Read 2 Shorts, a Novella and a Haiku Walk Into a Bar Page 9


  The guys had somehow convinced her parents to let them all go overnight camping with them to watch the meteor shower that night. It was supposed to be the biggest shower in over a decade and luck had it that there in that dessert was the best geographical spot to view it. It was fate they had argued. It was science in action they had wisely added. They had promised to put the girls in the big five-man tent and they would take the three man. They'd also put the entrances face to face so that they were close but not that close. Needless to say this wasn't the plan at all. In fact, the tents were going to be placed rather far apart in the hopes that one young couple got some quality time alone. But there were some lies that needed telling for a parent’s own good.

  With the tents set up, the group took a little time to unpack and set up for cooking later. Then there really was only time to kill before the meteor shower at ten. John and Jenna convinced Sara to go on a short hike. Boundaries weren't something Sara understood and Laura and John exchanged a look when Sara wedged herself between Darren and a tree he was tying a rope to, manhandling him openly. He jumped at the unexpected advance and hit his head hard on a limb. A string of curses fell out and his pleading look for help brought a giggle from Laura who was floating between insecurity that he might enjoy Sara's attention to comedy as she watched him do everything possible to avoid her. When the three walked off down the path he sighed loudly.

  “That girl is unbelievable. Not like you unbelievable. Like I need to spray down with disinfectant after being around her, unbelievable.” He dropped a large pile of wood in the fire pit they had constructed. The look of disgust on his face was pure.

  Her eyes danced with laughter feeling the confidence tick up slightly. “I wasn't sure. Most guys like it.”

  He grabbed her gently by the waist and walked her into his mouth, soft and commanding, the slightest pressure of his tongue pressing hers. Her body ignited immediately as her hands slipped along the chorded arm muscles holding her, up to his neck where they rested comfortably. He ended the kiss too soon for her liking. “Yeah I knew that's what was running around this beautiful head. You don't believe a word I say, do you?” She looked at him confused. “There's no comparison between you two. None.” Her look softened and she tilted her face up to him so he could remind her how much he liked her which he did quite completely.

  They were sitting together talking and watching the start of sunset when she smiled, kissed him quickly and jumped up. She dipped into their tent and popped out with a bag stuffed with colorful paper and tied with ribbons.

  She sat close to him and plopped it in his lap. “For you.”

  “Me?” She nodded happily as he stared in wonder at the bag in his lap. He seemed flabbergasted. He looked to her then the bag then back to her lifting his hand to caress her cheek.

  “Open it.” She said quietly and he did with a smile to reveal a black stainless steel Apple Watch. He looked floored. She started to speak quickly before he could say he didn't like it. “This is better than the iPod. You can use it for everything. And it'll tract all those workouts you love doing. And you can sync it with your apple account. It's the newest one.” Her voice trailed off losing confidence as he just stared at it. “You don't like it?”

  He finally snapped out of it. “I love it.” He assured her with a kiss. “I just - it's so much. No one’s ever given me anything like this. I can't give you…”

  She cut him off with her kiss. “You don't have to. That's not why you give a gift.” She smiled when he smiled at her looking like he thought she controlled the earth’s rotation. No one had ever looked at her like that before. His hand caressed her face and his eyes had opened so deeply she could swim in them. The moment lingered until she laughed shyly. “Let’s set it up as much as possible. You can do the syncing when you get back.” He attacked her rather passionately before they dug in and played with the new toy.

  That night they all ate hotdogs and grilled cinnamon buns. She had to keep Darren from strangling Sara when she made the inevitable comment about Laura’s eating and her weight. It made the usual sting of Sara's comments seem like an annoyance and not a mortal blow. He didn't want her any differently than she was and he was ready to defend her for it. Then they played charades and Sara finally gave up on Darren when Darren acted out the word ‘love’ by pulling Laura into an uncomfortably long and deep kiss. When she couldn't guess it and the word was revealed the whole group took on a hush. Jenna looked like she was going to bust open in joy. John smiled quietly to himself. Sara fumed then obviously deciding John was better than nothing set her sights on him for the night.

  After such a proclamation Laura spent the night gazing adoringly at Darren. Sara and John came back from wherever it was they disappeared to. They all huddled under the large blankets the boys had brought, Laura and Darren under one and the others under the other. The sky was bright with streaking asteroids but Laura had only eyes for Darren as he kissed her neck and nape and turned her head occasionally to suffocate her from over her shoulder. His arms were tight around her, his hands roaming warmly over her body. She was spinning by the time Sara broke their spell.

  “Seriously go to your tent already. And be quiet about it I don't want to hear that all night.”

  There were any number of witty comebacks to put her in her place but Darren beat her to it by saying, “With pleasure, Sara.” He tugged Laura up and then easily swept her into his arms. They disappeared behind the flap and fell eagerly into each other's arms.

  His mouth was a hot brand on her skin as he peeled away the top layers. Gently they floated down to the mat. Strong hands found their way under her shirt and roamed warmly touching and feeling. Hers did the same caressing the contours of his back muscles, but she wanted more so she reached for the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head. It was the most exposed she'd ever been to anyone other than a family member. He looked pained as his hands found confidence and wandered up to cup her full breasts. She sighed a deep breath reaching for him to cover her again. His body was like a steel blanket drawing hers to it like a magnet. Where his hard frame met her softer one they molded together like putty. His lips were no different overtaking hers so softly as his tongued played heavily with hers. Something in her, in both of them grew. She was spinning when he broke long enough to take his shirt off. Even in the dark she could feel the ripples of his stomach muscles. He started to rest back on her when she spoke.

  “Wait.” And he did. Not without a decent amount of inner turmoil and a heaping dose insecurity, she reached behind and unclasped her bra. Confidence wasn't exactly building as he stared silently. But it was his turn to breathe raggedly. His hands slowly smoothed a path along the curve of her waist to the curves of her breasts. Once there they opened warmly over the peaks stroking quietly. Each stroke sent electric pulses all over her body and to one area in particular. She pushed up to be closer to him feel his body heat radiate over her naked torso. He bent his head to meet hers, his lips only a breath away from hers.

  “Laura,” he whispered like a prayer against her lips. Not exactly gently he pushed her down to the ground with his body and everything about it was everything she had never known to dream about that experience. She was not even mildly prepared for the unbelievable feel of his skin against hers, his weight pinning her down in the most dominating way, the pressure between her legs. At some point, she lost track of when under the onslaught of his mouth and hands roaming her body, their pants came off leaving both of them in only underwear. He ran a hand over her thigh and down to tickle behind her knee. She giggled under his smiling mouth. The laughter stopped when he hitched her leg up around his waist and pressed hard into her. Her little cry was unstoppable because it was obvious he wanted her badly and her body was arching into him just as desperately. His hand slid down the flat of her belly to slip in between the lace and cotton of her panties and the heat they protected. Her gasp was immediate and suddenly it all becam
e too real. She tore her lips away from his.

  “Wait,” she said raggedly pushing on his shoulders. And he did. Kissing her neck and the high curves of her breasts arching under his weight. She was searching for what to say or do next because her mind was crazy with confusion when he spoke.

  “Too soon?” She could feel his smile against her lips as he resumed the kiss easing his massage below but not totally stopping. She nodded feeling embarrassed and desperate all at once. “I know,” he whispered without any frustration or so it seemed since they were cloaked in the shadows of night. His weight shifted to fully press between her legs. With her legs wrapped around him like they belonged there, her resolve gave away a bit at the feelings the position provoked inside her. “That's not what I want from you. I just want to give you something. Not sex, baby. Something else.” His fingers went deep and brought a half cry, half gasp. “Ok?” He whispered.

  “Not sex?” She asked breathlessly.

  “No. Well kind of sex. But not all the way.” He pushed a little harder down there and she arched suddenly understanding his meaning.

  “Then I can too,” she promised. That much she could try to meet him half way.

  “No,” he said adamantly. “Tonight's for you.”

  “That's not fair to you.” She was losing her mind under his gentle attack.

  “It is. All I want is to hear you cry my name. And know I was the first to give you something no one else has.”

  “But that's not fair…” She was cut off by his kiss. Then he started to ramble.

  “So I didn't know it,” he started and then stopped as if gathering his thoughts. He rested his head on hers and stopped the motion of his hand like he needed to focus on his words, but it helped her focus, as well, because all she could think on was the pressure of his fingers making her insane. “I, uhh, I didn't know. I don't know. Guess I'm surprised.” He was having so much trouble finding his words and his insecurity sent her heart soaring so she pressed her lips to his and distracted him fully for a minute. His hand that had been massaging her so intimately slipped around to cup her bottom and raise her up again into his full press. She gasped and the hand returned to the aching area when he started speaking again. “So what I'm saying is –it doesn't matter. You know? It, uhh, turns out when you're truly crazy about someone. Like deep down. Like I can't get to sleep at night for thinking about you. Like I love your laugh and the way your eyes sparkle when you laugh. And honestly everything about you. Like all of that matters. But not really sex.” He thought about that for a second and amended. “Well, you know, it would be nice. But it doesn't matter. You know?”

  Was this boy real? She thought of all the guys that used Sara then dumped her like it was nothing. Sara always said boys only wanted you for one thing. Right now Laura only wanted Darren for one thing but was too afraid to cross that bridge yet and he was ok with it. She smiled trying to hide her happy tears.

  “So ok,” he asked softly as his hand resumed its motion and his lips sealed to hers again.

  Her “yes” was ragged. He smiled before kissing a warm path down her body stopping to latch onto each breast fully before continuing on to playfully pull her panties down with his teeth. She smiled into the night air and bit her lip when he returned after discarding them to bend her knee and kiss softly up the inside of her thigh, each thigh, excruciatingly slowly, his warm breath caressing her skin. Then his mouth covered her and her inexperience and naïveté was no match for the unbelievable pressure and pulling she had never felt before. It was only moments before waves and waves of joy splashed over her leaving her giggling a little deliriously. He chuckled as he kissed his way back to her.

  “Good?” He smiled down into her blissful face.

  “Yeah.” She made a wide eyed goofy face. “Really good.”

  He dropped his face into her neck and crushed her in a steel embrace. She could feel how much more he wanted to show her. And if only she could let go, she would wrap her legs around his lean waist and encourage him to do so. But that wasn't who she was and luck would have it, he loved her in spite of that.

  “I'm going to go clean up.” He finally loosened his hold. She groaned as he rolled away and headed for the exit. “And I don't know. Take a cold shower.” They chuckled at that and after he was gone she missed him. How would she handle two days from then when she left for home? She shook herself stopping her tears. Not now, not tonight she commanded her brain.

  She had dressed again in a tight long sleeve nightshirt and flannel sweats by the time he returned. It was freezing and he was shivering when he snuggled into her back and pulled her so far into him it felt like they were one. His cold hand snaked around, under her shirt, and cupped her breast from beneath fully, resting there like it had found its home and his leg was slung over her hip holding her down in the best way. She could feel his goosebumps and a freshness to him that made her think he did shower.

  “Where did you find a shower?” She laughed.

  “The pond.” His voice was laced with humor.

  “Oh my god, that must have been freezing.”

  “Not cold enough,” he assured her as he pushed from behind. She could feel exactly what he was talking about. She felt badly immediately.

  “I'm sorry.”

  He raised up and turned her head to him before overwhelming her in the deepest kiss she'd ever known. “I'm not. Tonight was perfect.” He kissed her again in the same manner. “Perfect.” Then he settled down again, his hand finding its resting place on her breast. His body relaxed and it wasn't long before his breath became rhythmic. She wasn't so lucky because she had hours and hours to spend running through every single detail of that night over and over and over again because that was definitely the best night of her life.