Read 42 Hours Page 4

  I looked at him, everything that I was feeling apparent on my face. “I’ve never done this before. Tell me if I do something you don’t like.”

  Scott groaned at my words, his hands coming up to embrace mine as the caressed his now naked torso. “I like everything you do,” he said, his voice rough. “I’ve never done this either. We’ll go slow … Please, tell me if I do something wrong.”

  I felt the smile bloom across my face as his words registered. Scott dated often, so I was surprised to hear that he was a virgin as well. He must have guessed what I was thinking, because he leaned in and whispered against my lips, “I wanted it to be special. Important. No one else ever was, but you, Gaby … It’s perfect.”

  Tears filled my eyes as he spoke, and my heart thrilled at his admission. I stood up and turned, looking at him over my shoulder as I asked, “Can you help me with my dress?”

  Scott’s fingers trembled as he undid the clasp of my gown, then slowly slid the zipper down my back. I pushed the straps off my shoulders and the dress fell to pool at my feet. I turned slowly, my body shaking slightly as Scott’s eyes traveled my length, taking in my pink-and-white bra-and-panty set. I was glad I’d taken the time to primp and groom for prom, and, although I felt nervous, the fact that Scott obviously liked what he saw made me feel like I could conquer the world.

  I crawled back up on the bed and into Scott’s open arms. He laid back on the bed, and I covered his body with my own; just like he promised, we took it slow. There was heat, awkwardness, and pain, but most of all there was trust and love. It couldn’t have been a more perfect night if I’d dreamed it. We’d stayed up all night, talking in each other’s arms, and when the dawn broke we’d agreed to keep the night to ourselves. We were both accepted to different colleges, and knew that if we tried to have a long-distance relationship, there was a chance of failure, but if we remained friends, we would be in each other’s lives forever. We didn’t want to lose our friendship, or change the dynamic of our group, so we made a pact to keep it a secret.

  And we had kept that secret, until he decided to marry Victoria, and I knew I couldn’t let him enter into a marriage that would make him unhappy. So, I’d told Shelly and Sasha our story, and came up with the idea for the intervention.

  “Gaby … Gabs … Hey, you okay?” Scott’s voice pulled me out of our memory and back to the present. I looked up to see him standing over me, a worried look on his face.

  “Hmmm?” I asked, unsure of how long he’d been standing there trying to get my attention.

  “I’ve been calling your name for a few minutes; you were really out of it,” he paused and smiled at me, and I could feel the flush run across my skin. “What were you thinking about?”

  Chapter 7 – Scott

  Gaby’s face was free of makeup, so the blush tinted her cheeks prettily. She wasn’t one to blush easily, so when she muttered, “Nothing,” I knew she was lying, and wondered why.

  She looked fresh and pretty in her chef whites, her eyes a vivid blue, light freckles scattered across her nose. The tightening of my chest when I gazed at her was so familiar, I barely registered my reaction. “How are you doing?” she asked, changing the subject as she gestured to the seat in front of her, indicating I should sit.

  I pulled out the wrought-iron chair and settled in across from her.

  “I’m okay,” I answered truthfully. “I broke things off with Victoria. You guys were right, and although I knew things weren’t going to work out months ago, it almost felt like I was stuck. When I tried to break it off with her last time, I was fully resolved with my decision, until I spoke with her face to face. I don’t know what it is, Gaby, but when she fought me on it, then started crying, I gave in. I guess it was easier that way,” I chuckled humorously. “I know that makes me seem like a pushover, but I was dealing with her the same way my father dealt with my mother, without even realizing it. Now that I’ve had time to reflect on it, I realized that Victoria’s and my relationship was already exactly like theirs, and that’s not the way I want to live my life. I’m sorry that I hurt her, but I honestly think that we will both be better for it, and I’m happy with my decision.” I stared into her eyes, eager to convey my message. “Thank you for helping me see that.”

  Gaby blinked, her eyes misty, and said, “I’m sorry that she got hurt … truly. But like I said at Cal and Shelly’s that day, you’re our priority, and we couldn’t stand to see you miserable. I hope you know that everything we said was out of love for you, and I hope you didn’t feel like we were ganging up on you. I’m glad that you were able to take a step back and see the situation you were in before it got worse.”

  I reached my hand across the table, and when she placed hers in it, I squeezed gently. “I get where you were coming from, and I really appreciate it. I know it couldn’t have been easy, and I know how lucky I am to have friends like you.”

  She squeezed my hand back and smiled gently.

  “My mother’s supremely pissed,” I added with a chuckle.

  “I figured she would be,” Gaby said with a small laugh. “She already hates the lot of us, I’m sure this just solidified her feelings.”

  “Don’t worry about it, I’m not,” I responded truthfully. “Besides, my mother’s happiest when she’s supremely pissed.”

  “Well, if you’re happy, that’s all I care about,” Gaby replied. “I’m sorry, I didn’t even ask if you wanted coffee or anything.”

  I shook my head. “I’m good,” I said, although coffee sounded great. I wasn’t ready to lose the feel of her hand in mine. It felt … right. Just like everything about Gaby. As I sat there, surrounded by sweet smells and the sight of my favorite girl in front of me, I knew that I was holding on to the one person who not only understood me, what I wanted and what I needed, but was the only person I’d ever felt completely happy with. We’d only had one night together, but that one night was forever imbedded in my thoughts, and was my best memory.

  We’d agreed to not pursue a relationship at that time, because we were both going away to college. Then, when we returned home, one of us was always in a relationship. Then I was engaged to Victoria, and although we’d loved each other briefly, we’d soon become everything I’d spent my life hoping to avoid. Luckily, I’d realized the mistake I was making, and now I’d had time to reflect on what I really wanted in my life, and I had to wonder if it was finally our time…

  “So, I ah … know that you’ve been dating Brock.” I tried not to grimace when I said his name. I’m sure he was a good dude and all, everyone else seemed to like him, but he’s always been after Gaby, and right now he was standing in the way of what I wanted. “Is it serious?”

  Gaby’s eyes flashed up to mine, and I tried to keep my expression neutral.

  “Um, yeah, we’ve gone out a few times,” she said softly and I was very aware that her hand was still nestled in mine. The knot that had formed in my stomach unraveled when she added, “But it’s not serious. I’ve told him that I’m not ready for anything more than just dating for now.”

  Inside I was grinning like a loon and fist pumping like an idiot, but to Gaby I just replied, “That’s good … That you guys’ve communicated that stuff.”

  She looked at me curiously, but didn’t elaborate on their relationship, and to be honest, I didn’t want to hear anything else about it. If they were just casually dating, then in my eyes, Gaby was free, and it was long past time for me to stake my claim.

  It wouldn’t be quick, and it wouldn’t be easy, but I was willing to put in the work if it meant I finally got to have Gaby in the end. I was ready for happiness, and I knew for a fact that Gaby and I together equaled happiness. Now I just needed to come up with a plan to show her that we should be together.

  Gaby looked over at the clock, and I followed her gaze. It was time for me to head to work, and I knew that pretty soon the bakery would be swamped.

  “I’m gonna have to head out, but since I’m here, I’ll take some pastries in to
the office, and a coffee to go,” I said when her gaze shifted back to mine.

  She smiled sweetly and nodded, her hand leaving mine as she rose to go behind the counter. I looked down at my hand, bereft when the cool air hit the warm spot hers had just been. I planned to have a lot more hand holding with Gaby in my future. I grinned at the thought as I stood up to watch her filling a big white box with the assortment.

  I joined her by the register and paused with my wallet in my hand when her delicate fingers brushed my sleeve.

  “I’m so glad you came by,” Gaby said softly. “I was worried that you were upset with me, and I’m glad to see for myself that you’re doing okay.”

  “I could never be mad at you for helping me, Gabs,” I responded sincerely. “I just needed some time to come to terms with everything. I’m sorry I didn’t come by sooner. I hate that you were worried.”

  The smile that bloomed across her face at my words kicked my heart into overdrive, and I fought the need to lean across the counter and kiss her senseless.

  All in good time, I told myself as I reigned myself in. Be patient.

  “We were all talking about going to Jake’s to watch Brock’s band play tomorrow night. I’m not sure if Cal or TJ asked you yet, but I sure hope you’ll come,” Gaby said as she handed me my purchases.

  “I’d love to,” I replied with a grin. I was going to spend as much time with Gaby as I possible, especially when Brock was around. I had to get her to see that I was the only choice for her, and if that meant stepping on the other man’s toes, I was willing to do it.

  “Great,” Gaby said, beaming at me. “Have a good day.”

  “You too,” I responded. “Tell Kat I said hi. I’ll see you tomorrow night.”

  I took one last look at Gaby, smiling as she began filled a dome display with the signature croissants, then held the door open for a family that was entering the store. I opened the passenger door of my car, inspecting the box before placing it on the seat. The last thing I wanted was to get honey or something on the interior. Confident that it was clean, I put it down, then walked around to the driver’s side. I turned the car on, my eyes going to the bakery window, where I saw Gaby chatting happily with her customers, before I pulled away and zoomed off toward work.

  “Good morning, Maria,” I greeted my secretary as I walked into the office, dropping the white pastry box on her desk. “Would you mind putting these in the break room? I’m going to try and catch Mr. Brandt before his first meeting.”

  “Yes, of course,” Maria said as she rose from behind her desk. Maria was a petite woman, with dark skin and even darker hair. She always looked impeccable, and was beyond efficient at her job. I knew it wouldn’t be long before she moved up from this position. She was sharp as a tack, and kept my ass in line. “Mr. Brandt’s first appointment is in fifteen minutes.”

  I assumed she gathered her information by chatting with the other secretaries. Either that, or she was a witch. She was that good.

  I thanked her as I walked toward the executive office.

  “Is he available?” I asked Mr. Brandt’s secretary, Michael, when I entered the room.

  Michael pushed a button on his phone and spoke briefly before gesturing toward the large wooden doors, indicating I could enter.

  I nodded to him as I pushed open the heavy door and stepped inside.

  Mr. Brandt was pretty young to be the CEO of a major player like Brandt Industries. At thirty-one, he was the youngest of his competitors, but no one would ever accuse Carson Brandt of being anything other than formidable. He’d built his company from the ground up, and was admired in the community. He was my mentor, and my goal was to have a long career with his company.

  Brandt stood with his back to me, his perfectly tailored suit taut across his broad shoulders, and his jet-black hair immaculately styled. I said, “Good morning,” and he turned slowly to bring his intense blue gaze to me, taking in my suit and appearance, ensuring I was groomed to match his standards. I took pride in my appearance anyway, but I could admit to myself that impressing this man was important to me.

  “Scott,” he replied crisply as he moved forward to shake my hand. His grip was like steel, and the flash of welcome on his face was brief. He was not a man who revealed emotion, but I knew that he was someone that I could trust. “What can I do for you?”

  “I’m actually here with a personal request,” I replied smoothly. Brandt was a man who appreciated candor. “There’s a holiday weekend coming up, and I was hoping to secure one of the company houses for a getaway with my friends. It’s a four-day weekend, but I have some vacation days saved up … If you don’t need me, of course.”

  Brandt waved his hand absently and replied, “Check with Michael to see if any of them are available; if they are, you know I afford you complete access. Any time. As for the time off, as long as I’m assured that the Veteran’s Memorial account is on track, I think it’s a great idea for you to take some time off. Don’t think I haven’t noticed the hours that you’ve been putting in lately. And although I appreciate a man that works hard, I don’t want you to burn out.”

  “Thank you, sir,” I responded when Brandt rounded his desk to take his seat. I knew this indicated that he was ready to get back to work, and I was dismissed.

  I let myself out, and was pleased when Michael said that the lake house was available for the following weekend. Now I just needed to talk to the guys, and start putting my plan in place. I was going to woo Gaby, and if things worked out the way I hoped, she’d officially be mine by the end of our vacation.

  Chapter 8 – Gaby

  I’d finished curling my hair, leaving it in long waves down my back, when I heard the knock on my door, then heard the door open. Living on the same property as my mom and sister, Gwen, I was used to people coming in and out of my house.

  When my parents bought their house twenty-five years ago, they’d used this guest cottage for visitors. Eventually, my dad used it when they’d gotten into fights. After they divorced and he moved out, it had been mostly unused, then when I’d returned from college, my mom offered it to me. Although she protested, I paid rent, although much lower than it was worth, and saved up for when I got married and moved away.

  There was no doubt in my mind that I would get married and have children one day. I’d always know what I wanted, even as a young child, after my parents got divorced and Gwen and I’d seen my dad every other weekend. I wanted the family that we used to be.

  Before the fights. Before the divorce. I’d had a happy childhood, and I remembered how safe and loved I’d felt. I wanted to have that again.

  I loved my job at the bakery, and fully planned to eventually raise kids, be married to a man who loved me as much as I loved him, and keep a house that was safe and full of love.

  I just needed the right man, and, unfortunately, the man I’d always pictured living that life with me had just broken it off with his fiancée.

  When Scott and Victoria had gotten engaged, I’d been floored. I’d thought my dream was over, and I started dating and hoping I’d find the man I’d was meant to be with, because if Scott could marry someone else, then he obviously wasn’t the one. I’d started dating Brock, and in him I saw all of the qualities that I found endearing in a man, but now … Scott was single. And although I was sure that he was still getting over his relationship with Victoria, that niggling hope was back, and although I thought Brock was amazing … Brock wasn’t Scott.

  I flushed, guilty at the way my thoughts were going, when I heard Sasha and Shelly talking as they walked through my house.

  “What do you think?” I asked, turning to greet them in the open doorway. I was wearing tight jeans and an old Rolling Stones T-shirt, with my hair down and my makeup smoky. We were going to see Brock and his brothers play, and I wanted to look sexy, but understated.

  “You look hot!” Sasha exclaimed, the epitome of hot herself, in a tight mini skirt and a low-cut top.

  “Wow,” I proclaime
d as I took in her wild red mane and perfectly done-up face. “You look amazing! And so do you, Shel,” I added, turning to look at our other friend. Her dark hair was slicked back in a high ponytail, and she was also wearing jeans, but her blouse was low-cut, revealing her newly amble chest.

  “Thanks,” Shelly responded, her green eyes popping against her creamy skin. “I figured I’d better flaunt these babies while I’ve got ‘em.”

  “Nice,” I said with a grin. “I thought we were meeting at the bar.”

  “Well, I figured I could be the DD, since I’m protecting the babe from all things harmful,” Shelly said as she lovingly rubbed her belly. “So, I picked up Sasha, and Cal is picking up TJ and Scott, and we are meeting them there. That way, you guys don’t have to worry about driving, and can enjoy the night.”

  “Perfect,” I replied. “I’m ready if you are.”

  We walked out of my little cottage, without bothering to lock the door. Maybe it was naïve of me, but I’d grown up in this neighborhood, and with my mom and Gwen a few feet away, I felt comfortable leaving it open.

  I was about to climb into Shelly’s pickup when I noticed Gwen sitting on the front porch. Since it was almost ten o’clock at night, and my sister was usually in her pajamas reading by now, I told the girls, “Just one sec,” and went to check on my sister.

  “Hey, Gwennie, everything okay?” I asked when she looked up at my approach.

  Her blonde hair was little darker than mine, and shoulder length, but she had it pulled back in a messy ponytail, and her pretty face was clear of makeup, her expression troubled.