Read A Forbidden Love 1-4: The Wrong Brother; A Brillian Rose; The Forgotten Wife; An Unwelcome Proposal Page 5

  “I know,” she whispered, watching him leave.

  When the door finally closed behind him and she found herself alone again, her head sank down on her knees, and she closed her eyes. How differently this day had ended from how it had begun! What would tomorrow bring? How was she to act around her husband and her brother-in-law? Would Robert stay longer as he had suggested? Did she truly want him to?

  Deep down, she knew that having Robert around would make everything more difficult; she would feel even more guilty whenever she saw him. And yet, she couldn’t help but want him to stay. She wanted him near, to see him every day; to enjoy the feelings he had so unexpectedly awoken within her.

  Isabella wanted all that, knowing it was wrong. Or at least her mind knew that it was. Her heart, however, refused to acknowledge it in any way. Her heart was selfish, unconcerned by the feelings of others, only seeking to be with the one person who made it shine.

  Unfortunately, that person was Robert.

  Chapter Six − A Favour Asked

  Despite a massive headache tormenting him, Robert rose relatively early and found himself entering the breakfast parlour the moment his brother and Isabella prepared to exit. While Charles greeted him with an easy smile, Isabella could barely meet his eyes, a deep blush creeping up her cheeks.

  Coming face to face with the nightmares that had kept him awake all night, Robert mumbled a greeting but otherwise kept his eyes on the floor and hastened over to his chair at the head of the table. He could almost feel his brother’s eyes burning a hole into the back of his head.

  “I will meet up with you as soon as I can,” he heard Charles say before the door closed behind Isabella, and he heard her echoing footsteps retreating down the hall.

  Robert took a deep breath, concentrating on the food before him. Instantly, a sickening feeling settled in his stomach that threatened to rise in his throat every time he dared lift the fork to his mouth. The usually intoxicating scents were beyond nauseating, and Robert pushed his plate away.

  Swallowing, he raised his eyes, finding his brother’s calculating gaze run over him like a blood hound sniffing out its prey. “What?”

  Charles shrugged, waved away the footmen waiting by the door and settled into his usual seat, his eyes still intent on his brother. “You look awful,” he finally said. “However, I suppose that was to be expected, and I dare not even hope this will be a lesson to you.” He drew in a deep breath, leaning forward. “Tell me what brought on this rather childish behaviour.”

  Annoyed with his brother’s parental attitude, Robert shook his head at him, instantly regretting this action though as a mind-splitting pain shot through his head. Groaning, he closed his eyes. “I merely enjoyed your wedding festivities. I doubt that is reason for concern.”

  “It would not be reason for concern if I believed you,” Charles objected. “However, you do seem to forget that I know you, Brother. Maybe even better than you know yourself, and despite your two-year absence, I am confident that I am right about this.” He took a deep breath then reached out a hand and placed it on Robert’s arm. “You were different when you arrived here two days ago. Please, do not pretend that nothing happened for I know it to be a lie. And although I believe you capable of dealing with life in general, you seem shaken to the core in a way that has me greatly concerned. Talk to me, Brother. Who did this to you? What did this to you?”

  Looking into his brother’s eyes so full of honest concern and brotherly love, Robert felt his insides twist. More than anything, he wanted to confide in him, but he knew he could not.

  Swallowing the lump in his throat, Robert tried to smile. “I appreciate your concern, but you are mistaken. I am perfectly fine.” He grinned. “Well, maybe not perfectly fine. This headache might actually be the death of me.”

  Not in the least tempted to smile, Charles sat back, disappointment clouding his eyes. “What has changed, Robert? Why can you not confide in me anymore? Have I given you any reason to believe that you cannot trust me?”

  Sighing, Robert closed his eyes. “Please let this go, Charles. I know you mean well, and believe me, there is no one in the world I trust more than you. But this,” he took a deep breath, “this is something…you cannot know.”

  “I see.” Still looking at him, Charles’ eyes narrowed. “Then answer me this; have you done something unlawful?”

  “What?” Robert gaped at him, unable to believe his ears. “Of course not. What makes you say this?”

  Again, Charles leaned forward, and the left corner of his mouth drew up into a knowing grin. “Then I suppose it has to be a matter of the heart.”

  Robert swallowed.

  “Not many things in this world have the power to shake a man to his core, and while I cannot speak from experience, I have witnessed the effects of a woman on a man’s heart here and there. The good and the bad.” He smiled. “Was she at the wedding? Does she not return your affections?”

  Again, Robert swallowed. “No, she…I mean…” Hesitating for but a moment, he met his brother’s eyes. “She was, yes, and you’re right. She does not care for me. There, are you satisfied?”

  Charles shook his head. “Do not lie to me, Robert. I am not this easily fooled. I can tell that you simply wish for me to refrain from questioning you further.” He rose from his chair. “I apologise for intruding into your life, but as your brother, I’m afraid I cannot help it.” He shrugged, and a sad smile came to his face. “Maybe I am being selfish, for my happiness could never be complete without yours.” He took a deep breath. “Be that as it may, I’m afraid I need to be off. Before you came in, I was just informed of a quarrel between tenants that seems to be getting out of hand.”

  Surprised, Robert asked, “What about Mr. Hill? Is that not usually a steward’s job?”

  “It is,” Charles confirmed. “However, his wife went into labour last night so I cannot call upon him. His mind is elsewhere as it needs to be.” Nodding at him, Charles turned and walked to the door. However, before he left, he looked back at his brother. “I cannot say how long I will be occupied today. Could I ask a favour?”

  “Of course.”

  “If your current state allows for it, would you show Isabella around the estate?” Robert’s heart skipped a beat. “I do not wish for her to feel neglected today; after all we’ve been only married for a day.” An apologetic smile crossed over his face.

  “I will,” Robert said, knowing deep in his heart that he should have refused. However, as much as he knew what he ought to do, he could not. At the thought of seeing Isabella, his heart jumped with joy, and all the nerve endings in his body began to tingle with anticipation.

  “Thank you,” Charles said and left.

  Burying his face in his hands, Robert closed his eyes, praying for the strength to keep his hands off his brother’s wife.

  Chapter Seven − Notorious Norwood

  After searching almost the entire house, Robert finally stumbled upon Isabella in the small back parlour, that−as it faced north−usually saw few visitors. “I am sorry to intrude,” he said upon opening the door.

  Startled, she lifted her eyes off the closed book in her hands, and her cheeks glowed a slight pink. “No, not at all,” she objected, shaking her head.

  Closing the door, Robert did not know what to do. Should he sit down beside her? Or rather in the armchair across from her? Or should he remain standing?

  You should leave, his voice of reason whispered. Taking a deep breath, Robert ignored it. “I thought I’d find you with your sister and your parents.”

  Her eyes shifting between him and the window, she shrugged and laid down the book beside her. “They went for a ride.”

  “And you did not join them?”

  “I told them I would spend the day with Charles.”

  Robert frowned. “But he was called away.”

  “I know,” she whispered, her eyes meeting his for but a second. “I wanted to be alone.” Taking a deep breath, she rose from the settee
and went to stand by the window. “It is a beautiful day, is it not?”

  “I suppose it is.” Sadness clung to her like a blanket, and Robert felt the desperate need to hold her, wrap her in his arms and never let go. Instead, he asked, “Is there anything I can do?”

  She turned to look at him then. “That is very kind of you, but I believe my husband will return shortly.”

  Nodding, Robert gritted his teeth. “I suppose he will.” He swallowed. “Allow me to take this opportunity, my lady, to wish you…and my brother a happy marriage.” As the blood began to boil in his veins, Robert’s hands balled into fists.

  “I believe you’ve already done so,” she reminded him, her dark eyes drilling into his as though she could read his mind. “It makes me wonder if you truly mean what you say.”

  Robert felt himself shake with the effort it took to keep himself under control. “Why would you doubt my words? Do you not believe I wish my brother to be happy?”

  “I do believe so, yes,” she said, her eyes closing for a second. Then she shook her head, and a single tear rolled down her cheek. “As do I. He is a good man, and he truly deserves to be happy. I only fear that…”

  His heart hammering in his chest, Robert stepped forward, his feet carrying him to her side of their own accord. “What do you fear, my lady?”

  She sighed, brushing the wetness from her cheek, then met his eyes. “I fear I will not be the means to ensure that.”

  “What makes you say this?” he whispered. Mesmerised by the slight quiver in her lips, Robert felt himself lean closer. His eyes travelled over her face, seeing her shiver as his breath brushed over her cheek.

  “Do you truly have to ask?” she whispered and lifted her eyes to meet his. Open and without a hint of embarrassment, she looked at him, seemingly hoping against hope that he might know the answer to their troubles, that somehow he would know what to do.

  Robert sighed for he knew that there was nothing that could be done. The moment she had whispered her ‘I do’, she had not only become his brother’s wife but also, as far as the law was concerned, Robert’s sister.

  If only he had a brother’s love for her.


  As he stood so close to her, Isabella breathed in his scent and for a second closed her eyes. In a way, it reminded her of Charles, and yet, it was completely different, new and unknown. It spoke of a different man; one she did not know yet, but desperately wished she would.

  Meeting his eyes, she sighed, feeling her limbs begin to tremble as his gaze slid over her in an all too familiar way−completely inappropriate for a brother-in-law, though. However, she could not bring herself to tell him so.

  Instead, she smiled, enjoying the tingle that went over her as she did. “I have heard of you, Lord Norwood,” she whispered, watching his eyes narrow as she spoke. “The notorious Viscount known for his…adventures all over London.”

  He drew in a deep breath, looking displeased with the direction their conversation had taken. And yet, the hint of an amused smile drew up the corners of his mouth. “Adventures, you say. Would you care to elaborate?”

  Feeling the hint of a blush warm her cheeks, Isabella averted her eyes, but only for a moment. Surprised to find herself so daring, she could not keep herself from teasing him further−to his obvious delight. “My lord, I would not dare. Adventures like yours are not meant for a lady’s ears.”

  A deep smile came to his face then, and his eyes began to sparkle as he took yet another step closer. Isabella felt her heart almost jump out of her chest as he leaned down and whispered, “My lady, how would you know if you’ve never even heard them yourself? Are you suggesting that you are not a lady?”

  Isabella’s eyes widened in feigned shock, and she gasped at his insinuation. “I would never dare suggest such a thing, my lord. I was merely informed that stories unfit for a lady’s ears are the reason for your reputation. However, I never heard them myself.” Except for snippets overheard here and there, Isabella thought, shocked at her own boldness to confront him in such a way. “I was advised to keep my distance from you, my lord.”

  “Is that so?” he asked, his eyes travelling down to her lips. “And why is that? Do you fear for your reputation?”

  Isabella swallowed, and for a second, her gaze travelled down to his mouth before meeting his eyes once more. “Should I?” she whispered, and the teasing smile vanished from his face.

  He drew in a deep breath, all signs of amusement gone replaced by a serious tone that she had never seen on him before.

  How could you? Her voice of reason whispered. You hardly know him.

  “No,” he finally said, his lips pressing into a thin line. She could see the tension in his jaw as he swallowed and then took a step backward. “You have nothing to fear from me, my lady.”

  A shy smile came to Isabella’s face as her heart rejoiced, and, yet, felt a pang of regret at the same time. Despite all the rumours she had heard, Lord Norwood seemed to be an honourable man. He had wanted to kiss her; she had seen it in his eyes, but he hadn’t.

  However, a part of her could not help but feel disappointed. Never before had she felt the deep desire to have a man’s lips caress her own. Why did he have to be so blasted honourable?

  At the thought, a deep blush came to Isabella’s cheeks, and she turned her head away. How could she think such things? Married but a day, and to his brother no less. Was she the most awful creature to ever walk the earth?

  Guilt washed over her like a downpour, and she closed her eyes. Why did this have to happen? Everything had been so perfect. Charles was her match. Her perfect match. They suited each other in every way.

  Every way?

  “Are you all right?”

  Lifting her eyes to his, Isabella shook her head. “I hardly know.”

  Deep down, something had awakened. Something that sent a shiver down her back every time this man looked at her. Something that made her want to reach out and wrap her arms around him. Something that urged her to forget the vows she had made.

  “You look pale, my lady.” His voice was but a whisper, and still, it shook her to her very core. “Are you feeling unwell?”

  “Unwell?” she echoed as though to herself. “Indeed.” Shaking her head, a sad smile drew up the corners of her mouth. “I suppose I must be. No woman ought to think such things, feel such…” Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath. When she opened them again, his face was but a breath’s length away from hers, tortured eyes looking into her soul.

  Isabella drew in a sharp breath.

  “You feel it too, do you not?” he whispered as his arm came around her, holding her close. “At first, I thought I was imagining it, but then…” He gritted his teeth, a look of pure agony darkening his eyes. Taking a deep breath, he hung his head. Slowly, ever so slowly, it sank until his forehead came to rest against hers. “Part of me wishes I had never returned,” he whispered, and she felt the breath of his words against her lips. “I was fine,” he continued, then lifted his head and looked into her eyes. “I was fine before I met you.”

  A sad smile came to Isabella’s face. “So was I.” She swallowed, acutely aware of his arms around her as well as her own body’s reaction to his closeness. “What are we to do?”

  A look of madness came to his eyes, and he shook his head. “I have not the faintest idea,” he said, raking his left hand through his hair. “All I know is that you’re…,” he took a deep breath, “you’re my brother’s wife.” His jaw clenched as he looked at her. “But every time I see you, I just…” He stopped and inhaled deeply, his eyes travelling down to her lips. “I want to do things I shouldn’t even be thinking.”

  Feeling herself tremble, Isabella nodded. “Me too.”

  His eyes opened wide, and he searched her face. “Truly?”

  Once more, Isabella nodded, knowing that if she should speak again, her voice would be choked by tears. Pressing her lips together, she forced them back.

  “If you were anyone else?
??s wife,” he whispered, his arm tightening around her possessively, “I would not hesitate.” He shook his head, his eyes burning into hers. “I would whisk you away to the end of the world if need be. Nothing would…” Stopping, he closed his eyes.

  When he looked at her again, all the fire she had seen in them before was gone. “But you’re not,” he whispered, resignation ringing in his voice. “You’re my brother’s wife, and no amount of wishful thinking is going to change that.” He released her then and took a step back.

  Isabella felt the loss of his closeness like an icy draft, and a shiver ran down her back. Instantly, her arms came up to reach for him, but felt nothing except cold air. Balling her hands into fists, she forced them back down to her sides. “I do not wish to hurt him, either,” she finally said, swallowing as a sob threatened to escape her throat.

  Nodding, he barely looked at her. “I should leave,” he mumbled, then spun around and strode from the room.

  Staring after him, Isabella wondered if she had only imagined him, so inexplicably fast had he entered her life and left it the same way. Allowing her tears to flow freely, she sank down on the settee and wept.

  Chapter Eight − The Wrong Sister

  Robert was certain that before the day was out, he would lose his mind.

  While reason advised him to keep a safe distance from his brother’s wife, fate continued to throw them together.

  Leaving her in the parlour after their close encounter, Robert tried his utmost to keep himself busy. His thoughts, however, refused to linger anywhere else but on Isabella’s beautiful face. When dinner was served and his brother still hadn’t returned, Robert found himself seated at the long table in the dining room, Isabella and Adriana to his right and the earl and his wife to his left. For all intents and purposes, he was surrounded.

  Taking a deep breath, he forced his eyes onto his plate and busied himself cutting his food into even slices. He should never have returned home!