Read A Blunder Worth Telling Page 5

  Chapter 14

  I tried to maintain a significant distance from Tanya. I didn’t talked to her, also I didn’t reply to her message and calls. I wanted to show my anger to her. Next day I went late for the class and as soon as Tanya tried to approach towards me after the class, I went outside and made sure that our eyes don’t meet or I will not be able to stop myself from talking to her.

  “Where's Harsh.” Tanya said next day in canteen.

  “We don’t know, his behavior has changed a bit from yesterday. He talks less. ” Aarav said.

  “And that's all because of me.” Tanya said.

  “Why what happened any fight between you and him.” He said.

  “No just…” and Aanya told Aarav whole matter that happened yesterday.

  “No problem don't take tension he would be fine and will get normal in few days.” Aarav said.

  “That's okay but I hurt him, I want to talk to him anyhow.” Tanya said.

  “Try, Try Of course he would.” Aarav said.

  I was so tensed and confused that I didn’t attend my next class. I wanted to talk to her, ask her, fight with her but then also I didn’t because of my anger.

  At night

  “Come Harsh eat something.” Aarav said.

  “No my stomach is full already.” I said.

  “With air. Right?” He said.

  “Come Let's have a walk.” He said.

  We went for a walk outside and our conversation started.

  “So tell me what is the problem between you and Tanya, from yesterday you both are very worried. Why are you trying to ignore her.” He said.

  “No actually I do want to talk to her but I couldn’t. She broke our rule and hurt me, She never tell me anything.” I said.

  “Go and talk to her, running away isn’t the solution of any problem.” He said.

  I already said I want to, but what would I say to her from which right do I ask her anything.” I said.

  “Both of your situations are same. Both of you are suffering from equal troubles. I have seen a curiosity on both of your faces to talk to each other and also a pain and sadness today. Truly speaking I think you both like each other and are made for each other. I know you love Aanya but you are forcing yourself to love her. Think one day about this that are you more happy in spending time with Tanya or Aanya. You also do like her as she does but you haven't realized that yet and please realize it before it’s too late.” Aarav said.

  His lecture gave me a shock.

  “No you are surely wrong. Tanya is very good and old friend of mine. I enjoy every moment being with her but that doesn’t mean I love her.” I said.

  Though I was speaking some big dialogues, like she is only my friend etc. But I was still confused that whether I was sure about what I was speaking or not. In all this confusion I didn’t even noticed that Aarav left me alone in the corridor. Someone from behind put a hand on my shoulder.

  “ Sorry.” Tanya said as she was standing behind me.

  “No need for it.” I turned around and said.

  “There’s a need please let me speak. You are best friend of mine and frankly being more clear you are the only person with whom I can share all my feelings and I can’t live alone without you even for one day. I know you are angry with me but I promise that one day I will tell you that one day when the time comes I will tell you that thing on my own without any hesitation. Please now forgive me. I know I hurt you but ‘you ignoring me’ is hurting me even more than that. I am very tensed can’t sleep eat or do anything. Please forgive me.” She said very seriously.

  “Oh! You girls. From where do you bring such emotional dialogues. I know that my heart will melt as soon as I talk to you, that's why I was avoiding you. Now see. Yes I do agree you are my best friend and even more than that and so I can’t be angry with you for so long. Sorry for all the tensions.” I said.

  “See now we both are relaxed and could get a good sleep.” She said.

  “In friendship these ups and downs are required, these all stuff makes the friendship more powerful and these will become our memories afterwards which we will always remember with a broad smile on our face.” I said.

  “So when are we going to have a fight, to make our bond more powerful.” She said.

  “I hope soon.” I said.”

  “I am feeling sleepy but still I could manage for ten minutes, so let's walk and talk.” She said.

  “Okay.” I said and we started walking. We were alone in the whole corridor

  “So what are your future plans.” I asked.

  “Just to be the best dancer and to be famous, that’s all but I think I can’t .” She said.

  “Why are you demotivating yourself, just do hard work and put yourself into it, I know one day you will be the best dancer in the world.” I said.

  She smiled.

  “What’s your plan about your future, you never told anything regarding it and it's also difficult to guess. Mr. footballer or something else.” She said.

  “No not the footballer I only want to be someone who is different from others, who could be identified in the crowd of many. That's all I want to be.” I said.

  “Quite different plan you have and I know you will always succeed.” She said and smiled.

  “Then we walked few more steps quietly enjoying the cool breeze and the deep silence of the atmosphere around us. The weather was awesome. We stopped after a while.

  “I think now we should go to sleep or we would not be able to wake up tomorrow. So Bye Good night have sweet dreams see you tomorrow.” She said.

  “Hmm bye Good night. Take care.” I said and we separated.

  Chapter 15

  From next day again everything went normal. I thought about what Aarav had said, but it only gave me tensions and confusions, so I left thinking about it. As already said now bond of friendship between me and Tanya was growing to be stronger day by day. After that fight we became even more close to each other and enjoyed each other's company. Shashwat was trying hard to impress her but he couldn’t, also he didn’t want to say anything directly to her as it could affect their friendship so it was becoming nearly impossible, but remember there is no word like impossible in dictionary of love. So he never lost his hope. I was still following Aanya and now I could feel that she was comfortable with me. I won her trust and now could succeed. Aarav was living his life happily and never made anyone realize about the pain in his heart but I never forgot my promise. Tanay was increasing his concentration power and now was focusing on his studies. Now my main aim was to make Aanya realize that I am the guy she desired of. Like her for me also meaning of love was simple ‘The relationship of trust.’ For me also it was not a time pass but a bond forever. Only few amendments were required in me to be the perfect guy for her. Tanya never talked about her love secret again and I also never forced her as she said that at the right moment she would tell me on her own so I waited for the right moment to come.

  After 2 weeks

  In the night we were eating and were having fun. Everyone was enjoying the meal except Aanya. She was in a serious mood no one noticed that but I do.

  “What happened to you.” I said to Aanya.

  “Nothing.. I am sad because I have to leave u all.” She said.

  “What.” Everybody said but my ‘What’ sounded a bit loud and different.

  “Let me complete. I have to leave you all for one month and go back to my home. My father is ill and his condition is serious so I must go.” She said.

  I couldn’t believe what she just said. This was unexpected.

  “When you have to move.” I asked.

  “Today.” She said.

  “Oh! What? And you are telling us now. ” I sounded a bit angry.

  “If it wasn’t important then we would have never let you go.” Tanya said.

  “I will miss you all.” She said and all of us parted.

  Those one month were very tough for me. We also didn’t chatted, she called
after some days as she was with her father and it was her family time and I didn’t want to disturb her. But Tanya never let me feel alone. She made that month easier for me to pass and my friends Shashwat, Aarav and Tanay, they were just awesome. No one could ever be sad or could feel alone living with them. According to my calculations Tanya's birthday was near and I was planning something special for her. Giving gifts and planning something for any of your special one is always difficult. Though we all know that anything we give to that special one with love is always unique but then also the selection is very difficult and it took me five days to decide and to plan her gift.

  “Happy birthday dear. Not saying much on the text just meet me tomorrow at 7:00 Am in the corridor.” I messaged her at 12:00 at night as today was her birthday. I was feeling so much sleepy that didn’t even waited for her reply and slept also I have to woke up early in the morning next day for all the preparations so I was in a hurry to sleep.

  In the morning I woke up on time checked my phone, it was message from Tanya “Thank you very much and I will be there.” Aarav, Tanay and Shashwat were also involved in my plan so we all started preparing for it.

  In the corridor she came searching for us.

  “Anyone here. Harsh?” She said. She walked few more steps and then suddenly the music started and we all three appeared with the birthday caps like we wore when we were small kids. We shouted ‘Happy birthday' and started dancing on the beat. Though we all were bad dancers then also we danced just to make her happy. We danced a lot on the corridor leaving all our shyness only for her. She burst out laughing seeing our dance and joined us. After few dance moves with her I bought the cake and the fun continued.

  “So let's move to class.” Tanya said.

  “Who said that we would attend class today. Not every day a young girl turns 19. Are you saving yourself from throwing the treat to us. Sorry but no that's not possible. There’s no escape. ” I said.

  “Ha ha very funny. So let's move for the party. Tell me where do you want the party.” She said.

  “You are the birthday girl your place, your time.” I said.

  “Hmm.. I am missing Aanya too much. How come our fun would be complete without her.” She said.

  “Same here.” I said and everyone laughed.

  We went out to party. Shashwat tried to interact to her and they got some time to talk alone. Whole day we partied hard went here and there on streets and enjoyed. Living with friends was superb. It' s the most beautiful part of the life that surely one would never forget. There's no more beautiful life than that of a student. Enjoy it as much as you could as those moments will never be back in your hands.

  At night we came back in the hostel after lot of enjoyment and snaps, everyone was tired but then also we decided to sit and talk for some time as it was only one day when you had your best friend's birthday and I wanted to make that day as much special as I could for her.

  “So Tanya any wish you have that we could complete.” I said.

  “Yes I only have one wish that friends like you all always remain with me till my last breath. And yes a big, big Thanks for all the surprises and dance what you did today.” She said and smiled.

  Then after some talks we retreated to our beds. First time in night I thought of her instead of Aanya, she was in my dreams but as she was the birthday girl so I didn’t paid much attention to it and just slept.

  Chapter 16

  Now I was getting very much confused about Tanya. Do I love her? Have I got a feeling for her? Was Aarav right that we are made for each other? Each time I thought about it, my mind just burst with tension. I thought of confessing it to her but what would I say. I didn’t got a clue. I knew she was perfect and we were very old friends also she cared for me and understood me better than anyone else did, but then also we were just friends. This tension only remained for few days and after a lot of contradictory thoughts arising in my mind I came to one last point that, I love Aanya and Tanya is a very good friend of mine that's all. I was thinking more about it than required and that's all because of Aarav. Finally my mindset was clear and I gave my mind many reasons clearing all thoughts about Tanya and Aanya. First of all I and Tanya were such good friends that it must had led Aarav to a confusion and I took it as a positive sign for our friendship. Then I had spent such good moments with her that they all were coming in my mind one after the other. Actually all my good moments were coming in my dreams, what could I do if she was a part of all of them. Another thing that if I had loved her then why would I have got attracted towards Aanya so much? Why would I miss her so much? Why would I have love at first sight with Aanya rather than Tanya? These were all the clarifications given by mind to my heart.

  After few weeks I forgot about all these stuff and now was waiting anxiously for Aanya's return. One month had already passed and there was no updates from her. One night she called me.

  “Hello.” She said.

  “After a very long time.” I said.

  “Ya just got busy.” She said.

  “So your father's okay now and when are you planning to return.” I said.

  “That’s why I have called you to tell that tomorrow I am returning back and now my father is fine.” She said.

  “Oh very good then. We all are waiting for you. Our group is incomplete without you. Come back fast.” I said.

  “Okay Mr. Wait till tomorrow I am coming with surprises for you all.” She said.

  “ What surprises.” I said.

  “Oh my god it's a surprise and you are asking what surprise. So funny.” She said.

  “Okay then I will wait till tomorrow.” I said.

  “So how had your one month passed without me.” She said. But realizing that it was an awkward question soon added.

  “Means what sort of fun you all did.” She said.

  How can I tell her that this was the most difficult month of mine to live without her. I didn’t got a reason to wake early, I didn’t got a reason to follow someone. All the reasons were snatched from me.

  “Hello! Are you there?” She asked.

  “Yes I am” I said.

  “Okay I got to go talk to you later and see you tomorrow. Bye.” She said and cut the phone.

  She was in a hurry and didn’t even waited for my reply. Whole night I thought about her, I was eagerly waiting for tomorrow, and didn’t even slept in the excitement. What will be her surprise for me. The most awaited question that kept my eyes opened. Next day I went to the hall early, I was to first one to reach the hall before Abhishek and seeing that no one was in the hall, I sat on a chair but after some time I came out and started roaming in the corridor. It was 4:30 Am and the surrounding was mesmerizing.

  “Harsh.” Someone called me from behind and I knew that it was the voice of Aanya. I turned back there was very less light as it was dusk but it was enough for me to identify her. She was standing in other corner of the corridor with her bags. I ran towards her, she ran towards me like the one romantic couple in films stopped at some distance from each other took a deep breath and then hugged each other. She was in my arms, I couldn’t believe that. The cold breeze blew and felt even more cooler that made the moment more romantic. I could feel her breathing hard as she came running for me. I wanted this moment to be paused. We both closed our eyes to live this dream together.

  “I have realized Harsh that I can’t live without you. One month away from you was like years of separation. I couldn’t wait any more and so came running for you. You are my destiny, you are my life. I am mad for you and finally I say I do love you, and really mean these words, they are coming from the bottom of my heart.” She said.

  I was surprised and didn’t expected such a reply from her at all. I didn’t know what to say next my mind stopped working and my heart started beating faster. I was so much happy that I couldn’t express my emotions. I got the girl I loved now she was mine nothing could come between us.

  “I love you too.” I said and closed my eyes to
be with here forever.

  Chapter 17

  “What are you doing here.” She shouted. I opened my eyes. It was Aanya shouting in the hall, where I had slept. She was standing with a bag in her hand and we were still a far distance away from each other. What! This means whatever I had seen was just a daydream. I couldn’t believe this had happened to me. I closed my eyes, opened them again rubbed them, again and again in a hope that the reality what was in front of me changes back to my dream. I had felt so much sleepy that I fell asleep on one of the desk of the hall and was enjoying my dream till Aanya woke me up. Oh my dream, how beautiful it was , how lucky I would be if it had been true. I felt very disappointed. I wanted to close my eyes and go back to my dreamland but Aanya was standing in front of me and in reality this could be the more beautiful part.

  “What are you doing here at this time.” She looked at her watch it was 5:00 Am.

  “Nothing just…” I wanted to say that I had been deadly waiting for her but I didn’t.

  “I was out for a morning walk.” I said.

  “Here in the hall and that also while sleeping.” She laughed.

  “I don’t know how I slept. The only thing is that I was enjoying my dream and wish they come true.” I said.

  “Ahaa! It’s a morning dream. It must will come true.” She said and smiled.

  “Now someone tell her that my dream was in her hand. She was the owner of my dream. Only she could decide whether my dream would come true or not.” I thought.

  I smiled.

  “So finally you are back.” A broad smile came on my face.

  “So how were your holidays. ” I said.

  “Just okay because they were exactly not the holidays. First of all I was very busy and second without you all friends everything seemed bitter.” She said.

  “We also missed you a lot and have a lot of stories to tell you.” I said.

  “Yes sure I also have a plenty of time to hear but now I have to go to the hostel to change and get ready to attend today's class. We will talk in break time.” She said.

  “Ya sure.” I said.

  “What will you do till then? ” She asked.

  “I don’t know, better if I sleep again.” I said.