Read A Different Sort of Life Page 5

  Chapter 5

  As Caroline opened the door to her apartment, she jumped when she saw Daniel sitting on the couch waiting up for her. It was almost three in the morning.

  Daniel’s expression was filled with rage. “Where the hell have you been, Carol!?”

  Caroline was in no mood to deal with Daniel’s question nor his anger, not after their fight the previous morning. She sat her bag on the floor. “I was out, Daniel.”

  Daniel stood up and marched towards her, pointing his finger in her face again. “I am to be told where you are and what you’re doing at any given time, Carol! This relationship is going nowhere with you lollygagging around!”

  Caroline swatted his finger out of her face and pushed past him, strolling over to the kitchen counter. “This relationship is going nowhere because you’re being an asshole!”

  At that moment Daniel’s phone, which was sitting on the counter, began to vibrate indicating a text message. Before Daniel could rush over and grab it, Caroline picked it up and read off the message. “Hey sexy, had a great time last night. Hope we can do it again soon. From Lana.” Caroline glared at Daniel, tears forming in her eyes. “You’re cheating on me with my best friend!?”

  Daniel flipped out. “It’s not my fault you never put out! I have needs, Carol, and you won’t fulfill them!”

  Caroline could take no more. “And I have needs too! Where’s my fulfillment, Dan!?”

  Daniel scoffed. “Ha! Needs!? The man’s needs always come first in a relationship! That’s how it was and that’s how it’s going to be! None of this feminist shit!”

  Caroline’s eyes grew wide. “How it was?” she thought. “He doesn’t want to get rid of just technology. That was never the point. He wants to bring mankind back centuries ago: before the feminist movement, before computers, even before civil rights!”

  Daniel grabbed Caroline’s bag that she had left by the door. “We’ll see who’s cheating! What’s this!? An address!?”

  Caroline ran over and tried to grab her bag away from him. “Get the hell away from my things, Dan!”

  Daniel pushed her away. “Who’s the address for!? Your other boyfriend!? Come on! Let’s find out!” He grabbed Caroline by the wrist and started dragging her out of the apartment.

  Caroline tried to pull away and fight back, but Daniel was stronger than her. “Let go, Dan! You’re hurting me!”

  Daniel turned around and slapped her hard across the face with his free hand. “Shut the fuck up, Carol! Let’s go!”

  Caroline continued to try and fight Daniel all the way down to his car, but by the time they reached where it was parked she was already too exhausted to continue. It was too early in the morning for anyone to notice what was happening. Daniel opened up the passenger door and forced her inside. Tears streamed down her face. Daniel got in the driver’s seat, address in hand. He started the vehicle and sped off. All Caroline could think about was what was about to happen. She had already watched everything she thought she believed in: her ideologies, her relationships, all of it get smashed in front of her. Nothing mattered to her now except one thing: How would Daniel react to Fillin?