Read 42 Hours Page 3

  Once I had my canary-yellow bikini on, I grabbed a towel out of the hall closet and headed outside to meet Brock. When I stepped out onto the patio, I looked around the yard and grinned happily. The pool was a fantasy.

  It looked like a grotto, with hidden alcoves and a slide built into rock. There was an adjacent hot tub, and even a swim-up bar. When Brock had started making money with his painting business, this pool had been his first big luxury. His brothers had both been living here at the time, and he’d wanted something that they could enjoy together, and with their friends. By the smile Brock had on his face when he talked about it, I was sure they’d had some pretty wild times here.

  I laid my towel down on the lounge chair and grabbed my suntan oil out of my bag. While I was applying the sweet-smelling oil, my thoughts drifted to Scott. I wondered if he’d broken it off with Victoria, or if they were still together. I wondered if he was upset with us, with me, for staging the intervention. I hoped he was okay. I needed to call Shelly to see if Cal had spoken with him.

  “Here, let me help you with that,” Brock said softly, pulling me out of my thoughts as he walked up behind me. I turned to appreciate his broad, tanned shoulders and chest, which tapered off to a lean yet muscular stomach. He had a slight smattering of chest hair, which met up with the happy trail that dipped beneath his navy-blue swim trunks.

  I got comfortable on my stomach and closed my eyes as his hands coated my skin with the coconut-scented liquid. My body began to buzz with the combination of the contact and the vision of him in his suit that was still flashing in my mind. I let myself be lulled by his touch and had to bite back a groan when he stopped and I heard him settle into the chair next to me.

  I bit my lip in frustration and wished I had the confidence to voice my needs to him. On one hand, I wanted him to touch me, and to go further than kisses on the couch, but on the other hand, I wasn’t ready to move past dating and on to something more serious. I wasn’t sure I was ready to commit to Brock, because that would mean I was giving up on the possibility of Scott and me.

  Chapter 5 – Scott

  I ran my hands over my face as I stood outside of Cal’s door. I’d been working my ass off for the past week and a half. Since I’d broken it off with Victoria, I’d thrown myself into my work and hadn’t really spoken to my friends. I wasn’t avoiding them exactly, I just needed time to think … to regenerate. I needed the escape that work provided.

  Because they were probably worried about me, and worried that I was pissed, the guys had made poker night a mandatory event. Cal had said if I didn’t show up, he was going to send TJ to get me. Knowing TJ, I knew that he was stubborn as hell, even more so than me, and he wouldn’t relent until I did what they guys wanted. Not that I was going to turn them down anyway, a night with the guys sounded perfect right now.

  Just what I needed.

  But, shit, I was exhausted.

  I took a deep breath and tried to shake myself awake before opening the door and following the sounds of TJ’s laughter to the back of the house. When I got to the dining room, I stopped and leaned against the doorway, taking in the scene with a grin.

  Craig, Cal’s brother, was standing at the head of the dining room table, which had been converted into a poker table, talking excitedly while in his batting stance. He must have been retelling his last big hit, and, as he swung and chattered excitedly, TJ smiled broadly at him, listening intently. Craig was almost as tall as his brother’s six-foot-four-inch frame, with the same dark hair and eyes, and he looked so much like Cal had at eighteen that I sometimes had to do a double take.

  Cal was chuckling under his breath as he set out the poker chips and watched his brother and best friend interact.

  Yes, this was exactly what I needed.

  “You hear anything about scholarships yet?” I asked loudly, causing all eyes to turn to me.

  “Hey, Scott,” Craig said in greeting as TJ came around the table to pull me into a quick hug.

  “How’re things, brother?” TJ asked as he pulled back to look me in the face. Presumably to make sure I didn’t look like shit.

  “Really good, man,” I responded honestly.

  “Yeah?” Cal asked as he came to stand next to us.

  “Yeah,” I promised, looking him in the eyes so he could see the truth in mine.

  Cal nodded and asked, “Want a beer?”

  “I’d love one,” I admitted as I walked over and grabbed a chair. “So, Craig, have you?” I asked again, referring to my earlier question about scholarships. Craig was a talented baseball player, and we were all confident that he’d have colleges tripping over themselves to get him to play for their teams.

  “I’ve had a couple offers,” Craig admitted a bit sheepishly. “But, I’m holding out for SC.”

  “You’ll hear from them,” I replied, confident that my words were true. “You been to the campus?”

  “Not yet,” Craig replied as he began to shuffle the deck. “Gwen and I were actually talking about heading over there in a couple weeks.”

  “Gaby’s sister, Gwen?” I asked, then muttered, “Thanks” to Cal when he handed me a beer.

  “Yeah, she’s looking at their theater program.”

  Everyone took a seat and Craig began to deal the cards.

  I took a deep breath and looked at my friends, the best friends I had in this world, my brothers, and said, “I know I kind of checked out after your intervention. I wasn’t avoiding you, I just needed time to clear my head. That being said, when I left here that day, I drove straight to Victoria’s and broke it off. We’re no longer getting married … or seeing each other. It’s over.”

  I could tell the guys were trying to hold onto their smiles of happiness, just in case I wasn’t in a good place, so I said, “It’s okay. I know you all hated her.”

  Once permission was granted, TJ let out a whoop of joy and Cal started laughing, his smile so big I though his face might split in two. I couldn’t help but smile along with them.

  “That’s awesome, Scott,” TJ said as he took a pull of his beer. “Nothing against Victoria, but I know you’ll be a lot happier without her in your life. She just wasn’t the one for you.”

  I nodded, knowing that his words were true and wishing I’d gone with my gut the first time I’d tried to break it off with her.

  “Truth,” Cal said, agreeing with TJ. “It’s better that you broke it off now, rather than living in a bad marriage. I know it wasn’t an easy decision, Scott. I know you really liked Victoria, and you didn’t want to hurt her, but it’s really the best thing for both of you.”

  “Yeah, it’s for the best,” I agreed. “Now let’s play some cards and talk about something else.”

  We played a couple hands, then I went into the kitchen to grab another round and Cal followed behind to get the chips and queso.

  “The girls having a night out?” I asked as I popped the tops on the beers.

  “Yeah,” Cal said as he opened the bag of chips. “They’re at Gaby’s, having a wine night or some shit. They’re all sleeping over there, so the others can drink and sleep it off. Shelly’s been feeling pretty tired, so I didn’t want her driving at night either.”

  “Everything good with the baby?” I asked, still unable to believe that Cal and Shelly were going to be parents.

  Joy took over Cal’s face at the mention of the baby, and I envied him that pure happiness.

  “Yeah, perfect. We got to hear the heartbeat the other day,” Cal said, damn near glowing. “It was the most amazing thing I’ve ever hear in my life. I still can’t believe it. I’m so fucking lucky.”

  “That’s the truth, brother,” I agreed, clapping him on the back. “But, shit, you deserve it.”

  “Hey, ladies,” TJ called from the other room. “Beer and poker … Let’s do this.”

  I chuckled when Craig’s full-bodied laugh filtered into the kitchen. Craig looked up to TJ and thought he was hilarious. Although TJ didn’t always seem to take life seriou
sly, he had a good head on his shoulders and worked hard to become the man he was today. Craig couldn’t find a better role model, in my opinion.

  “Sorry, we were talking babies,” I said as I handed TJ his beer.

  “What the hell is this world coming to?” TJ asked, his face crestfallen. “This is poker night, and we’re talking about marriage and babies. We may need to throw on some Metallica and raise the testosterone levels a bit.”

  At this, Craig threw back his head and laughed again, causing his brother and I to join him. It felt good to laugh. Great, even. And I knew that things were going to be just fine. I had my boys, and the girls that we’d been friends with since junior year, and although I still felt bad about the way things had ended with Victoria, I was excited about this new stage of my life. And the possibilities … They were endless.

  Chapter 6 – Gaby

  I was sitting down at one of the tables in front of the window of Bee Sweet with my chamomile tea and a honey croissant filled with Nutella and strawberries, when I saw Scott standing on the sidewalk. He was next to his shiny new car, talking to an older gentleman, whom I recognized as one of our coaches from high school. It had been a few weeks since I’d seen him and my stomach fluttered at the site of him in his slate-gray suit. He had the body of a runner, long and lean, and his dark hair was being swept about by the wind. Scott wasn’t classically handsome, but his strong features made you stop and take a second look. And when he smiled, it always hit me straight in the gut.

  We’d been friends since Shelly and Cal hooked up, but everything had changed on prom night…

  The dance had been magical. I felt like a princess in my long electric-blue gown. I loved the way it floated around my ankles, and the cut of the top made my small chest look ample. My long hair flowed in fat curls down my back, and Sasha had done a beautiful job on my makeup. I felt pretty and special, and my date, Tom, was a wonderful dancer. It had everything I’d hoped prom would be, except for one thing … I knew I couldn’t end the night by losing my virginity to Tom. As much as I liked him, and as great a time as we’d had this evening, I knew deep in my heart that I couldn’t go back to the hotel room with him that night like we’d planned.

  He wasn’t “the one” and there was no way that I was going to settle for anything less than perfect for my first time. Tom had frequently snuck off with his buddies to throw back some alcohol, and had started getting pretty handsy on the dance floor. I knew he was expecting to get lucky tonight.

  Now I just had to break the news to him, and I had a feeling he was going to be disappointed. I just hoped he’d understand.

  “Tom.” I stopped in the lobby before he could pull me toward the elevator.

  Tom stopped and turned to look at me, his long blond hair flopping in his eyes as he did. He pushed it back off his forehead in a gesture I’d always loved and asked, “What’s wrong?”

  “I can’t do this,” I said softly, squeezing his hand in mine, willing him to get it.

  He looked confused at first, then took a step closer, until he was standing inches away from me. “You can’t be serious.”

  “I am … I’m sorry,” I pleaded with him as I looked into his face. I was staring at him so intently that I was able to pinpoint the moment he went from annoyed to angry. “I’m just not ready.”

  “You’ve been stringing me along for months, Gaby,” Tom said his jaw pronounced as he ground his teeth together. I pulled my hand away from his, but he gripped my arm tightly before I could walk away. “The only reason I stuck it out was because you led me to believe that we were going to go all the way tonight.”

  I felt his grip on my arm tighten as his other hand came up and rubbed my exposed cleavage. I swatted at his hand, but he didn’t stop his exploration. My body started to shake with anger and embarrassment, but when I realized he was moving me backward through the lobby, his hands holding me like a vise, my stomach twisted with fear. I swiveled my head to look for help, and was about to yell out when Tom was suddenly spun around and shoved swiftly into the wall behind us. I’d barely caught my breath before I saw Scott’s arms come up and his hands wind around Tom’s neck. I couldn’t hear what Scott was saying, but Tom’s face had turned white as snow, and his eyes bulged as Scott spoke.

  I finally snapped back to reality and rushed over, putting my hand gently on the fabric of Scott’s black dress coat. “Scott, it’s okay, let him go.”

  “He had his hands on you,” Scott responded through clenched teeth, keeping his focus solely on my date’s face.

  “I’m okay,” I repeated softly, rubbing my hand across his back slowly in an attempt to calm him. “Let him go.”

  Scott finally turned his face toward mine, his face searching every inch of mine. “You’re sure?”

  I nodded, my heart pounding rapidly in my chest, and sighed a breath of relief when Scott released Tom, who slid down the wall. Scott turned, took my hand in his softly, and led me across the lobby to the other side of the room. He placed both of his hands on my shoulders, then slid them down my arms, as if he were trying to make sure I was in one piece. The intensity of his gaze held me still, and I became aware of my body shaking uncontrollably beneath his palms. Everything had happened so quickly, my brain was trying to catch up.

  “Thank you,” I said softly. I noticed his face had a little scruff on it, as if he’d shaved in the morning, but hadn’t shaved again before coming to the dance tonight. I wondered absently if he had done it to anger his mother. I couldn’t imagine she’d be happy with him looking anything other than cleanly groomed. I thought he looked perfect.

  “You don’t have to thank me, Gabs,” Scott said, his voice low and fierce. “I’m glad I was walking by when that fucker put his hands on you, I hate to think what could have happened if I wasn’t.”

  He broke off and ran his hands through his hair. I heard someone clear their throat behind us, and turned to see Scott’s date standing a few feet away, looking annoyed and beautiful. Scott looked over at her, then back at me. “I’ll be right back, stay here.”

  I nodded and watched as he walked over to his date. Her face turned to one of shock as he spoke, and when he turned to walk back toward me, she stood there, as if unable to move, as she watched his retreating back.

  “C’mon,” Scott said as he held out his hand to me. “I have a room upstairs. We can go up there until you’re good and ready to head home.”

  “But … you have a date,” I said, stating the obvious.

  “I told her you needed me,” Scott said simply. “You’re more important, Gabs. I’m not going to leave you alone after what just happened.”

  I put my hand in his and let him lead me to the elevators. My heart was clanging around in my chest again, but this time, fear had nothing to do with it.

  As I waited for him to unlock the door, I noticed the perfect cut of his hair. The way the long hair on top tapered down to the shorter hair at the back of his head, ending in a perfect line right at his neck. It looked soft, and I wondered if it would feel so to the touch. When he held the door open, I walked in and looked around, not really seeing what was in the room. All I could do was feel. Nervous, excited, hopeful.

  “I came in earlier and brought some drinks and stuff,” Scott said, gesturing to the desk next to the window. There were some chips, chocolate, whiskey, and a 2-liter of coke. “Do you want anything?”

  “A drink,” I responded with a small smile. I pressed a hand to my riotous stomach and walked over to where Scott was pouring the dark liquid into plastic cups. When he handed me one, I said, “Thanks,” then took a sip, smiling at him over the rim as he did the same.

  We drank that first drink quickly, and while Scott was making our second round I said, “Thanks again for helping me out with Tom, and for bringing me here. I feel bad about your date, and for ruining your night.”

  Scott took a step forward as he handed me my drink, so close that I had to tilt my head up to look at him as he said, “You didn’t ruin anyth
ing, Gabs, and I’d like to kill that asshole for putting his hands on you, but I’m glad you’re here with me now.”

  My breath caught at his words, and with the liquor running through my veins making me brave, I slid my free hand up his jacket, over his shoulder, and to the nape of his neck. The hair there was just as soft as it looked. His eyes flashed as I curled my fingers in his hair and leaned closer, so our bodies were barely touching.

  “I have a confession to make,” I whispered.

  “What’s that?” he asked, his eyes on my lips.

  “I’ve had a crush on you for years,” I admitted, my throat so dry, the words felt like they were fighting their way out.

  I couldn’t believe I’d just said that out loud. He had to hear my heart pounding in my chest, like it was trying to break free.

  Scott smiled softly, causing the skin by his eyes to crinkle up in the most adorable way. I wanted to drown in that a smile.

  “I’ve had a crush on you too, Gabs … Since seventh-grade gym class, when you skinned your knee stealing home.” He leaned down as I lifted myself up on my tiptoes to reach him, and when our lips touched, it was everything I’d dreamed of.

  I set my cup down on the dresser, freeing up my hand so it could join the other one, and I pressed my body fully against his as I deepened our kiss. Scott moaned lightly against my lips and began to back me up slowly. When my legs hit the bed, we broke apart and I scooted myself up on the mattress and laid back; within seconds, Scott was with me, and our lips were fused together again. We laid there, exploring each other’s mouths, as our hands roamed, pausing to familiarize ourselves with one another’s bodies.

  I breathed in deeply when Scott’s mouth left mine and began to trail down my throat. As I sucked in air, I felt a deep-seated need to feel his skin against mine, so I reached up to push his jacket off his shoulders. I was able to get the sleeves halfway down his arms when he broke away to take it all the way off himself. As he worked on the jacket, I sat up and began undoing the buttons of his shirt. Once I had it open enough to reveal his chest, I pushed my hands underneath the thin material and ran them over his skin. He was warm and smooth, his skin tight against his muscles from running. He’d been running cross-country for as long as I remembered, and was long and lean because of it. His breath stuttered out, “Gaby,” as he discarded the shirt.