Read A Light In The Dark Page 3

Jack knew right away that he shouldn't have yelled in class. He could already tell he was in even more trouble now. It was kind of like that feeling you get when you have your hand in the cookie jar and you're parents were standing right behind you. Only this time, it was more like he had just broke the cookie jar too. And boy it was one of those old fancy ones!

  But he couldn't help it; I mean it was his best friend Ben. Ben had been his number one buddy since, well, forever. They had done loads of super fun stuff together and had almost never been in the same class before. There was that one year but Jack was pretty sure preschool didn't count.

  Ben had earned the nickname Turbo on his first day of school. The meanest boy in class, Rick, had tried to take Ben's lunch money that day. The funny thing was though, that before he could even threaten Ben, well Ben was just gone. He could run so fast everybody said he must have one of those fancy turbo race car motors or something.

  Ever the scared-cat Ben was already ducking down in his seat as Mr. Graves had already turned his attention squarely on Jack. As usual Kim took the opportunity to point out that Jack was most likely in trouble, although she did make sure to do so quietly. Jack couldn't help but wonder if he had a big red target on his face or something.

  "Are you always this rude young man," Mr. Graves asked. "Or is it that somehow you feel you don't need me to teach you? If so then I would love to see how you do with the homework." Jack started to think maybe Ben had the right idea and wished he could just duck down out of sight. But somehow he was sure Mr. Graves eyes would follow him no matter if he hid or not.

  "Wait a minute," Jack thought, "did he say homework?" Homework on the first night! Wasn't that illegal or something?

  - Episode 5 -

  "Today we are going to talk a little about stars," Mr. Graves told the class while writing the word stars in big letters on the board. "Can anyone tell me why stars were important to early travelers?" Without even having to look Jack could already feel the air moving behind him as Kim's hand shot up like a rocket to eagerly offer the answer.

  Mr. Graves made a face as he looked around the class; it was the same face his Mom made when something was smelly but didn't want to say anything. He just rolled his eyes and turned back to the chalk board. "No, young lady, it was not because they were pretty or because they were like little night lights." Jack was sure that wasn't what Kim was going to say, she may have been a girl but she always knew the answer. Mr. Graves hadn't even given her the chance to tell him the answer.

  As annoying as Kim could be, Jack did sort of feel bad for her. He was sure if it had been him that it would have hurt his feelings for sure. Now Mr. Graves was writing again and this time it was the words; North Star. Jack could tell that it was exactly what Kim had been about to answer. His first clue was the fact that she had kicked her foot just enough that it had smacked his seat. Kim hated to not be allowed to answer a question almost as much as being told she was wrong. It was probably because she was never wrong.

  "A long time ago," Mr. Graves declared as he started walking back and forth in front of the class. "People started to notice that some of the stars didn't move around." Jack had always thought stars were neat and all but he had always had a little problem with stars. Mainly that they could only be seen at night and night time wasn't exactly something he enjoyed. Specifically, he couldn't stand the idea of having to go outside in the dark. It was way too scary.

  Suddenly Mr. Graves had stopped moving, he had even stopped talking - he was just starring at the class. "We're going to practice naming some of the stars today in class." A grin started to creep up on Mr. Graves face. "Your homework tonight will be to name as many as you can find in the sky and draw them. We will all check how you did during class tomorrow. Now, if you don't mind, Rick - isn't it? Yes, Rick would you kindly turn off the lights for me."

  Rick was already up and moving straight for the light switch and Mr. Graves was now smiling ear to ear. "You can't see any stars with the lights on children," Mr. Graves reminded them.

  - Episode 6 -

  The only sound Jack could hear was the faint click of the light switch as the classroom became dark. A wave of panic hit him in the belly hard; it kind of felt like it did when Walter flopped on his belly while they were playing in the floor. Jack couldn't seem to breathe or even move; the only thing on his mind was light. He was desperate, the dark had always terrified him and now it wasn't just outside his bedroom at night. It was here at school too.

  His heart was pounding in his chest so loud it was like a drum. Mr. Graves was pointing to something on the wall, they looked like little dots. But Jack couldn't hear what he was saying; the pounding was just too loud. He had even gripped his desk so hard his knuckles were turning white.

  A single strand of stray light peeked from under the window and Jack's eyes seized on it. It was like an explosion of hope, the small wisp of light was all he could focus on. He just kept wishing the rest of the light would come back and then he wouldn't have to be afraid again. If the lights could just turn back on the dark would go away.

  Jack was so scared he never heard another click as the lights came back on. It took a moment before he even realized Mr. Graves was talking again, but who was he talking to? "Young man, I suggest you seriously decide to change your behavior, immediately," he said while pointing his finger directly at Jack.

  "Me," Jack thought, "why is he pointing at me?" The finger still hung in the air as Mr. Graves started talking again. "Your on thin ice young man, I will not tolerate being ignored in class." Not even Kim was whispering from behind Jack now, nobody was even making a sound. "We shall start class tomorrow with your homework, and let's hope it's amazing or you will be seeing the principal."

  The school bell rang and then everybody was up and moving.