Read Witch Trials Crimson Necrosis (Chapters 1-5) Page 1

  Witch Trials:

  Crimson Necrosis

  By: A.R Sarker

  Chapter One: 3009786

  I raced into my house with my back soaking in sweat. I broke the sound barrier as I darted to the table and flung my newly bought groceries onto it. Saber, my roommate, had noticed my panicked face and asked what was wrong. I completely ignored it and flew to the top of the stairs and slid underneath my bed, awaiting my impending fate. Those iconic sirens rang from the outside, and it was then I knew that these were my final moments of freedom. The policed rammed right into the front door with their unbreakable car. My puzzled roommate had not the slightest idea of what was going on. They tasered him down the minute he got up off of his comfortable couch. They tore the grocery bags apart, collecting everything within it. Then a smoke scream suffused through the entire house. What seemed to be an army of police stampeded through every inch of the house, not leaving a single square foot unchecked. From under the bed I could see the ebony boots that they wore, every furniture, table, and vase was turned upside down. It was only a matter of time that they found me. One of them dragged me from under the bed by my ankle. Repeatedly, they plunged their fist into my gut till I was roughly unconscious. At least four of them held me down like I was a rabid animal ready to be put down. They had on their distinctive police armor, adorned in a shiny metal. A helmet which had the eternal knot symbol on it. They wrenched my arm like it was some kind of toy, not caring if they had broken my bone or tore a muscle. The captain of the police took out some kind of machine that resembled a stamper. They stabbed it into my arm, I cried in agony as the torrid metal branded my skin with the numbers 3009786.

  "Freaking heretics! It's your fault! It's your fault so many people died! My friends, my family? my wife!" The captain cried. "I hope you burn in the deepest parts of hell with all your heretic buddies!"

  Promptly I was tugged by the roots of my hair all the way to their white, blue, and red designed Lincoln. I took steady deep breaths and took my last good look around my neighborhood. This was the last thing I witnessed before they knocked me out cold were the twirling blue sirens, mocking me as everything faded into blackness.

  "Let's see, full name is Adamis Katil. Let me guess, you go by Adam? Hmm? your documents say your mother was from south Asia and your father was from here, occupation a... nurse. I'm assuming your mother wasn't proud that you haven't become a doctor yet?" A maniacal voice said.

  I gradually lift my eyelids as if it were hundreds of pounds heavier. My vision adjusts to the bright light, everything seemed hazy. Ropes were tightly wrapped around my ankles and wrist as I laid on top of a gurney. Slowly I was able to make out a pale man standing next to me. Black wavy hair slept on top of his head as it curled passed his ears. He wore a white lab coat, the symbol of an eternal knot imprinted on his chest pocket. He obnoxiously reads off a clipboard and then scratches words onto it with his black inked pen. A black curtain surrounded me so I was confused as to where I was. The symbol that was printed on his coat was also on the curtain. Multiple tubes carrying my blood traveled from my body to a mysterious machine.

  "It says here you have a sister, don't worry about her she's out there too!" A sinister grin traveled from ear to ear. It felts as if his piercing amber eyes were impaling my soul. Even though I wanted to move my body it wasn't compiling. "Oh don't try to talk or move, we tranquilized you." He paused and recollected his thoughts "Hmm I feel kind of bad for you even though you're a witch and a cute one at that." The computer screen behind him started flashing. My eyes jolted to the computer monitor as the man turned the screen. He was typing something, it was titled "Witch Trials Profiles." "I see, you're one of those type of people. But you're special. But we don't require special people, we require ordinary people."

  It listed the names of different people, including mine. A sequence of numbers followed each of the names. He shifted his body towards the table, letting out a faint giggle as he flicked a lengthy needle. That needle was injected into my right arm, everything white slowly turned black. My vision was deteriorating, consciousness slowly fading away every second. Instantly I arose, confused as to what's actually happening. Was that a dream or was it reality, my head hurt just from thinking about it. Rays from the moonlight illuminated the pitch black welkin. The crescent moon bled red as it leaned onto the radiating stars, while it slept. Chilling howls shattered the tranquil silence. The frigid zephyr crept onto my spine, my bones shivered in terror. From then on I was alone to travel the foreign woods. For almost two days I didn't talk to anyone or even to myself, I had no food, water, and barely any sleep. I began turning to my memories instead of reality. I couldn't believe that I was going to die a dog's death. But it was in the pool of misery that I noticed that there was a slim chance of survival. I reminisced to the time my older sister and I were searching things about the Witch Trials on the internet. It said that once exiled, the only other place for them to be accepted was to journey to Liberatai City. People that were accused of being a witch were allowed to dwell there but practicing magic was banned. Which was no problem for me since I wasn't a real witch. I've never seen a true witch but from what I heard they were hideous, with warts popping from their green skin. Then again I saw that in a movie so I guess that didn't count. I heard a voice, but I wasn't sure if I was just hallucinating from the malnourishment.

  "Hello, is anyone there!?" my voice echoed as it latched onto wind only to be greeted by whispers of an unfamiliar creature. The ground vibrated with sounds of a monstrous creature. A dark beast prowled in my direction hidden behind the towering trees. Countless amounts of legs extended from its body covered in dark hair. Its jaw separated revealing several rows of red teeth, one behind the other. Hunger manifested in its black spider like eyes. Every cell in my body told me to run, but fear had devoured my senses. After being dazed with terror for a few crucial seconds, I gathered my wits and darted the opposite direction. Though I didn't dare to look back I knew it was trailing me because of its thunderous steps. One of its legs lacerated my left arm causing me to tumble to the floor. I thought all hope was lost and only a miracle could save me. A trap sprung from beneath the beast, wooden logs penetrated its abdomen. The surrounding trees drenched in gallons of the beasts' blood. Its final roar deafened my ears. A sensation of relief circulated throughout my veins knowing that it was dead. A stranger leaped from a tree branch chuckling at me, I could barely tell what he was saying. "Hey you, are you alright?" Time slowed down as I collapse to my knees, all I could hear were the beats of my heart decreasing with every second.

  The aching from my left arm awoke me from my slumber. I realized that I was in a beige tent wrapped in a brown blanket. The injury on my left arm had been encased in bandages. Several voices could be heard from outside of the tent. Power had yet to return to my knees, I forced myself to get up as I limped out of the tent. It felt as if I were walking on ground made of nails.

  "Oh you're awake, come sit, eat! Do you feel better?" her French like accent slipped past her tongue. A strawberry blonde hair girl extended her arms beneath my pits, taking the pressure off my knees. Tomatoes couldn't compare to how red my face had become. It was apparent that she was from eastern Asia because of her soft features, and her almond shaped eyes. It was bright blue with specks of green and yellow circling the pupil. He eyes were very noticeable as it was surrounded by her tan complexion. I couldn't believe this angelic being was assisting me. Her warmth reached into my soul, as I was seduced by her glance. People were scattered around sitting on wooden table, eating their breakfast. The crowds of men were eyeing me as if I had taken something from them. "You must be hungry,
no? Bring this poor man some food, he looks starved!" I quickly gobbled up the food within seconds of them serving me, almost forgetting to breath. Then a young man sauntered to the girl's side, brushing into her shoulder.

  "So this is Saral, he's the one that saved you." She motioned her right hand towards the tall man with brown spikey hair next to her. His smile illuminated as his azure freckled eyes glittered with sun rays. Staring fixedly at my eyes, gesturing for a handshake

  "You're welcome for saving your ass back there." His baritone pitch along with his Aussie accent made the sound of my voice sound girlish. His brows knitted into bumps as his mouth beamed.

  "Thanks, I-I wouldn't have made it back there if you weren't there."

  "I guess I was destined to help you, or maybe you're just lucky"

  "Maybe? oh I forgot to introduce myself my name is Adamis but I go by Adam!"

  Viola interrupts as she steps in front of Saral. "Alright enough small talk, since you're new around here Saral will show you around and tell you how things run around here."

  "Well I mean we live in a cave what's more for there to see?" Saral said as he rolled in head.

  "Shut it, you know what I mean. Now show him around and be nice!" Viola commanded.

  He turns around and squats down, "I'll piggy back you around, think of it as a taxi ride!" Even though we had just met he treated me as if we were friends for several lifetimes. Since I was crippled I had no choice but to accept his offer. Embracing his wide back reminded me of my father. He always use to give me piggy back rides as a child, I use to think of it as a rollercoaster. Saral carries me into a cave with a dark pathway lit by faint flames. Drops of water splashed onto the ground, the noise echoed throughout the underground pathway. The calming melody of water splattering were soon overshadowed by my nettlesome wheezing.

  "You okay, it seems like you're having trouble breathing." My hold on Sarals neck had tighten almost choking him. "You're giving me breathing problems too!" A slight giggle pushed through.

  "I'm fine, I'm just a little claustrophobic that's all."

  Several voices could be heard from the end of the tunnel. The noises bounced off the dirty walls, it was as if it were coming from every direction. A ray of light lustered ahead, homes made of cracked wooden logs and dry rocks stretched for as far the eye can see. Who knew there was a mini town within these secluded mountain caves?

  "See all these people? Most of them were accused of being a witch, others were kicked out for breaking laws. All these people were helpless. We all had to combine our abilities to create this shelter. Viola was chosen as our leader because of her leader type nature."

  "But how do you get all these people food and water?" I questioned.

  "That's where people like you and me volunteer, we're strong enough to provide for those who can't. Think of it as a good deed."

  We walked down rows of stairs leading into the village. There were shops and houses, everything a normal village would have. Logs were burned as a source of light. I couldn't help notice the smiles on the town's people's faces.

  "How are these people so optimistic, what's driving them? I mean look at them, what's actually keeping them alive." I could feel vibrations from Sarals chest, his heart was racing. It seemed as though he had no answer. As we went deeper into the village, people were huddled around a large tent. Sprawled across the ground, the moans of torment were very distinct. Some had red spots all around their body while others were bathed in crimson. The ones coated in crimson had strange deformed features, almost devilish. Their nails were grown, teeth rotted black, coughing up blood. Some tried to speak but it was frightening just listening to their unusual tone. One specifically looked like something that crawled out of hell itself. Finally the rhythm of anguish was replaced by Sarals words.

  "Hope would be a clich? answer wouldn't it, but that's not what's driving them. Maybe it's that feeling in their gut that's yearning for life, or maybe it's the fear of death." He paused as if he were done talking. We could see a child running towards the strangest looking one, it was clear now that it was his mother. He didn't care if he would get infected, he only cared for his mother. "They know there's no hope but even when life seems forlorn there's always a reason to live."

  "Why not just end it? If I were them I would just kill myself. It seems that in this case? death is a bliss."

  We shouldn't commit suicide just because life isn't in our favor, that's selfish. Sometimes you need to live. Not for yourself, but for another." The child laid over his mother, weeping uncontrollably. Despite her fiendish features, the smile that arose onto her face was angelic. His tears met with hers as they embraced each other.

  "But what happens when that person dies, what's left then?" Two men dragged her away but the child refused to let go. Forcibly they ripped his hold from his mother. A man whispered to the boy saying that he'll see her soon again. The boy's tears ceased, believing in the man's lies. Was he comforting him or insulting him? On one hand he was lying to him so that he may calm down, but on the other what if he's telling the truth. What if he's referring that the boy will soon become diseased too?

  "Well you find a different reason to live. But that's for you to find out yourself when the time comes."

  "Wait where are they taking her? That boy's mother?"

  "She's reached the final phase of the transition."

  "How many phases are there?"

  "The first is when crimson spots appear on your skin, soon you are greeted with flu like symptoms. The second phase you begin to develop insomnia. The third phase many claim they hear voices and see demonic like creatures around them, we diagnose them with schizophrenia. The fourth phase involves their skin transforming into a coat of dark crimson, many start to babble in gibberish. In the final phase they begin to grow devilish features, and in that phase we execute them or they turn into a full blown Asebis."

  "Crimson Necrosis? that's what we studied back in nursing school, those are the exact symptoms that appear for it. But we were never told that the outcome was transforming into an Asebis, they told us people just die from it. We were taught it spreads through physical contact but it's strange because not everyone can get infected. How long do you think this process takes? for them to turn into an Asebis. "

  Saral searched for an answer as he tapped his chin. "It's hard to say, many take weeks to transform but others may transform within 24 hours. But back to what you were saying earlier? what do you call it? Crimson Necrosis? Out here it's either called Crimson Death or The Crimson Plague."

  The young boy who was torn from his mother scurried at us. "Hey you? I've seen you before." He sniffled his nose and generously wiped it. "Aren't you one of the men who protect us?" He pointed at Saral, he looked to be about 10 years of age.

  "Why yes I am."

  "Can you tell me when my mom is going to come back?" Such an obvious question, but the answer is too difficult to answer. How can you tell a child his mother is never coming back? "That man over there told me that I'll meet her again."

  The puzzled look on Sarals face was understandable. He didn't know how to answer it. Adults would lie to children just so they don't hurt them, but rather it'll damage them more if you don't tell them the truth. I knelt down so that my eye met his, as my hand laid on his shoulder. "What's your name boy?"


  "How old are you?Sid?"

  "I'm 9."

  "Wow you look very young for your age!"

  "I might look like a kid but I'm old!" He shook his hips confidently.

  "Since your old then I think that you want to know the truth."

  Saral signaled with his eyes, trying to make me avoid telling him the truth.

  "I want to know the truth." The boy inquired with wide eyes.

  "Well unfortunately your mom was affected by a disease known as Crimson Necrosis. It's incurable and?"

  "So she's not coming back?I knew that man was lying." My heart broke as I told him that his mother is dead. Bu
t he didn't look surprised. He seemed very mature for his age.

  "But even though she's gone? she's in a better place! She's with the Creator."

  "The Creator? What's that?" He looked at me like I was talking rubbish. These people were never taught religion or even the concept of a higher being. Perhaps their parents lost faith and they chose never to teach their children. Or maybe the children refused to believe in something that they couldn't see.

  "The Creator is the one who created the entire universe! Now your mom is with him, she's always going to watch over you and protect you."

  "Oh that's what the Creator is? I have a question then. Why did the Creator take my mom??"

  "Sometimes the Creator takes things away from us. We may not understand at the moment, but there's always a greater purpose."

  Sid's gloomy visage brightened up a little. "I think I kind of understand?it's still not clear but I understand. Thank you?for not lying to me like the other adults."

  "No problem. Sid, do you have any other family members."

  "Yeah I have an older sister and a dad."

  "Hey you're just like me! Here's a word of advice, cherish the moments with your family. No matter how much they hurt you, in the end they still care for you!"

  "Hehe thanks for the advice! I think I should be going, my dad and sister are probably looking for me and I should tell them what happened. But before I go...tell me your name, your full name!"

  "My full name? It's Adam? Adam Katil."

  "It was nice seeing you Adam. I guess I'll see you around!" Sid ran off deeper into the town.

  "You actually believe in that the Creator BS?" Saral negatively remarked, glaring at me with disapproval.

  "It's not BS its real!" I stomped my foot hard onto the dirt, crossing my arms over.

  "It's not like I have anything against people who believe in the Creator, it's just that I don't believe in that rubbish." Saral quickly tried to change the subject. "Anyways moving forward? this place was united by none other than Viola. We call it eclipse, the name has a nice ring to it."

  "Why is it called eclipse?"

  "The day Viola unified everyone was the same day as a solar eclipse."

  "That's pretty cool!"

  "Yeah I guess it is pretty cool. Well now, show and tell is over so it's time to return to the main chambers. We're going to be put into new groups.

  Saral and I headed to the main chambers. There was a single immense chandelier hanging from the ceiling. The cave looked less like a cave and more like a house, and a nice one at that. "Was it always this nice in here?" I asked.

  "That chandelier thingy has hung up there since I've been here." Viola stood at the top of the stairs with her chin held high. Her hand waved back and forth, signally everyone to gather. Everyone hasten into straight rows, their hands glued to their sides. It seemed they had a considerable amount of respect and fear for Viola. I wonder what she did? to obtain such respect.

  "Saral, Adam, Will, Oan, Kayden, and I will be group number three. We will be eliminators." As Viola lists the rest of the groups, I lean over to Saral. "What's an eliminator?" I knew we were supposed to be silent, but I had to ask.

  "Eliminators are people who defend against the Asebises! You know like those people we saw earlier! So far there's no cure for it, so we have no choice but to eliminate them."

  "Like that boy's mother from earlier?"

  "Yes! Exactly!"

  "What, I don't want to be the one that kills that boys mom. I mean I was the one that calmed him down!"

  "Don't worry you'll most likely never even see her!"

  What's baffling is his calmness to the situation. On the other hand I'm frantic about what's coming up. Luckily we start out assignments tomorrow, maybe I'll finally get some well needed rest. Saral nudges my shoulder "you aren't scared of a few Asebises are you?" It was clear he wasn't worried rather he was tantalizing. Of course, I couldn't show fear not even a hint of it. Even though in reality I was shitting bricks.

  "Psh no, I'm ready to kick some ass-see-bis." He let out a weak chuckle, "Okay, if you say so!" Viola had dismissed us, we were directed towards a tunnel that led to a dining room. I tried not relying on Saral to get there, instead I limped myself the entire way. There were sheets spread across the rocky ground, food had already been prepared for us. There were plates made from a wooden material. Chicken, peas, and potatoes were on each plate, right beside cups of water. Saral fetched two plates of food and water.

  "There's a place I want to take you, the scenery is beautiful!" He took me through another pathway. A breeze brushed my face as we walked, stairs leading upwards emerged. With each step the gust of wind had gotten stronger. As we reached the top, I paused, taking in the beautiful scenery. We were so high up that it felt as if I could grab the stars with my hands. In the distance clusters of lenticular clouds could be seen, one had captured the attention of the red moonlight. Miles and miles of forests reached towards the horizon. The trees rustled from the gust of the wind.

  "I told you it would be beautiful, I thought this scenery would go perfect with our meal." The clouds intercepted the moonlight leaving us in the shadows.

  "Saral if I may be frank, can I ask you something?" I didn't bother waiting for his response. "Why are you being so nice to me, I'm sure there are many people you would rather hang out with." He turned away avoiding eye contact with me.

  "You remind me of my brother." He softly spoke, turning his head away in shyness.

  Emotions circulated throughout my mind, forcefully extracting a smile onto my face. I didn't dare to ask him about his brother because I was sure it would be an awkward depressing tale.

  "Oh so that's why you're so nice to me! But thanks? for welcoming me with a warm heart. I guess I'm lucky to have a friend like you." I leaned closer to him, "We are friends aren't we?" I raised an eyebrow in question.

  "Of course. Sure we've only known each for a good minute but you just have a welcoming vibe about you Adam." Light from the moon gradually peaked from behind the clouds. Crimson rays had met with the ocean waves of Sarals iris. Reflecting off of it as if it had transformed into an enchanting bird. His stare was intense, almost piercing.

  I was at a loss of words, searching for what to say next. "Uh our food is going to get cold. We should probably eat it soon!"

  "I completely forgot, we should quickly eat so we can get a lot of rest for tomorrow." He asserted. "We don't want to fight Asebises while we're half asleep now would we?

  We returned to our tents. Bands of people just sat around like they were family. People traded kind words with each other. I guess it's because they knew that they may never see the person next to them. Anyone could die, whether it's from the disease or from an attack. Tents were shared because they lacked enough for everyone. Thankfully we still had blankets but we had to share it too. My roomie was Saral so I didn't mind. He slept in weird positions and tossed and turned like he was rolling. He also stole a majority of the blanket, leaving me half expose. That night I was restless, the thought of battling Asebises suffused through my thoughts. But I also kept thinking about Scarlett, my sister. Whether if she was okay or even if she's alive. The sclera of my eye burned red, a maze had been created with my veins.

  "You still awake?" a voice whispered, I stayed quiet.

  He tapped my back, "I know you're awake, I can feel you squirming around." I turned around, Saral leaned onto his hand as bags dangled from his eyes. The aroma of sweat and heat came from his muscular body crying from the excessive warmth. The numbers "3067830" were hidden beneath the hairs on his arms. Black snake patterns of tattoos coated his chest as it reached down onto his legs.

  "I'm assuming you're nervous for tomorrow, am I right?" he murmured

  "Yeah, but I'm also worried about other stuff. You see I have a sister an-."

  Saral quickly cut me off "and she's persecuted like the rest of us, and you're worried about her."

  "Exactly, she's the only family I have lef
t. She's strong and can kick some major ass b-but? I just don't know."

  "She could be dead." Saral sarcastically retorts.

  "No, she's not."

  "How do you know?"

  "I don't!" I became irritated with his comment. It showed in my face even though I was trying to keep it hidden.

  "Then let that be your motivation! If you want to find out if she's alive or dead then you need to survive."

  Who knew Saral could be so motivational, his words had returned hope into my being. Maybe one day I'll see my sister, but I need to be alive for that to happen.

  "Okay, now why are you up, huh?" I retorted

  "Well I was up and I decided to watch you as you slept, but that never happened" He jested then exposing a creepy smirk.

  "You're so funny?anyways I was wondering, how long have you been persecuted?"

  "About one year, it went by pretty quick."

  "So what happe-"

  Saral refused to answer by cutting me off again. "Anyways I think we should go to sleep so we have energy tomorrow. Night!"

  He obviously was trying to hide something, I'm sure he went through a lot in a year of this hell. I turned to my right side and tried to go to sleep. Suddenly I was in a hospital bed. My arms and legs were strapped down, the ceiling had the eternal knot symbol painted on it. My mouth was stuffed with a rag, it was difficult to breath. There were many doctors, circling me. Voices echoed into my ear "His blood? it's a 3, he is definitely going to the witch trials soon." I woke up to Saral spooning me, he drooled on my right cheek. I shoved him off, whipping the slobber off in the process. I decided to do a little exploring of my own, I grabbed one of the candles the hung on the cave walls. No one was in sight, I wasn't sure what time it was. Continuing forward I realized that I had no idea where I was going. The only thing I could hear were my own steps, until I heard a young girls giggle. It was like something out of a horror movie. I could faintly see her auburn hair, it was about should length. Her short dress had was partial shredded revealing part of her arm. Skin pale as the moon's surface, multiple scars were on her body. I tried going closer to her, "Hi creepy little girl, I'm not going to hurt you." She ran off. It seemed like she wanted me to follow her. So I decided that I would do what all the main characters of horror movies would do, follow her. Rats scurried on the floor, bugs covered the wall. She stood in front of a red door, she motioned her hands for me to follow her. A key had fallen from her hand. Strange symbols were marked on the door. Clearly the symbols had to do with black magic. I grabbed the key, a slow creaking sound followed as I creeped passed the door. A narrow hallway curving upwards was behind the door. Curiosity had overpowered my fear, there was certainly a reason why that little girl wants me to follow her. The twisting hallway led me inside a gigantic castle. Dozens of stained glass windows looped to the center of the ceiling, the one in the center was cracked. The sunlight beamed through it, the rays brushed onto my face. The little girl stood glaring at me. Both her head and right hand pointed towards a broken-down elevator. I didn't dare step closer to her, the atmosphere had drastically changed. Something tugged me back, "Shh it's just us." A thuggish voice whispered. Viola and Saral had followed the entire time.

  "What the hell do you think you're doing coming here alone?" Saral started to sound like a worried mother. "I saw you walking so I followed you, Viola was following me. So why are you up here?"

  "That girl over there," she vanished. "There was a little girl and I started to follow her."

  "Why the hell would you follow a creepy girl, I thought you were smarter than that!" Saral insisted we go back, I felt uneasy and inquisitive. I wasn't going to turn back, I have to know why that girl wanted me here.

  "Maybe we should explore the place further." Viola tugged my arm, leading me the same way that the girl pointed towards. Her touch was that of icicles. Clanking noises accompanied us after Viola yanked the lever. We convulsed as the elevator trembled, pulling us upward to the abyss. The elevator halts one floor above, each step we took forward the wooden floor rasped. Our candles shimmered the dusking hallway, perplexing paintings were suspended on the walls. It felts as if their eyes followed us, watching our every move. We would turn to look back every few seconds as if we were being stalked. The wails of an inhumane being traveled from the end of the hall. Viola had vanished, a distinct rattling increased in volume. A vile fiend crawled on the ceiling, its bones cracked with each movement. Grey rusted nails extended from its fingers, face darker than the night. Its mouth ripped open several meters letting out a horrific yowl. There was no way to escape except to run back to the elevator. We sprinted back, quickly pulling the lever. The elevator cranked but there was no movement. It seemed like the demon would teleport closer every few meters. The neck lengthen, the head of the fiend twisted as it neared. Instantaneously the elevator hoisted several floors higher. We fell to the floor as if gravity had multiplied by ten. Our limps were bolted to the ground, suddenly we're flung to the ceiling. My face was smashed by the wooden ceiling.

  "Where are we now?" I struggled getting up, it felt like I was wearing a two ton bag on my back. Stairs led to a higher floor, it divided into two separate directions. Satanic stars and unfamiliar writing were carved onto the floor, walls, and ceiling. Heavy breathing sounds engulfed the room; the light from the stained glass windows reflected onto the stairs. The icon of the Virgin Revekah had a blackened face. Two satanic statues stood at each side of the stairs, the sign of the Baphomet craved onto them. Footprints made of blood, gingerly sauntered up the stairs, leading leftwards.

  Naturally, we trailed the mystifying prints. Each step we took let out an eldritch cry. Taking a closer look at the footprints I noticed it belonged to a child. I leaned in closer only for my foot to penetrate through the delicate wood.

  "Shit!" Dozens of splinters cut through the souls of my feet. Again, Saral tries to carry me like before. "Ah, it hurts don't touch it!"

  "Stop, being a wuss!" Forcefully he coveys me onto his back, even though I didn't want his help, I was compelled into it. He was like human crutches. We reached the top of the stairs, the prints leads us into a corridor, a dark ambience was lurking as we set foot into the chamber. The little girl that I previously saw stood next to a ligneous stand, it held an oversized book. Decorated with symbols of all sorts, there was one in particular, it looked like the eternal knot but instead of being more diamond shaped it was circular. Pages flew, flipping uncontrollably, it stopped on a page. The door behind us slammed shut, the child facial expression indicated that it wanted us to read. Normally I'd refuse but it seemed we had no choice. I read from behind Sarals head as I relaxed my chin onto his deltoids. It was written in Ancient Elvish, which I studied back in Oaktown. I assumed Saral wasn't practiced in this dialect, but surprisingly he started to read it out loud, translating it.

  They're coming after my daughter, I don't know how they found me. I had thought that the crimson spots on their skins were just a rash. But I was wrong. They're no more my friends, now they have lost all their humanity. They want her, because of her special gift. The gift that the Goddess had originally placed within me, but now it is also within her. No matter what they will not be able to harm her, I will protect her, even if it means that I must die in the process.

  It seemed like it was a journal entry, but how is this relevant? We weren't yet sure exactly what to make of it. Further and further we progressed through the book, searching for texts that we would be able to understand. He stopped on a peculiar page, it had two eyes on the top. One was pitch black and the other was completely white without a pupil. Circling it were scratched up letters from a foreign language. The actual text beneath was written in cuneiform, but there was an arrow pointing to the translation.

  An absconder from a primordial coven will bare twain offspring. One will infect the globe, causing the world to weep in despair while the other will solely possess the cure. Three plaques will suffuse the earth antecedently to the arrival of the propheti
c children. One will stain the east in black, another will drench the west in silver, and the last will compel the north to bleed in red. Subsequently, two maniacal clans once sealed within the earth's bosoms will be unleashed, free to shed chaos once more. The earth will plunge into centuries of anarchy as a result, true faith will be abandoned. The natural balance will seize to exist. As they grow, the children of the absconder will quarrel between ideologies. Ideologies that will either heal the wounds of the past or blind the construction of the future. This in turn will divorce the world in two, but only one will utter truth and ultimately only one will prevail.

  "Hm, if you think about it. Part of this prophecy has already happened. Specifically the part where it says, the north will bleed in red. I think that part might be referring to the Crimson plague. It turned people's body into red shade and we are located in Europe, it's kind of north. I mean it's above Africa." I said as I disturbingly shuffled my eyes around the page.

  We both turned to each other in astonishment. "Pshh nah we're just over thinking it!" Saral claimed.

  I looked towards my right and the young girl looked unsettled, her already freaky eyes looked freakier. Saral scrutinizes through the book, there were loads of ancient text written throughout the book, and in many languages. He read another text in a hushed tone. It was scribed in what seemed to be similar to Egyptian hieroglyphics. But next to it, was the translation in English. It was smudged and barely legible but Saral read it with ease.

  'Twas the time of the Ancient Indus, rivers flowed with strength and the wind blew soft. The sun rays brushed the Empresses palace, as she laid on her death bed. Soon, the angel of death would come to claim her soul. She feared her inevitable future, so she called upon an ancient being. One that was worshiped as a Goddess throughout the Lands of Indus, Vesta. She came to her as the Empresses death neared. The Empress struck a deal, if she offered her eldest daughter to Vesta then she in return will be given immortality. Vesta agreed, she turned the Empress into a dragon. An she will return to her human form once her eldest is dead and only then will she be given immortality.

  Before Saral could finish reading the text, a chilling knock echoed from afar.

  "Hey guys open the door!" Knocks turned into bangs and it came from the locked door, it was? Viola's voice. "Guys come on its freaky out here, just open up." She restlessly turns the door knob, unable to enter. Saral turns arounds, motioning his hand as if he were about to open it. The little girl grips his wrist and warns "Don't open it. It's not her." Monstrous bellows came from outside of the door. It wasn't Viola, it never was. Bang after bang the door started to breakdown, we had nowhere to escape, not this time. The little girl signals towards another door, it looked like the same one we entered from before.

  "That wasn't there before!" I accidently yelled into Sarals ears.

  "Who the hell cares?" He rushes to the door while handing the book to me. I held it between my chest and his back, it became even more difficult to hold onto him. The fiend shatters the doorway, its head twists in our direction. The only way out was locked, but then I remembered, the key. Hastening to pull the key from my pocket, I hand it Saral, unlocking the door. Rushing through, not even looking back, not even for a split second. The winding hallway felt like it had no end, the shadows of the creature stretched as if it were traveling through the walls. Prehistoric pictures were drawn onto the hallway walls. The demon scratches my back with an invisible force. Propelling both of us several meters forward. The key spun from Sarals grasp. We were too afraid to go back for it. Only a few more feet till we were home free, both of us uncontrollably bled from our backs. Saral had lost consciousness, I didn't care about my injuries, and all I cared about was making it out alive. It hovered over me, unnaturally hunching towards me. It spoke a language that I've never heard, but one thing it said, I understood immediately.

  "Vesta..." It whispered in its sinister tone. Miraculously an unmatched strength had embodied me, pain in my body had become nonexistent. Kicking the beast away, I grabbed the Saral beneath his armpits along with the book, and bolted out the door, slamming it behind me. Saral awoke, "We made it?"

  "Yeah, we made it."

  "What the hell are you two boys doing?" We jumped in fear, embracing each other firmly. It was Viola or at least we thought it was. Saral stepped forward, "How do we know you're the real Viola?" He narrowed his eyes as he held up his fists.

  "What? Why are you guys acting weird?"

  "How do we know you're not that demon behind this door?" He directed her attention behind us.

  "What are you talking about, there's no door behind you!"

  We couldn't believe it, it was gone, our injuries gone, and our clothes were restored. "Th-there was a door, we just ran from a demon, in a big castle like thing!" I searched for words to describe what had just happened, but to no avail.

  "Are you guys on drugs or something? Maybe you're just sleep deprived, you should return back to your tent!"

  Maybe we were just sleep deprived, but what we had just witnessed couldn't have been fake. What was that girl trying to tell us? Returning to our tents was the highlight of our night. I leaped onto my sleeping area, forgetting there were no cushions. But I didn't care, as long as we weren't back in that place. Ripping off my clothes, instantly I knocked out, falling asleep on my stomach. I was told as a child not to sleep on our stomachs because then the devil would rape you, or something along the lines of that.

  "Leave this place? Leave? before it's too late." Sadistic whispers awoke me from my sleep. But I couldn't move or even speak for that matter. It was difficult to breathe and even more, trying to open my eyes. I tried calling out to Saral, I felt the sheets rustling, hoping it was him. I could hear an uncanny noise, as if it were ice? breaking. Pitch black claws wrapped around me, caressing my side. A scratching sensation could be felt on my back. Air wasn't reaching my lungs, like I was being choked.

  "Adam!" Saral nudged me, I gasped for air as if I returned from the dead. This was the first time I was actually happy that Saral woke me up. He smacked my butt repeatedly, forcing me to get up.

  "Okay, okay I'm up!" I acted as if nothing happened, I didn't want to remember.

  "Hey, you have a mark on your back." He drew it in the air, it seemed like it was in Elvish. "I think it says, the healer in Elvish. That's weird?" So that wasn't just some kind of bad dream, it was real. He rubbed his fingers on the letters, "It looks fresh, and do you know how you got this?"

  I described to him what happened, but it was interrupted by a loud horn, "Attention, attention, this is not a drill I repeat this is not a drill." It was Violas voice over the intercom. "All members of eclipse, report to the front lines, Asebises have been spotted coming this way." Everyone woke up and Saral led all the rookies to the front lines. Was this what the little girl tried to warn me about? There, Viola stood with her arms crossed behind her back holding a worried expression. Swords were distributed along with grenades. "Odd number groups you will go onto the battle field, even numbers, you will stay back and protect the civilians and evacuate them. Dismissed!" I noticed that there were fewer even number groups then there were odd. We all rush onto the field, there were hundreds of them. Many of the Asebises looked like they came straight out of a horror movie. Stabbing their heart is the only way to make sure they are dead. The skyline was infested with swarms of creepy crawling Asebises. Though I was about to retreat, everyone else led onward for battle. They planted a sense of bravery into me, compelling me to abandon my fear. A mountain of dead Asebises began piling to the sky but there were still plenty to slaughter. I stood face to ugly face with one. My fear attempted to creep back into my thoughts but now there was no going back. I nervously held me sword with no prior knowledge on how to properly use it. It launched its claws at me like a wild animal thirsting for its prey's blood. Instead of retaliating I kept dodging, walking carefully in reverse. I pulled back, but its claw tore the end of my sleeve, I heard a slight rasp of the material slit
ting. It was then I remembered those terrifying memories. I was just a child, when I first encountered an Asebis. Rather it was the first time I killed one, it was that fear that never left me. My head wasn't in the battle, the Asebis caught me off guard as it pounced onto me, leaving my sword to lay on its own. I fought desperately for a way out for this mess. Its head thrusted at me, desiring for a small taste.

  "Stupid Asebis! I hate all of you and I will kill each and every one of you!" Rage personified into my hands. I dug my nails deep into its eyes, pushing the creature off of me. Then grabbing my sword to connect the final blow. There after I lifelessly rested on the ground, catching my breath. I haven't actually fought a real Asebis head to head before like that. I pressed my hand against my side, attempting to slow down the bleeding. It wasn't that deep but it was definitely painful. But it was too soon to rest comfortably. Like maniacs the Asebises galloped mindlessly at us. But for an unknown reason they all stopped, dazing at the sky. Then mysteriously they retreated without a reason.

  "Well that was weird" Saral remarked. He grabbed my body, carrying it off the ground. "You okay though, right?"

  "Uh I think so. It's just a flesh wound."

  "So are you sure you're okay? Like you're not going to die or anything, right?" Saral questioned repeatedly

  "Yes I'm fine! Why'd the Asebises retreat?"

  "Don't know. Do you think? shit! This was a diversion!" Fear entered into Saral's eyes while it widened into enormous balls. He yells on the top of his lungs, commanding everyone. "Everyone back to the base, this was a distraction!"

  They had already infiltrated our base, they outsmarted us. We were never the targets, the civilians were! This is what the girl was warning me about, these Asebises were the people that had transformed here, long ago. Even though we had sprinted back as fast as we could, we were too late. Every child, mother, father, were all dead. Our team members that were there to protect them were buried in their own blood. Severed limbs of children floated in the endless pool of their protectors guts. Heads of our comrades were disfigured, the permanent expression of terror imprinted on their face. I couldn't bear to look. The stench of death scattered, everyone's faces were in shock, not a single one made a sound. Trampling steps came from ahead, a stampede of Asebises materialized across us.

  "Run!" Saral shouted.

  Crowds of people screamed trying to escape their wrath. The Asebises came from every direction. People who were once comrades pushed each other away. At this moment there were no allies, there were no friends. It was every man and women for themselves. Viola tried uniting everyone, but no one listened. Someone rammed me from behind, knocking me down. Saral caught me before I slammed to the ground.

  "We're leaving, I know a way out!" Saral exclaimed.

  We positioned ourselves back to back. The sweat on our shirts made it sticky, almost like we were glued together. I panicked, not knowing what to do. All I did as stand there and watched my comrades torn piece by piece. Saral bombarded the heart of the battle. Clearing a way for both of us to escape. I sprinted behind him, trailing closer than his own shadow. Ducking and dodging from the waves of violence. At times, I would glance over and feel remorse because of the helpless people. Everyone had turned their backs on their comrades. Some pushed each other into the Asebis so that they could get away. Others would abandon their injured friends' mid-battle. Saral rushed into a passage that was away from the battle. The structure inside looked different from the other ones. Jagged crystals reached to us from the top of the cave, shimmering a deep blue color, even though there was no light to reflect off of it. It was a breathtaking sight.

  "It looks like a dead end!" I obliviously said. Saral places his hand onto the wall, pressing down on a rock that stuck out from it.

  "Does it look like a dead end now?" The stone wall raised, hundreds of crystals illuminated with different colors. They surrounded a river that flowed through the cave.

  "We need to follow this river, it'll lead us outside." The clarity of the water made it to look like the crystal grew from beneath the river, but it was actually a reflection. The elegance of the crystal couldn't change the fact that we pretty much abandoned everyone. Helplessness was an understatement, I felt like maybe I could have done something, even if it were insignificant. Guilt heavily weighed on my conscious.

  "You think everyone will be alright?" I looked to Saral for comfort.

  "No, they won't be fine. Majority of them will die, maybe a few of them will escape with injuries." Saral was too blunt for my taste, but it didn't change the fact that he was right. "Don't give me that look Adam, if we had brought everyone with us the Asebises would have surely killed us all! I think the only ones that are going to survive is Viola, and whoever else she decides to save."

  Sun rays cradled the prepossessing green bushes ahead. Fishes swam down the stream of pellucid water, leading us to a brighter end.

  "See those vines over there, we need to climb up them to get out. They're strong so don't worry about them snapping." Saral assured.

  There was faint movement coming from the river. A sudden sensation sparked through my spine after the realization that we were being stalked. I pulled the vines anxiety, trying to climb to the top as fast as possible. I twisted my head to see who was following us. Two Asebises freakishly slithered out of the river. Terrorizing us with their blackened eyes and snake like tongues.

  "Don't pay any attention to them Adam! Focus on climbing or you might fall!" Saral warned.

  It was like doing a pull up each time I tried grabbing a vine. I swung carefully, making sure I had a firm grip. I struggled at first but knowing that my life was on the line helped with the climbing. The top was only a few meters away, I could almost taste the freedom. Saral was a bit ahead of me because of his superior strength but I didn't lag much behind. Just as I held onto the edge of solid ground an Asebis tugged at my foot. My worse fear came to life. I was already exhausted from the climb up and my hand began to slip from my sweat palms. Frantically I fidgeted my leg, trying any way possible to release its hold on me. Luckily Saral already made it to the top and held onto my hand. I found a tiny rock the stuck out from the wall to balance my footing. I used it to increase the force of my strike then fiercely wacked it in the face with the sole of my foot, sending it crashing down, smashing into the other one that led behind it. Before moving on, Saral slit the vines with his sword so that they wouldn't be able to follow. There was a bridge leading across a dangerous canyon. The winds brutal strength swung the bridge constantly, making it barely stable enough to use. Viola ran from a different path with three other people at her side. It was Oan, Kayden, and Will with her. They were worn out with sweat soaked up to their necks.

  "You guys made it out too?" She wraps her arms around both of us, "I'm glad it was you two!" I couldn't help but blush, Saral had given me that stare, you know that one where you see your friends crush.

  "Adam? you feel warm, are you okay?" She asked.

  "Yeah, yeah just fine!"

  Will fidgets his hands back and forth "So what exactly are we going to do?"

  "We need to cross that bridge, and from there we'll decided where we're going next!"

  Dozens of Asebises had caught up, even though the bridge looked rugged and hazardous we had no choice but to rush through it. As we cross the bridge I look down to see the view, it was mesmerizing yet frightening. Miles above the water, if we fell I'm sure we wouldn't survive. Viola led us on, each step felt uneasy, it could break any second.

  Kayden loudly remarked "it would suck if one of us fell down!" The wooden board broke, Kayden legs skid through the wood. Oan yanked Kayden arm back saving him from near death.

  "Maybe next you should be careful about what you say!" Oan joked, there was little time to laugh. Asebises had started to cross the bridge, Viola stopped in her tracks, I bumped her from behind. "Why'd you stop?"

  "This is no time for sightseeing Viola, get a move on or we're dead!" Saral remarked. We w
ere all oblivious, Asebises were at both ends of the bridge and we were trapped. "Shit, what do we do now? Is this really the end?"

  "This bridge will break any second from all the weight," she slanted over the rope. "We have no choice but to jump?" there was no time to argue, only to listen. We looked at her as if she were crazy, but it was the only answer.

  "Is this a bad time to mention I have a fear of heights?" The four of them jumped first, leaving Saral and I on the bridge. Hesitation was an understatement, I wasn't going to jump.

  "Look at me," Saral held both of my arms trying to comfort me. "Do you trust me?"

  "Uh Hell no I don't!"

  "Good!" He manhandled me over the bridge, with no warning, jumping right after. I could feel my soul leaving my body as I helplessly fell for miles. "I hate you Saral, you shit!" he only responded with an obnoxious laugh. Wind rapidly shredded through our clothes and hair. Visibly the water could be seen in the distance. I looked up to the moonstone blue sky as we approached potential death. My back slammed into the water letting out a wave of water, soaring into the sky. My conciseness fading as my body sunk in to the water. Water overflowed into my lungs, everything blurred into darkness.