Read A Day of an Eternal Soul Page 3

  Chapter 3

  The next four days went rapidly for working as a bookkeeper/assistant at a construction firm and going to school kept Rachel from focusing too much on Kenneth. Every time she got home Jennifer was talking to Kenneth being quite friendly. It was easy to tell what she was wanting from him.

  Rachel knew this couldn’t go on much longer and decides to share her secret with another. "Kenneth can you do me a favor and go and do our laundry," Rachel asked him. "You are running a little bit out of clothes."

  "No problem, you are letting me stay here it's the least I can do," Kenneth responds.

  Rachel waited tell Kenneth left and approaches Jennifer. "There's something I need to tell you," she said.

  "I knew there was something more to your relationship," Jennifer responds. "I think you really like him. You must really like him because you never ever had anyone stay with us."

  "It's not what you think," Rachel said exasperated, "the situation is much more complex and weird. It's going to be hard to understand because I'm still trying to figure it out."

  "You bring a sexy, kind, mysterious man home from your holiday travels and it's weird," Jennifer said interrupting.

  "I didn't bring him home," she said anxiously. "He lost his memories and I'm trying to help him out."

  "I wouldn't mind him helping me out," Jennifer said being lewd.

  Rachel starts getting impatient with Jennifer, "I was doing laundry and he appeared behind me."

  "So you just brought a complete stranger home," Jennifer said confused. "I heard stories when he first got to college you were quite wild but this is maybe a little too wild."

  "I don't think you understand," Rachel said trying not to sound crazy. "When I said appear I mean literally appear. He appeared out of the glowing light."

  Jennifer was having a hard time understanding what Rachel was saying. "You must've just been really tired," Jennifer said placating Rachel.

  "I thought it was a little bit strange to but I experienced it so I have to believe it," Jennifer staring at Rachel as she speaks like she has just lost her mind. "You remember Melissa; she's a doctor now or at least almost a doctor. I took him to see her and she is convinced that he is both human and impossible."

  "This is not a joke or you are trying to get me to stop flirting with him, is it," Jennifer asked finally starting to at least partially believe Rachel. "So what you're telling me is that he is an alien in or what an angel."

  "I hadn't thought of the angle but Melissa mentioned maybe a lab experiment," Rachel told her.

  Jennifer looks straight at the ceiling as she responds, "this seems like one of those cartoons from Japan that my ex forced me to watch."

  "Just take it slow and once we figure out what to do I will tell you," Rachel told Jennifer.

  The two of them continue to talk for a little while until Kenneth returns. Rachel told him that Jennifer is now part of their little secret which seems not to faze him one bit.

  "So what exactly happened to you from your point of view when you first met," Jennifer asks Kenneth.

  Kenneth takes a moment to think, "The first thing I remember is standing on the washing machines and seeing Jennifer staring at me. I can't remember or anything before then. We talked a little and then she got me some clothes."

  As Kenneth relive his first moments of memory Rachel became red in the face. Jennifer on the other hand had more questions, "so you appeared naked. That means Jennifer has seen you, I guess seeing all of you."

  "Yes," Kenneth said without hesitation, "is there a problem with that?"

  "No, it's not a problem," Jennifer said looking at Rachel who is now completely red in the face. "Don't you think it's a little unfair that Rachel has seen you naked and she hasn't returned the favor?"

  At that moment you could tell that Kenneth had never thought of that before. "She is a beautiful woman so there's nothing to be ashamed of," Kenneth told Jennifer. "You're also attractive and have nothing to be ashamed of."

  "You know what," Jennifer said with a smile on her face, "I think that tonight we should spend some time getting to know each other."

  Kenneth didn't have any sort of real reaction but Rachel did. "I think that's enough for tonight," Rachel said taken hold of Jennifer's shoulder. "Jennifer please don’t exploit Kenneth's innocence." Rachel dragged Jennifer back toward her room and said good night to Kenneth.

  The next morning the three of them hung out at the apartment strategizing on what to do next. By lunchtime they had explored numerous possibilities but in all reality they had not gotten anywhere. No matter what they came up with they just lacked any actionable information. Until they knew who Kenneth was or who might be looking for him they couldn't risk asking for any more help.

  After lunch Jennifer had to go to work which was quite the relief for Rachel. She was quite upset with the constant flirting that interrupted their work. Rachel decided a little more shopping was in order and took Kenneth back to the mall. This time she was shopping more for herself and to relieve a little bit of stress. Kenneth was not nearly as interested in shopping and began to wander about the mall.

  Rachel eventually realized Kenneth was no longer with her set out on a quest to find him. After nearly 20 min. of searching she found him in a sword and weapon shop holding a katana. She noticed the stands he was in and realized it was nearly identical to how she had seen people in movies stand. Kenneth carefully maneuvered the blade with extreme precision and confidence.

  "Does that bring back anything," Rachel said approaching Kenneth.

  "It's just familiar," Kenneth said without any emotion. "My body knows how to move. I don't even have to think about it for it just reacts."

  Rachel thinks for a moment trying to piece together the clues. "Is it with just that sword," Rachel asks him.

  "No," Kenneth responds, "it's like no matter what when I pick up I feel like I've held it before."

  "Why don't you put it away and we will go grab some dessert," Rachel told Kenneth.

  This time Rachel decides on some nice actual hot chocolate, not just the cheap hot cocoa. This too seems familiar to Kenneth who mentions it needs some spices. Rachel quietly thought about everything that she has learned about Kenneth and the pitcher is starting to form.

  Rachel finally voices what she's been thinking about, "you know many languages and seem to understand their cultures. You are also versed in history. Today we just learned that weapons seem inherently important to you." Rachel stops for a moment gathering her train of thought. "The only thing I can think of is you are some sort of soldier. If Melissa is right and you were grown maybe somehow they implanted all this knowledge inside you. Maybe you somehow escaped or someone let you out."

  As Rachel talked she noticed a woman staring at them. She was probably nearly 30 and didn't just hit the aerobics class but also probably hit the weights. This woman made Rachel quite uncomfortable for her eyes seemed completely fixated on Kenneth. "I think it's time for us to go," Rachel said forcefully and started to stand up.

  Kenneth looked confused as he started to follow suit. "What's going on," he asked Rachel.

  Rachel grabbed her bags and then took Kenneth hand dragging him toward the exit. "I think someone might be looking for you and they don't look happy," Rachel said as she shoved the door open.

  Rachel raced toward her car which of course ended up being at the far end of the parking lot. Rachel dragged Kenneth ducking between cars trying to make it more difficult for them to be followed but Kenneth was still confused. Rachel luckily catches the reflection of the woman in the polish of a sports car. She is able to shove Kenneth out-of-the-way of a dart but she was not as lucky for it caught her tricep.

  Something seems to take over Kenneth who now took the lead. Trying to keep cars between them and the woman they continue their journey toward Rachel's car. After Rachel pulled the dart out of her arm she realizes she had just been drugged and it was already starting to take effect. She could feel her limbs begin to
get heavy as Kenneth dragged her behind him.

  As they got closer to the car Rachel was having a hard time maintaining balance and ended up slipping on some ice. As Kenneth tried to get her back on her feet the woman caught up to them and Kenneth was forced to abandon Rachel for the moment. Rachel tried her best to remain conscious but the drug was now almost fully in effect. Her eyes were getting heavy and it was taking more and more focus to keep them open.

  Kenneth on the other hand had sprung into action and leaping onto the hood of the car to get to the other side quickly and close the distance between him and the woman. Once he was able to get close enough he was able to knock the weapon out of her hand and a hand-to-hand fight began. Rachel couldn't tell exactly what was going on but Kenneth was definitely a warrior. He was probably a better fighter than any action movie star could ever hope for but apparently so was the woman. The last thing that Rachel saw before losing consciousness was the hate inside the woman's eyes and the fury upon her face.

  Kenneth was able to knock the woman to the ground but their spectacle had started to generate an audience and the authorities would soon arrive. He raced toward Rachel taking her in his arms running toward Rachel's car. Before reaching it and on the run he looked through her purse and took out her keys. He opened the back door and hastily shoved Rachel onto the back seat before jumping into the drivers.

  The woman was only a second or two behind them as Kenneth put the car into gear. She was reaching into her jacket as Kenneth backed out of the stall trying to hit her. The woman was incredibly quick on her feet and dodged out-of-the-way landing perfectly on her feet.

  Kenneth worked his way out of the parking lot not knowing exactly where he should go. He hadn't paid that much attention to the surroundings and with Rachel still sleeping in the back seat he would have to drive around until some place looked familiar.

  Waiting at the light trying to get onto the street he noticed in the rearview mirror a blue sports car with the woman driving coming up on him. He knew he had to lose her if he wanted to ever escape. He waited for a large enough opening and ran the red light. The woman ended up being much more daring than him barely making it across the intersection still right behind him. He knew that there was no way that Rachel's car could ever outrun that sports car. He would have to lose her and went about making many sharp turns and cutting through neighborhoods at excessive speeds.

  The woman stayed on him like an expert hunter. Kenneth hart raced as the chase seem to pick up more and more ferocity. At one point the woman was able to get beside them and tried using the pit maneuver to force them off the road but Kenneth slammed on the brakes just-in-time but nearly got hit from behind. With her in front he was able to disappear down a subdivision but it did not take too long for her to find him.

  It was nearly 6 o'clock before Kenneth was able to shake the blue sports car and nearly 7 before he was able to get them home. Kenneth checked Rachel's vitals and her heart rate was strong so Kenneth took her inside and placed her in her own bed.

  Around eight she woke up still groggy from the drug trying to figure out what happened to her. Kenneth made her dinner and then explained to her what happened. "There's a woman hunting me and you took the shot for me," he said apologetic. "I'm so sorry that I got you involved in this."

  "I don't think you got me involved in this," Rachel said stretching her so her body, "the universe seemed adamant to put me in this place. So how did I get home?"

  Kenneth smiled as he answered, "apparently I know how to drive and from what I can guess I'm actually pretty good at it. I ended up being chased by the woman all over town but I was able to lose her. I actually think she ran out of gas because sports cars are little bit of gas guzzlers."

  "So I'm guessing we're going to need gas also," Rachel said trying to be funny. After a couple laughs her head started to hurt. "Can you do me a favor and get me some aspirin," Rachel asked Kenneth.

  "So after carrying you to the car and then carrying you upstairs you want me now to go and get you some aspirin," Kenneth said with a straight before cracking a big toothy grin. "No problem."

  Rachel spent the rest of the night in bed trying to recover and figure out what actually happened. Kenneth definitely is some sort of fighter but who is this woman chasing him she pondered. They were both out cold by the time Jennifer got home.

  The next morning Rachel was feeling much better. On the answering machine was a message from her project group that they were meeting in the morning. This freaked her out because she hadn't had time to prepare for anything. She left Kenneth still sleeping on the couch to meet up with them at the library. The entire time they talk about trying to get their project underway as soon as possible to avoid having to rush at the end of the semester. The only thing Rachel can think about is what had happened in the last 24 hours. Is this woman going to take Kenneth back to where ever he came from and if so she does not seem very pleased with him.

  Rachel stares out the window wondering what secrets this world might hold and what invisible war might be going on that she doesn't know about or anyone might know about. After over an hour the meeting starts to come to a close but Rachel barely notices. She looked down at the courtyard watching people go about their normal lives not knowing what might be possible. Some of the people she watches she knows or least have met before but one catches her eyes. She doesn't know where she recognizes this woman from at first but as she stares her memory was jogged. It is the woman from the mall parking lot!

  Rachel's heart begins to race. "How could she found me here," Rachel whispers to herself. Rachel grabs her purse and starts going through it. She found a receipt to the college cafeteria and realizes that there were probably more in her purse. She realizes Kenneth had to have gone through it to find the keys and possibly drop some of them. "I can't believe not cleaning out my purse could end up…" Rachel stopped herself before finishing the sentence as her partners stare at her. Rachel doesn't know what to say but as she glances out the window she notices a disaster that's about ready to happen. She saw Carl walking on an intercept course and if the woman is searching for them that lecture would point her right to her place. "I have to go," Rachel said grabbing her books and racing out the door.

  Almost like in a spy novel she carefully moves from one piece of cover to another until she is able to reach her car. Before heading home she filed up the gas tank knowing that there is a good chance that the woman will be right behind her. She doesn't know what to do but she has to keep Kenneth safe. Who knows what this woman might do to her just for either knowing about him or getting in her way.

  Rachel got home and immediately begins packing. "I think she's going to be coming here shortly, we need to get out," Rachel told Kenneth as she rushes into her room. Kenneth instinctually starts gathering his few meager possessions and throwing him into the plastic bags that they came in. Rachel reappears with a small suitcase giving it to Kenneth. "This will be a lot easier to deal with." Rachel again disappeared back into her room.

  As she packs up some of her clothes she constantly yells instructions to Kenneth to grab this and that. Once Rachel finishes packing what she feels like they're going to need she finally starts to calm down. "I think we've got everything," she said trying to catch her breath. As she opens the door she realizes there's one little problem that she needs to take care of. "I need to leave a note so that Jennifer understands what's going on."

  As she scrounged up a pen and paper Kenneth stood guard looking out over the parking lot. Rachel tried to figure out what exactly to tell Jennifer, she can't leave any information that might help the strange woman chased them down. For all she knows Jennifer to could be in trouble also.

  Rachel started writing down an explanation but Kenneth interrupts her. "Were out of time," he said racing toward her, "she's here."

  With all their stuff packed and ready to go Rachel knows there's no way she'll be able to take anything and that there only escape me now be blocked. She's seen how fast this woma
n moves and she only has a couple minutes before she will be at the door. Rachel decides to lock the door and find an alternative way out. She races back toward her room with Kenneth right behind her.

  "Were on the third floor so were going to need some rope," Rachel told Kenneth as she opens the window. Rachel wasn't afraid of heights but like any sane person afraid of falling.

  Kenneth quickly searches the living room finding a few feet of cable and then moves to search Jennifer's room. Here he discovers a nice 12 foot long whip coiled up inside her lingerie drawer. He figures they have about 20 feet and that time is running out. He presents his discoveries to Rachel who with a lot of anxiety connects the two of them together.

  "Hold on tight and I will lower you out the window," Kenneth told Rachel.

  Rachel takes a deep breath as the doorbell rings. Her heart pounds just remembering how horrible she felt after their last encounter with the woman and she still has the headache the drugs caused. She toke hold of the whips handle them carefully positions yourself to be lower down the side of her apartment building.

  Kenneth rapidly lowers Rachel down until he is nearly hanging out the window himself. "You're going to have to jump," Kenneth instructs her. "I don't know how much longer I can hold your weight."

  Rachel wanted to make a joke that Kenneth think she's fat but this is not the time for she can see he is not in a comfortable position. Rachel let's go and fell the remaining few feet landing on her feet and falling to her butt. Kenneth immediately tied off the wire and starts repelling down like an expert. Unlike Rachel he is much higher when he let go but lands doing a role.

  Rachel realizes that neither of them had coats on and now they both are covered in snow and she was shivering. They sneaked around the building trying to stay out of sight. They did not see any site of her and decide to make a break for it. They easily make it to her car and with Rachel in the driver seat she begins to back out. Sees her apartment door open up and the woman came out of it she knew they had to go.

  She floors it and spins the tires trying to get out of there as quick as possible. She's not used to being in a panic as she drives just in a hurry. She's never driven this reckless before as she takes the first possible opening to get onto the road. She feels relieved as she drove down the road but she notices the blue sports car was already on her tail.

  "How is that possible," Rachel shouts. "Two flights of stairs, backing out and waiting for traffic, how does she do that."

  "I don't know but whoever she is, she is good," Kenneth said almost admiring her.

  Rachel doesn't know what she's doing or how to lose someone. She's already been more reckless than she ever thought she would be in now she we will probably have to be even more. Rachel can feel the adrenaline coursing through her body giving her intense focus. She starts making random turns trying to confuse the woman but she was relentless.

  After 30 min. of driving the woman is right on their bumper trying to get alongside them. Rachel decides to do something completely insane. "Brace yourself," she told Kenneth as she slams on the brakes. The two cars nearly collide but the woman was able to avoid a complete collision and only clips the back of Rachel's vehicle. Rachel takes this opportunity and heads down a residential subdivision hoping to lose this woman once and for all.

  For nearly 7 min. she felt safe before she sees the sports car once again gaining ground on her. She doesn't know how much more reckless she can be and not guarantee them death but she has to do something soon. A few minutes pass and she hears the whistle of a train and that gives her a completely ludicrous idea. She knows where all the train crossings are and was an expert at avoiding them but now she doesn't have a choice she has to take the risk.

  As Rachel races toward the train tracks she notices Kenneth is surprisingly calm almost as if he has no fear of death, maybe even like he's enjoying himself. Rachel knows she can't be distracted at all if she's going to pull this off and refocuses on this insane idea. As she approaches the tracks the arms were already down. She could see the train as she races toward the intersection and went around the barriers nearly taken them out in the process. The woman in the blue sports car knew there's no way she could make it in time and just stops.

  Rachel takes a deep breath and begins to calm down and try to figure out what their next move would be. All they have to survive with is what's inside her car and on their backs. How long can they really stay on the run before she ran out of money? This woman would continue to come and who knows if there are others looking for them.

  They drove for a few hours until they reach a small town and a cheap motel where they will be able to rest for the night and maybe come up with some sort of plan. Rachel was exhausted as she sits down on the single queen-size bed. She is once again reminded that her butt was still wet and also that this is her only change of clothing.

  "We need to figure out where were going and what we are going to do," Rachel said as she stood up. "I'm going to take a nice hot bath and hopefully you are training or programs or whatever to be able to get us out of this mess."

  Rachel turns on the hot water and prepares to take a bath. This kind of reminds her of sleeping in the airport except for she had clean changes of clothes. Laying in the small bathtub she thinks about her options. She can't run forever and if Kenneth doesn't get his memories back soon she may have no choice but to go to the authorities.

  After clean herself up she smelt her dirty clothes. She ended up sweating a lot as she tried to lose the sports car and sitting in a car for hours did not help the situation. She laid in the tub until the water was no longer warm and proceeded to wash her clothes in the water. After rinsing them out and hanging them out to dry she wrapped herself in a towel.

  "I'm done in there, you could probably use a quick shower," Rachel told Kenneth as she walked out. "My clothes are drying so be careful."

  Kenneth doesn't take too long before he is finished. He did follow Rachel’s example and wash his clothes. Upon exiting the bathroom Rachel found herself once more staring at Kenneth bare body. "I haven't been able to think of anything to do," Kenneth told Rachel as he sits down beside her.

  Rachel's finding it hard to concentrate with Kenneth sitting right beside her. "We'll just have to keep trying to figure it out," Rachel stutters out. "Why don't you put a towel on," she said try not to look at Kenneth but finding it difficult.

  "I don't know why you are so uncomfortable with me," Kenneth asks Rachel.

  Rachel doesn’t know what to say or how to explain to him modesty and is afraid to tell him the real reason. "We just don't walk around naked," Rachel said forcefully.

  Kenneth just answers with the most important question of all, "why?"

  "Because," Rachel blurts out, "because sometimes it makes people uncomfortable."

  Kenneth just responds with the same question, "why?"

  Rachel was becoming really uncomfortable with where the conversation is heading. "Because when I look at you bad thoughts enter my mind," Rachel tries to explain.

  "Do you want to hurt me or something," Kenneth asks her.

  "No, what I'm thinking about would probably be incredible," Rachel stutters out, "I just don't know what I'm supposed to do and I don't…"

  Kenneth interrupts her by kissing her on the mouth. Rachel's mind goes blank and her body takes over. She returns the kiss and realizes that Kenneth is no longer just the man she's trying to help but has become something more to her.

  "Since the first time I saw you I knew you were special," Kenneth whispers to Rachel. "It's taken all this time but I finally understand."

  Rachel too has been struggling with her feelings about Kenneth the entire time. At first she tried to treat him like a little brother but soon his kindness and innocence evolved her feelings. "You are the perfect man," Rachel softly told Kenneth, "and I don't know where were headed but I'm glad I'm with you."

  As they continue down this romantic path Rachel discovers Kenneth is also versed in the ways of love. This man
made her feel better than she's ever dreamed possible. Afterwards as she was falling asleep in his arms without any worries of what has happened or what will they do Kenneth had an idea, "I think we need to head to a big city for we will be able to disappear in the crowds."