Read A Day of an Eternal Soul Page 4

  Chapter 4

  The next morning they got cleaned up and put back on their clothes and prepare for another long drive. As they walked out to the car Kenneth spoke up, "you drove all day yesterday if you want I can at least take some of the burden off you."

  Rachel was definitely sick of driving and they are going to be driving mostly in the countryside. "You're right I could use a break," Rachel said tossing him the keys, "just drive carefully but we will have to switch back when we get to the city."

  Hours pass as they drove and they talk about all sorts of subjects. Kenneth listens intensely to Rachel go on about politics for hours and Kenneth told Rachel about some of the things he read in the history books that he thought was interesting. Rachel also told Kenneth about all of her high school experiences, of course she embellished them to make them sound more interesting. It was just past five when they reached the outskirts and switched places. They have been driving all day and stopped off for a bite to eat at the first place that looked edible.

  Rachel chowed down on a quarter pound hamburger staring at Kenneth's face trying to figure out what to do next. "We've reached the city now what," she asked Kenneth. "I don't have enough money to keep us on the run for much longer so we have to figure something out."

  Kenneth thinks about it for a few minutes eating his hamburger before answering, "as long as that woman is chasing us we can't go home and if we cannot continue running the only thing we can do is somehow stop her from chasing us."

  "What are you saying," Rachel asked him.

  "If only we could get her arrested or something like that then we might be able to be free," Kenneth proposes.

  Rachel doesn't know how to do anything like that and going to the cops is still questionable decision but every day becoming more of a reality. Rachel then thinks about how close they have become and worries that if she did take him in she might never see him again.

  "If we are able to get far enough away we can restart our lives together," Rachel said adding another possible solution.

  "I would love to spend the rest of my life with you beside me," Kenneth told Rachel as he toke her hand.

  "Let's find an out-of-the-way place to rest and then tomorrow I will go and do some shopping," Rachel said scarfing down the last of her fries.

  This time as Rachel rents the hotel room she doesn't mind the single bed but is a little bit more worried about the location. It is located right outside an industrial district but the price was right. They of course wash their clothes if only as an excuse for other activities. Rachel once again fell asleep in the arms of a man that she has grown to love. She can't believe this weird twist her life has taken and yet she is somehow happy.

  They decide to stay at the hotel for a few days to try and figure out if they can find work and if they can just disappear or will they need to run even further. Rachel takes her credit card and heads to do some shopping. She will not be able to buy nice new clothes like she has been able to do her entire life. Inside the thrift store she finds it a little bit uncomfortable as she tries on others castaways.

  In the changing room she begins to get angry. "If only that woman hadn't shown up we could be at home and everything would be all right," Rachel mutters to herself as she pulls up the already well-worn pants. "Kenneth is right; the only way for us to be free is to make sure that she doesn't chase us anymore."

  Rachel pays for her stack of clothes hoping that she's gotten enough for both her and Kenneth. She walks out to the car and starts shoving the clothes into the backseat. As she looked up she sees a sign with the word pawn on it. She decided it would be worth her while to check it out and maybe pick up some protection.

  She wandered the store for a minute or two before heading to the counter and looking at the handguns out for display. The man at the counter of course like a vulture swoops in to offer help. "The names Matt and how can I help you today," Matt said introducing himself.

  "I'm looking for some personal protection," Rachel told him.

  "A pretty lady like yourself should always be able to protect herself," Matt said complementing her.

  "I do have one little problem," Rachel said looking at Matt, "I kind of needed today."

  The man stops for a moment looking her down, "see I can sell you any of these handguns without first doing a background check and that can take a couple days."

  "Well if you can't help me then I guess I will be on my way," Rachel said turning to walk out the store.

  "I said I can't sell you any of these guns but maybe I can find a couple I can sell you," Matt said on the sly.

  As she turns back around she now knows that the next time she meets the woman and that stupid blue sports car she will have the upper hand. After buying a small gun which you will easily be able to hide. On the way walking back to her car she walks by a gas station and sees a pay phone. She stops for a few minutes trying to figure out if she should take the risk. With the gun in her pocket she felt quite a bit more comfortable and decides it is worth it.

  She drops the change in the phone and dials home. The phone rings for a few times before Jennifer picks it up, "Hello."

  Rachel takes a deep breath before saying, "hello."

  Jennifer instantly recognizes Rachel's voice, "I've been so worried about you, why did you disappear like that."

  "I try to leave a note but we ran out of time," Rachel told Jennifer.

  "Out of have time for what," Jennifer asks. "There was this woman with a strange tattoo on her hand and arm who came to the door and asked me if I'd seen anything or anybody strange. She also told me that this stranger might be very dangerous and that anyone around them might be in danger."

  "I bet that's the woman that has been chasing us," Rachel informs Jennifer. "You better not of told her anything. That woman shot me and I bet would tell you anything if it would help her find us."

  "I can't believe you got yourself into this crazy situation," Jennifer said braiding Rachel. "Don't worry I didn't tell her anything but just watch yourself. You really don't know anything about Kenneth."

  "One last thing," Rachel said, "will you keep an eye out for any strange vehicles or that woman again. I will call you again in a day or two and maybe we might be able to come home by then."

  They said their goodbyes and Rachel hung up the phone. She continues her walk toward her car debating on telling Kenneth about her new purchase. The man has been a perfect gentleman since the moment they met so she can't believe he would intentionally hurt her but maybe there's something that he can't control or maybe he is contagious. After all the crazy thoughts flood through her head she comes to the conclusion the woman is just trying to get people to help her find them.

  Back at the hotel Kenneth is just watching some TV and reading the newspaper when Rachel comes in. She shows him the semi-new clothes that she had bought them. They spend a couple hours modeling the clothes for each other taking quite a few breaks for fun.

  As dinner approaches Rachel decides to take Kenneth for a little grocery shopping hoping to save money on eating out. After filling up their little fridge with quick eat foods that didn't take a heat source, mostly sandwich stuff, they once again engage in vigorous exercise.

  This was the first time that they weren't completely exhausted afterwards. "I was looking at the help wanted ads earlier today and I think we might be able to find some work," Kenneth told Rachel.

  "What sort of work did you find," Rachel asks him.

  "There's all sorts of odd jobs that I think I'm qualified for," Kenneth said. "There's this one job I found that said great pay but it was for women only." Kenneth shows her the advertisement.

  It only takes Rachel a glance at it to know that it's not for her. "I don't think I'm going to be applying for that job," Rachel informs Kenneth pushing the paper away.

  "Why, what's wrong with it," Kenneth asked innocently.

  "I would be taking my clothes off for strangers and that's not quite the career path I'm looking for," Rachel explai
ns to him.

  Kenneth takes a moment to think about it, "I remember you have that a whole modesty thing. I do think they would pay good money to see you."

  Rachel spends a little while trying to explain to Kenneth what appropriate jobs are.

  The next day they spend hanging out in the room making phone calls to try and figure out if they can get work and if the place is going to be a stickler for paperwork. Rachel finds it funny when Kenneth seems to get confused with some of the questions that they ask or ends up divulging a little bit too much personal information ending his possible employment there.

  It was past 10 o'clock when Rachel goes into the little bathroom to clean herself up and changing to something a lot less comfortable and a lot more sexy. She was going to make the night one to remember for the rest of her life.

  She exited the bathroom with a sexy stride swinging her hips wide. "So what you think," Rachel asked Kenneth.

  "You're absolutely stunning," he responded. "But that's no surprise for it is not the clothes or the makeup that makes you beautiful.

  Rachel was relishing every word Kenneth spoke but she saw something that changed her mood immediately. Through the blinds she saw a blue sports car not drive by but park right behind hers and she knew her memorable night was now over. Seeing the change in Rachel's behavior Kenneth looked out the window and sprang into action.

  The woman had them trapped and there was no way to get her car out of there. The only way to escape would be on foot. Kenneth had his tennis shoes on in a split second and was helping Rachel with hers.

  "I can't go out there like this," Rachel said as Kenneth was grabbing their recently acquired coats.

  "We don't have time for this," Kenneth said forcefully. "She's going to be here probably within less than a minute."

  Once again they end up making their escape through the window but this time it's a small bathroom window but Rachel make sure to grab her purse. Kenneth helps Rachel through and then leaps straight through the window without even touching the sides and hits the ground with a roll and ends up right back on his feet. He takes Rachel's hand and starts running. Their progress is made even more difficult because of the frigid weather and the deep snow.

  "Now I understand why all the Hollywood movies take place during the summer," Rachel said as her legs froze.

  They cut across parking lots and try to stay off the main road but Kenneth knew that they are leaving a trail that any moron could follow. Their only hope is distance and to try to find a place to disappear.

  Within 10 min. of running Rachel is both exhausted and freezing. Her coat did nothing to protect her legs and lingerie was not made to keep women warm. "Have to stop for a moment," Rachel said panting.

  Kenneth seems a little bit annoyed at her request. "You need keep going a little while longer," he told her.

  Rachel tries her best to keep going but she's not the perfect specimen that Kenneth is and she has to slow down or else she's will collapse. She stops and tries to catch her breath. It takes Kenneth a couple moments to realize she's was not behind him anymore.

  "We just have to go a little bit further," Kenneth yelled back at her. "I see a place with a lot of cars around it. I think we can hide out in there for a while."

  As they approach the large warehouse that they hope will be their salvation Rachel knew exactly what is going on. It looks like an illegal rave which Rachel was surprisingly dressed for. It takes the last of their cash to get in but a least it was warm.

  Rachel had a couple warnings for Kenneth, "avoid too much closed contact with anyone who seems too happy and watch your drink."

  Trying to blend in Rachel takes Kenneth out on the dance floor where he seems a little bit stiff. It is easy to tell that he knows how to move but he's just not versed in the modern dance styles. Many guys approach Rachel mostly because of her outfit but once they see Kenneth they lose their confidence. In just over a half an hour Kenneth was already starting to pick up some dance techniques and Rachel started having fun trying to forget about the woman chasing them.

  Their party is cut short when Kenneth notices the woman working her way through the crowd. "We have to go," Kenneth informs Rachel as he takes her hand and starts dragging her through the crowd.

  "What's going on, did she find us again," Rachel said infuriated. "I'm so sick of running."

  They race toward one of the other exits trying to avoid being seen as Kenneth explains his plans, "If we can get back to the hotel we might just be able to push her car out of the way and get out of here. She could be in here for hours searching."

  The first exit they come upon is chained shut as was the next. Moving toward the final one that they can see they catch sight of the woman and it is too late. She has her hand in her jacket and once she's close enough Rachel knows exactly what she's going to do. Kenneth jerks on Rachel's hand and points toward a fourth door that leads toward the offices.

  The doors lock had already been popped and they have no problem getting into the office area. They rush down a hallway and Rachel notices all the people using the offices for extracurricular activities. Kenneth pulls Rachel into one of the rooms just in time for another dart to miss her.

  "That was close," Rachel whispers as everyone in the room stops what they're doing and stares at them.

  "Does anyone know where the roof access is," Kenneth asks the mass of people.

  A girl in a compromised position answers his question, "down the hall to the left."

  They reenter the hall on a full run with Kenneth taking the lead trying to dodge the darts being fired. Miraculously they are able to turn the corner without being hit. They ran down the hall and easily find the door labeled roof access. Kenneth jumps into the air and drops his entire weight onto the handle breaking it off. It doesn't take him too long before the doors open and they are climbing the stairs.

  Once they reach the roof they find it much easier to open the door from the inside. Rachel runs toward the edge of the roof and looks down. There's no way she would be able to survive a fall. Kenneth knows he might be able to but so would the woman chasing them and they would end up being out in the open.

  He stands beside the door lays in wait for the woman hoping to catch her off guard. Rachel knows what to do for she's not a fighter. She decides to hide and maybe she might be able to surprise the woman and end this once and for all.

  The woman takes her time at each moment they wait seems like an eternity. The door finally swings open and the woman races through with her weapon drawn aiming straight at where Kenneth is waiting. He's barely able to dodge around as he charges her. The two of them go at it like some kung fu film. Kenneth is able to get his hand on the weapon and eventually knock it out of her hand. At this point the woman's tactics change for she's no longer trying to subdue Kenneth she is trying to kill him.

  Rachel watches the fight helpless to intervene. It is soon evident that the woman is trying to destroy Kenneth body and is being successful at it. She begins drawing him toward the edge of the roof. It is clear that the woman will not allow Kenneth to leave this rooftop alive. Eventually she is able to gain the upper hand and drops Kenneth to the ground. She takes her boot and with blood lust in her eyes prepares to stomp on his head and finish the job.

  Rachel doesn't have a choice anymore she has to act. She pulled out the gun from her purse and targets the largest part of the woman, her body, and fires. She gets three clean hits as the woman stumbled backwards. Kenneth takes this opportunity and kicks her off the roof.

  Kenneth gots up and approaches Rachel who still has the gun pointing at where the woman once was. She was shaking for she has just taken the life of another. She knows that it is over for at least now.

  Kenneth gently takes the gun out of Rachel's hands and gives her a gentle hug. "Thank you," he told her. "I was sure I couldn't defeat her on my own and I didn't want to go through that again, quite yet."

  His words confused Rachel as she looks him in the eyes but this time there som
ething different about him. With gun in hand he throws her to the ground. "What's this about," Rachel said heartbroken. "What's gotten into you and why are you being so mean?"

  "I'm going to have so much fun breaking you," Kenneth said without any remorse.

  With each word Kenneth speaks the fear inside her grew. "What you mean break me," Rachel said as the tears started to flow.

  "Within just a couple weeks I will be the only thing you can even comprehend," Kenneth said getting excited. "I don't think I can leave anyone that knows about me alone so after I'm done with you I think I'll pay Jennifer a visit and why not Melissa."

  "Don't tell me you were using me this whole time," Rachel asked him through her tears.

  Kenneth walked over to her and places his foot on her chest and points the gun straight at her head. "Sadly no, I didn't get my memories back until just a couple days ago," he said quite suggestively. "Your body was the perfect catalyst for my memories and now I get to do what I've done throughout the ages and that is use others to make my life a little bit better."

  "What you mean use others, what you have planned for me," are just two the questions that are now buzzing through Rachel's head.

  "First of all I'm thinking about raping you on this rooftop," he told her, "and then I'm going to use my well tested techniques to destroy your mind and re-forget as a thrall that is willing to do anything I ask." Putting more and more weight on the foot compressing Rachel's chest he bends down to look her straight in the eyes. "Anyways the names not Kenneth it's Shiventrak but you will call me master."

  As he puts his weight on her she finds it more and more difficult to breathe let alone talk. She can't believe what is happening to her and how quickly this perfect man has changed. She doesn't understand what he's talking about but she knows he's not the man she wished he was. He now has all the power and no one is there able to help her. Once again she feels the sleep starting to come over her as her limbs began to get heavy. She can't help but look at him knowing everything was a lie.

  All of a sudden Rachel sees a blade appear beside Shiventrak’s hand and slice at it cutting the tendons making it go limp. The weight is removed from Rachel's chest as he is shoved off her and she sees the woman standing there. Rachel tries to catch her breath as she watches the woman pick up the gun and approach Shiventrak who she notices has a knife sticking out of his spinal cord.

  "You damn bastard this is for Assallinii," the woman yelled as she unloads the clip into his head. "I can't believe you escaped me again."

  The woman walks over to give Rachel a hand. "I don't understand what's going on," Rachel said trying to understand the last few minutes.

  "Rachel the stories is a long and complicated one, a very long story," the woman told her. "You can call me Adaline."

  As Rachel stood up she notices the holes in Adaline's coat but no blood. "How did you survive getting shot," Rachel asked surprised.

  "Kevlar it's quite useful," Adaline told her with a smile. "Why don't we go get some coffee and I'll explain everything to you."

  The two of them head down the stairwell. "I'm sorry I shot you, multiple times," Rachel said to Adaline.

  "Don't worry about it it's not like I actually stay dead," she responds to Rachel.

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