Read A Kinkmas Carol Page 6

  Seth already had the door open as Tony and Shayla made their way up the front walk. He greeted them with hugs, taking the offered bottle of wine from Shayla. Tony carried a casserole dish.

  “Glad you guys could make it.” Seth didn’t have to force a smile with them. These were their friends, and thank god for Tony in those early days when…


  Tony and Ed had helped Seth keep Leah alive until she was strong enough to want to keep going.

  He walked them over to the kitchen, where Leah was putting the finishing touches on the foil veggie pouches that would go on the grill.

  “Hey!” She washed her hands and hugged them both. Tonight, no one was off-limits for hugs. These were all pre-approved friends, over half of them having been personal friends with Kaden.

  Seth’s nerves stemmed from that more than anything. Sometimes, he wondered if they measured him against Kaden. He knew it wasn’t rational, but it was what his brain did.

  He was only human.

  Ed and Hope arrived next, which Seth thought was a little ironic. “You don’t have any more cards, do you?” Seth asked him. “I know you said you didn’t, but…you don’t?”

  Ed smiled. “No. I don’t. I don’t know if he left any others around, but I don’t have any.” His gaze narrowed, curious. “You sound disappointed.”

  “No, I’m not. In a way, it was kind of nice getting them, though.”

  “He planned it all.”

  “You ain’t kidding.”

  “I don’t have any others,” Tony offered. “And he didn’t tell me who he might have given any to.”

  “It’s all right,” Leah said, sending Seth a smile that let him know she really was okay. “If any more show up, they do. If not, we can always look at the old ones when we need to.”

  They could have had a play party by the time everyone arrived. Leah had asked people to bring a side dish or something to drink, if they wanted, but no gifts. To donate to a charity of their choosing in Kaden’s memory, if they insisted, but she had everything she needed.

  And she had Seth.

  As they settled out on the lanai, the evening pleasantly cool enough, especially with the ceiling fans on, Seth relaxed as they talked.

  Leah was the one who steered the conversation to Kaden, which Seth was a little surprised about, but he didn’t deter her.

  If she wanted to talk about him, she had every right to.

  “That first night,” Tony said, his fingers twined with Shayla’s. “I remember thinking as I walked back toward that room that I’d take a look around and leave if I didn’t like what I saw. I didn’t realize I was going to be the first one besides you two.”

  Shayla smiled at her husband and Master. “You were at the first munch?”

  “Yep. One of the originals.” In his other hand, he held a bottle of beer and he gently swirled it a little. “So many years ago, but it feels like yesterday. I can’t believe where we are now.”

  “You can’t believe it?” Derrick joked, prompting a round of laughter. “That son of a bitch somehow talked me into opening a dungeon.” More laughter followed. “If I’d known where we’d be now, we might never have showed up that first night.”

  “If you’d known?” his wife Marcia teased. “Open a dungeon, they said. It’ll be fun, they said.” More laughs. “Ah, Kaden the control freak.” She held up her glass of iced tea in a toast. “To Kaden. I wish he could see where we are now.”

  Everyone focused on Leah.

  Seth looked at Leah, too, but she wore a smile he knew meant she was okay. She held up her glass and took a moment to compose her thoughts.

  “He’d be so happy to see where we are. Venture is double its size and the membership has exploded. When he and I stumbled into the lifestyle, it was by accident and in a way it terrified him. I know you all pretty much know the basics, and I trust you all that it won’t go any farther than us.

  “Kaden wanted to spare people what he went through. Wanted people to know they weren’t alone. Wanted a safe place for people to learn. To Kaden.”

  “To Kaden,” everyone echoed, taking sips of whatever they were drinking.

  “I wondered how long it’d take him to bring Seth into the inner sanctum,” Ross said.


  “Yeah. He talked about you all the time.”

  “Honestly?” Tony said. “None of us ever thought it would take as long as it did. We always had to remember not to talk about kinky stuff around you even though it felt like you were one of us.”

  Seth glanced at Leah, who wore a playful smile. “It’s true,” she said. “Remember, we kept missing our chances to bring you in.”

  “One of us, one of us,” Pat, Walt, Mason, and Scrye chanted, prompting more laughs.

  “Oh, my god,” Hope said. “Remember how Kaden nearly had to sit on Leah when Seth met Jackie?”

  “Man, I thought she was going to spend a couple of weeks tied up and getting spanked,” Pat said.

  Seth stared at Leah as she reddened a little in the face. Kaden and Leah had told him after the fact some of that, but not so many details. “Really?”

  She nodded, but they were surrounded by sadists.

  “Yeah,” Tony said. “I thought Kaden was going to take a contract out on Jackie himself just to shut Leah up.”

  “I missed the worst of that,” Mason said, “but I remember talking to him and him mentioning that Leah wasn’t happy about that.”

  Loren let out a laugh of her own. “That’s the understatement of ever.”

  Leah leaned in and rested her head against Seth’s shoulder. “I might have been pretty mouthy.”

  The next couple of hours shed new light on his friend in a way Seth hadn’t seen before. By the time everyone cleared out and headed home, leaving Seth and Leah alone, he now viewed his old friend with new eyes.

  Standing in the kitchen, he made Leah look up at him. “Point made, sweetheart.”


  “Don’t what me. You’re not innocent.”

  She hugged him. “I had a card,” she softly admitted. “Ed gave it to me a while back, but I wasn’t supposed to say anything then.” She summarized its content and Kaden’s instructions.

  He rubbed his chin along the top of her head. “I get it. I was always a part of his life in ways I didn’t know.”

  “Yes, you always were.”

  “I’ll be okay, love. Just readjusting. Settling in.”

  “Are you sure?”

  He met her gaze. “I’m sure.”

  “Because I don’t doubt if there are ghosts that Kaden would come back and get me for not taking care of you.” She smiled up at him.

  “Hopefully we’re both living up to his standards.” He hugged her again. “All we can do is try.”

  * * * *


  Kaden stretched out in bed and held his arms open for Leah. She wore a beaming grin he could see even in the darkened room.

  “Seth’s spending the night!”

  “Yes, love. But you know our rule.”

  “I know.” She snuggled tightly against him. Thankfully, with her happy mood and the unexpected development, she didn’t need a scene from him tonight.

  Wouldn’t be possible with Seth in the guest room, anyway. No way to possibly hide the noise.

  “It’s a start,” he reminded her. “So be patient, please?”

  “I will.”

  He kissed her temple. “He hasn’t even left her yet. Don’t get impatient. He’s our friend first and foremost. All we can do is try to be there for him.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  Her tone told him she was already trying to plan things in her head.

  Nuzzling his face in her hair, he fought the urge to chuckle.

  If she was happy, he was happy.

  Now to keep her happy and figure out how to talk to Seth and coax him into moving in with them once the inevitable happened and Seth was divorced again.

  Because he c
ouldn’t think of anything better than having his best friend living with them, part of their dynamic, helping him take care of Leah.

  A backup, just in case anything ever happened.

  Insurance that Leah would always be cared for.

  And never having to say good-bye to his best friend again or worry about someone coming between them.

  Other than Leah, who wanted nothing more than to be firmly between them both.

  Kaden couldn’t wait for that to happen and enjoy blowing her mind.

  He’d just have to have patience. This was one thing he couldn’t control, no matter how much he wanted to.

  Chapter Eight


  The Friday night of the banquet, Kaden had suspected Seth was up to something, but he didn’t want to ruin his friend’s plans, whatever they were.

  It was difficult for him to convince Seth that yes, he was okay with him there, in their lives.


  In every way.

  Not without revealing to Seth and Leah the full extent of his plans, what he’d already prepared.

  He didn’t want to overwhelm them when he already felt overwhelmed and wanted to keep that from them as much as possible. The last thing they needed to know was how scared he felt.

  Not for himself so much as for them.

  In his heart and soul, he was at peace about his fate. The cancer absolutely would kill him, the only question was when. He’d said the good-byes he wanted to say to them, issued the orders to Leah—and to Seth—to go on. He’d recorded instructions to be played later.

  He’d already lived through his funeral and their wedding, because he’d planned them, even though they didn’t know it yet.

  He wanted to focus on them, on making sure they understood how much he loved both of them.

  He appreciated Seth not wanting to be a third-wheel and intrude on his time with Leah, but that’s not how Kaden saw it. Not in the least.

  He saw it as spending time with his best friend.

  Time that was quickly slipping through his fingers, and time he understood Seth would need with him every bit as much as Leah did. Maybe even more, considering he’d known Seth all his life and Leah half that time.

  Leah had her dream now, and Kaden didn’t want to deny her a second of that, of the two of them giving her the love and support she’d need.

  It sucked. It wasn’t fair. And Kaden hated that he’d been too chickenshit years earlier out of fear of driving Seth away, hadn’t pressed Seth harder, hadn’t tried more to get this to happen then.

  Years ago.

  When it would have made Leah so happy—and him by default—and when it would have made his own life far easier.

  Having the two of them to love and watch her all these years might have sped her healing to the point that he wouldn’t have to worry about her life when he passed.

  Right now, he was still on the cusp, not quite sure how she’d do once he was gone. He hoped everything he’d put in place would be enough, that the time spent now with Seth would anchor her to wanting to live.

  Anchor her to Seth.

  He had no way of knowing, and no matter how much of a control freak he was, that was beyond even his extensive plans.

  Tonight, Leah not only looked gorgeous physically, but emotionally. This strong, take-charge part of her that he wished permeated every ounce of her soul and not just what others saw.

  He wished she was strong enough for herself, the way she could be strong for others.

  Wished she fought as hard for herself as she did for others.

  That’s where he and Seth came in.

  To fight for her where she couldn’t.

  Seth had been a little reluctant to sit at the table with them, still worried about “appearances.” Another thing Kaden loved him for, although he didn’t give a flying shit what anyone thought about him, as long as people understood what Leah would need…after.

  Kaden knew this was his last banquet, and knew it’d be the last time he saw many of these people, even if most of them weren’t aware of it. He made a point of seeking those out he wanted to talk to, so that their last memory of him would be a good one, hopefully alleviating their later guilt.

  Still, many of them he wouldn’t reveal the truth to. He didn’t want this night marred by people giving their sympathies to Leah.

  This was her night to shine. To rightfully accept the accolades due her for the wonderful job she’d done organizing the fundraiser.

  He noticed that Seth slipped outside at one point, and was about to go after him when Seth finally returned, glancing around as if to make sure Leah hadn’t noticed his absence. When he returned to the table, Kaden arched an eyebrow at him, but Seth just smiled and shrugged.

  Then the dancing started. Kaden tossed a wink at Seth before he took Leah’s hand and swept her up and out of her chair before she could protest. Giggling, she let him lead her out onto the floor and memorized every line in her face as she smiled up at him.

  “You’re beautiful, love,” he said. “I’m so proud of you.”

  She rested her face against him. “Please don’t make me cry, Master.”

  “I mean it. Look at what you’ve done. Again. Not the first time. Everyone’s having a great time, and you once again topped previous records. You deserve to be proud about that.”

  He noticed when Seth stood and eased his way out, so Kaden made sure to keep Leah facing away from him. He suspected his friend needed some time alone, maybe even some air, and didn’t want Leah seeing and going after him immediately.

  He leaned in and kissed her, her green gaze captivating his heart and soul the way it always did. “I am a very happy man, love.”

  “I’m happy, too, Master.” She started to glance toward their table but he turned, preventing her from seeing Seth wasn’t there. “Do you think Seth’s having a good time?”

  “I’m sure he is. But he’s not used to these things like we are. He hardly knows anyone here the way we do. It’s okay to let him take it in his stride.” He arched his eyebrows at her. “The way we’ve had to let him take a lot of things in stride, love. Never forget that.”

  A genuine smile. “Yes, Master.” She didn’t care if anyone could hear her, obviously.

  After two more songs, he felt a little tired but didn’t want to let her know that. Instead, he opted to let her see that Seth wasn’t at their table.

  “I wonder where he is?”

  “I saw him head outside,” Kaden honestly told her. “He probably just wanted to breathe in the night air for a moment.” He kissed her. “Why don’t you go check on him?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  That gave him his opening. He headed back to his seat and settled in, quickly getting into a discussion with one of their tablemates about something up before the board of county commissioners.

  After one song, Leah returned, looking…not sad, but he couldn’t quite interpret it.

  She returned to her seat next to Kaden and he leaned in.


  “You were right. He needed some air.”

  He kissed her cheek. “See? No worries.”

  A little later, when Leah was up dealing with something about dessert, Seth slid over a seat to speak to him.

  “Hey. Need to talk to you.”


  “When it’s time to leave, the two of you go on without me, okay?”

  This explained the bags he’d seen in the trunk of the Lexus earlier, but hadn’t asked Seth about, knowing he’d reveal it when he was ready.

  Still, he played dumb. “What?”

  “Don’t ask questions, dude.” Seth glanced around. “It’s my birthday present to Leah, and my Christmas present to both of you. Don’t let her call me either. You’ll find a note in the car explaining it. I want you both to have fun. Don’t you dare let her spoil this for me.”

  Finally, the explanation. He leaned in and hugged Seth. “Thanks. How will you get home?”

??Already under control. Just keep her on a leash.” He laughed. “Well, you know what I mean. I’ll see you guys sometime late Sunday.”

  Kaden knew he’d have to keep Leah on a literal leash to keep her away from Seth, from not spoiling Seth’s plans. “Okay. I appreciate it.”

  Seth waited until Leah had left the room again to make his way outside.

  When Leah returned, she glanced around. “Did he go outside again?”

  Kade leaned in to whisper in her ear. “Sir left orders for you, love.”

  He watched her throat work. “Yes, Master?” she whispered.

  He’d slipped a hand up her thigh, under the table where no one could see. His fingers had pushed her dress up enough he could reach under it, to her inner thigh. “You’re all mine for the weekend. I don’t know everything he’s planned yet, but until late Sunday, you are to do everything I say. Understand?”

  “I—” He pinched her, his own cock hardening as her training took over and she realized this wasn’t negotiable. “Yes, Master.”

  He cocked his head as he smiled at her. “Such a good girl.”

  * * * *

  Finally, when they were able to leave, Kaden found the note in the Lexus and chuckled as he read it. “We have our orders from Sir, love.”

  She wore a pouty expression. “He didn’t even say good-bye.”

  Kaden grabbed her chin and kissed her, hard, until she melted and he felt her body responding. “You will obey Sir, and you will obey me. Understand?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  Glancing around, he realized there wasn’t anyone close enough to see what they were doing, and the lot was dark enough to conceal them. He shoved the hem of her dress up with his left hand, sliding his fingers between her thighs.

  Her legs automatically spread for him.

  He cupped the back of her neck with his right hand as he slid two fingers into her pussy.

  She hadn’t been allowed panties tonight.

  A moan escaped her.

  “That’s more like it,” he said. “My good girl, doing as she’s told. I need to know that you will obey your Sir the way you obey me.”

  “Yes, Master,” she gasped, already trying to hump his hand.