Read A Holland Kiss Page 17

  “Really?” Anthony sounded like a lawyer now and I felt like a criminal.

  “Really.” Have I mentioned that I suck at lying? “It’s not like she paid me. She donated the money for Dutch and Tulip. You’re just delivering it. That’s all.” I smiled brightly.

  But Anthony’s years of law school weren’t fooled and he wasn’t buying my innocent act. “To say I’m embarrassed doesn’t begin to describe my feelings right now. I apologize, Lily. She should have never put you up to this. You must think I’m pitiful.” He loosened his tie, stretching out the collar of his shirt.

  This was the first date I’d been on where the guy was wearing a suit and tie, not counting prom. I was way underdressed in my dressy jeans and cardigan. Really who wears a suit and tie on a date? No one I know. People had looked at him funny when he’d gotten our popcorn at the movies. He was dressed like he was going to a funeral.

  “Listen, Anthony.” We were standing on my back porch now and there was a chill in the air. But I felt so wretched that I was almost hot. “I’ll be honest. I was reluctant at first, but I needed the money.” Anthony looked even worse now.

  I tried again. “Wait! That came out wrong.” Blowing out a breath of frustration, I knew I was blowing my defense. “I had my reservations at first, but after spending the evening with you, I’m glad your grandma did call. I had a nice time.” And I meant it.

  Anthony had been great all evening. He’d loosened up and become less stiff and formal as the night went on. He was funny and I found myself feeling comfortable around him like I did with Jonas.

  “Grandmother has her heart set on my relocating to Holland and believes a woman is the way to achieve that goal.” Smiling sheepishly, Anthony didn’t look quite so glum now.

  “Would that be so bad? Moving to Holland, I mean.” We could use a man like Anthony. Smart, good looking, plus his height meant that his future kids would be tall. This would be good for Southridge basketball.

  “Me? In Holland? I don’t think that’s going to happen.”

  Now I was offended and it must have shown on my face.

  “What I mean by that is Holland is nice, but I prefer a city that has more to offer than a single convenience store. Where would I practice law?”

  “Huntingburg, Jasper. You could even commute to Evansville. Holland could use some young blood,” I stated.

  Smiling, Anthony took my hand. “Are you propositioning me, Lily?” He kissed the back of my hand and continued to smile, so I assumed he was teasing me.

  “Isn’t that what this date is all about? You did buy me after all?”

  Our date ended like that. Anthony was very much the gentleman, kissing me at the door. He didn’t press for more, but we did kiss for a very long time. His kisses were nothing like Jay’s, but I’ll never have a chance to kiss Jay again. I better get used to another man’s lips.

  Anthony said he’d call me in a few days, but we all know what that means. I’ll never hear from him again, which is fine I guess. I did what I set out to do. The money needed for Dutch and Tulip had been raised and I got a free dinner and movie.


  The night of the announcement was one of the happiest of my life. I was so excited to share the news with Holland that the money was raised and Dutch and Tulip would be fully restored.

  I wanted a big occasion or platform to make my announcement, but nothing was coming up, so I did the next best thing. I joyfully painted in the remaining space on the gauge, getting paint everywhere in the process, updated the blog and Facebook page and told the quilting ladies.

  It was anti-climactic really. All the hard work that had gone into saving Dutch and Tulip was over. I wanted to throw a party and celebrate, but that would come later.

  Which Molly reminded me of on a regular basis. She’d gotten into the habit of calling me every day, as if I were her personal wedding planner. She was wearing on my nerves, but she was the bride after all.

  Now all that was left to do, besides deal with Molly, was to wait for the restoration to begin and finalize plans for the unveiling on the Fourth of July.

  What am I supposed to do with all my free time? Dutch and Tulip had become my life. The fight to see them restored was now over and my pro list felt longer, yet at the same time my con list was still winning.

  After depositing Mrs. Furst’s check, I called Mom, Dad, Ruth, Jonas, Bill and Tootsie. Kelly already knew, but I called her anyway. She wanted to make sure I’d survived my date unharmed.

  But the person I really wanted to call was Jay.

  Unfortunately, he called me instead.

  Chapter 21

  “Stop it!” Tulip demanded. “I mean it, Dutch! You stop that this instant!” Tulip was curious. No, that wasn’t right. She didn’t know the word, but knew she was mad.

  Dutch was behaving very badly.

  Confused, Dutch felt funny, but didn’t know why or what was happening. His legs weren’t working right and his feet had fallen asleep. He couldn’t wiggle his large toes.

  “Have you been drinking?” What else could explain why Dutch was suddenly acting so strange. Now Tulip knew what she was. She was furious. “You should be ashamed of yourself, young man!”

  Tulip could have sworn Dutch was swaying, but her eyes must be playing tricks on her. “Dutch? Answer me!” When Dutch didn’t answer, Tulip became even more upset. “If you don’t answer me, I’m never going to kiss you. Do you hear me?”

  Dutch couldn’t answer his love, for in that instant the world around him changed suddenly. He was unable to speak as a gust of wind whipped around his face, getting dust in his mouth. There was a crashing sound as the world shook, and Dutch knew he’d never get his kiss now.


  When my phone woke me at 5:30AM, I knew something was wrong. News is never good when it comes before the sun is up.

  “Lily. It’s Jay.” As if I didn’t know that voice, even in my sleepy state. “Sorry for calling so early, but something’s happened to Dutch. I thought you’d want to know.”

  Wide awake I asked, “What do you mean?”

  “He’s been knocked over.” Jay sounded reluctant to say the words.

  “What are you talking about? How in the world did he get knocked over?” For crying out loud, Dutch weighs 12 tons. Did we have another storm and I’d missed it?

  “Looks like someone tied a chain around him and pulled him down.” Jay sounded exhausted and frustrated all at the same time.

  “I’ll be right there.” Hanging up, I threw on the first thing I could find. So I’d look like I just rolled out of bed when I see Jay. I’ve moved past Jay. Sort of. Fine! Not at all.

  In the short time it took me to get to the park, the words “Rest in Pieces” haunted me. What would I find when I got there? What if Dutch was seriously injured?

  Junior scowled when I got to the park. Outwardly it must look like all the trouble surrounded me. Inwardly I had to agree. Rain was beginning to fall, and the early morning sun was just rising through the fog that had settled overnight.

  “They had to have used a winch. How the hell else could you pull him down?” Poor Junior. I felt sorry for him. He hadn’t signed up for this. At the rate crimes were being committed in Holland, we’d need a fulltime cop soon.

  As Jay and Junior walked around Dutch, I stood paralyzed. I didn’t know what to say or how to feel. Luckily, it didn’t look like there was any serious damage, but Dutch was lying on his side, parallel to the road. The crack in his ass looked the same and he had some new scuff marks to his paint, but he wasn’t broken.

  The money was raised and the restoration was set to begin in two weeks. Why would someone do this now? All the other things that had happened made sense I guess if you were crazy and wanted to get rid of Dutch and Tulip. But what did this prove?

  At least Tulip was okay. I looked up her still smiling face and just knew that if she could she’d be crying.

  “Looks like they tried to get to Tulip,” Junior said, soun
ding even unhappier with me now.

  For the love of all that’s good in this world! Will this never end?

  Walking across the driveway, in a stupor, I could just make out the telltale scratch marks around Tulip’s clogs. “Why…” But I couldn’t finish my sentence for my own tears.

  Jay wrapped his arms around me and I let myself go. Finally, when I was done with my cry time, I tried to push away, but Jay continued to hold me, kissing the top of my head.

  “It’s all right Lily. Dutch is fine. No real damage was done.” He was rubbing my back, rocking us from side to side. “In two weeks they’ll get started on him and this will be forgotten.”

  “No it won’t. Don’t you see?” Placing my hands on Jay’s chest, I looked up to him, then pushed away when he tried to smile. For some reason his beautiful face brought me no comfort.

  “What if it doesn’t stop? It’s only a matter of time before something happens that can’t be fixed.” I sounded like a whiny child.

  Junior had his slicker on now, the rain was really coming down, but I didn’t care. Sopping wet, I paced back and forth on the road between Tulip and where Dutch had been standing.

  Looking at Dutch’s face close-up for the first time, I started crying again. His eyes were the size of my head. The detail they’d used on his facial features was surprising, since no one should have ever seen the tiny freckles on his nose, or the little dimple in his left cheek. So many details that added to his handsome face, yet I wished I’d never gotten the opportunity to see them.

  “What are you gonna do about this?” I asked, sounding like I was accusing Junior.

  Junior refused to look at me, but I already knew the answer. Nothing he could do unless someone came forward. He and Jay continued to stand around, with hands on their hips. The men I expected answers from had none.

  The other committee members were called. Glen and Rev. Koeln arrived shortly after. Rev. Koeln with his black umbrella lent the atmosphere an even somber mood. I felt like we were at a funeral. And I hated that I might lose this loved one.

  Glen and Rev. Koeln did just what Jay and Junior were doing. Nothing. They commented about how this could have happened, entering into a very manly conversation about trucks and horsepower.

  Still in a stupor, I knew what I had to do. Lord knows I’ve wasted enough time waiting on a man to make me happy and look where that’s gotten me.

  Dutch would be a man of action. He wouldn’t take this lying down.

  And neither would I.


  Camping wasn’t so bad.

  Two weeks sleeping in my car. Piece of cake.

  Until someone knocked on my window and I almost peed myself.

  “Jesus, Jay! You scared the crap out of me!” Or was it piss? “What are you doing here?” I asked suddenly suspicious.

  Surely Jay wasn’t the one responsible for tipping Dutch? Oh my God! What if he was?

  Convenient how he’d showed up at my house the night my window was broken and, just because he was such a swell guy, slept in my driveway to protect me. How he’d cleaned my car and how he drove by my house at all times of the day and night checking up on me. Suggesting I step down from the committee because he was worried.

  For the first time, I took a good hard look at Jay, beyond how good he looked that is.

  “You son of a bitch!” Throwing open the car door, I went for him. And not in the sexual way like I’d always wanted. “How could you? Why?” I was yelling and clawing at him. Well trying to claw at him, but he’s faster and bigger.

  Jay grabbed my arms, then held both my wrists in one of his hands. “What’s gotten into you?” Jay didn’t release me. He must have known by the way I was still struggling that I was going to try and attack again.

  “You did this!” I screamed, trying to gesture with my hands, but remembered they were bound. I nodded toward Dutch with my head, “Why Jay? Why are you doing this to them?”

  “I’m not doing anything.” Jay and his innocent act didn’t fool me though.

  “Bullcrap! You’re the one sabotaging Dutch and Tulip. Just admit it.” I was beyond mad now.

  “Are you insane? Why would I do that?” Jay was clearly upset too, but still didn’t release me. “I came here to check on them and saw your car.” His grip loosened, but he continued to hold my hands. Looking at me tenderly, he asked, “What are you doing here?”

  “I’m staying here until the restoration starts.” I’d borrowed a baseball bat from Bill and had one of those enormous flashlights you always see police have. I drew the line at a gun, but did have pepper spray.

  “Excuse me? You’re what?”

  “You heard me. I’m camping out. So if you want to do any more damage to Dutch and Tulip you’ll have to go through me buddy!” This would have been a lot more convincing if he’d let go of me.

  “Let me get this straight. You’re camping out. Here? For what? Two weeks?” He paused, I guess, for emphasis. “And you think I had something to do with all the trouble.” It wasn’t a question.

  I didn’t answer. I was still too angry. I can’t believe this is happening. Was the man of my dreams a nightmare in reality?

  Then Jay pulled me into his arms and kissed me.

  Lost in the kiss, I almost forgot that I was furious with him. It felt so right being in his arms. This is how it should be. One of Jay’s hands was in my hair, the other towing the line between my lower back and butt, pulling me closer to his body.

  I responded eagerly to his kiss and my hands were everywhere. His chest, his back, his hair. I was just about to tow that back/butt line, but Jay pulled back.

  “Now what do you think?” Jay was breathing heavy.

  No idea what to think. That’s what I think. I was breathing heavy as well.

  “I didn’t have anything to do with any of the things that have happened. Honestly.” Jay was rubbing my back and I could have escaped his hold, but wasn’t ready to just yet. “Come on, Lily. You know me better than that.”

  “Do I? Maybe I don’t know you at all.” Sure I’d been in love with the idea Jay represented for, well forever, but did I really know him?

  After kissing me again, longer this time and, yes, I kissed him back. Honestly, I couldn’t help it. He’s a darned good kisser. And you know what? Every time we kiss it gets better. And I was hopelessly in love with him, but wasn’t supposed to be. No matter how hard I tried.

  “Well?” Jay asked.

  “Well what? You think a few kisses are supposed to convince me of anything?” I wanted to believe him. You know I did, but all the kissing had left me confused. Perhaps I needed a few more kisses before I made up my mind.

  “Fine.” Taking a step back, Jay released me and turned to leave. “You camp here. But know this. I want nothing more than to see Dutch and Tulip restored.”

  “Wait! Don’t go.” I hated that my voice sounded pleading.

  “Oh I’m not leaving. I can’t wait to stick around for you to accuse me some more.”

  “Who do you think is responsible then?” I asked, watching Jay pace back and forth, kicking at rocks as he went.

  “I have no clue. I can’t figure it out. But that doesn’t matter now. What matters is you going home. It’s not safe for you to stay here alone.”

  “I’ll be fine. I’ll sleep in my car.” When Jay gave me a droll look, I added. “I’ll lock the doors.”

  “Yes. You’ll be perfectly safe then.” Sarcasm wasn’t very attractive. “Let me stay,” Jay offered.

  “Why? So you can do more damage?” Sorry that was bad of me, but I still wasn’t convinced Jay wasn’t the one. It just makes too much sense. Don’t you think?

  “Stop being stupid and go home.”

  Stupid. Did he just call me stupid? “No! You go.” I said firmly.

  “No,” Jay said just as firmly. “I’ll stay with you then.”

  No effing way! That’s all I needed. To be seen camping at the park with Jay. Principal Kyser would put an e
nd to my career for sure.

  “Oh and I’m sure Britni would just love it if you stayed with me. Just go. I’ve got this.” I could only imagine Britni’s reaction if she discovered Jay and I together at the park. I’d have to get my own bodyguard.

  “Britni and I aren’t seeing each other anymore.”

  Excuse me? Did he just say what I think he said? You heard that too right? Quick! Pinch me. Because I want to be awake for this. First the kissing and now this. I realized at that moment, my con list didn’t have a chance.

  “Why?” I couldn’t help asking, even though it was none of my business.

  “Doesn’t matter.” Was that relief I heard in his voice?

  But it mattered to me. I wanted to know all the details. Every. Last. One.

  “Now are you going home or am I staying here with you?” Jay asked again.

  As tempting as that offer was, I couldn’t allow him to do that.

  “Neither. Now get. I mean it, Jay. You’ll only cause me more trouble if you stay.” Trouble as in, I wouldn’t be able to pay my bills because I was unemployed.

  “You’re stubborn you know that. Get in your car, lock the doors and call me at the first sign of trouble.” Squeezing my hand, “And for the record. I don’t like you staying here.”

  “Yeah yeah. You said that already.” I said exasperated and overloaded with information.


  It was a long night. My intention was to spend the night on guard duty. My sole focus protecting Dutch and Tulip. Instead I found myself awake all night thinking of Jay. Which I often did anyway, but this was different. He and Britni were through, but why? Surely she hadn’t broken up with him. What kind of an idiot would do that?

  Had his kisses meant something? They meant everything to me.

  Between obsessing over Jay and the new developments in his love life and if I’m lucky mine, and worry that someone might show up to further harm Dutch and Tulip, I had no trouble staying awake.

  Every sound made me jump though, tightening my death grip on Bill’s bat. My mind was buzzing from fear and excitement. I had so much, too much, to think about. If Jay wasn’t the one responsible, then who was? And what would their next move be and when?

  I was awake, but just barely, when the sun rose. Birds were chirping a happy tune and there was a chipmunk sitting on Dutch’s ear. I wanted to shoo it away, but was too afraid to get out of my car.