Read Those Who Are Haunted By The Night Page 1

  Those Who Are Haunted By The Night

  By TMS

  Copyright 2013 TMS

  Cover design copyright TMS 2013 all rights reserved





  CUT 1 Introductions

  Those who are haunted by the night


  A serial killers final prayer


  Edge of the horizon

  CUT2 Urban decay



  The poor man’s assassin

  Familiar faces

  CUT3 The Hosts


  Her eternity

  Spider man

  CUT4 Suicidal Respite


  The last silence

  White face

  CUT5 Hauntations

  Untitled madness part I

  Untitled madness part ii

  Untitled madness part iii

  Untitled madness part iv




  CUT 1 Introductions

  Those Who Are Haunted By The Night

  Sunrise on the streets

  Slow rising heat,

  In between skyscrapers

  Shadows emerging,

  Out of the dark,

  Into the sun.


  Unprepared for the warmth,

  Still held by the chill.

  Clothes frigid,

  Bones still cold,

  Still owned by the night.



  No one alone can evade it,

  No single man women or child,

  Can slip through those fingers.

  That ghastly grip,

  Pulled close to a gnawing embrace,

  Creeping madness,

  Dirty caressings,

  Crawling everywhere.

  The stench of a decomposing self,

  Breathing onto your face.

  Each breath falling like water,

  Reeking of waste,

  Tasting of decline

  At the back of your throat.

  Too weak to fight,

  The forced kiss

  Of the abyss,

  Of loneliness.



  Dear god,

  I know I lived a fucked up life,

  You more than anyone else should know,

  But I was good,


  I wanted to fly,

  I fought and cried to stay good,

  Tried not to listen to the insanely buzzing

  But the darkness oh lord,

  The darkness,

  It consumed me,

  Rushed down my throat and filled me,

  Flowed through my veins,

  Spreading screaming madness

  Making horrors normal

  Since I was young, I’ve felt the rot in my heart,

  Small as a larva at first,



  Steadily growing,

  Until it totally consumed me,

  You know and I know,

  That you could have saved me,

  But choose not to,

  Oh well,

  I guess it was the chaos of this life’s art.

  I’ve killed a lot,

  Squashed, gouged, beat, bled,

  Without a blink

  But if you are god,

  And know my heart

  You’ll know that I loved them all,

  Maybe too much,

  And with the rot,

  And the madness making me crush,

  Every butterfly that I held in my hand,

  Blind to my own horrors,

  As I saw swarms and swarms,

  Of beautiful young butterflies,

  Throughout the land...

  I’m very tired now

  I hope there is a heaven for all of us,




  Sometimes darkness,

  Washes over the soul

  Like oil

  Suffocating all the waves of hope

  That we held onto

  Turn the tide.

  Poisoned water

  A blackened beach of a life

  Stained forever.



  Casually held back by saner thoughts

  Loosely tied down by consequence

  Lightly bound by belief

  Captured by reason

  And a fear of monsters

  Yet every now and then

  I see a leprechaun

  And forget that I am chained up,

  As we casually chat, sunset

  At ease through the greenery

  Walking towards the edge.

  Sitting, feet hanging over, looking down

  At the beach

  Instinct telling me that I could be at peace,

  I could breath

  Leprechaun telling me I could just be


  And live from whim to whim like the sea.

  Blink out of the dream

  Into bloodshot eyes

  Wildly looking down at an ancient land

  Where anarchy rules,

  Where were from, and where we all belong

  Gloomy skies

  Sane thoughts struggling to pull me back,

  As I gasp for the edge, releasing a war howl

  Consequence in its entirety desperately holding onto my chains

  As I foam and rage, clawing

  Crawling, spitting, fighting

  For freedom like a wild beast

  Boldly biting,

  Bleeding as the constraints of reason cut into my flesh

  Smashed by sane thoughts,

  Crushed by consequence,

  Brutalised by reason,

  Beat down deeper into a bloodied pulp,

  By belief, until I finally submit

  To my masters, and walk back,

  Calmly from the edge

  Not as a beast, but

  As a man


  CUT2 Urban Decay


  Fragmented leathery skin

  Cracked rotten teeth

  Bent arthritic joints

  Heart Fading

  Pointless tears

  The realization of

  A failed life




  Awake five seconds before

  The Alarm clock rings

  Bucket of a geyser finishes

  At the same time

  Similar attire

  Yesterdays, and the day before, the day

  Before, the day befores’ breakfast

  Same bleak streets walked

  Don’t even have to think

  Same pre dawn train

  Filled with the same faces.



  Behold the poor man’s assassin!

  Guns openly flashing,

  Crowds gathering laughing,

  As the last breath is left gasping,

  The raising of arms

  Everyone is clapping.



  Skin cell by skin cell slowly transform into strangers.

  Gradually unnoticeably hair follicle by hair follicle,

  Steadily changing bone particle.

  Until it’s too late for you to do anything when you realize,

  Feet that had walked the same path with you disappear,

  Into concrete steps that have always been in front of your eyes.

  Footsteps left on the beach get washed away,

  Leaving behind no trace in the air,

  Of the sandcastles that you had built the previous day.

  This was our land over here,

  Over there and there and there

  Our nobles used to hold courts, and huge banquets

  Were the world would stop. Just to observe the royal patrons

  All of that and that and that going beyond was our hunting grounds,

  Were the only feet that stepped were ours and our hounds.

  We used to define this reality

  We were the epitome of society

  The top of the hierarchy

  We were the monarchy

  We were the kings, the queens, with our prince and princesses

  Lords’ dukes and duchesses’

  Living to be envied, as we fulfilled our fetishes

  Existing above the questions

  Of mere mortals

  Looking around in all directions

  Our empire used to spread and touch the skies

  And all four corners of the earth beyond our eyes

  We lived as if we’d rule forever

  And ever and


  Yet looking around now,

  The streets are still the same,

  The buildings haven’t changed,

  Yet the empire is gone, forgotten as if it never existed.

  All the familiar faces are gone, more than gone; it’s as if we were never there.

  Now new kings’ queens and their royals rule, on our very same throne.

  Taken without force, As if a coup d’état occurred by default.

  And we watched on as they walked into a deserted promised land.

  As did we to those that came before us.


  CUT3 The Hosts


  Sometimes I feel like I’m hollow inside

  An empty cocoon without a butterfly

  Larvae, or even moth, nothing

  Completely Lacking

  Void of that dynamic element

  That elevates individual trees to a jungle

  Sand grains to a beach

  Droplets of water to a sea

  It’s as if I’m technically broken,

  Somewhere deep inside my mechanisms

  That thing is cracked, crushed

  Or maybe even stolen

  Now without it I’ve been reduced to the sum of my thoughts

  My actions have become automatic,

  Rotating in broken cycles that keep stalling

  And stalling, and stalling.

  Infinite good and evil echoes

  Through the hollowness

  Forever reverberating from my ribs.

  That human greatness

  That trumps science is missing

  I am individual atoms vibrating

  In empty space

  And if you try to touch me,

  Flickering it barely back on

  By feeling my face

  My outer shell will dissolve

  Exposing my nothingness

  As your hand goes through me.



  I looked into the eyes of eternity and saw nothing

  Her look is not classic,

  It is timeless, stuck in stone,

  In one place, unable to move.

  Her dress is not the colour of the moon,

  But of dried bones,

  Crushed and powdered

  And that sway,

  It’s not caused by the lightness of the fabric,

  But by little hands underneath it,

  That move it.

  Her shoes are not made of glass,

  If you look closely

  You will see that the glass is actually fingernails,

  Painstakingly pressed together individually

  Her tiara is not made of living,

  Hers is of dead roses.

  Her smile is a smirk

  Her skin is as soft as silk but as cold as hell

  The beauty of eternity is a myth

  I looked into the eyes of eternity and saw nothing



  Handsome face

  Super smile,

  Deep, thoughtful infinite eyes,

  All the feelings,

  All the lines,

  Drawing you closer.


  And closer

  Until but a breath away,

  Close enough to see

  The smooth skin, on touch flakes,

  The smiles automatic and meaningless,

  The deep eyes are fixed in place,

  Mouth ajar, no palatalizing,

  Words coming out already said

  From somewhere down the throat.

  No rhythm to the heartbeat,

  No heat,

  As if it was an afterthought,

  Touch sinking into chest

  Hug too tight.

  Head cranking down unnaturally,

  Looking up praying to see a man

  Every instinct screaming that he’s not

  Scream and run away!

  Dead face.

  Little spiders swimming out of the pupils,

  Clouding the eyes.


  CUT4 Suicidal Respite



  Yet caught up in things,

  That you can’t go back from.

  No big bang

  Glorious youthful end.

  Death comes in a whimper,


  Painful slumber


  Nobody to change you








  Good times flowing

  Open roads black glowing,

  But for a blink.

  Perpendicular twins in the same scenario,

  Drive forth through green,

  As we cross red.

  Buckled seat belts,

  Are but strangers in this night,

  As steel merges into steel.

  A spawn of Satan screams into

  The deserted night.

  And that’s the last thing that I ever


  Silent sirens blast onto the scene.

  Alternating quiet blue’s and red’s.

  Pierce ray by hushed ray into the amalgamated steel beast.

  Rushed tiptoe steps,

  Mute and un-mute the flow of light.

  Into the voiceless abomination.

  Still not a sound.

  The limbs of the steel fiend that entrapped

  Us are ripped out in silence,

  By the quietly ragging Jaws of

  Were pulled out.

  And the non-speaking paramedics

  Check vitals.

  As I blankly observe there moving

  Wordless mouths.

  And still hear nothing.

  Eyes blinked.

  To the left blood soaked to the elbow

  Passionate paramedic silently screamed

  Hearts pumped.

  Dazed wondering eyes catch the wreckage in a noiseless explosion

  Time passed.

  But I never again heard a thing,

  But the screams of the spawn of Satan.

  Even in dreams,

  When I am supposed to hear the voice,

  Of the love of my life;

  I see her turn her head,

  And smile in the sunshine of the summertime,

  And pause.

  But when she opens he mouth

  All I hear is the scream.



  Permanent pressed smile,

  Praised pruned to perform

  Stumbling, clumsy

  Planned steps,

  Strip, slip,

  Across the ring

  Breaks don’t work fall,


  Dropped my balls,


  Bloodshot eyes,

  Nobody saw the sad soul,

  All that was observed was the

  Body and smile

  Trailer trash dressing room,

  Mirror lights too bright,

  Permanent Stale smell of alcohol on breath refreshed,

  Third cigarette,

  Took off the nose,

  Wig off reveals a bald spot

  Wet wipes, wiping away the smile.

  Till the next Showtime


  CUT5 Hauntations


  I started life as a con

  And one day decided that I was fucken tired

  Of getting flipped on,

  So I told everybody that I knew to FUCK OFF!

  Thinking about my father’s firearm

  But fuck it,

  I wanted to die nobly with my chest

  Strapped to a bomb

  Saluting the old Saddam.

  So I kept it cool

  Never showing that most of the time, I was PISSED OFF!

  At this world that left me so fucken



  Tiring technicalities

  Who never quite seemed to be on the list of causalities.