Read What a wonderful world Page 1

What a Wonderful World

  "Hi there. Excuse me, you seem like a woman with a healthy earthly taste. Can you suggest me which of these to choose for a dark wintery afternoon such as today?"

  "Oh, err, sure."

  "By the way, today. What day is it today?"


  "Oh, Friday the thirteenth, by any chance?"

  "Hmm, as a matter of fact, yes, it is the thirteenth today. I hadn't realized. February 13th"

  "2000 and ..?"


  "Of course- So you like sci-fi, I see."

  "Yeah, but I like BBC costume drama's too. What genre are you interested in?"

  "Oh, I suppose a comedy will brighten up this day a bit. Do you live here in?"

  "Hull? Recently yes. Whereabouts do you live? City centre?"

  "No, err, I am just passing through."

  "Oh, well. I am not really into comedies, can't help you there I'm afraid. I must go now. Good day, Sir."


  "Hello again."

  Hello again? Where do I know him from? Oh, it's the man at the DVD's in the shop yesterday. Has he followed me home? The creep.

  "Can I help you?"

  "You most certainly can, Mrs Miller."

  Good heavens. How does he know that name? Either way, I can't let him in.

  "You must be mistaken, Sir. Nobody by that name lives here. Good day."

  Oh, flamin' sun, this isn't good. Is he still there? He didn't ring or knock again. Odd.

  This can only mean a few things, none of which are good. What do I do? Windows, back door, are they all closed and locked? I must check. Yes, he can't come in unexpected. And I don't see him lurking around anywhere. I don't think he would give up that easily.

  What did he want? Who is he? First approaching me in the shop, with his funny talk about Friday the thirteenth and then wanting to know where I live and him saying nothing but passing through. He didn't know the date, and he doesn't live here and he knows about Becky Miller.

  Who is he? Someone from the press? Some detective? Who is he?

  Who is he?

  -- Earthly taste, passing by, what day is it?, 2000 and?-nine. Of course. Can I help you? You most certainly can Mrs Miller. -

  Wow, is he?

  Is he? He can't be. It can't be. No, it can't be.

  I must be dreaming. That's it, I'm dreaming. Pinch yourself, Becky. Go on. Pinch. Ow, that hurt, but I am not waking up. Come on, wake up. You're dreaming, wake up! "Wake up, Becky!" Hmm, maybe I am not dreaming. I have to see. I must look outside, maybe he'll come back.

  Nobody at the front door. Good.

  Hmm, the moon. Is there a full moon? No, no moon. I must be awake then.

  Oh, I can't go and sit down now. As soon as I turn my back, I'll think he is coming to the door. -By shooting stars, pull yourself together girl! There is nothing to worry about. It is just impossible, it's your imagination.

  Even so, you have nothing to be afraid of. Haven't done anything wrong. No reason to panic. Go make yourself a cup of coffee. -And stop looking out the window like a fugitive criminal! - Coffee. Yes, some nice hot coffee will do you good.

  Stop. Did I just see something blue in that alley? I am sure I did. Oh it could have been anything, a door painted blue, a blue paper recycling bin, there are lots of things that are blue. It's probably nothing unusual.

  So, no harm in checking then.

  No, not really. It will look stupid to go back and look.

  Ah, what do you care, there is nobody about anyway.

  No there is nobody. Just a quick peek then, to be sure. Yes, to be sure. It's nothing, I'm sure. Here I go. See, I knew it was just a -blue?wooden?public?police?phone?box?

  I must be imagining this, it can't be true. It can't be true. It's there, as clear as day.

  Turn around. Look again. - Still there. It's a trick. It's a fake or something. Go on. Go closer, you'll see it's not real. But what if it is real?

  If it IS real. My every dream, my dearest wish come true. What if?

  It means he must be around here somewhere too. Oh, what do I do? Do I go and see? Or should I turn away and leave? If it is true and I take the chance, it will change my life?, but I like my life how it is. I have everything going for me, nice parents still in love with each other, good education, fine career prospects. Do I want to change my life?

  I must decide here, and now, but I can't. I can't.

  I can't.

  Please let it not be true. I dare not take a step. I cannot move. It is right there and it is such a wonderful opportunity, one I cannot let go for it will never come again, but I cannot decide.

  If I walk away I will regret it, I know I will. What do I do? I can't decide.

  I hear something. It's the door. Someone is coming out the door. It's him. It IS true.

  "You - I -"

  "Hello. Are you okay?"

  He mustn't come closer.


  Oh, heavens?

  "Obviously not okay. Quite rude, I must say, fainting on the spot like that, Becky. I expected more of you."


  Oh my head. Never have I fainted before. Why now, you silly cow. Quite a stupid sight that must have been. Is he still there? Open your eyes. Carefully.

  Ow, yes it is him. So close. Too close.

  "Ah, there you are. Feeling better?"

  Better, no. I feel terrible. My head feels like it is in a liquid state and someone is stirring it like a martini.

  I must stand up. I must get on my feet.

  "Whoa. Take it easy. Don't get up straight away. Sit for a while."

  No. Sit a while, my ass. I am getting up.

  "I am okay. Let me stand up."

  There, I can stand see. No problem. I am okay now.

  And I am leaving. I can't do this. I-

  "Where are you going?"

  "I am leaving. I can't do this. It is a wonderful opportunity and it might never come again, I know. Maybe this is a dream, or heaven, or some other trick, maybe just as real as can be, but I have to go. Goodbye."

  Now turn around and start walking.

  "I don't do goodbyes."

  Don't listen. Good girl, keep walking.

  "Becky, wait!"

  Please don't do this. Don't follow me. There he comes. I must go home. I can't give in.

  "No. Please don't try to stop me. I have made up my mind. I am going home."

  Keep walking. Don't look at his eyes. Just walk.

  "You know who I am. You don't have to be afraid. I know you have seen it."

  I can't help but stop and turn. I'll tell him once more. I'll tell him to leave me be.

  "You have seen it. In the sky. You love to watch the sky at night. You'd give the world to go out there and look at the Earth and walk on other planets."

  Oh, let him stop. I am going to cry if he says any more.

  "This is your chance. You know it, take it."

  "No! You- Leave me alone. You are dangerous. My life is fine the way it is, I don't want it to change."

  Say it. Becky, say it. Go on, tell him. Say it !

  "I don't want anything to do with you."


  Pff, what will I eat for tea today. Italian readymade meals on offer, but I don't like pasta's. I'll have a salad again I suppose. Or maybe eat nothing for once. No, you must eat. Pff, what a bore.

  Look at me, pathetic. Not being able to choose what to eat. Tomorrow, the same problem. Problem I call it. There are worse things in the world. This is not worth calling a problem. It is on days like this I'd wish something would happen.

  But stupid me went and ran away when I was offered the chance. I chose the life of working, cl
eaning, cooking, eating and sleeping, every day, again and again. Well done, Becky. You're stuck with it now.

  I'll have a salad again.

  "Anything else, Miss?"

  "No thank you."

  I would have put it in my trolley if I wanted anything else, wouldn't I? Silly check out girls. Ah, they can't help it. They just say what their boss tells them to. It's policy, I suppose, 'cause they all ask it, every day again.

  "Oh, I have a bag of my own."

  "Have you Miss?"


  I just said so, didn't I.

  "How considerate to the environment."


  How considerate. As if my one reused bag will make the difference. Nobody else reuses their bags, so why should I. But I do, for some reason, take the trouble. It won't save the world though, I am sure.

  Won't save the world.

  Oh, and now it is raining too. To make the misery complete.

  "Great. Just great."

  "Would you rather have it snowing?"

  "Oh, my Lord!"

  It is him again.

  "My Lady."

  How funny.

  "You know, if I didn't know any better I'd call the police and have you arrested for stalking."

  Now what does he want? I know what he wants?

  "So, how are you enjoying your calm and simple life so far?"

  "Don't do this. It isn't fair."

  Trying to make me feel bad. It won't work. Well, it does work, but I am too proud to give in now.

  "I'll tell you what isn't fair. You wanting to live your perfect little life, while you bother reusing a plastic bag, thinking it might save the Earth's living creatures from extermination by the greenhouse effect. While you could actually be saving the world from impending doom, by telling me about your night sky observations of the last few weeks. But you are too stuck up to do that. You can't expect to be treated fairly if you don't treat others fairly too."

  "I know who you are. I know what you do."

  "So, I am a good person and I do good things."

  "I know, but it is not you I am running away from. It is just that you are surrounded by darkness and danger. The good and the bad come hand in hand."

  "I see. Well, let me tell you this. From what I have seen the last couple of days, the bad is already here and now the good has arrived but I need some help."

  "So you are going to say next that if I don't help you the bad is going to get worse and more dangerous."

  "Yes. I knew you would understand."

  "Oh, I understand alright, don't worry about that. I just worry about when all this is over. When the bad is gone and the good too. Then what? Am I left to my boring life again, uselessly reusing my plastic bag and sheepishly go to work every day?

  You just can't come and barge into people's lives and turn them upside down and expect them to be alright with it. It's not alright."

  Ow, he doesn't look pleased. Actually, quite angry.

  "Look, Becky, I don't have time for this. I know you have seen it. You watch the sky every night. I need to know exactly when what happened. You know very well how important this is and what can happen if I don't do anything about it."

  "Don't you try and intimidate me, Time Lord."

  Compose yourself, Becky. Shouting gets you nowhere.

  "There are plenty of observatories that watch the sky too. Why don't you go to them. They even have everything nicely documented."

  There, now see what he says to that.

  "Do you really think they would document things like that? Of course not. They would hush it up, or say it was a speck of dust or their material in need of recalibration."

  Yes, I suppose he is right.

  "A miscalculation, or whatever excuse they have for not having to believe it and not having to put it in black on white. Now, Becky- "

  "That is not my name and you know it !"

  "Come on now, you don't call me by my name either."

  Fair point. But I can make a point too.

  "That's because I don't know it. You do know mine, I'm sure. If you'd care to tell me I will use your real name."

  Now would he be tempted? He is thinking about that one. Hah, point made. One-nil for me. If only he would tell. Ah, he won't, he never does.

  "I use John Smith as the name on my official documents, just like your passport says Rebecca. But I prefer, the Doctor when I'm out on adventure, just like you use Becky in your adventures.

  Will you join me in this adventure, Becky?"

  See, what did I say. No real name. Well, I'll try again some other time.

  Yes, some other time, for he has persuaded me there. I cannot turn away again. He has caught me. Hook, line and sinker.

  "I guess I am in it over my ears already, aren't I? I am sorry, Rebecca. You can't outrun destiny after all."

  This is it, the real deal. My dream come true. And we will see what happens later, later.

  "Now Doctor, take me to your ship. I promise not to faint this time."

  Oh, I love it when he smiles like that.

  "Okay, Becky. Follow me."

  With pleasure!