Read A Beautiful Fate Page 64


  Oh, my! I thought when I first saw the dress. It is beautiful. How did Margaux know? The French peau de soie garment was long and smooth against my skin. Thank goodness I put some healthy weight back on so my bones aren’t sticking out. I had kept up my cross training with Rory while in Montréal and was back to being lean and fit where it counted. The back of the dress plunged down low to the small of my back and the whole garment hung by thin wispy straps from my shoulders.

  Margaux despised my tattoos maybe even more than she despised me, but I didn’t care. They were very much a part of me and the contrast they brought to the day would be a perfect reminder that I am not perfect. The shoe surprise she had promised me had caused some anxiety; how could she know me so well when she seemed to dislike everything about me? She had personally designed a pair of black and white silk ballet flats. I loved them and thanked her a dozen times. She seem strangely gratified that I so clearly admired her efforts, and even hugged me before she left.

  Aggie pulled me out of bed again on Tuesday. She had planned a wedding shower, even though Ari and I had both nixed the idea. I spent a good chunk of the day at Gianna’s with a bunch of women, playing bridal games while Ari spent his whole day sailing. Not that I would ever get on a sailboat, but anything would have been better than the shower. It wasn’t that I didn’t appreciate of all the thoughtful gifts, kind words and support. I love Ari’s family. I just didn’t like so much attention being paid to me. Anxiety was close enough to the surface; I didn’t need to be the center of attention any more than necessary.

  The rest of the week followed the now established pattern. I spent nearly every waking hour with Aggie going over final touches and I spent each night curled up next to Ari.

  We picked Julia and Rory up from the airport on Wednesday and then August on Thursday.

  “Any luck with Smith?” I asked as soon as we saw him walk out in to the main part of the airport.

  “I don’t want to talk about it.” He grumbled.

  “Ohh, August, I’m sorry! But you know a relationship would never have worked out anyway, what with you moving here and all. Don’t worry, we’ll find you a great guy who actually deserves you, I promise.” He threw his arm around my shoulder and we walked out to the car.

  Ari’s home was beginning to fill up with visitors and each time someone new walked through the door, my anxiety level crept up a notch.

  On Thursday night, I managed to slip away from Aggie a little early and had just gotten out of a hot shower and put on a pair of pajamas when I heard Andy call to me from his study.


  I peeked in through the open door.

  “Yeah, Andy, what’s up?”

  “Can I talk to you for a minute?”

  “Uh, sure,” I answered and walked into the study. He had finally gotten around to having the room re-painted. Tasteful art was hanging on the walls and his bookshelf was full of photos and books. I paused by it and glanced at them. He had photos from Ari’s graduation and photos of he and Lauren with surfboards. There were even photos of Ari and me.

  “Take a seat, Ava; I won’t keep you for too long.”

  I pulled out a chair across from Andy, who was sitting at his desk.

  “Ava, your finances are none of my business but I have a fair idea of what you are worth. I helped your father plan his estate in the event that he died and I am aware that he left it all to you. I also know that your mother had her own money that I am assuming she left to you as well, not to mention the money that you will one day inherit from baio. I think it may be in your best interest if you approach Ari with a pre-nuptial agreement.”

  I stared at Andy with my mouth open.

  “A pre-nup? Are you serious?”

  “I am serious, Ava. A pre-nup is just a tool designed for protecting assets. I wouldn’t have brought it up, but I feel morally obligated as both an attorney and your partner with House to Home. If you’d like I could get something written up tonight.”

  “Hey, what are you doing in here?” Ari popped his head in the doorway.

  “Ari, can you give us a minute, please? I won’t take long.” Andy looked up at him from his glasses.

  “Oh, yeah, sure.” Ari gave me a puzzled look and I smiled a weak smile at him before he closed the door.

  “Thank you for your concern, Andy, but I’m not interested.” I stated.

  He nodded his head, “That’s what I thought you would say. I just want to make sure you are aware that a pre-nup is an option you have. None of us will judge you if you opt to take advantage of it. Such an agreement would actually be a very smart avenue for you to take.”

  “Thank you. I appreciate the advice. I really do, but no.”

  “Ava, can I ask you something?”


  “Does Ari have any clue how much you are worth?”

  I scrunched my nose up thinking. “I don’t know. Does he?”

  Andy laughed aloud. “I wouldn’t know, Ava. Maybe you should talk with him about it. Let him know what he is marrying into.”

  “Oh, ok.” I stood up to leave.

  “Good night, Ava.”

  “Night, Andy, and thanks again.”

  I climbed into Ari’s bed and he found me there seconds later. I was lying on my stomach with my head buried in a pillow. Ari sat down beside me and traced small circles on my back.

  “Are you going to tell me what you two were talking about in there?”

  I rolled over to face him. “Your dad has just suggested that I consider a pre-nuptial agreement.”

  “What?” Ari laughed. “That’s nuts; why would he do that?”

  “Um, I don’t know how to say this, but I have a lot of money.”

  Ari gave me a confused smile.

  “What do you mean by ‘a lot of money’?”

  I giggled. “I am filthy stinkin’ rich, Ari. I have more money than I know what to do with. And your dad suggested I consider a pre-nup in case something bad ever happens between us.”

  “How much money are you talking about, Ava?” Ari frowned.

  “Oh, I honestly don’t know; I’ve never looked into it before. I know I have millions. I make thousands of dollars every day on interest alone. At least that’s what my finance guy told me.”

  “What do you spend it on?”

  I shrugged. “Nothing. You know me. I don’t buy anything but clothes and music. I donate monthly to a list charities and I financed our wedding but that’s really it. Why, do you want something? I called the bank last week and they are putting your name on all the accounts, while they change mine to Alexander. If you want something, all you have to do is go down there and sign some documents so your signature is on file.”

  I stood up and walked over to the little drawer I had for my belongings in Ari’s closet and pulled out a set of keys.

  “These are for the safety deposit boxes. We have three of them. If you ever need quick cash, I keep $9,900.00 in each of them, along with some jewelry and stuff that you probably won’t be interested in; Lauren knows where they are if you are ever in a pinch.”

  “When were you going to tell me this?”

  “I’m really sorry, Ari. I figured you already knew.”

  “How would I know that, Ava? You never talk about this stuff. Did my dad get the documents ready to sign or is he working on them now?”


  “The pre-nup. Is it ready?”

  I gawked at him.

  “I told your dad no. We aren’t signing anything. I love you. I want to marry you and live with you forever in our house next door. I want you to have whatever you want whenever you want it. I don’t ever want to lose you. If you left me, I would die inside and nothing else would matter.”

  “Are you sure about this?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  “Wow, Ava, this is a lot to take in.”

  “It’s just money. It doesn’t change anything – I’m still me. So, you didn’t
answer my question. What do you want? Let’s go buy it.”

  “I don’t want anything. Just you. . . well, you on August Fourth at ten o’clock.”

  I blushed and Ari snuggled in next to me under the blankets.