Read A Beautiful Fate Page 65


  I spent all day Friday with Aggie, Gianna, Julia, Lauren and a million other female members of Ari’s family at a spa. I had my nails painted their usual color, and I had a facial. I stayed quiet and tried my best to look interested in whatever mundane conversation was going on, but the truth was that I was afraid if I opened my mouth to speak, I might throw up.

  Ari had a much better day than I did. The guys surfed all day and Lauren let August try out her board. Watching August try to surf was a scene I really would have been happy to see, but there had been those nails to do and that face to take care of. . .

  I met up with them Friday night on Aggie and Andy’s deck. Everyone was hanging around, drinking and talking. Ari had my favorite Angus & Julia Stone album playing and when “The Wedding Song” played, he pulled me to my feet and held me close and we danced. He sang quietly into my ear ad I felt the nervous tension drain away. When the song ended, he asked, “Will you give me your forever and ever, Ava Baio?”

  “You already have it, Ari. You have had it since the moment I laid eyes on you.” He kissed me one last time before we were man and wife.

  Aggie insisted that Ari sleep at our new house and I stay with them in Ari’s old room. She didn’t want him to see me before I walked down the aisle. I thought sleeping apart was a little more trouble than it might be worth, but I agreed to her plan just the same.