Read Young Oliver: or the Thoughtless Boy. A Tale Page 1


  (open book)]

  O write upon my mem'ry, Lord, The texts and doctrines of thy word; That I may break thy laws no more, But love thee better than before.


  YOUNG OLIVER:OR THE_Thoughtless Boy_.


  Oh, that men should put an enemy intotheir mouths to steal away their brains!



  Wellington:Printed by F. Houlston and Son.

  Price Two-pence.

  (decorative border)]



  Little Oliver was born of respectable parents, who lived in a pleasantand fruitful part of the country. They had a small farm of their own,and were very industrious in cultivating it. Little Oliver used todrive the horses, while his father held the plough. Mrs. Oliver keptthe house neat and clean, and made excellent butter and cheese, whichwere in great repute all the country round. Their daughter milked thecows, and assisted her mother in cleaning the house, and in doingany thing else that was wanted; for she was a dutiful girl, and sogood-tempered, that all their neighbours directed their children toimitate the behaviour of Patty Oliver. But, notwithstanding all theseprosperous circumstances, misfortunes, to which all are liable, cameupon them, and they were reduced to poverty.


  (milking cow)]

  The fields of Old Oliver were frequently overrun with men and dogsemployed to hunt and shoot.

  (dog chasing deer)]

  The fences were broken down so often, it was impossible to keep themup. The hunting horses of the 'Squire over-topped the best that couldbe made. The corn was trod and eaten. Complaints were made in vain.Every day brought some fresh oppression. At last, the 'Squire wantedto buy it. What could the old people do? daily insulted, weary oflife, they took what he chose to give them. It was not above one halfthe real value of the farm. Yet no other person would buy it, everybody knew the proud temper of the 'Squire, and his contempt of thosewho were in lower circumstances than himself. No poor man ever foundcomfort under his roof. The very dogs about his house were taught tobite those whom poverty had clothed in mean garments. Old Oliverwas particularly his aversion. The ground about, to the distance often miles, was all the 'Squire's, except that which belonged to OldOliver, and he wished eagerly to have that likewise. He considered itdisgraceful to have so mean looking a tenement on the border of hisestate.


  Old Oliver with the sum of one hundred pounds began to open a shop,at an adjoining town. He had not been bred to any business besidefarming, and with that he was disgusted. He resolved therefore to tryanother that he imagined would render him more independant on suchpersons as the 'Squire.

  He began to sell sugar, butter, and such articles as poor peoplewanted constantly to buy. Numbers flocked in as customers, and seeingOld Oliver so good-natured a man they contracted debts which theynever paid. Thus was his stock reduced, and he had not sufficientmoney to lay in more goods. He was not a judge of every article hebought, so depended on the words of those of whom he had them, and wascheated. He frequently was forced to sell such goods for less moneythan he had given for them.

  His daughter, the comfort of his life, was lured away from him bya villain of fortune, who introduced her to the company of womenthat had nothing to recommend them besides their fine and tawdryapparel, and a short time after went abroad, forsook her, and left herabandoned to the wide world. She never was heard of more.

  (fancy ladies)]

  His wife died of a disease brought on by grief.


  He had no person now to speak to but Little Oliver. The old man soldoff all his goods, and paid his creditors each their share. One,more tender-hearted than the rest, returned him five guineas. Withthis money, he put young Oliver to school for awhile, and then boundhim apprentice to the trade of a joiner, and retired, for his fewremaining days, to the workhouse of his parish.

  Young Oliver made a quick progress in the trade. In five years hecould work as well as any in the shop. In joiner's shops there aremany apprentices and journeymen. Some of them were of a thoughtlessdisposition, and much inclined to frequent alehouses. Young Oliverhad little money; he could not indulge his inclination to go withthem, so often as they wanted to persuade him. His master allowed himto work what is called over-hours, by which means he gained a littlepocket-money. Thus the time passed, till his term of servitude was atan end.

  He now wished for nothing so much as to become a master; but he wantedmoney.


  A merchant, hard by, had often seen the young man, for he had donehim some work in a very neat manner. He knew he was remarkablyindustrious, and attended church regularly. Oliver heard he was aworthy man, and did all the good he could, to any person who stood inneed and whom he thought deserving. Oliver mustered courage enough towait on him. He stated his case, mentioned his wishes to begin trade,and asked for assistance. The merchant lent him one hundred pounds tobegin business.

  You may guess at Oliver's joy. He had the money in his pocket. Itnever contained so much before. He thought he had already a work-shopof his own and some journeymen. He began to reckon how many customerscame to order goods, and what money he should have at the end of theyear.

  In the midst of these emotions of joy, he met an old fellow-workman.An alehouse was at hand. "Come," said Oliver, as they both entered it,"I will, for once, have a little pleasure out of a purse of money Ihave in my pocket. I will spend six-pence."

  He did not well know whether to call for punch. It was his favouriteliquor. He thought it was too soon to give way to enjoyment. Reasonsuggested to him, he should, first of all, try to pay back what thegood merchant had lent him. At present, thought he, it is not honestfor me to lay out a penny of the money, for any thing not necessary.These notions impressed him so strongly, he was ready to return.

  His companion now asked him what he stood moping there for. "Come, sitdown," said he. "What shall we have to drink?" Oliver was divertedfrom thinking more, and called for six-pennyworth of punch. Hethought to himself, if I spend six-pence of the money I shall haveninety-nine pounds, nineteen shillings, and six-pence left. Such a sumis enough to set up trade, and a single hour's industry will make upagain such a small expence as the present.

  It was thus, taking up the glass, he sought to quiet his inwardscruples; but alas, this conduct opened to him a door for ruin.

  On the morrow he recollected what agreeable chat and good liquor hehad at the alehouse. It filled his mind; and he was not scrupulousabout spending one shilling more. The alehouse was near; he againstepped in. He tried wine. He had never drank any before. He liked itexceedingly, and determined to have a pint more.

  On the days following he longed for more liquor, and constantlyvisited his beloved alehouse. He began to drink each time more thanthe preceding. You know, he began with six-pence, then he spent ashilling; now, each time, he spends half-a-crown. He made indeed atthe first half-crown, a short reflection; but, afterwards, he consoledhimself with saying, "'Tis but two-and-six-pence I am spending. O, Ineed not fear but I shall have enough left to carry on my trade."

  So powerful is habit; so deluding is temptation to low indulgencies!reason would now and then urge a contrary conduct; but company ledhim on, and he was inexperienced in the world.

  (in alehouse)]

  Oliver's money at first was one hundred pounds. He had yet ninetypounds left. He now determined to begin business. He made bargains,which never were transacted but in his favourite alehouse. He mustneeds have some liquor at every
bargain, and some more when paymentwas made. The people of whom he bought wood could not afford to spendmoney and sell cheap; so were obliged to charge a good deal more toOliver than to other persons. Oliver thus lost his time, laid in hisgoods too high, and attended very little to his shop.

  Would Oliver have done well, he should have been sober and diligent asformerly. The good employment of all his money depended on a carefuluse of the smallest part. These thoughts did not at all strike him.

  (boy beaten)]

  You may perceive, my little friends, how by want of thought Oliver bydegrees became fond of liquor, low company, and a vagrant life. Check,therefore, the most trifling inclination to the company of bad boys,who deserve whipping till they grow better, and be careful to avoidbad ways. You that have parents, listen to their advice and neverforget what they say to you. So will you be loved by good men, andprosper in the world. Oliver had no parents; but had he listened toreason and common sense he would have acted quite differently.

  After he received the money from his best friend, the merchant,