Read A Holland Kiss Page 18

  After the chipmunk left, I’d thrown a pencil at it, I said good morning to Dutch and Tulip. Rubbing Dutch’s face as I walked by. “No worries guys. I got you covered until help arrives.” They, of course, smiled at me, but I knew they felt better knowing I was watching out for them.

  After a quick shower at home, I rode my bike to school. I was stiff from sitting up all night and needed to loosen up.

  Marching into Principal Kyser’s office early, not really early for me though. I hadn’t slept a wink. I smiled brightly at Mrs. Bass as I passed her desk and entered the principal’s office unannounced.

  “Good morning,” I said in way of greeting.

  “Morning, Lily.” Notice how he left out the “good” part? “What can I do for you?”

  “Just wanted to let you know, before anyone calls and complains, that I’m staying at the park until the restoration begins.”

  “Heard about Dutch. Any idea…”

  But I cut him off before he could finish. “I’m not taking any chances with them. So if you want to send me home or fire me….” I didn’t finish. I didn’t have to. He knew I was giving him an ultimatum. Sort of.

  I didn’t give Principal Kyser a chance to reply. I simply walked out of his office and went straight to my classroom. Hoping, no praying, that I wouldn’t get sent home.

  The sleepless night had left me jittery and apparently full of myself. I wasn’t that valuable to the faculty. I was easily replaced. Which is why I did it, I guess.

  Dutch and Tulip can’t be replaced.

  Chapter 22

  “Are you all right down there?” Tulip asked, even though she was still quite upset with Dutch.

  “Yes, I’m fine. It hurt when I fell and I think I skinned my knee. But you heard Lily. They’ll be here soon and help me up.” Dutch’s view of the world had suddenly changed. Around Tulip he could see the vast expanse of trees. And cars going back on forth on the road.

  “Well this wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t been drinking,” Tulip stated. “I bet you have one of those hungovers now, don’t you?” Dutch deserved a headache for worrying her so.

  Tulip, too, had a new view of the world. For years she hadn’t been able to see around Dutch’s head, but now she could see beyond the park. The school was in the distance and she could see children playing on the playground.

  “I don’t have a headache, flower.” From his new viewpoint, Dutch could have easily looked up Tulip’s skirt, but was too much of a gentleman to do that.

  “You didn’t squish my flowers did you?” Tulip wanted her flowers to be perfect, not wilted and dying.

  Dutch hadn’t thought of that. Oh no! “No Tulip. They’re fine.” He hoped. How was a boy supposed to get his kiss if he didn’t have flowers to give his love?


  My second night at the park, Anthony called from Boston. We talked for an hour. He was witty, funny and I genuinely liked him. Liked him enough to agree to a second date.

  Although I don’t know why. I know it’s wrong since I’m not interested him in that way, but I was so surprised when he called that my yes just kind of slipped out.Now that I knew Jay was single, my heart was foolishly hoping that he’d show some interest in me.

  Sleep deprivation could be the cause as well. I knew I’d sleep tonight. I wouldn’t be able to stop myself. I only hope that if someone does show up, I’d wake in time to stop them from carrying out any more diabolical plans.

  Junior stopped by, called me an idiot for staying at the park, but told me to call if I needed anything. Glen was with him; although he didn’t actually call me an idiot, I know he was thinking it.

  Jay called as well. “How’s that stakeout going?”

  “Fine. And it’s not a stakeout.” More like guard duty.

  “Okay. How’s the watchout going?” Jay chuckled.

  “Is that even a word?” I asked, holding back a yawn.

  “It is now. How’d you sleep last night?”

  “Like a baby,” I lied. “You?” I’d seen Jay’s bed and imagined him lying in it, maybe he was in it now. All tucked in, head resting on his pillow. I wondered what he slept in. PJs or boxers. Or maybe nothing.

  “Like shit. I was worried about you all night.”

  Uh-huh. I’m sure that’s exactly how Jay spent his night. Worried about me.

  My neck was sore and I’m pretty sure I’ve developed an irregular heartbeat from stress and lack of sleep. As appealing as it was to have Jay on the phone, I needed to let him go, in more ways than one, and not get some sleep.

  “What do you want, Jay?” I wanted him to want me, but we’ve been there. Done that.

  “I just wanted to check on you. That’s all”

  “Thanks, but I’m fine. ’Night, Jay.” Finger on the end button, Jay surprised me by keeping the conversation going.

  “What are you doing?” He asked.

  Trying to get off the phone with you and I was doodling in my grade book, but answered, “Nothing.” Suspiciously, I got up and walked around Dutch. What if he was trying to distract me, while someone did something right under my nose?

  I needed to stay alert. But tired as I was, someone could have loaded Dutch and Tulip up and driven away with them. Am I being paranoid? Probably. Do I have good reason? Absolutely.

  Jay kept me on the phone for hours. We talked about jobs he was doing. Him telling me funny stories about the things people asked him to do. He asked me about teaching. What I liked best and what I hated.

  We reminisced about our childhood, which we’d shared in the same neighborhood. Rehashing shared memories. Except in all my childhood memories, I was always the little girl who followed the big kids around. Trying to share in their more mature fun. I’d looked up to Jay then. He was funny and outgoing, not to mention cute. No wonder I had a crush on him then.

  “Remember that time you threw my shoes on Ruth’s roof?” I asked, smiling at the memory.


  “Yes you do. I’d taken them off to run through the puddles after it rained and you tied the laces together and threw them on Ruth’s porch roof.” It had thrilled me to death then. Jay actually knew I was alive and was playing with me. Or so my child mind had thought.

  “Sorry. I don’t remember that.”

  I asked him about several more incidents that were branded into my mind. All involving him and our childhood, but Jay couldn’t remember any of them.

  “I remember the black eye I gave you,” Jay offered.

  “Never mind.” Clearly Jay and I didn’t have the same childhood memories. I was lucky he remembered my name. The disappointment must have sounded in my voice and I think it made feel Jay feel bad. But it shouldn’t. He was seven years older than me. When he was 15, I was eight, hardly the kind of person a teen boy would notice.

  By the way, that’s a good thing or I’d think Jay was a pervert, but still it hurt. Realizing that so many memories centered on him, yet he couldn’t remember me was a tough blow.

  After sitting in silence for several minutes, I felt myself getting sleepier and this conversation was going nowhere. The Jay I’d built up in my mind was fading.

  “I almost asked you out once.” Jay stuttered.

  I must be asleep and already dreaming. Because only in my dreams would Jay say that. I think the next time the nurse does hearing checks, I’m cutting to the front of the line, because my hearing must be going as well.

  “Lily? Are you there?”

  No. Lily has left her body. She is currently residing on cloud nine. She’ll contact you when she returns.

  “I’m here.” I didn’t know what to say. Jay had almost asked me out? What was I supposed to say to that?

  “Did you hear me?”

  “Yeah,” I whispered. I don’t know why I was suddenly whispering, but it felt right. “When?” I wanted to know what had been going on in my life that I hadn’t noticed any supposed interest Jay might have shown. Had I suffered a concussion at some point?

“Just before you got your teaching job,” Jay whispered.

  “Why didn’t you?” Here I’d had a chance and somehow had blown it? I was mad at myself now.

  “I don’t know. You seemed different after college. All grown up. I guess I thought you were out of my league.”

  “Of course, I was grown up Jay. I’m an adult.” Out of his league? What was that all about? I couldn’t imagine the standards of play that put me out of Jay’s reach. Must be a minor league.

  “I know, but somehow you’d gone from a cute little girl to a beautiful accomplished woman.”

  Definitely getting a hearing aid. He thought I was beautiful? He must need glasses.

  “I don’t understand.” I said, honestly.

  “You Lily. You’re young, gorgeous and educated. What could I possibly have to offer you?”

  Jay needs his head examined along with his eyes. Now I was gorgeous? What could he have to offer me? Everything, that’s what. My own personal happily ever after.

  “I don’t know what to say.” A million things were running through my mind, yet I couldn’t verbalize any of them.

  “Forget I said anything. It was stupid.” Jay sounded disgusted with himself.

  My cell chirped once and went silent.

  “Hello?” No answer.

  “Jay!” I screamed into the phone.

  My battery was dead. In the confusion of the last few days, I’d forgotten to charge it.

  Wonderful. I was just having the best conversation of my life.

  Racing to my car, I plugged in my phone. Praying that Jay would call back, but I fell asleep waiting for a call that never came.


  After another nearly sleepless night, I felt like the walking dead. Looked like it, too, apparently.

  “Gracious, girl. You look terrible.” Tootsie was taking clothes off the line, while Ruth supervised, sitting in a lawn chair drinking a glass of tea.

  “I know. Think I’ll take a nap before going back to the park.” My speech was slurred now, like a drunk and I’d fallen asleep during my planning period. Thankfully, no one had caught me drooling on my desk.

  “Why don’t you let Bill and me stay at the park tonight?” Tootsie suggested.

  “Me too!” Ruth was out of her chair, looking excited about the prospect.

  Tootsie ignored Ruth. “Taco is one heck of a watch dog.” She said as Taco lay belly up catching some early April rays. A chipmunk could have run over him and he wouldn’t have noticed. I shuddered.

  “Thanks, but I don’t want to put you out. Besides, I sort of feel like it’s my job. Kelly’s off tonight. She’s gonna stop by and keep me company.” And hopefully awake.

  Ruth looked disappointed, like I was a parent telling her no to a slumber party.

  I slept until 7:30, showered and brushed my teeth. My phone was fully charged and Kelly was waiting for me when I got to the park. No one else was around and Dutch and Tulip looked perfect. Not perfect really, Dutch was still lying on his side napping.

  I envied him. My nap had not been long enough.

  When Anthony called, I was disappointed it wasn’t Jay. Kelly sat next to me in my car and listened to my side of the conversation. I cut my call with Anthony short, since Kelly was making faces at me, but when Jay called, I forgot all about her presence. She left shortly after, mouthing something about me having two guys on the line. She was eating this up. Along with most of my Gaslight pizza.

  “Sorry about last night. My phone died.” I wanted to pick up where we’d left off. Maybe I could still get my date.

  “Figured as much. I didn’t want anything. Just checking in.” Jay paused, “Remember to lock your doors and call me if anything happens.” Jay ended our call and I wanted to scream.

  No! Let’s talk about us and how gorgeous you think I am. That was a nice thing to talk about.

  Chapter 23

  “Dutch, I miss you.” Tulip was lonely without her Dutch boy. And bored.

  “I’m still with you, flower.” As much as he missed looking into Tulip’s blue eyes, Dutch was enjoying just laying around all day being lazy.

  Where was the king and all his men? Tulip wondered. Weren’t they supposed to be here putting her Dutch back together again? Tulip was a little afraid of horses, but still if they helped her Dutch.

  “You better hope the king isn’t too mad at you.”

  “What king?” Dutch asked.

  “The one with all the horses and men. You’re just like that poor Humpty Dumpty.”

  “Oh that king. We don’t need a king. We have Lily.” Although, a king could order Tulip to kiss him. But that wasn’t right. Dutch only wanted Tulip’s kisses if they were given freely.

  “You know what ,flower?”


  “I won’t bother you for a kiss anymore. You’re right. All these years, I’ve worked and worked, but in the end, you have to kiss me because you want to.” Dutch hoped this new plan worked.

  “Are you trying to use verse psychology on me?” Tulip may be sweet and innocent, but she was no pushover. Didn’t want to kiss her. Hah!


  My entire body ached. Three nights sleeping in my car and already I was beat. How long could I keep this up? Trying to keep an eye on Dutch and Tulip and think about Jay was too much.

  If you thought all I did before was think about Jay, then you can only imagine how bad it is now. Since he’d mentioned asking me out, I couldn’t think straight. Every second that passed seemed like time wasted. Could I have had Jay years ago? Could I have him now? He wasn’t dating Britni. What was stopping us? True, I’d agreed to see Anthony again, but…

  When there was a knock on my window, I know my heart stopped beating. I really am going to have to figure something out if I’m going to continue guarding Dutch and Tulip. People keep sneaking up on me. Not good. I blame Jay, though. It was his fault I needed a cardiologist.

  Luckily, it was Jonas. Still dating the woman I’d yet to meet, Jonas had been absent from my life lately. I took this to mean he was pretty serious about her. I’d have to check her out soon, before deciding if she was good enough for his winks.

  Jonas ruffled my hair, which I hate, and made of fun of me for camping at the park. When he offered to kiss me, I declined and said it wouldn’t count as a Holland Kiss since we’d only be standing under Tulip.

  “One of these days, Lily,” Jonas threatened.

  “Aren’t you dating someone? Someone I haven’t met yet?” I said, stepping back.

  “You’ll meet her soon enough,” Jonas smiled and I was happy to know that someone had a love life.

  “Too bad you can’t be the one getting married instead of Brock and Molly.” Molly was an unstoppable force. Every time she called, I regretted having found her. I half expected Jonas to balk at the mention of marriage, but instead his smile got wider.

  Jonas leaned on the hood of my car, crossing his arms over his chest. “How’s things with Jay?”

  “Why?” I asked.

  “I don’t know. Just wondering what’s going with you two?”

  “Nothing’s going on.” I wish. Although, there have been some recent developments.

  Jonas looked past me, “You sure about that?”

  I turned to see Jay pulling up. Jonas went to stand next to Jay, but kept smiling and winking at me when Jay wasn’t watching. I felt my face get hot with embarrassment and wanted Bill’s baseball bat to hit Jonas over the head with.

  Finally, Jonas left, but only after saying, “Well, since there’s nothing going on here, I’ll be going.” Giving me a quick peck on the cheek, he whispered in my ear, “You are such a little liar.”

  “Hey,” I said, wondering why Jay was here, but not really caring why.

  “Hey.” Jay responded. Jay and I need to work on our communication, because we both stood, each looking at the other.

  “I brought you a snack.” Jay said, handing me a SuzieQ and a pint of milk.

  “Oh. I love Suzie
Qs.” I hated lying to him, but didn’t want to spoil the moment. I don’t really like sweets all that much, but ate it anyway. Jay sat with me while I ate, both us of leaned again Dutch.

  “You’ve got cream on your nose.” Jay informed me.

  Of course I did. How cliché. Wiping it off, I was thinking about my date with Anthony and feeling guilty. Like I was cheating on one of them.

  “Glen stopped by earlier,” I said to break the awkward silence that had formed around us. “Said he lined up a couple of bands to play after the wedding.” A country band and ’50s cover band.

  “Good. That’ll be good. I guess they’ll set up outside the beer garden.” That way people could enjoy the music while getting hammered. Always the best way to enjoy good tunes.

  “What are you going to do with yourself after this is all over?” Jay picked up my milk, taking a drink. His milk mustache made him look like a poster boy for the Dairy. He would have been perfect for it, too. He looked the part. Very Dutch, yet German. The blonde hair and blue eyes worked for both.

  “Same things I did before I guess.” My life would seem empty now. I’d be right back where I started the night of the storm. Sitting at home. Alone in my Tulip costume. Making a list.

  “What did you do before? Besides teach?” Jay asked, watching me as I finished my milk. Licking my lips, I was sure I looked ridiculous with a mustache.

  “Isn’t it sad, but I don’t know anymore. It’s like everything in my life has changed in the last year. Like maybe I’m not the same person anymore,” I said honestly.

  “What will you do?” This I was dying to know. Since he wasn’t with Britni, would Jay be open to that date he’d once thought about asking me on? I sent up a quick prayer and looked up to Tulip, as if to will my thought to her. She and Dutch could make it happen.

  “I don’t know,” Jay replied. Turning to look at Dutch’s smiling face, Jay shrugged his shoulders. “This thing with Dutch and Tulip…I don’t know,” he said again. “I always took them for granted. They’ve always been here and I guess I thought they always would be.” He turned toward me and gifted me with a shy smile. “I took a lot of things for granted before.”


  My fifth night on watchout duty, Anthony surprised me by showing up at the park. Evidently I shouldn’t have been surprised though.