Read A Kinkmas Carol Page 9

  Shayla walked over and peered into it. “I got ours from the discount bin. You should see them.”

  Leah stared at her. “Tentacles?”

  “How’d you know?”

  She snorted. “Well, let’s just say that I have a feeling if others went shopping where we did, we might be able to film our own kinky tentacle porn flick tonight.”

  Wade, Glen, and Justin arrived then, Leah greeting them with hugs. “Didn’t let your boy chicken out, huh?” she teased. “Going to let the girl fly him?”

  Justin smiled, so adorable. “I’m looking forward to it. Is this where the gifts go?” He held three small, wrapped presents.

  “Yep. That’s the goodie box.” She exchanged a glance with Shayla and fought the urge to laugh.

  The men continued on as the door opened behind them and more guests arrived, including Cali asking where Leah wanted the two benches they’d brought.

  Within an hour, they had a full crowd, food was grilling, and the house was bustling with cheerful Christmas music and kinksters in a variety of dress—and undress.

  At one point, Leah stood next to Kaden’s urn as she watched everyone for a moment. Turning, she smiled as she kissed her fingertips and then touched the urn. “Merry Christmas, Master,” she whispered. “Hope you’re enjoying it.”

  She headed out to the lanai to watch Ross and Loren at the suspension frame.

  Considering he’d not only broken out rope, but several battery-powered strands of Christmas lights, Leah was looking forward to seeing what the kinky rigger had in store.

  * * * *

  Loren knew she could safeword and, of course, Ross would stop whatever plan he had made.

  But she also knew if she did that it’d spoil his fun. He wouldn’t do anything to violate her hard limits, and his off-beat bondage creations were now legendary amongst their group of friends.

  “Better not be any markers in there, buster,” she warned as she watched him emptying his bag under the suspension frame.

  He grinned. “I’m no idiot.” He leaned in for a kiss. “You said that was a hard limit, and I’ll honor it.”

  “You’d better. No derpy blinking dog collar light tags, either. I hated those damn things.” She stared down at her nipple rings, which were currently unadorned, a condition she was reasonably certain would change soon enough.

  “Nope. Not this time.” He continued unpacking the bag.

  Considering he’d given her a hard spanking and fucking earlier at home, she suspected he wasn’t going to do any of that to her there at the party.

  He wanted to focus on winning the contest. Since he’d only be going up against Scrye and Tony, with Kel not in attendance, he knew he had a better chance of winning their category now.

  Meaning he’d likely pull out all the stops.

  Loren wasn’t sure she liked where that might lead, but she was along for the ride. She loved the gleeful giggles that always escaped him when he did something like this, the boyish smiles that took years off his features.

  If it meant some moments of sucking up her own pride all in the name of her Master and husband being happy, she’d gladly do it.

  He’d insisted she wear a pair of red, strappy gladiator heels she had, and soon his reasoning became clear. He tied a red and green rope harness on her, chest and hips, secure and comfortable but not very decorative. When he ran the belaying lines and hoisted her, sitting up, her legs spread and knees bent, he quickly tied her off and leaned in, grinning.


  “Uh-huh. Why are you wearing your Joker face?”

  He giggled but didn’t answer her as he turned and unzipped another bag he’d brought. When he turned and started arranging what had been in it, she groaned.

  The three-foot Christmas tree, one piece, fluffed out and fit perfectly under her. “You’re the tree topper.”

  She let out a sigh as people around them started laughing, realizing what he was up to. Then Ross got busy decorating her and the tree with lights, ornaments—including being hung from straps on her shoes—as she sat there and waited for the ordeal to end.

  “At least I can’t walk around like this all night,” she said.

  His head popped up. “Oh, can’t you?”

  “I will safeword right now, Ross.”

  He stuck out his lower lip in a pout. “Not even a couple of strands of lights?”

  Rolling her eyes as several more people started laughing, she finally blew out a breath. “Fine. Nothing on my nipples, though.”

  He giggled and set back to work. Fortunately, he’d wrapped the very top branch of the tree, where the topper would go, with several layers of plastic wrap, so she didn’t have scratchy fake tree needles poking her pussy.

  By the time he finished, he’d also stuck a small Santa hat on her head to complete the ensemble.

  Tony could barely stop laughing long enough to take a steady picture of her while everyone applauded Ross’ latest kinky creation.

  “Top that, Scrye!” he called out to their friend, who was sitting with June in his lap and talking to a couple of others. “I’ve just cooked your goose good.”

  Scrye turned to look, then did a spit-take into June’s hair with whatever he’d been drinking as he started laughing.

  With all the attendees now roaring with laughter, Ross took a bow while Loren waved a hand, both of which Ross had left free so she could hang onto the ropes to shift herself around.

  Finally, Tony checked the pics. “Okay, I got it, but I don’t think we’ll need pics to remember this. You’ve topped yourself, man.”

  “I’m going to take some, too, if that’s okay.”

  “Sure.” They made sure no one else was in the shot as Ross got several pictures of Loren.

  “Smile, honey,” he told her.

  She did, flipping him a bird. “Can I get down now, Master Sadist, Sir? Before I get a case of termites or root rot or something?”

  He grinned and walked over, moving the tree out of the way as he stepped in to kiss her. “God, I love you so much. You’re such a good sport.”

  “Those end up on FetLife, I’ll kill your fucking ass.”

  He kissed her again. “Nope. I promise, just for us.” Within ten minutes, she was back on the ground and untied. She removed the uncomfortable shoes in exchange for flat sandals, and since he took pity on her and went ahead and removed all her decorations, she donned a long T-shirt with a picture of a drunk reindeer on it so she could help him pack everything and clear the frame for Scrye and June to have their turn.

  Once they were out of the way, Ross headed to the bathroom. She grabbed his phone, which he’d left sitting on top of his rope bag, to look at the pictures.

  Yes, this time, he’d outdone himself. She’d have to text a couple of them to Tilly and her guys. They’d laugh their asses off.

  The last picture, though…

  Stepping off the lanai and into the kitchen where the light was better, she pinched and zoomed in. There’d been a window behind them that looked into Seth and Leah’s den, and the blinds were closed. No one was between them and the wall where the window was. The blinds were obviously closed, undisturbed.


  Her heart froze as she turned and stared at the large portrait hanging on their living room wall. A picture of the three of them, taken at Animal Kingdom before Kaden’s death.

  She’d known Kaden for years.

  Staring at the phone again…

  There was no doubt in her mind the fuzzy image visible in the reflection in the window was Kaden.

  Her heart raced and she thought about deleting it…

  When she zoomed out again, it was barely visible. Maybe it was just Tony or Seth or someone in the background, reflecting off the glass.

  She didn’t even have her glasses on.

  That has to be it. I’m simply seeing things.

  Hitting the home button and locking the phone, she carried it out to the lanai and set it on Ross’ bag. If he noti
ced anything, he’d tell her.

  Right now, all she wanted was a good, stiff drink.

  Chapter Twelve

  Tonight, Susan was totally at the mercy of her two men. There were plenty of times when the three of them played that Grant topped both of them, but tonight he wanted their sole focus to be her.

  And they were entering the rigging contest.

  Not that she honestly thought they had a snowball’s chance in Sarasota of winning, but it was more about the fun. Darryl’s son, Kyle, lived with them but was spending the weekend with his mom, and Darryl had managed to get tomorrow off from his job as a church organist, swapping out with another organist so he could sleep in after tonight’s late playtime.

  Leaving them free to enjoy a night with their friends.

  Considering what she’d just learned the day before, and hadn’t told her men yet, she didn’t want to miss tonight’s party. It would possibly be the last one the three of them could attend together for a while.

  Not that she minded.

  When they arrived, she’d excused herself from her guys by saying she had to use the bathroom. While they were still getting their stuff out of the car, she found Leah and pressed a small, wrapped box into her hand.

  “I need a favor,” she hurriedly whispered, pulling her friend aside. On the box, clearly marked, was a tag for Grant and Darryl.


  “Put this somewhere and when it’s time for the gift exchange, make sure you or Seth or someone gets the guys’ attention and give this to them.”

  Leah arched an eyebrow. “Do I want to know?”

  “You and everyone else will know after they open it.” She smiled.

  Leah hugged her. “Leave it to me, sweetie. And congrats.”

  “Thanks!” She hurried to the bathroom before her men made it into the house. She didn’t want them to see and spoil the surprise.

  It’d been all she could do not to tell them, but she decided she’d rather do it like this. These people had been like her family. She wanted to share this good news with them. In all honesty, she’d begun to think she wouldn’t be able to get pregnant, even though technically it’d still been less than a year since they’d started trying. But the last two months her periods had been nonexistent, and she’d had some nausea.

  Except she’d been too busy at work to really notice. She’d had plenty of stressful times following John’s death where her period had been nothing more than cramps and really pissy moods, with no bleeding. Something her doctor had told her was normal when someone was under a lot of stress, combined with not eating right.

  But she had been eating right lately, and while her stress was the good kind now, related only to running the car dealership, she hadn’t automatically thought about the most obvious answer.

  It looked like she would be due in July. Yesterday’s appointment had been her annual check-up, set the year before with her regular doctor, not even her ob-gyn. But when she’d mentioned to her GP her symptoms, he’d had her do a quick pee test.

  Fortunately, her ob-gyn had an opening that afternoon and was in the same medical complex and confirmed the diagnosis.

  On her way home, she’d hatched her little plan to tell them, picking up the extra gift after stopping by the adult store and raiding their discount bin for three gifts for the white elephant gift exchange tonight.

  Lucky for her, she’d grabbed the last three of a perfect contribution to the exchange.

  As the evening progressed and Grant and Darryl stripped her to start tying, she couldn’t contain the urge to giggle. Her men weren’t going to suspend her, but taking a page from Ross’ playbook, they’d brought plenty of Christmasy decorations to deck her out in their own variation of a kinky tree.

  In fact, Ross currently had poor Loren suspended from the frame with a small Christmas tree under her, both of them lit up nearly as bright as Seth and Leah’s front yard, making it difficult for Tony to get a good picture for the contest voting.

  “Glad they’re not in our category,” Grant said with a smile. “We’d lose hands-down.”

  “I don’t know,” Darryl said. “We still might lose. We’re up against Leah. She’s liable to kick all our asses.” Three other couples besides them and Leah were competing in the amateur category.

  It took them the better part of an hour, the men focusing on decorative elements using different colors of rope.

  When they finished, they called Tony over to take the pictures. Scrye and June were still in the middle of their scene when Leah and Loren called for everyone’s attention for the present exchange.

  Scrye crooked a finger at the women to bring the box over, and he plucked two gifts from it and set them aside to open later, leaving the women to set the box on an empty lounger on the lanai.

  Grant and Darryl had just finished untying Susan and were making no moves to get the presents.

  “Don’t you want to get our presents?” she asked Grant. She was still naked.

  He smiled. “You go get them, sweetheart.”

  So she walked over to do it, dropping Leah a wink as she grabbed three other presents and brought them back to her guys. She’d spotted the box in Leah’s hand, kept safely back from others accidentally grabbing it.

  Once the large box was empty, Leah held up the last one. “Hey, Grant? This one’s got you and Darryl’s names on it.”

  He looked up from where he was coiling rope. “Huh?”

  Leah waved it in the air. “Santa must have left it.”

  Susan noted that Grant immediately looked to Darryl, whose brow also furrowed in confusion, before they both looked at her.

  She shrugged, hoping in the dim light that they couldn’t spot the blush she felt creeping up her neck.

  Grant stood and walked over to take it.

  Meanwhile, around them, people were erupting in laughter as they opened their presents.

  “Someone tell Tilly we’ve got next year’s Halloween party pool game locked in.” Loren held up a tentacle dildo, as did about ten other people.

  Susan giggled, suspecting from the weight and shape of their three presents they were about to add to those numbers.

  Meanwhile, Grant had returned to them, shaking the small box. About six inches square, it was light, and wouldn’t rattle.

  He finally opened it, both men freezing as they stared at the contents, their gazes swiveling to stare at her.

  Grant finally spoke, sounding weak. “Sweetheart? Is this from you?”

  “I don’t know.” Her voice trembled. “What is it?”

  Darryl was the one who pulled out the two small felt Santa hat ornaments. She’d picked them up, remembering having seen them weeks earlier when out shopping.

  On both, in shimmering white iridescent thread, was embroidered the word Dad.

  “Oh, those.” She nodded. “Yeah, those are from me.”

  “You’re going to have a baby?” Grant asked, now sounding choked up.

  “July. I found out yesterday.”

  “We’re going to have a baby?” he screamed.

  She smiled. “Yes, Sir.”

  They set the box down and pulled her to her feet, both men letting out identical whoops of joy as they kissed her.


  Grant apparently wasn’t paying attention to how close they were to the pool, and as Darryl tried to grab him to keep him from going in, all three of them landed in it with a splash that started everyone else laughing again, along with cheers and applause, congratulating them.

  Fortunately, the men had left their phones and wallets in her purse, knowing that at some point they’d likely get into some sexy time. With Grant in front of her and Darryl behind her, they held her tightly, taking turns kissing her.

  “I love you so much, baby,” Grant said. “You sneaky slave. I should spank you for not telling us.”

  “I wanted it to be a surprise. It was a surprise to me,” she admitted, filling them in.

  The men hadn’t brought spare c
lothes, but Seth got them shorts and T-shirts they could change into, and let them go straight into their bathroom through the sliders to change. Susan had grabbed her bag, which also had some of their play stuff in it.

  After the men stripped and dumped their clothes into the shower while they dried off, Darryl rooted through the bag and came up smiling, holding up a vibrator, condom, and lube. “I think someone needs a celebratory fucking.”

  “Agreed,” Grant said, grinning.

  Which was how, moments later, she was backed up against Darryl, his condom-clad cock deep in her ass while Grant worked his into her pussy. She rested her head against Darry’s shoulder as he played with her breasts, his hands cupping them, fingers teasing her nipples.

  She had a feeling the men wouldn’t be able to keep their hands off her for the next several months.

  Grant kissed her, swallowing her moans as he slowly fucked her. “That’s it, sweetheart. Enjoy being spoiled rotten.” He grabbed the vibrator and slid it between their bodies, against her clit. There, he flipped it on.

  She had to hold on to Grant’s shoulders to keep from sliding to the floor. The orgasm that hit her, with her ass and pussy being deliciously stretched by the two cocks filling her, was only intensified by Darryl pinching her nipples.

  “That’s it, sweetheart,” Darryl mumbled in her ear. “Knew we’d eventually catch up with you.” He nipped her earlobe, rolling her nipples between his fingers as he did, rocketing her into yet another orgasm that left her barely able to breathe.

  “Not nearly done with you yet,” Grant said, nibbling on her lower lip. “I want several more out of you.”

  She didn’t know how long they stood there, holding her, fucking her, making her come, until Grant finally switched the vibrator off and set it aside.

  “I think she’s done.” Grant grabbed her hips and the two men seesawed their cocks inside her, building, fucking her, until finally Grant, soon followed by Darryl, came.

  If it wasn’t for the two of them holding her upright, she would literally be in a puddle on the floor. Grant held her while Darryl cleaned up, wringing their clothes out and moving them to the sink so they could all hose off in the shower.