Read The Secret of Shadow Ranch Page 1

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  CHAPTER 1 - A Curious Stranger

  CHAPTER II - Dangerous Surprises

  CHAPTER III - Warning Rattle

  CHAPTER IV - A Red Clue

  CHAPTER V - Desperado’s Gift

  CHAPTER VI - Shorty’s Shortcut

  CHAPTER VII - Rockslide!

  CHAPTER VIII - Escaped Dog

  CHAPTER IX - Tack Room Prisoner

  CHAPTER X - Hidden Entrance

  CHAPTER XI - A Rewarding Search

  CHAPTER XII - Lights Out!

  CHAPTER XIII - Missing Artist

  CHAPTER XIV - The Nettle Trick

  CHAPTER XV - A Perilous Ride

  CHAPTER XVI - The Sheriff’s Quarry

  CHAPTER XVII - An Interrupted Program

  CHAPTER XVIII - The Black Phantom

  CHAPTER XIX - The Cliff’s Secret

  CHAPTER XX - Daring Tactics


  NANCY DREW arrives in Phoenix, Arizona, eagerly looking forward to a fun-filled vacation at Shadow Ranch, but abruptly finds herself involved in a baffling mystery. The ranch is being haunted by a phantom horse and maliciously damaged by an unknown enemy. Local people believe that the ghostly animal is carrying out the curse of Dirk Valentine, the romantic outlaw who was killed many years ago at Shadow Ranch, where he had gone to fulfill a promise to his sweetheart.

  Suspecting that a treasure hidden by Valentine may be at the root of the Shadow Ranch mystery, Nancy undertakes a challenging search, aided by her friends Bess Marvin and George Fayne. The first vital clue is found in an antique watch and sparks a series of clever deductions and dangerous developments. While seeking further clues, the girls’ investigation in a ghost town ends in near disaster when Nancy is trapped inside a building that is toppled by a rockslide—a rockslide which is deliberately caused. But the pretty titian-haired detective remains undaunted in her determination to solve the mystery.

  For those who enjoy a suspenseful thriller, Nancy Drew’s first Western adventure makes truly fascinating reading.

  “Nancy, be careful!” Bess cried fearfully


  Copyright © 1993, 1965, 1931 by Simon & Schuster, Inc. All rights reserved.

  eISBN : 978-1-440-67368-9

  eISBN : 978-1-440-67368-9


  A Curious Stranger

  “HERE I am, girls!” exclaimed Nancy Drew as she hugged her two best friends. “All set for an exciting vacation at Shadow Ranch.”

  “I hope you had a good flight,” said Bess Marvin. The pretty, slightly plump blonde was not smiling as usual. Nancy wondered why.

  “Are we glad to see you!” remarked George Fayne, an attractive tomboyish girl with short dark hair. She glanced anxiously around the crowded waiting room in the Phoenix air terminal. “Let’s go where we can talk.”

  Nancy looked at the cousins with keen blue eyes. “What’s the matter? Is something wrong?”

  Bess bit her lip, then burst out, “Oh, Nancy, we can’t stay! We all have to go home tomorrow!”

  “But why?” asked Nancy, astonished.

  “Because there’s a mystery at the ranch,” George said bluntly, “and Uncle Ed thinks it’s not safe for us to be here.”

  Bess put in, “But, Nancy, if you could convince Uncle Ed you can solve the case, maybe he’d let us stay. However, I’m not so sure I want to. It’s—it’s really pretty frightening.”

  “I can’t wait to hear what the mystery is,” Nancy said excitedly.

  George insisted on collecting Nancy’s suitcases at the baggage-claim section. “But save the mystery until I come back!” George said and hastened off. Bess led Nancy toward an attractive sandwich shop in the air terminal.

  On the way, admiring glances were cast at the two girls. Titian-haired Nancy was a trim figure in her olive-green knit with matching shoes. Beige accessories and knitting bag completed her costume. Bess wore a pale-blue cotton which showed off her deep suntan to advantage.

  While they walked, Bess explained that her uncle had decided at breakfast to send the girls home. At his insistence, George had made reservations for a flight the next day.

  “We told him what a wonderful detective you are and begged him to let you try to solve the mystery. He said it was too dangerous for a girl. George phoned you, but you’d already left.” Bess sighed. “It’s a shame! We could have had a super vacation!”

  The three girls had grown up together in River Heights, and had shared many exciting adventures.

  Several weeks before, Bess and George’s aunt and uncle, Edward and Elizabeth Rawley, owners of Shadow Ranch, had invited them to spend the summer in Arizona. The Rawleys had easily been persuaded to include Nancy in the invitation.

  Nancy’s father, Carson Drew, a famous lawyer, had given his consent to the trip, but had asked his daughter to delay her departure for a week in order to do some work for him.

  Previously Nancy had helped him solve The Secret of the Old Clock. It was her first case and had led to many other dangerous assignments, the most recent of which was The Mystery at Lilac Inn.

  Now the young sleuth was eager to hear about the mystery at Shadow Ranch. She and Bess strolled into the sandwich shop and made their way among the crowded tables to a small one in a corner.

  As they seated themselves, a slender gray-haired man in a tan suit sat down at the next table. Nancy placed her knitting bag on the floor between his chair and her own.

  “What are you making?” Bess asked, nodding toward the bag.

  “A sweater for Dad,” Nancy replied. “I hope to finish it for his birthday. Originally I bought the wool for myself, but he admired the color, so I decided to surprise him and knit a sweater for him. Do you think he’ll like the style?”

  “He’ll love it. Not to change the subject, but there are some handsome cowboys at the ranch,” Bess remarked. As she told Nancy of the fun she and George had been having, Bess grew more cheerful.

  Just then George joined them. Besides the brown linen purse that matched her dress, she now carried a big Thermos jug.

  “I had a porter put your bags in the car,” she told Nancy, “and I brought this Thermos back. We have to fill it with water for the drive across the desert. We started with two jugs. Bess and I drank up the water in one on the way here.”

  When the waitress came to take the girls’ order, Nancy and George chose soft drinks, while Bess studied the menu.

  “This mystery has me so upset,” she declared, “that my appetite is gone.” Then she added, “I’ll have a double chocolate sundae with walnuts.”

  Nancy and George grinned. “Poor girl,” said George, “she’s wasting away.”

  Bess looked sheepish. “Never mind me,” she said. “Start telling Nancy about the mystery.”

  George tugged her chair closer and bent forward. “About two months ago,” she began, “Uncle Ed and Aunt Bet acquired Shadow Ranch in payment of a debt. They’d always wanted to be ranchers, so they moved there and began working the property. But for the past month there have been so many accidents that they’ve decided the ranch is being sabotaged.”

  “At first they weren’t sure”—Bess took up the story—“but after last night, Uncle Ed said there was no doubt.”

  “What happened?” Nancy asked.

  “The phantom horse, appeared,” replied George.

  Nancy’s eyes sparkled with interest. “A phantom! Tell me!”

  Bess shivered. “It’s the weirdest thing—all glowing white and filmy! We saw it running across what we call the big meadow.”

  George add
ed, “Shorty Steele—he’s one of the ranch hands—says it’s supposed to be the ghost of the horse which belonged to Dirk Valentine, an old-time outlaw.”

  “There’s a very romantic legend about him,” Bess said. “He was the sweetheart of Frances Humber, daughter of the local sheriff, who was the original owner of Shadow Ranch. One night when Dirk Valentine came there to see Frances, the sheriff shot and killed him. As he lay dying, the desperado put a curse on the Humber property, vowing that his horse would haunt Shadow Ranch. And whenever it appeared, destruction would follow.”

  “That curse came true,” George said grimly. “This morning Uncle Ed found one of his wind-mills had been pulled down.”

  Nancy looked thoughtful. “Did the phantom horse make any sound?”

  “No,” replied George, “but just before it appeared we heard a weird whistle. The ranchers say the outlaw always called his horse that way.”

  “The phantom horse must be a trick, of course,” said Nancy. “It sounds as if someone is trying to scare your aunt and uncle off their property.” As she spoke, Nancy became aware that the man at the next table was listening intently to the conversation.

  “But why—” Bess broke off as she felt Nancy’s foot nudge hers under the table. George caught Nancy’s warning glance and also understood.

  Just then the waitress brought their order and the girls chatted lightly of other subjects. When they finished and their check had come, Nancy reached for her knitting bag and gave a cry of alarm.

  “What’s the matter?” Bess asked.

  “My bag! I can’t find it.”

  George exclaimed, “I’ll bet that man who sat next to us took it! He’s gone too!”

  The three girls jumped up and looked around, but the man was not in sight. George hurried outside to see if she could find him.

  Nancy, meanwhile, looked on the floor nearby. Under the far side of the man’s table lay the knitting bag. Quickly Nancy retrieved it.

  “See if anything’s missing!” Bess advised. “Mavbe your wallet’s gone!”

  Nancy made a search, but as far as she could tell, the original contents were intact. However, their arrangement seemed to be different. Had the man been snooping—and if so, why?

  Bess paid the check and the girls walked to the door. They met George coming in. “Didn’t see him anywhere,” she said. “Guess he drove off. The thief! He—” George stopped short. “Nancy, you have your bag!”

  Nancy grinned. “Thanks for your help, anyway.”

  “I still don’t like Old Eavesdropper,” George declared.

  As the girls walked through the terminal, Nancy stopped at a row of telephone booths. “Wait a moment,” she said. “I promised to call home and let Hannah know when I arrived here.”

  Bess volunteered to fill the Thermos jug while Nancy phoned. “Give my love to Hannah,” she called back as she hurried off.

  “Mine, too,” said George as Nancy entered the phone booth.

  Mrs. Hannah Gruen was the Drews’ warm-hearted housekeeper who had looked after Nancy since her mother’s death when she was three. She and Nancy held a deep affection for each other.

  Soon Hannah’s cheerful voice came over the wire. “Don’t worry about anything here, Nancy,” she said. “Just enjoy yourself.”

  By the time Nancy hung up, Bess had returned. “I didn’t tell Hannah I might be right home,” Nancy reported.

  “She’s going to get a big surprise when we turn up tomorrow,” George remarked gloomily.

  Nancy smiled. “Not if I can persuade your uncle to change his mind.”

  As the girls stepped from the cool building the afternoon sun was dazzling. Waves of heat shimmered over the parked cars.

  George led the way past several lines of cars, then turned into a row and walked toward an old ranch wagon. As the girls drew closer, they exclaimed in surprise. A man was dropping something through the open window of the car! He was the eavesdropper who had sat beside them!

  “What are you doing?” George called.

  The stranger glanced up, startled, then darted away among the cars.

  Nancy dashed to the ranch wagon, with the girls close behind her. There was a piece of paper on the seat.

  Nancy picked it up. “A note!”

  In crudely penciled letters it said: “Keep away from Shadow Ranch.”

  “Come on!” Nancy exclaimed. “We must catch that man and find out what this means!”

  “What are you doing?” George called to the stranger


  Dangerous Surprises

  THE girls sped off in the direction the man had fled. At the end of the row of cars, they paused to look right and left.

  “There he is!” Nancy exclaimed. The man was hastening toward the terminal. He looked back, then broke into a run.

  Nancy and George sprinted ahead and saw him dash into the building. The girls followed, dodging people and baggage carts, but the fugitive had disappeared among the crowd.

  “Where is he?” Bess panted as she caught up to them.

  “Gone,” George said tersely. “No use looking for him in here.”

  But Nancy had not given up. Their dash into the terminal had excited curious stares from passers-by and a newsstand attendant.

  “Did you ever see that man before?” she asked the clerk behind the news counter. “The one we were chasing?”

  “No,” he said. “What happened? Did he steal something? Should I call the police?”

  “No, thank you,” said Nancy. “But I’d like to find out who he is.”

  She questioned some other people nearby, but none of them had ever seen the man before.

  Nancy returned to the cousins. “I’m afraid that’s that.” As they left the building, Nancy realized that she was still holding the note and tucked it into her knitting bag.

  “One thing we learned,” she said as they crossed the parking lot again, “whoever the man is, he’s connected with the mystery at the ranch.”

  “But why should he want to keep us away from there?” Bess asked.

  “Perhaps for the same reason someone wants to drive your aunt and uncle off the property,” Nancy replied.

  When they reached the ranch wagon, Nancy volunteered to drive. George agreed and acted as her guide through the streets of Phoenix.

  As they left the outskirts, the road stretched before them like an endless white ribbon with brown desert on either side as far as the eye could see. Here and there were dark clumps of sage and salt grass. Beyond, on the horizon, lay the hazy blue shapes of mountains.

  “That’s where we’re headed, pardner,” George said with a grin. “One hundred and fifty miles of the hottest, thirstiest ride you ever took!”

  For a while cars passed the girls from both directions, then grew fewer and fewer.

  Bess, who had been unusually silent, spoke up. “What I can’t figure out is why anybody would want to take Shadow Ranch from Uncle Ed. It’s in very poor condition.”

  George agreed. “It almost seems as if Dirk Valentine’s curse has worked.” She told Nancy that shortly after the outlaw’s death, Sheriff Humber’s fortunes had begun to fail. He had been forced to sell the ranch, section by section. One large part was now state property, on which old Indian cliff dwellings still stood. Finally Humber had lost the property altogether.

  The next owner had tried to build it up, but suffered bad luck, too. Others had followed and with each the ranch had fallen into a worst state of disrepair. Ed Rawley had been obliged to sink a lot of money in the place, trying to get it into running condition.

  Nancy had listened thoughtfully. “The property must have some hidden value,” she said, “if somebody wants it so badly now.”

  For a while the girls rode without speaking. The wind had risen and the rush of it past the open windows, combined with the roar of the motor, made conversation difficult.

  Suddenly Bess gave a sharp exclamation. “Nancy! We completely forgot to tell you about Alice!”

  George slapped her forehead. “Good nightl What brains we are!”

  “Alice who?” asked Nancy.

  “Our cousin, Alice Regor. She’s fourteen,” replied Bess. “She’s staying at Shadow Ranch, too.”

  “That is, she hopes she’s staying,” George amended. “If we go home, she’ll have to leave, too.”

  “I feel sorry for her,” Bess said. “She has a special reason for being here—and she’s hoping you can help her, Nancy.”

  “Me?” Nancy exclaimed. “How?”

  “We’ve told her about you,” Bess confessed, “and what a good detective you are.”

  Nancy laughed. “Now, Bess, you know you don’t have to butter me up. Just tell me—what is Alice’s mystery?”

  Bess smiled. “I knew you’d try to help.”

  George explained, “Alice’s father is missing. He’s been gone almost six months.”

  She said that Ross Regor had been president of a bank in a suburb of Chicago, where he had lived with his family. Someone reported having seen him enter the bank on the night it was robbed. Mr. Regor had not been seen since.

  “Some of the newspapers implied that he was in league with the gang,” Bess said, “but naturally none of his family or friends believes that.”

  “From the way the burglar alarm was tampered with,” George said, “the police were able to identify the gang easily. A few days later one of them was spotted in Phoenix, but eluded capture.

  “Because of that, Alice thinks the gang is hiding out in this area and holding her father captive. Or, if he was released, he’s wandering around here, a victim of amnesia.”

  Nancy was instantly sympathetic. “That’s not much to go on, but I’ll do my best.”

  During the past five minutes the wind had been increasing and Nancy was using considerable strength to keep the wheel steady. Suddenly a brown swirling cloud of sand arose ahead of them.

  “Sandstorm!” she cried. “Close the windows!”

  Her words were lost as the wind shrieked and a stinging flash of sand hit their faces. While Nancy fought to hold the car on the road, Bess leaned over in back of her and managed to roll up the window. George closed the one on her side.