Read A Common Language Page 10

Chapter ten


  “Sasha! You do realize it is the first day of school and we woke up late, right?” Demitri panted as they ran. Sasha didn’t reply. They had 30 seconds before first period started out they were just running out of the dorms. They were quick runners, but they weren’t that fast.

  “Come on! Less talk, more motion!” Sasha picked up his pace. Everyone had the same class the first semester of every year. It just depended on what time of day they had it and which teacher they had. They ran into the Literature Hall about two minutes after the final bell had rung. “Ah, Mr. Papov…and Mr. Papov. How nice you could join us,” the professor sighed. “Gentlemen are we going to make a tradition of being late on the first day? Or am I just special,” Sasha and Demitri took seats near the back and tried to blend in. The twins, Kalli, Percy, Masashi, and Dragen had the same literature study class because they were all underclassmen. Underclassmen literature was more about discovering who you were as an artist than discovering who Shakespeare was. Kalli guessed a better name for the class would be Personal Psychology. The class only had about 30 people in it, but it seemed like a lot more to Kalli. It made her feel claustrophobic. “Okay fellas and ladies, I’m Mr. Kelley or Lancelot, whichever you prefer. No, that’s not really my first name but I really enjoy it and it beats my real name,” The class laughed and the twins looked at him knowingly. “This room has a lot of resources in it, books for the most part. In this class you will learn to use those resources to discover; to discover yourselves. Today’s assignment is to search this room for the origin and meaning of your name. Also, you must tell me what you discovered in the process and how you feel about your name,” he raised his hands up to the height of his shoulders. “Go,” the students scattered. Kalli and Percy were left standing alone. Mr. Kelley came over to them, “Was there some aspect of the assignment you were confused about?” his face was anxious and young Kalli would have guessed he was late 20s, if not younger.

  “Oh, no. I just wanted to take a moment to let it sink in,” Kalli said quickly. There was something about the symmetry of his face that amazed her, she didn’t know what it was, but she felt like he knew everything about her even though he was a complete stranger. Something about the knowledge in his eyes. “I guess I should get to work then,” she turned around, dazed, and headed towards a bookshelf, not sure where she was headed other than away from the professor.

  Kalli searched for her name, glancing around every so often to check on Data Venia’s progress. Percy seemed just as stressed as she was. The twins were chuckling proudly that they had figured theirs out. Masashi finished within the first 20 minutes of class, just after Dragen had, who apparently spent much of his time in libraries. Both excused themselves, Masashi to go check on Lupe, Kalli was sure. Dragen, she guessed, would find somewhere to be in solitude and think.

  Percy sighed, his name was so lame. “Did you find something new?” Mr. Kelley asked him when he approached.

  “Yeah, I learned I have a lame name,” he sighed. “My name is Percival, it means ‘The Lord of Percival Valley’, lame right?”

  “Not at all. French right?” Percy nodded. “It is a noble name, many famous people with this name. Now do you go by Percival or...?”

  “Percy, I go by Percy.”

  “Well I am glad you are in my class Percy. I have heard much about you,” he smiled brightly.

  “Yeah, thanks,” Percy said glumly. He had hoped that he would be able to build his own reputation through hard work, but apparently everyone already knew who he was. He waited for Kalli; she found her meaning shortly after he found his.

  “What did you learn something new, young lady?” Kalli got tense, back home when she was called ‘young lady’ she was in trouble, but this man’s face was kind. “What is your name?”

  “Kalli. Apparently it means ‘beautiful’,” she laughed.

  “Why do you laugh?”

  “It’s just…Kind of ironic don’t you think?”

  “How so?” he crossed his arms and leaned against the desk.

  “My parents named me to be a beauty, and I ended up like this, and disappointing them. Not a terrible surprise.”

  “Well if it means anything, I think you lived up to your name well. As to disappointing your parents, I understand. I do believe I understand your situation. I can see it. Your parents didn’t believe music was the best choice for you, but you or someone who cares deeply for you applied for you, and you came any way. Am I right?” He crossed his arms and leaned against his desk causing his light brown hair to shift across his forehead.

  “How…how do you know that? Is it that obvious?” She was suddenly worried. What if someone told the school and they sent her home? It would be the end of her music career.

  He laughed at her worried face. “You ran away. Don’t worry, I’m not going to tell anyone, as I said, I understand. I was that kid. Parents don’t believe in music so you get out. They disown you and once you hit 18 you’re free. Only a few months to go for you I imagine. Once you’ve been through it, you can see it in the way other people walk, talk, the way your eyes shift around the room on a regular basis. I see it all,” he understood what she was going through, it was obvious to him.

  “Thank you, sir,” she said quietly.

  “Not a problem, miss. My office is always open if you need somewhere to get away from all of this. I have jolly ranchers,” he smiled encouragingly and she walked back over to where Percy was waiting for her.

  “So, Kalli, what does your name mean?” The twins were entertaining themselves by hanging over Kalli, prying any kind of information they could from her.

  “Beautiful,” she said self-consciously.

  “Told you so,” Percy smirked and leaned back against the wall, he had told her a while back that she was beautiful, but she didn’t believe him. Here was her proof.

  “Oh yeah? What does your name mean Percy?” She retaliated quickly, his smile disappeared instantly.

  He coughed and said under his breath. “Lord of Percival Valley,” Kalli started laughing and the twins began bowing to him saying ‘mi’lord mi’lord.’ “Oh yeah? What about you two?”

  Sasha stood and showed his muscles. “Defender of Mankind,” Demitri struck a girlish pose, “Devoted to,” They came together like a couple acting out their own little play. “I will never desert you,” “I will defend you with my life,” they both said. “Oh I love you, dearest!” It was probably the oddest thing Kalli had seen in a while and she had seen a lot with these two in the past couple weeks.

  “Glad someone was happy about the assignment,” Dragen said sneaking up behind them as silently as ever. The twins screamed and continued their play with this new twist. No one paid any mind.

  “What does your name mean Dragen? You left class awful quick,” Kalli noted his severe glances as he left.

  “Um,” He ran his head along his neck. “It means…Precious,” the twins were at least making an attempt to restrain their laughter. Poor attempts, but attempts none the less.

  “Oh darling, precious Dragen! My dear precious!” The twins started.

  “Okay, you two, leave him alone,” Percy said, rolling his eyes. But they, unwisely, didn’t listen and continued to torment him. It took Dragen all of .2 seconds to switch from his calm, emotionless position against the wall, to a flying, fighting position headed for the twins; taking both Sasha and Demitri at once. The empty hallway broke into a small battle field and Percy and Kalli were in the middle of it. All Kalli heard was the twins strained grunts and laughter and the contact of skin as Dragen’s, obviously experienced, blows hit right on target. Percy took a defensive pose in fear for Kalli, who was completely in shock; it was obvious she didn’t see many fights with experienced fighters. The twins were decent in a fight themselves, but they were nothing compared to Dragen. Despite their height and numbers, they were losing. Percy was thinking one thing: protect Kalli. He was confident in his own fighting skill, but he had no idea how he wou
ld measure up to them.

  “Stop!” He yelled sticking his arms between them, his right in front of the twins, and his left held back Dragen. Four pairs of eyes locked on him, three of them angry, and one of them concerned. The twins were eager to continue the quickly failing fight, and Dragen, behind his ever-calm face, his eyes were surprised. He didn’t expect Percy to be able to stand up for something like that.

  “Pardon?” Dragen asked calmly, but dangerous.

  “I said: stop,” Percy’s eyes were hard, unmovable; Kalli had never seen him like this. “If you want to fight someone, fight me. At least I would stand a chance. But I would prefer we take this outside so we don’t break the building. I don’t want property damage on my tuition report,” his voice was calm and low, his eyes were locked with Dragen’s. They didn’t falter.

  “As you prefer,” Dragen stood only slightly shorter than Percy compared to how far he was from the twins. There was still a two to three inch difference between them. “There is an empty field not far from here. Masashi and I sparred there last year.”

  “Perfect,” Dragen led the way. Percy followed he heard Kalli’s feet following him and the twins behind her, he did a 180. “Kalli, I don’t want you to see this. I’ll catch up with you later. I want you to go somewhere far away from this fight.”

  Kalli couldn’t believe it. He wasn’t going to let her come and help him. “What if something happens, someone gets hurt?” Percy gave her a look and a sigh. She was so oblivious to how things could be.

  “We will be fine. Now are you going to cooperate or do I have to lock you in that closet?” He gestured to the janitor’s closet behind her. Her chin set in defiance.

  “What do you think?” her arms crossed defiantly. He sighed and she thought, that’s what I thought, he wouldn’t dare--“Ahh!” Percy had picked her up and carried her across the hall. Despite her struggles, his arm was a cage. He even had a free hand to open the door, he set her down inside the small closet. “You can’t do this!!” she screamed, trying to get past him.

  “Yes, I can. Sorry, I didn’t want to do this, but you aren’t going to that fight. I’ll come back for you,” with that he shut the door and locked the lock that was on the outside in this case, poorly built, but convenient for his purposes.

  “Percy!! Let me out of here right now! Percy? Dragen? Sasha? Demitri? Help! Let me out right now!” Kalli banged against the door. Each bang on the door Percy felt like she was jabbing a blunt object through his heart: not as easy to ignore as a blade. Dragen noticed Percy’s winces with each noise she made.

  “Come along, then,” he said, quickly turning and heading towards the field. Percy and the twins followed quietly. They all knew what was coming.

  “Shall we Percy?” Dragen stood tall and lean against the tall trees that surrounded 90 percent of the clearing.

  Percy shook off his uniform jacket and crossed his arms. He was ready. “Your move Dragen,” the twins itched to get into the fight, but both parties said that it would be just them. This wasn't just a fight. This was chess. A battle that meant more to both of them than anyone would ever understand.

  The fists and feet were a blur after the first punch. They both had excellent form. Both appeared, to the twins, to be masters. Percy seemed to have the upper hand on Dragen. Something that had never happened. Dragen was supposedly the best fighter at UA.

  “Do you think she will forgive you Percy? After everything, locking her up in a closet, do you truly think she will ever fall for you?” Dragen taunted Percy throwing a front kick to his chest.

  Percy avoided most of the kick but scraped his arm on a branch. “Shut your mouth!” He punched towards Dragen’s gut but his anger made him clumsy and he tripped over a stone he had avoided before. He landed flat on his back.

  “Besides, it doesn’t matter, I’m asking her on a date,” Dragen continued his mocking, leaning over a panting Percy. Percy closed his eyes. She liked Dragen enough to give him a chance, he knew that much. He couldn't lose her to him. But Dragen was right, how could she forgive him?

  The twins were watching the fight. They had never heard of Dragen even being interested in someone, much less having the words to ask them out. It made them angry, but they didn’t know why. They found themselves tackling Dragen to the ground. Dragen fought back. Percy lifted himself from the ground to see the other three fighting again. “The fight is over,” he said just loudly enough for them to hear, and everything stopped.

  “Someone get me out of here!” Kalli screamed again, but just like the million past times, there was no response. “Percy! I am never forgiving you for this!” as soon as she said it she knew it wasn’t true. She would forgive him again and again if she had to. Just because he--she heard the door unlocking.

  “Oh, thank you!” She ran out and hugged him. This hug was familiar, but it wasn’t Percy. “No,” she whispered. This wasn’t happening, not now. She pushed him away and ran outside; she had to get away from him.

  “Kalli, Baby, stop being stupid,” Drake called, running after her somewhat annoyed with her reaction to seeing him.

  “How do I lose him? Why is he here in the first place? Why now? Why can't he just go back home?” Kalli muttered to herself, running through the flowered courtyard.

  “Kalli, stop! I need to talk to you!!” Drake was the faster runner and caught her by the waist, pulling her back to him, like he used to do in the hallways. “Just hear me out! Alright?”

  “No!” Kalli jerked out of his grasp. “Not alright, not alright Drake! GO HOME!!”

  Percy had an hour before he and Kalli had to be in their piano class. She was going to be angry, but he was going to let her out of the closet. He got to the top of the hill above the courtyard and looked down. One boy in particular stood out because he wasn’t wearing a uniform, just jeans and a black tee shirt. He looked at him with little interest, but then he saw who he was chasing: Kalli. He grabbed her waist and spoke, but she jerked away from him. She was angry. Who was this guy? But then he heard Kalli screaming at him. “Not…ght…Drake! Go home,” Percy’s brain switched: Drake. Anger and adrenaline sped through his veins. He ran down the hill towards them. Drake had grabbed her again, by the arm this time. Percy jumped over a stone bench. Everything looked like it was moving in slow motion to him. He grabbed Kalli’s waist and swung her behind him, grabbing Drake’s arm and it came off her. Percy’s right hand made a clean precise blow to Drake’s nose. He felt the bone crack under his fist; it was worth it to see that jerk grimace in pain in the way he had seen Kalli grimace after she learned the truth.

  “Percy! What are you doing?" Kalli said.

  “Who the hell is this?” Drake asked, gripping his bleeding nose.

  “Percy, where are the other guys?”

  “I said, who is this, Kalli?”

  “They went to class. Which we should too pretty soon,” Percy took Kalli’s hand to take her to class.

  “I see. This is your new foreign boyfriend."

  “No sir. I am not. I am her friend and you are a stupid, lying, cheating, hard-headed jerk. And because you are not a student at this school, I think you should leave.”

  “I am not leaving until I talk to Kalli,” he cursed, holding his nose. “Dude, I think you broke my nose!”

  “You have spoken to Kalli and regardless of your physical condition, you need to leave. No one wants you here, 'dude'."

  Drake peered around Percy. “You’re really letting him talk for you. That’s not the Kalli I know,” he was right and he knew it.

  “Percy? Can I talk with you for a moment?” Kalli said touching his shoulder to calm him.

  Percy stepped away from the angry, bleeding Drake. “What?”

  “Maybe I should hear him out, see what he has to say."

  “You have got to be kidding. Kalli, do you not remember what he did?"

  “Of course I remember,” she said quickly. “But maybe he has something of value to say. It could give me closure.”

??Closure?” Percy couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “Kalli, he cheated on you! There is nothing that he can say that would hold any value! Kalli, come on!”

  “And what if you’re wrong?!” Kalli nearly shouted, she sighed. “Look, this is my life. I know how I want to live it. You can’t tell me what to do. I’m gonna hear him out. Then, I will make my decision,” Kalli turned to walk back to Drake, but Percy grabbed her arm.

  “You are making a mistake. Make a decision right now: it you go talk to him, you lose me. If you consider taking him back, well, don’t come to me when he breaks your heart again.”

  “Don’t…Percy…don’t make me make that choice.”

  Percy dropped her arm and stepped back holding out his arms beside him. “I’ve made my point, make your choice,” His face and eyes were calm, unreadable. Kalli couldn’t speak. She couldn’t believe Percy was doing this to her.

  “I…I am going to hear what he has to say…”

  “Goodbye then,” Percy walked off his hands in his pockets, leaving Kalli alone. Kalli turned to face her decision.

  “Masashi!” Lupe ran into his arms. He was surprised but caught her with ease.

  “Why the sudden enthusiasm?” not that he wasn't pleased.

  “I just missed you,” she smiled and looked up at him, her arms draped around his neck.

  Masashi was confused but he swept his hand through her hair. “I missed you too,” he offered her his arm and they began walking. “So, which classes do you have this afternoon?”

  “You do know that I’m aware that you stole my schedule this morning?”

  He smiled, no guilt on his face. He was shameless. “I figured, but I want you to tell me any way.”

  “Violin and musical composition with technology, you?”

  “Vocal training and songwriting,” he sang lightly in her ear. His voice sent shivers down her spine. His voice was so sweet, but it had a nice edge to it. She had never heard a man sing like he could. It was why he was here.

  “Mmm, I like it when you sing to me,” she laid her head on his broad shoulder, feeling how his voice vibrated his body.

  “I know, that’s why I do it,” she felt his smile in the vibrations. This was where she belonged, right there, with him.
