Read Zombie Con Page 1





  Copyright Derek Ailes 2014


  This is a work of fiction. The events and characters described herein are imaginary and are not intended to refer to specific places or living persons. The opinions expressed in this manuscript are solely the opinions of the author and do not represent the opinions or thoughts of the publisher. The author has represented and warranted full ownership and/or legal right to publish all the materials in this book.

  Zombie Con

  All Rights Reserved

  Copyright 2014 Derek Ailes

  This book may not be reproduced, transmitted, or stored in whole or in part by any means, including graphic, electronic, or mechanical without the express written consent of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  Weekland Press

  Printed in the United States of America

  For information and permission request contact: [email protected]

  Published in the United States by Weekland Press.



  Also Available:

  Zombie Command: Demon’s Unleashed by Derek Ailes

  Journey Into The Unknown by Mark Cusco Ailes and Derek Ailes

  Coming October 2014:

  Second Journey Into The Unknown by Mark Cusco Ailes and Derek Ailes








  Norman Magnum stood in line waiting for the doors to the convention center to open to let all the VIP ticket holders into the 2014 Zombie Con in Chicago thirty minutes before everybody else. He willingly paid the extra one hundred and fifty dollars for the VIP experience. Not only did he get into the convention before the regular ticket holders, he was going to be one of the first in each line to get autographs from all the cast members from the popular cable zombie show: The Walkers. After the day’s convention was over, he had the opportunity to dine with all of the actors. The doors to the convention center opened.

  “We are taking the VIPs now,” a guy said as he walked out the doors.

  The VIP line moved forward as they entered the convention center. The woman wearing a yellow t-shirt that read Staff scanned his ticket as he walked in. As he entered, he looked at all the posters hanging on the wall depicting each of the guests that were booked for the convention. A woman in zombie makeup passed out a flyer to each person with the schedule of the guest speakers for the panel discussion groups. His favorite actress Lauren Callas, Jenny of the Walkers, would be ending the night speaking from five to six. He was planning to stay for the whole weekend’s convention. He was staying at the hotel across the street from the convention center.

  He passed all the vendor’s booths. There were sellers selling bootleg copies of all the current movies playing at the theater, t-shirts of all the popular zombie movies and television shows, DVDs from the Moon is Full movie studio, and on the end was the beautiful Violin Twins promoting all of their CDs. He stopped at the Violin Twins’ booth to get their autograph and to take a few photos. They were identical twins with long blonde hair done in ponytails. They were skinny and were two of the most beautiful women he had ever met. They were wearing matching Native American outfits with feathers in their hair. He bought a copy of each of their CDs and a poster of them holding their violins in front of a huge medieval castle.

  As he walked away from their booth, he almost collided with a guy in a grey suit standing on stilts. He was done up in professional zombie make-up.

  “Sorry about that,” Norman said, staring upward at him. “Nice costume.”

  The guy made some zombie noises and walked away. Norman continued toward the back of the convention center where all the actors were set up. He could see the line around Lauren’s table was long.

  “All the VIP ticket holders stand in the line to the left. Everybody else to the right,” the muscular bald man, wearing a yellow shirt, directed.

  To Norman’s surprise, the line for the VIPs was longer than the regular line. He knew he would be spending most of his time waiting for Lauren’s autograph. A lot of the other actors from the Walkers had barely anybody in line. Everybody was there to see Lauren. She was on the internet’s top fifty most beautiful women in the world list. He also paid an additional forty dollars to get a professional photo taken with her. That would be a separate long line. Her photo opportunity was from one to two. He also paid an additional hundred dollars to get a photo with the whole cast of The Walkers. He looked over at the line for Dawn Tyler, the fifteen year old sweet heart of the show. The younger fans were waiting in line to meet her. On the other side of the room was the cast from one of the superhero television shows, the Archer and the cast of the Comic Book Guys.

  A tall redhead, dressed in a Japanese anime outfit, walked by. She was beautiful. The guy she was with was wearing a large werewolf costume. A lot of people were decked out in professional horror and zombie costumes. He took many photos with his camera phone of the many cool people in costumes as they walked by him.

  “The first panel will be starting in fifteen minutes. The director of the Walkers will be spilling some secrets about the remaining episodes of this season,” he heard the host of the panels say. Judging by the size of the VIP line, he wouldn’t be able to attend the panel groups, but he would still be able to hear everything.

  “This line is long,” the brunette girl, wearing a red winter hat and standing in front of him, said.

  “It will be worth the wait,” Norman said happily.

  “She’s really nice. I met her at the Zombie Horror Fest last year in Indianapolis,” the girl said and showed him some pictures of Lauren on her camera phone.

  “Wow,” Norman said as he looked at all the pictures. She had a lot of photos of celebrities from many horror movies.

  “I go to a lot of conventions. My name is Barbara.”

  “Mine’s Norman.”

  “Nice to meet you Norman,” Barbara said and shook his hand.

  “You must have a good job to afford all of that.”

  “I’m an EMT. I work a lot of extra shifts to pay for my adventures.”

  “Attention everybody. Lauren is running a little late. She should be here shortly. Again, all the VIPs stand in the line to the left. Everybody else to the right,” the bald man said.

  “I hope she shows up soon. I still have to get an autograph from Andy,” Barbara said.

  Jordan Billings stood in front of his computer that was surrounded by six printers he used to print out everybody’s photo ops with all the celebrities at the convention. He could only get one of the printers to print.

  “Jordan, have you fixed the problem yet?” Tyrese, the photographer, asked.

  “I haven’t a clue. Until I can get it straightened out, we will only be able to print out one photo at a time. It could take hours to print out a handful. People are going to have to wait a long time for their photographs. They sold over a thousand photo ops for just Lauren alone,” Jordan said.

  “Keep working on it. Maybe you can get at least two of the printers going,” Tyrese said as he finished setting up his cameras.

  Ali Abdhir sat in his hotel room staring at the briefcase sitting on the nightstand next to his bed. Inside the briefcase were several vials containing a glowing red liquid he recently snuck out of the Illinois Center of Disease Contro
l. He slowly stood up as he heard someone knocking on the door.

  “It’s Yarub! Open the door!”

  “Are you alone?” Ali said as he cautiously opened the door.


  “Quickly inside,” Ali said and closed the door.

  “Why are you sweating? Is the FEDs listening? Did you sell me out?” Yarub asked and walked back over to the door.

  “Wait,” Ali said and grabbed his shoulder. “It’s only a matter of time until they realize the vials are gone. I want to get these out of my possession. Did you bring the money?”

  “In here,” Yarub said, lifting his briefcase.

  “Show me.”

  “Open yours first. I want to see them.”

  Ali opened his briefcase and carefully placed each vial on the bed.

  “These are the correct ones?”

  “Yes they are,” Ali answered.

  Yarub opened up his briefcase. As Ali counted the money, he hit him on the back of the head with the lamp that was sitting on the nightstand. Ali