee there

  And love to hold in my arms?

  Every fiber aches to be

  Loved for eternity.

  Wouldst thou be mine?

  Wouldst thou look at me with loves reflection?

  Or give it away to someone else

  And me to face rejection?

  Wouldst thee?

  Wouldst thy hand hold mine?

  Wouldst thee listen to my heart sing?

  Or thou cast it away and

  Cover thine ears?

  Wouldst I be loved by thee?

  Or didst thou wish me upon bended knee?

  Wouldst thou hurt my love

  And quench its fire?

  Or wouldst thee wish me sink

  In a darkened mire?

  But all I wish is for thee

  Wouldst at least loveth me

  The Root of Thy Heart

  Is to thee,

  A rose,

  Like thy endearments

  Thy wonderment

  To this sweetest fragrance,

  Blessings upon thy heart.

  Ask what of me

  Thy will

  Tis not thy beauty I cherish

  But the root of thy heart

  Thy very soul.

  But thou did’st

  Not wish for my love

  Hither I wait for thee

  To mirrorise myne affection.

  Did'st thou hear my call

  yonder through space?
  Not bound am I

  By the limitations

  Of gravity

  But by the heart that waits


  Is my heart like the wind to thee?

  Does the storm rage on for a day or for forever?

  Is time like a rock?

  or but the quick dying embers in a fires grate?

  Is the harvest rich or sadly poor?

  Is anything given or taken?

  Is my lone heart offered to the beating of two?

  The Promise of Love

  Sweet blossoms

  scented air

  pink and white


  falling here and there

  The music fills

  the room

  melody of the heart

  There you are

  like a star

  Lightness of air

  renewing green


  and snowdrops

  everywhere to be seen

  March is here

  and then April too

  when May arrives

  the world is alive


  the arms

  waiting a new

  spring time of the heart

  mapping another chart

  Oh Love!


  oh what love is to be

  what loves cherish

  beholden in the heart

  and wears smiles that

  the sun’s rays cannot compete


  Oh love what it is to be

  the drawn lines erased

  encased hearts

  every second its life beats


  Oh love what it is to be

  what yearning burns

  enraptured sings

  burns our yearns into flames


  oh what love is to be

  that dances around the heart

  butterflies, like clouds

  soft and light


  oh what love is to be