Read A Blunder Worth Telling Page 7

  She was looking beautiful. I couldn’t remove my eyes from her. I had never seen such beauty. All the words went out of my mind to explain her. Her cuteness was amazing.

  “What.” She said as I was just staring her top to bottom with my mouth opened.

  “Beautiful.” I said.

  “Yes I am..” She said and laughed.

  “Then also a big thank you for noticing and for the compliment.” She said. I smiled.

  “So let's move.” She said.

  “Where.” I said.

  “We are here for a dinner, I think.” She said.

  “Oh yes we are.” I said.

  “Then let’s move to a restaurant.” She said.

  On the way first of all she talked on general topics and told me about how much Aarav was happy when his parents came on parent's meet day. She talked nothing about ‘me avoiding her'. We were talking after 1 week and soon we both can't control ourselves and there was a huge fight between us that who speak more. We tried to share all our thoughts of one week in one day. We were talking like mad people at the middle of the road. It gave me self satisfaction and I felt more relieved talking to her. It felt like my all tensions went away and happiness again surrounded me. I looked at the weather it was so romantic, clouds surrounded whole sky and very tiny drops fell from the sky just as the touch of the fog in the early morning of winters. As we were talking wildly on the road.

  “So beautiful couple.” A stranger on the road commented.

  We both heard it and for a moment silence filled the atmosphere. She blushed. None of us spoke anything for few minutes.

  “So now would you like to tell me why you were ignoring me from 1 week.” She said.

  Oh finally she had asked the question which I couldn’t answer even I don’t know the answer myself.

  “I don’t know.” I said.

  “Are you mad.” She said.

  “Yes I am.” I said.

  “I know better.” She said.

  “Leave even I don’t care why you were. I just care that now you are normal and I am happy.” She said.

  I smiled.

  “So tell me how your one week passed.” I said.

  “Disgusting and all because of you, tensions and all. Whole one week passed searching for you and trying to talk to you. But you Mr. , Never even looked at me.” She said.

  Now who would tell her that I looked at her during whole class regretting what have I done.

  “And yours.” She said.

  “Same pinch.” I said.

  We went to a reputed restaurant in Delhi.

  “Order anything you want.” I said.

  “Why! Are you giving a treat?” She said.

  “Yes as you say.” I said.

  Chapter 22

  The weather was becoming more and more romantic and pleasant. We both were noticing the change but didn’t spoke anything about it, as a girl and a boy out for a dinner in such a weather, nothing could resist the changing of mindsets.

  “So tell anything you like to.” She said. We had finished our meal and now were moving here and there on the streets to pass some more time.

  “What do I tell? You ask anything you want to know.” I said.

  “Awesome weather.” She said. And we both looked at each other. It was a surprising reply from her. She didn’t want to say that, By mistake it came out of her mouth. I smiled and said nothing. She blushed. Now her voice trembled as she spoke and she felt hesitated to speak more so I started the conversation.

  “So any plans for Valentine’s day.” I said. I shouldn’t had asked her about it at this time.

  “ No plans. Just a simple normal day.” She said.

  “You tell.” She said.

  “Nothing, No plans yet.” I said.

  Though I had plans but I hesitated to tell her. Actually I was enjoying the moment with her, and only her. So I didn’t want to involve anybody else like Aanya in our conversation. We talked, talked and talked and never got bored of our talks. It was already raining but was light enough to walk on roads but now cloud grew darker and according to my prediction it was going to rain heavily. Knowing this I should have moved fast but unknowingly my feet started to slow down. We both started moving more slow as if we were giving an invitation to the clouds to wet us. And the weather changed it started raining heavily there was no shelter nearby.

  “Oh we should run.” I said.

  “No need.” She said. I thought that she would say let’s live this moment together. Let's enjoy every drop of rain falling on our heart which was a desert waiting for love to fall and few more filmy dialogs.

  “Let's move to that club nearby.” She pointed towards to a club which was on the left of us. There was no such reaction from her as I expected.

  We went to the club the environment inside was awesome. Loud music, hooting’s, dance and love surrounded the club. We sat in a corner enjoying the music. We were looking like two brother and sister had come to a wrong place by chance.

  “So your first visit in a club.” I said.

  “Yes,but absolutely not the last.” She laughed. She loved the environment there.

  “Would you like to dance.” She said. It was a sudden proposal from her as she landed her hand in front of me. I wanted to say I will love to but a quick reaction can never be expected from me. My reflexes in the matter of girls were always quite slow. Seeing my expression that I was hesitating she spoke more.

  “Still afraid of holding a girl's waist.” She laughed

  “Come on we had danced a lot together in our older times.” She said. Now I couldn’t resist and went to the dance floor to rock.

  I didn’t even noticed and remember that when all my hesitation flew away and we were dancing like mads. She showed some breath taking moves. She was a professional and I was not even something near about her. I clapped for her a lot, motivating her showing her that she is a beautiful dancer. After few dance moves we sat on the couch, we felt so tired but there was a broad smile on our faces. This was the most enjoyable and precious day of my life, of course I could never forget. We used all our energy on the dance floor and now was feeling hungry too.

  “Feeling hungry.” I said.

  I knew we both were hungry and I was even more than her so now I couldn’t control anymore and asked her.

  “Yes. We both are, I think.” She said.

  We order any stuff on the menu without even bothering what it was. As soon as it came we attacked on it but as a girl was sitting with me I behaved like a human and thought if Aarav and others would be here then what condition would have been here. It was so sour and spicy that Tanya could tolerate only 4-5 bites of it and started shouting for water and snatched the first glass she found near her and drank it all.

  “Wait! Wait.” I said as she drank the shot. Yes it was a shot and not the water. After drinking a whole shot she looked at me.

  “Are you okay.” I said.

  “Okay!! I am flying, Whatever it was I loved it.” She said.

  “Let’s have some more.” She said.

  “No no.” I said.

  “Are you afraid. Let's have competition who could drink it more. Are you afraid of losing from a girl.” She said.

  I also got a competitive feeling and agreed. Though I agreed but then also I was in my complete conscious state and instead of drinking I threw it behind pretending to drink but Tanya was drinking it nonstop and after I don’t know how many counts I stooped her. Now the most difficult job was to control her as she was losing her mind and was becoming mad. There was lot of noise in the club so I took her outside on the road searching for any mode of convince but it was mid night and it was difficult to find one. We didn’t even noticed the time in all the fun we were having and now were late.

  Chapter 23

  Tanya was running here and there on road and it was becoming difficult for me to control her.

  “Let’s dance.” She said and started dancing awkwardly on the middle of the road.

>   “No move straight.” I said to her and pulled her.

  “You are sounding angry. Let's talk. Wait! I want to talk.” She said and sat on the middle of the road. I tried hard to move her but she didn’t.

  “Okay but first come in a side.” I said.

  She happily stood with my support and started saying.

  “What do you think. Am I a fool, you ignored me I said nothing and I am saying nothing just asking you am I a fool.” She said.

  “Then why you did this to me, I was so greatly hurt don’t you know. You took my all happiness from me by doing this. You behaved like a stranger to me. No not even a stranger does like that.” She said.

  “I am sorry.” I said.

  “You are. Are you really sorry. Why you should be. No, of course not you shouldn’t be sorry, it was my mistake that I expected from you what I didn’t deserve.” She said. Her grammar and words were becoming worst as she went on. I said nothing and just looked at her.

  “What are you looking at. Am I beautiful? Where do I lack tell me.” She said.

  “Who said to you that you lack in anything.” I said.

  “Then why you did this to me every time. You did same 4 years back and now also you are doing the same.” She said.

  “What.” I asked.

  “What? What? Why are you asking. Why don’t you understand.” She said.

  “What are you talking about.” I said.

  “You know. You love playing football, your favorite food is burger, you love ice creams and…..” so on she went on telling my all the hobbies, interests, my schedule and all.

  “I do know you better you yourself does.” She said.

  “You should know you are my best friend.” I said.

  “Aha friends that's the problem.” She said.

  “Do you know. Do you want to know about what I was talking on the day we went outside, my thinking about love. For me love is you. Yes you are, but you always did same to me. Six years back we met I talked to you, and you easily impressed me. You understood me more than anybody else did and when even before I could think any more about you, suddenly disappeared without any prior information. I loved you , I could shout but none would ever reach you ears. I cried for you, missed you but then also loved you. I remember each and every moment we have been together, how you ate my lunch and I was fighting with you for that. Slowly I tried to fade you from my memories and even I was somewhat successful in it but then again destiny played on me. After 4 years you were again standing in front of my eyes, you know why it was difficult for you to find me in the beginning, because I was hiding from you, I didn’t want to face you but I couldn’t resist it for longer and soon we became good friends but it was only for you, I again was falling madly in love with you. In front of my eyes you loved another girl talked to me about her and I also tried my best so that you two can be together. I searched for my happiness in yours but I cried daily for you and is still.” Tears were flowing from her eyes.

  I couldn’t believe what Tanya had said. It gave me a shock and once again all the talks and confusions surrounded my mind as the clouds in the sky. This was the truth and it was hard to believe. My eyes and mouth both were opened with surprise . Heavy thunders increased my heartbeat. I was thinking that how come she had controlled her feelings for me. It was much more difficult for her then I could imagine, then also she cared for me. All the nice moment we had lived together came like a flashback in my mind. All of them were the signal of love. After all the dilemma I faced, a big question arose in my mind. Do I love her? Was she the best girl for me? Was Aarav right that we were made for each other. In the middle of all these thoughts coming in my mind we reached the hostel and I dropped her in her room and went away. Whole way she didn’t stop to talk, continuously she was saying something but after getting a shock I didn’t paid much attention to what she said.

  Chapter 24

  “Hey where were you.” Tanay said.

  I reached my room didn’t even bothered to change my clothes gave no reply of Tanay and laid on my bed. Continuously many thoughts were going on in my mind and it seemed to burst out. How would I face her now or she would. In the middle of all these tensions because of tiredness and stress I dozed off.

  Next day I woke up. I was late and missed my first class. I wanted to remain in my room and go nowhere but in the break Aarav forcefully took me to the canteen. Every one of our group was there in the canteen waiting for me.

  “Why were you late today for the class.” Aanya said.

  “We all tried to wake him up but he is such a sleeping beauty he didn’t even moved.” Aarav said.

  Tanya was sitting in front of me and my mind was blank. Our eyes met and she smiled. I was losing my mind thinking about her. Once I looked at Tanya's face then at Aanya's then again at Tanya's and this procedure continued. I was becoming insane.

  “What happened to you. Someone tapped your mouth.” Shashwat said.

  Oh how could I forget Shashwat, he was also the hero of the story. Lover of Tanya and my childhood friend. How could I forget him. Even if I loved Tanya and could develop a feeling for her then also I couldn’t take what belonged to Shashwat.

  “Is she a thing to be belonged. Have a right on her.” My heart opposed.

  No I can’t snatch her from him. What would he think of me. A traitor, an untrusted friend, a deceiver who cheated him for a girl and what would whole college think that I finally caught someone's else girl as I was not able to get mine. There would be a lot of talks and truly speaking I could ignore all those talks but the last which I couldn’t ignore was what Aanya would think of me. A guy who loved her just for show. Now Tanya had told everything to Aanya and nothing could be done. I will fell down in her eyes and she would even not like to see my face again. A guy who had said so big talks that I love her, I would never leave her and this is what he has done.

  “Nothing.” I replied to Shashwat and went from there. Tanya followed and stopped me at some distance.

  “What happened to you?” She said.

  I was surprised by her question. She was asking what happened to me. Didn’t she knew what had happened last night.

  “Well I am sorry for yesterday. I don’t know what happened to me. I didn’t even remember what happened to me. I tried hard but the last thing I remember is that I drunk some shots. I shouldn’t have done that. I am here to ask that yesterday everything went fine or there's something to tell.” She said.

  So I faced a new twist in the story. She had so badly drunk that she even didn’t remember a thing and I had to bear all the tensions alone and now she was asking me that whether everything went fine or not. What should I tell her. How could I tell her about the big tragedy that happened yesterday.

  “No nothing.” I said.

  I of course needed some time to think but I had nothing in my hand. After 2 days was the Valentine’s day and I have to propose one. But who she would be I couldn’t decide. I thought about both, if one was my soul then other was my heart. The body couldn’t live leaving any of them. Aanya was my first love but now I do was confuse that whether she was permanent or only the first. Tanya cared for me more than anyone else could ever do. She understood me better than I do and I too was very much comfortable with her. Both of them shown different, unique and attractive qualities. But which one was sufficient for love I couldn’t decide. My every thought ended on ‘ I couldn’t decide'. My life was full of tensions and confusions. Between all the confusions my hopes were decreasing and somehow I managed to pass 1 day and now the judgement day arrived.

  Chapter 25

  On the morning of the Valentine's day I was lying stitched to my bed. I didn’t want to wake up and see the morning, I wanted only to remain on my bed and let the day pass but someday I had to take a decision, I couldn’t live with such tensions daily so better today solve the matter. Thinking this I woke up with a spirit posing like a Superman.

  “Hey see our hero of today has waken up.” Aarav said.

/>   “No we have two heroes now let’s see who wins and be the real hero.” Tanay said. They were pointing towards me and Shashwat as we were going to propose our respective girls today. They never knew that what dilemma was I facing and was just busy in all the preparations. My mind stopped working and my heart beat was becoming fast. I felt like crying and running away from all these situations. I needed a shoulder to cry but I was confused that whether Aanya's would be better or Tanya's to cry on. Everything seemed red to me. It was the day of love everything ought to be red but don’t forget red is also the color of danger and for me it was like I am holding a red cloth of love and two bulls confusions and tensions are running behind me. Tanay and Aarav gave us both the red roses and sent us outside with best of luck. Now I was thinking what will be going on in the mind of two girls. Aanya will be prepared for my proposal and would be ready either with a slap or with a hug. Tanya must be confused like me for Shashwat. She would be thinking that I didn’t know anything and must would get hurt in any case. Everyone was well dressed specially girls, every girl was expecting a proposal. There were very few for whom this was a normal day but for me neither this was a normal day nor the Valentine’s day it was an abnormal disastrous day for me. Everyone was holding a rose in their hand and some were with three and four roses, I don’t know what they were up to. I felt loosing my conscious state and my face gave no expression. I wanted to say to Shashwat “ Would you mind changing our girls” But it couldn’t be possible. Today I have to break heart of any one Aanya, Tanya or Shashwat and mine was already in pieces, It was badly shattered by one after another continuous collisions of shocks. I didn’t even got time to collect the shattered pieces How could I take a decision. No it was not in my hand. As we both walked on the corridor we found two beautiful girls approaching us. First time Tanya looked simple and Aanya quiet fashionable, they both simply deserved claps. I had never imagined any of them like that, they exchanged their dress up and increased their cuteness. Now while they were approaching me I looked at both of them. Both were looking beautiful and cute. Happiness was spread all on Aanya's face but on Tanya's face though a smile was there but I knew somewhere deep in her heart she was sad. I couldn’t let her be sad anymore. I decided, and moved forward but as I looked at Aanya and Shashwat my soul pricked me and stopped me from going onwards, but I have to overcome and should now at least propose any one. So I didn’t stopped and started moving towards them. Both girls came together and said “Hello”. I don’t know from where all the guts came in me but in front of them all I sat on my knees with a rose in my hand.