Read A Blunder Worth Telling Page 6

  She laughed and moved from there.

  I banged my head in the desk in anger and got hurt. All my preparations of welcoming her, questioning her about the surprise and making her feel awesome had gone wasted. I had behaved like a dumb in front of her. Also though my dream was beautiful but it hurt me and was very painful as whatever it was, it was just a dream and nothing in it connected to the reality. The most amazing part of all was that out of all the anger, pain and other hateful stuff I was very happy seeing her again. It was like after years I had seen her. My heart again grew with a new hope and affection towards her.

  In break time.

  “So finally back again.” Tanya said.

  “Hmm right, yes I am.” Aanya said.

  “So how are you.” Tanya said.

  “Now feeling awesome with you all.” She said.

  “We are the awesome one.” Aarav said.

  “Someone missed you a lot.” Tanay said, his sign was towards me and everyone looked at me from the corner of their eyes making fun of me.

  “Who.” Aanya said.

  “We all. Who else.” Tanay said.

  “Oh! I also missed you all a lot too.” She said.

  Tanya bought something to eat for all of us.

  “Why all this.” I said.

  “You haven’t eaten anything from morning. Aren’t you hungry and you are saying why all this.” She said.

  “Oh! Yes thanks.” I said.

  She gave me a ridiculous expression as I said her thanks, I also said sorry in signs.

  “So that's a treat. I think.” Aarav said.

  “No that was only a treat for Aanya but you hungry people can't be stopped so that’s a treat for you all too and yes always remember this.” She said and laughed. Shashwat too laughed very loudly like it was a very good joke but no one else joined them.

  “So here I go with surprises for you all.” Aanya said.

  “Oh yes! Show us we are anxiously waiting for it.” Aarav said.

  “Here’s come jewelry for Tanya.” She said.

  “Thank you my girl.” Tanya said.

  “A watch for Aarav.” She said.

  “Thank you Miss.” Aarav said.

  “An empty wallet for Tanay.” She laughed and passed it to him.

  “Very big thank you. I will fill it don’t take tension.” Tanay said.

  “A set of headphones for Shashwat. Fill your life with some music. ” She said.

  “Thanks. Definitely I will”. Shashwat said.

  “And here's the gift that took most of time to decide that what to give, A football for Mr. Footballer.” She said passed the ball and started laughing.

  Thank you very much.” I said. I was happy that she cared for my interests and had thought even for a minute about me. We all thanked her specially I thanked her ten times for the gift.

  “We too had planned something for you.” Tanya said.

  Though none of us knew the plan. Actually there was no such plan neither did Tanya told any of us about this, but she signaled me that she didn’t got enough time to tell us about all the planning. We mostly talked in eyes so as no one else could hear our talks. She gave her a beautiful dress on behalf of us all and Aanya promised us to wear it on any of the latest upcoming occasions. And I knew that she would look an angel in that beautiful dress.

  Chapter 18

  At night

  I was chatting with Tanya and Tanay was looking at my smile continuously and was observing me from a long time. Firstly I ignored him but after some time I can’t, as it irritated me.

  “What.” I said.

  “Nothing. Can I borrow your few minutes I want to talk.” He said.

  “Now?” I said.

  “Yes now.” He said.

  “Okay say.” I said.

  “No not here. Let’s move out.” He said an we moved out.

  “So now tell what is it.” I said.

  “Tanya is awesome for you and you too are good for her. Your pair is awesome and you both will be very much happy with each other. I know you will be feeling that I am mad and talking rubbish but I think that Tanya and you like each other. The way she cares for you and you too for her is awesome. Yes everything is awesome about you both. The problem is that you had never thought about her and that's the reason you always ignore this talk. I know somewhere in your heart you too have a feeling for her. You are forcing yourself to love Aanya. Just come out of her and see that, Is someone there better for you than her. Definitely you will see Tanya being the first one.” He said.

  “Are you and Aarav playing some prank on me. If it is then I am not a fool.” I said.

  “No, it’s not a prank we are telling you what we feel is good for you and you must think about it.” He said.

  “I have already made my thoughts clear about that. There's nothing to think I and Tanya are just friends and you both are seeing a bit more in us and now I can’t explain you all the whole thing again as I already did to Aarav, so just leave this topic.” I said.

  “Hmm.” He said and we parted.

  I agree that I was happy with Tanya but that doesn’t meant that I was in love with her. Again her thoughts surrounded my mind and I can’t delete them from my memory at all.

  Same time Another place

  “Hey Aanya do you know something.” Tanya said.

  “What.” Aanya said.

  “Should I ask you or tell you about it.” She said.

  “As per you choice.” Aanya said.

  “What do you feel about Harsh? ” She asked.

  “He is nice and a very good friend of mine also I feel he cares for me and yes he is the best one for me in our group after you. I feel.” Aanya said.

  “Oh! But do you know. Harsh is in love with you and this is not something which happened in a day or few but since the day he had seen you, he only talks about you, thinks of you and for him everything starts and ends on you. As I would say he is a very nice guy and I can assure you that he will never disappoint you and will love you always. I plead you to just think once about him. Can you be happy with him and then take any decision.” Tanya said.

  “Of course, I had got signs about it before also. He is a nice guy and yes I can at least think about him but give me some time, I don’t want to hurry in these type of matters. So I will think.” Aanya said.

  Tanya soon messaged me the whole matter. I was happy knowing that at least Aanya would think of me, also I was thankful to Tanya for the help but as I was tensed by the talks of Aarav and Tanay so I decided to ignore Tanya and for few day just to remain away from her so that every doubt of Aarav and Tanay about us get cleared and I too will get some time to clear my mindset and all the confusions regarding her. This decision was hard as I couldn’t simply ignore my best friend with whom I had spent most of the part of my college life but I had to take this decision in pressure. Now while writing this book I think that this was a very wrong decision from my side that was somehow influenced by others. I took an immediate step without thinking anything about it and now I do repent for it.

  I didn’t replied for her message and tried to sleep. I can’t sleep but then also to satisfy myself I closed my eyes and tried hard. Lot of things were running in my mind that distracted me. First time ever Aanya didn’t came in my dreams even for a moment I even forgot that there was someone named Aanya, not only her I forgot the whole world only I was thinking of Tanya. Will it be right what I am going to do. This will definitely hurt her a lot and I too will be hurt by my this decision but there was nothing else I could do.

  Next day I went late for the class. At notice board I found out that there will be a parents meet next week. Hearing this my eyes went directly on Aarav. His face looked disappointed but as I promised myself, I will remove this disappointment of his face. Tanya passed me a smile in class, I couldn’t stop myself from passing it back but then also I avoided her and didn’t spoke a single word to her. In the break time instead of going to the canteen I went to my room for rest and also
to ignore Tanya.

  “Where are you.” A message from Tanya came on my mobile. She was searching for me and from yesterday she was trying to contact me.

  After 10 minutes

  “Are you ignoring me.” Again message from her flashed on my screen.

  “I am giving her tension and I am also getting tensions by doing all this.” I thought. Seeing her and then ignoring her was the most difficult part for me. I can’t do this and surely required some change of mood and to think for a change I switched off my phone went for a short nap.

  Chapter 19

  A short nap was always helpful for me, I felt relaxed and got a brilliant idea. Everyone would be happy by my decision and also no one would object. For the execution of my idea. I wrote a letter and went away.

  “Sorry my friends I am switching my phone off and going somewhere with a plan. I can't tell you what is it. I can only tell you that I am going for a good purpose and will be back in one week. Miss u all.” Aarav read my letter.

  “Any guesses where he could be.” Shashwat said.

  “Just wherever he is prey that he succeed for whatever reason he has gone.” Aanya said.

  At Punjab Airport

  I was here in Punjab to meet Aarav's parents and let them realize how badly their son was hurt. Yes, I was here to complete my promise, and to see Aarav smiling I could do anything. This was the idea I had in my mind to give a surprise to Aarav. To capture best moment of his life and this was also to distract my mind from all the tensions. So my motto was clear as I landed on Punjab airport. I already had taken Aarav's address from his college form and was fully ready to execute my plan. I took a cab and reached the given address . His family was rich, it looked from outside as there was a huge villa in which they lived. I rang the bell a lady came out. She must be his mother. I thought. She looked like a working women.

  “Namaste.” I said to her with bending a little and behaved like a well-mannered boy.

  “I am Aarav's friend. I am here to talk to you.” I showed my id card and a photo of mine with him so that she doesn’t think I am fooling them or I am a thief.

  “Oh come.” She welcomed me.

  There were many servants who were busy in welcoming me and it was a royal and a warm welcome. His father came.

  “Hello sir.” I said.

  “Oh sit.” He said.

  “I want to talk to both of you that's why I am here. Can I borrow some of your precious time from you.” I said.

  “Of course you can but not now. At present we both are leaving for office and doesn’t have much time.” He said.

  “Okay.” I said.

  “You can come at 8:00 PM today. We are free then.” He said.

  “Okay sir I will be here.” I said.

  I came out and thought that Aarav was right, they were so busy in all their works that they even didn’t asked me how their son was or what was the matter that I came here to meet them. They didn’t enquired anything about him. I felt very bad for Aarav.

  I got enough time to travel here and there. I visited many beautiful places and loved the city. The beauty of Punjab and also the food was amazing. I was missing my friends badly, how beautiful this moment would be if they were with me. The Dhabas in the Punjab provided quality food and the people there were very frank, polite and loving.

  At night I went back to Aarav's home and hoped that now his parents would be free to listen me.

  Inside the house.

  “So tell us now. Why are you here and How's our son.” His father said.

  “He is good and I must say he is very nice guy.” I said.

  “Oh okay then. So tell us what you want to say.” He said.

  “Sir your son loves you both very much but he has never received the same from you both. You were always busy in your jobs, I know you were doing hard work for better future of your son but at that sake his present is risked. He misses you both badly and want's your love……” and going on I gave a very big lecture and told everything what had happened on the day Aarav cried for them. I made them realize that what a big mistake they were doing. Silence filled in the room. They had never thought that their son was feeling alone, as they were busy in rush of richness.

  “What could we do now?” He said.

  “There's a parents meet this week. I request you to come. Your son will be very happy seeing you.

  “Okay.” He said.

  This was the only talking between us. They were shocked by knowing what their son thought. They couldn’t believe that their son had developed such a hatred for them. I also didn’t disturbed them or said anything to them and left back for Delhi. I was very disappointed on the thought that they didn’t replied whether they will come or not, their faces were expressionless so I was not even able to read their faces. I tried my best but then also I failed to give Aarav his happiness back, and I was really sad for it.

  Chapter 20

  Now during whole this trip I thought about all my friends specially Tanya and Aanya and realized their importance. For Aanya I was thinking that whether she would be missing me or not and for Tanya I was still confused whether I should ignore her or not. By ignoring her I was thinking more about her and was developing a feeling for her. In all this matter I forgot to inform my parents about the parents meet. So I decided that I will reach there late and till then will see some more stuff of Punjab.

  On parents meet day

  I reached my college. I wanted to run inside to see my friends. I was dying to see them so I started running towards the hall where the meet was to be organized and the scene in front of my eyes filled me with emotions. Aarav was hugging his father and mother, Tears were everywhere from their heart to eyes on my eyes too, and while remembering the happiness of that moment on this paper too. I couldn’t express how happy I was, it felt like a big achievement to me. Yes I did it, if I was so much happy you can imagine happiness of Aarav. There were lot of hugs and that was a very emotional moment. All of my friends were standing beside Aarav looking at the wonderful moment.

  “Hey look.. Harsh” Tanay said as he pointed towards me from some distance. Everyone looked at me. I went forward to join the group. I was trying to hide my tears but as soon as I reached their Aarav hugged me.

  “Oh you. A big thank you. I can never ever repay you this loan given to me. I can never forget you.” He said and listening to his such emotional dialogues I couldn’t stop my tears.

  “Uncle and Aunty have told us all the story, how you reached Punjab and convinced them. You are True friend really we have no words for you.” Tanya said.

  I just smiled and avoided an eye contact with her.

  “This is the biggest surprise for me in my whole life. I loved it. Thank you.” Aarav said.

  “No thanks in friendship. It was my duty to at least try and thanks to your parents that they understood me and made my try successful.” I said.

  They attended the parents meet and everything went normal and everyone was happy specially Aarav.

  Next day all parents returned and our normal schedule started which was not at all normal for me. Aarav was even more energetic and happy as he had never been before, so entertainment was at its peak. Now everyone's life was getting complete and settled, Aarav was happy as he got his parents love, Tanay was happy in himself as that big fat ‘Lub you' girl stopped irritating him. Shashwat’s life was also running fine. Only story of Tanya, me and Aanya were in the middle of the Great Indian ocean in which everywhere you look around from the far most point to the deepness of my heart was filled with love, pain and confusions. From class, to break times to messaging I started ignoring Tanya means my full concentration was on her. By mistake I was giving a special position to her. Now she also understood that I have been avoiding her. Then also she didn’t lost her hope and daily tried to talk to me and message me called me and irritated me till I switched off my phone. Though she knew that I avoided her but then also she never told anyone for help and always kept trying. This was the be
st part of her she never lost hope or got angry from me, that why I was doing this to her.

  After 1 week

  I was passing by the hall to attend my class as decided and planned I always came last in the class just 2 minutes after the professor came and was the first one to leave the class. Someone snatched my hand before I entered in the class from outside and took me to a corner. As expected it was Tanya.

  “What do you want?” She said.

  “Nothing.” I said avoiding the eye contact.

  “Look in my eyes.” She said. I looked in her eyes filled with deep pain and questions for me.

  “Then why are you doing this.” She said.

  “What.” I said behaving as if I was not aware about what she was talking.

  Everyone passing in the corridor was looking at us.

  “If you consider me something in your life just meet me at 7 outside the campus at the main gate. Remember on the first day you asked me for a dinner. Today I am pleading you for a dinner. I am asking you nothing, saying you nothing, Just be there.” She said and left.

  Chapter 21

  After class

  Her tone sounded as she was blackmailing me, I had no choice. I must go, but I knew if I would, everything would again be normal. So again a big cloud of confusion covered me from all sides.

  “Should I go, should I not.” I was reciting all these words by tearing the pages of my notebook.

  “What happened? Have you gone mad.” Shashwat said.

  “No nothing.” I said.

  “Okay. You know now I have decided that on this coming Valentine’s day I am going to propose Tanya. Sounds good ? Any plan by you? ” He said.

  “Yes it is. I am also planning to propose Aanya.” I said. Actually there was no such plan before but I got this idea listening to Shashwat, the idea was just to close the matter as fast as possible and this could only be done by proposing any.

  “Oh! Wow. This is the spirit of true brothers for life.” He said.

  “Yes we are.” I said.

  As the time was approaching towards 7 my heart beats were increasing. In the middle of a yes and no finally I reached the main gate on time. I couldn’t hurt her anymore and so I must go. I thought in my mind and went there.

  “I am happy you came.” She said smiling.