Read A Light In The Dark Page 4

Every student automatically knew what that meant: it was time for lunch.

  - Episode 7 -

  Normally lunchtime was one of Jack's favorite parts of school cause he got to pick his own lunch. The lunch ladies were always nice to him and sometimes they would even let him get a little extra on his tray. He could always look forward to lunch, especially when they were serving one of his favorite things - hamburgers. Jack loved hamburgers, he could even eat the big ones like his Dad liked to have.

  "Something the matter?" asked one of the lunch ladies. Her name tag said Kelly in squiggly letters and had a little rainbow flower drawn around it. "Normally you jump at the chance for one of my burgers, even ask for seconds," Kelly explained. Jack hadn't even realized he was already in the line for food; everything had just been so blurry after the bell rang. He had even almost picked up something that dangerously resembled spinach - yuck.

  "I'm not having a very good day," Jack whispered as he reached for a burger, careful to avoid the mysterious green stuff. Kelly smiled at him and her face seemed to brighten. "Well, don't you worry none, it'll get better," she promised as he moved on down the line. Maybe she was right; I mean at least he had managed to get his burger.

  As usual Ben had saved him a seat at they're favorite table and even though Kim was already setting there too Jack didn't mind. It seemed Kim was the least of his worries today, he just hoped they weren't going to turn the lights off anymore today. "You okay Jack?" Kim asked while making the same face his Mom did. It was the face girls must all be born knowing, you know the one where they already know what is wrong but they want you to say it anyways. Jack was sure they must practice it or something.

  Ben leaned over the table and whispered, "Its cause Mr. Graves turned the lights out in class isn't it?" Jack couldn't bring himself to say it so he just nodded. Sometimes, even big kids don't like having to admit their still scared of something - even if it is the dark.

  "Well," Kim interrupted, "you still are going to have do the homework tonight." Jack didn't need her to remind him; instead he wished she'd offer some brilliant way to get out of having to do it. "So what you going to do," she added. "I don't know," he managed in between mouthfuls of hamburger. Maybe he could ask Dad.

  - Episode 8 -

  The rest of the day went by fairly quick for Jack; he even managed to keep from getting into any more trouble from Mr. Graves. Although, Mr. Graves did make sure he kept his eye on Jack at several times in class - just in case. At the end of the day he handed everyone a paper that described they're homework as they walked past his desk. He even made sure to smile as he reminded Jack that he couldn't wait to see his work in the morning.

  As Jack walked out of school he was still really worried about what to do. How could he do his homework tonight if he had to go outside after dark? It was all just too scary to even think about.

  Waiting for him just outside was Dad, smiling as usual and doing his best not to be too goofy. "So how was your first day?" he asked while they started to head for the sidewalk together. At first Jack thought about just being quiet but before he knew it the words just slipped out. "Dad," he said as quietly as he could so none of the other kids would hear. "Can I ask you a question?"

  "Sure you can buddy," his Dad replied before stopping to chuckle. "Just as long as the question isn't a hard one like, well; anything that involves math problems." Jack couldn't help but grin at his Dad, he knew he could do lots of math and stuff but liked to joke about how math had to be the hardest thing ever. "No, Dad," Jack continued, "it isn't math." His Dad made a funny face and said 'whew' like he had been worried it might have in fact been about math.

  "I have some homework to do, but to do it I have to go outside," Jack had to pause for a second before he could finish, "after dark." Immediately his Dad didn't look nearly as silly as he tried to make a joke. "Isn't it illegal to give out homework on the first day?" After taking a deep breath he paused and stopped to bend down and look Jack right in the eyes.

  This time when he spoke his voice was different, it was like thunder declaring lightning had just struck. "Son, everyone is afraid of something," he began to explain. "Being afraid of the dark is something normal but the trick is to remember one simple thing." If there was a secret, then Jack had to know it. "What is that?" he asked his Dad. "The dark is kind of like a bully," his Dad answered. "And how do we deal with a bully?"

  Jack already knew that answer, it was an easy one. "We stand up to it!" he said full of certainty. "Exactly," his Dad said with a quick nod. "The only way a bully has any power is by making you scared. Secretly every bully is afraid of people they can't scare. So when we stand up to them they learn that we aren't afraid of them and they lose that power."

  Jack was really trying to understand how this would help him with being afraid of the dark. His Dad must of been able to tell because he tried to explain it some more. "The dark is just like a bully, it can't do anything to us unless we allow it. If you are afraid of it then it can make you imagine all kinds of scary things." He was really right on that one Jack thought to himself. "But, if we're brave we can stand up to it just like we do a bully. Then, if it can see just how brave we are in our heart it will know it can't touch us."

  His Dad took a moment to stand back up before he looked back down at Jack. "Don't worry son," he whispered. "You have one of the brightest and bravest hearts I have ever seen." Was Dad right about him, Jack wondered as they finished walking home? Could he really stand up to the dark by not being afraid of it? He was sure going to try, but not until after dinner.

  - Episode 9 -

  Dinner was delicious! Mom always fixed some of the best tasting food Jack could ever remember eating. Even Walter had been nice to him, offered to tell him the answers to his homework and everything. But something about the way he said it made Jack think maybe it wasn't the best idea though. It probably had to do with Walter trying to keep from giggling - he didn't do it very well.

  "Now Walter," his Mom said quietly without looking up from her plate. Normally that meant she was warning you to listen closely because if she had to speak louder you'd be in big trouble. Dad might yell when you were going to be in trouble, but Mom didn't. In a way it was kind of even scarier.

  Jack could even remember one time when he was little Walter had accidentally tossed his ball in the house and it broke a really old fancy plate Mom had on a shelf. When Walter tried to blame him, he could barely hear Mom whisper "Walter, come here please." He got in loads of trouble that time. This time Dad interrupted, "leave him be Walter, we've all had to learn to be brave at some time or another."

  "Sorry Jack," Walter muttered. It was Mom's turn to hide a little giggle as she covered her mouth while Dad gave her a look. "Sorry, honey," she said after a pause. "Maybe Jack can help you with your fears after he overcomes his!" Laughing to herself she started clearing the table and headed for the sink.

  Even Dad was still afraid of something? The thought was sort of shocking to Jack, Dad was supposed to be like Superman. How could he be scared of anything? One glance at the back door and Jack forgot all about what he had been thinking. It was already getting dark out, which meant it was time for homework.

  Time to be brave, Jack reluctantly admitted to himself.

  - Episode 10 -

  Jack stared at the back door for a few minutes; he really didn't want to go out there. He swallowed but the lump in his throat didn't go away. As scared as he was he kept telling himself he had to do this. He couldn't let the dark keep bullying him; he wasn't fast like Ben and even if he was you can't outrun the darkness.

  No, Jack was determined he was going to beat his fear. He took a deep breath and reached for the door knob. His eyes were closed when he stepped out onto the back steps but he couldn't bring himself to open his eyes right away. "I have to be brave," he told himself. "I am brave; I am not scared of you!"

  Slowly he peeked out of one eye and he could see stars twinkling up in the sky. He tried to imagine all the stars shining
just a little bit brighter pushing the darkness back. And you know what, it kind of helped. So he concentrated just on the stars trying not to even think about how dark it was outside.

  Before long he had drawn down on his paper lots of little pictures of dots and lines. The dots were the best way he could think of to draw the stars and the lines helped him picture the shapes they made. He was sure that he might not have the names right but maybe he had gotten them close enough to not get a bad grade.

  Satisfied Jack decided to go back inside and get ready for bed. Once he took his eyes off the sky a tickle worked its way up his back and the fear started trying to come back. He tried his best to keep reminding himself that he was brave but he couldn't help a quick hop to jump back inside. It felt so good to be back inside where the lights were on.

  But now Jack still had to wonder if Mr. Graves was going to send him to the office or not. Jack wasn't sure any homework was good enough to impress mean old Mr. Graves.

  - Episode 11 -

  "Morning, little buddy," Dad said from beside Jack's bed. He was squatted down like a big bull frog, his chin resting on the edge of the bed. Jack opened his eyes to his Dad making a silly face and couldn't help but smile. "Proud of you for last night," Dad said while he rubbed Jack's head ruffling his already messy hair. "Want to know a secret?" he whispered and looked over his shoulder like he might get into trouble if anyone overheard him. It was possible Jack knew several times Mom fussed at Dad for telling them all manner of weird things.

  Jack wasn't sure what Dad was about to say but he was curious to hear what it was, so he nodded. "You can always be proud of your best, son. Even if you fail, get sent to the principal, no matter what it is - I want you to always know that if it was your best you can be proud of it. There is no shame in it." Dad stood back up and winked at Jack. "Your best is always good enough for me, and I am proud of you."

  "Dad," Jack interrupted as his Dad was almost out the door, one foot already in the hall. "Yes, buddy?" Jack had just remembered what Mom had said last night. "What did Mom mean when she said you were scared of something?" The question made Dad's face change, he looked real sad.

  "Promise you won't laugh at me, or tell anyone?" his Dad asked while pausing to look up and down the hallway. "I promise," Jack declared, not sure what could be so bad Dad would worry about being laughed at. When Dad spoke next to answer the question Jack had to really listen because he was whispering super quietly. "I am scared of spiders... and girl's underwear," he said while looking down at the floor.

  "Have you tried your best?" Jack asked next. "Why do you think I fold the laundry and try to fix things under the house by myself? I keep trying but they just still are too creepy, always make me get all tingly." His Dad couldn't even help himself, just thinking about it he shivered. "Well, Dad," Jack said with a smile, "then that is good enough for me."

  "Guess we'll just be proud of each other then," his Dad chuckled. "Let's get a move on; we have to get you to school." Unknown to either of them a single star twinkled just a little brighter before it started to fall from the sky. Perhaps big bright hearts have a gravity all their own.

  - Episode 12 -

  The short walk to school seemed strangely long to Jack. Each step felt like a heavy thud, his feet didn't seem to like the idea of taking the rest of him to school. But Jack was sure he had done his very best like his Dad had told him, so he was proud of himself. Having to waive goodbye to his Dad though, that kind of felt like waiving goodbye to a boat while you were swimming in the ocean with sharks.

  As scary as the dark was, Mr. Graves was pretty spooky himself. Jack reminded himself that he couldn't let himself be scared, that and he had to hurry or else he would be late again. Being late didn't seem like a good thing to do two days in a row. As he hurried to class Jack noticed Mr. Graves wasn't at his desk, but he decided it best not to stop and just went straight to his seat.

  It wasn't until long after the school bell rang that Mr. Graves came into the room walking so fast he was almost jogging. "Change of plans today everyone," he said as he tried to catch his breath. "I want everyone to follow me outside for a special surprise lesson." The whole class was shocked; nobody even moved to stand up. Mr. Graves had to repeat himself again, "I said, everyone will follow me outside for a special assignment." Pausing by the door he added, "Now."

  Still not sure what to make of Mr. Graves' announcement the class started to line up behind him and silently followed him outside. While everyone else was wondering what their teacher was up to, Jack was still asking himself; "what about my homework?" He had worked hard on it and was proud of it. But his attention soon turned to the sky; it didn't seem to look right. Something was wrong with the Sun and the Moon; they were not supposed to be that close to each other. He couldn't help but think they might crash into each other or something.

  "What we are going to see today, is a once in a lifetime event," Mr. Graves said. He seemed as excited as Jack and Walter usually was on Christmas morning. "We are going to be lucky enough to see an eclipse, and not just any eclipse either. There are even reports that during this particular eclipse we may get to see a rare kind of meteoroid."

  The sky began to darken further and the darker it became the more excited Mr. Graves got. This had to be something he had always dreamed of, Jack thought. But a part of him, something small and deep inside, couldn't shake the idea that something was wrong. At first he thought that maybe it was just his fear of the dark, because if the sun was covered up it would get pretty dark outside. Even though the thought scared him a little, it wasn't what was bothering him.

  And then it hit him - Mr. Graves had said meteoroid. Wasn't that what they called rocks in space that could fall to the ground and make those crater things?

  Why did they have to be outside again?

  - Episode 13 -

  Rocketing through the sky a hunk of rock was speeding its way to the ground. Kim was the first to spot the strange meteorite as she yelled; "look, look, there it is and I think it's glowing!" She was right; of course, even Jack could see that it sort of rippled with a strange light. Even as the sun's rays were lost in the shadow of the moon the mysterious space stone shinned.

  Everyone was so amazed by this almost magical thing that was happening above them, but something still troubled Jack. "Shouldn't we go back inside Mr. Graves?" Jack asked cautiously. "Be quiet!" his teacher snapped. "You do not want to miss this," Mr. Graves added but his eyes never left the sky.

  Jack looked up at the darkened sky again and this time he was sure of it - that bright little rock seemed to be heading towards them. He had to do something! But what could he do, Mr. Graves seemed pretty clear that he didn't want anyone disturbing him. If that thing did hit anywhere near them though he was sure somebody could get hurt.

  Determined, Jack said in as loud a voice as he could; "everybody get back inside this isn't safe out here!" The other children hesitated, they weren't sure if they should even listen to Jack. Mr. Graves refused to move even an inch. "No," he roared "I can't miss this!" But by now even the other kids had started to notice the meteorite was getting closer and closer. Everyone ran for the school as fast as they could to that hope it might keep them safe.

  Jack pleaded one last time as he reached for Mr. Graves. "This isn't safe Mr. Graves, we have to get inside," Jack explained. "Run and hide if you are scared little boy," Mr. Graves replied. In that moment Jack knew one simple fact - he wasn't scared at all of the darkness around him. He was only worried about someone getting hurt.

  And then, all at once everything became black and silent.

  - Episode 14 -

  Slowly Jack began to open his eyes, he felt like he had just awoke from being asleep for a very long time. But when he tried to look around he saw nothing but emptiness. There was no one around him, nothing to be seen and strangely he didn't hear anything at all. "Hello," Jack said trying to see if there was anyone who could even hear him. But nobody answered him, there wasn't even an ech

  Jack wasn't sure where he was or even where anyone else was but he decided right away he wasn't going to just sit here and be afraid. The last thing he could remember was the meteor that was heading straight for them. Where was Mr. Graves, and was his friends safe? He had no idea, but he had to find out.

  Something warm tingled inside his chest as Jack stood up and started walking around even though he still couldn't see. "I will not be afraid of the dark," he reminded himself. He had to make sure everyone was okay, they could be anywhere, and he was determined to find them.

  The tingling began to get worse, his chest even started to feel warmer. Confused Jack noticed it didn't hurt so much as it just felt like a really warm bath and then it started to spread all over him. Was he starting to give off heat like the heaters in his old classroom? People can't do that, Jack was sure of it.

  But then why else would he be glowing? Wait, Jack was sure he had to be dreaming because he really was glowing.

  - Episode 15 -

  "He's waking up doctor!" a young nurse squealed. Alarms started to beep in various ways, whatever they were for Jack wasn't sure about. All he knew was his head hurt and his mouth felt really dry. Why was everyone yelling and what did that lady mean?

  Jack quickly started to figure out who they were talking about as soon as he opened his eyes. It was him. He was tucked into a big white bed and there were wires taped all over him that plugged into weird machines. That was the easy part - he was in the hospital. But what had happened?

  Jack tried to ask what had happened but his throat hurt too bad, he couldn't seem to speak. "Easy there young man," a doctor told him as he pointed a little light in his face and started looking him over. "You have been out for quite a while, it is amazing to see you awake again." The doctor began reviewing some of the machines before he continued explaining. "We weren't sure how much damage it did to you when it hit. The surgeons were able to remove some of the rock fragments that hit you but unfortunately they couldn't get all of them."

  Mom and Dad were in the room now standing behind the doctor, they were asking him something that Jack couldn't make out. "What about the others?" Jack managed to ask with a grunt. It was Dad who answered; "the other kids said it was you who warned them, and they managed to get out of the way in time. They said there were a few scratches and bruises but nothing serious."

  But then everyone's faces changed. "About Mr. Graves though..." his Dad seemed to have trouble deciding how to tell him.”Well, buddy, they told us you tried to help him - but nobody has seen him since the accident. It's like he just vanished. He could have made it to safety but it was so dark nobody could really see very well."

  Somehow, deep down, Jack knew Mr. Graves wasn't gone. He could feel it.

  - Episode 16 -

  The lights down in the basement had never worked very well but the constant flicker was far too irritating. With each pulse of light the shadows were pushed back like waves on a beach. Except for a single corner, for some reason the shadows there seemed to wiggle and swirl.

  Long black snakes of darkness shot out suddenly, each one smashing a light. "That's better," a cold voice purred. The basement was now completely dark and it felt wonderful. "Now, what happened..." the shadows whispered.”Ah, yes, it was that child - he must have done something." Anger rippled through the blackness as it started to take the shape of a man.

  "Hello," said a little old man from the stairwell as he pointed a flashlight down into the basement. "Anyone down here?" he asked. "No, not anymore," the voice answered. Instantly shadows rushed forward and pulled both the man and flashlight in and then they vanished. There was no sound or sign left that anyone had even been there a second before.

  Only one figure now stood in the basement, smiling ear to ear. And it looked strangely like Mr. Graves! It felt good down here in the basement but that flashlight had burned. What had that little boy done to him? His memory was fuzzy but he remembered Jack distracting him, trying to make him miss witnessing a once in a lifetime event. "That little brat," Mr. Graves growled.

  There was too much brightness outside, he could feel it somehow. He would wait, and then he would find that little boy who had done this to him. Cold tingled up and down Mr. Graves’s arms as shadows flickered around him. Soon, very soon, he would teach little Jack a lesson and then all the kids would learn to fear him.

  Their fear would be delicious.

  - Episode 17 -

  "You should get some rest sweetheart," Mom said softly as she looked down at him. "The doctor said you may be able to go home soon! They just want to run a couple more tests to make sure everything is healing fine." Jack knew his Mom was worried, even if the doctors said he was fine she would still worry he might not be. Maybe it's part of being the mom; you’re supposed to worry about everything.

  "I'll be alright, Mom," Jack said hoping his Mom believed him. Even if she didn't it felt good to at least try to make her think he would be. "I'll be right outside checking on your father if you need me," Mom reminded him. "Want me to leave a little extra light on for you sweetie?"

  "No, thank you though," Jack replied. His Mom sighed before she went out in the hall. Jack was sure it was times like this that his mom wanted nothing more than for him to be a baby again. But he wasn't a baby, he was a big kid now and he knew he could be brave. The thought sparked his courage and then suddenly there was a glow from under his blankets.

  Carefully he lifted his sheets and peeked down to see a little point of light shining from his chest. It was just like in his dream, somehow he was glowing! Curiously he touched it with his finger and it felt warm, kind of nice really. But what was this thing he wondered, maybe if he had a little more light he could check it out.

  Instantly, the warmth spread through him and a beam of soft light shot out of his hand to become a ball of light that hung in the air. It was a gentle light and didn't seem to hurt his eyes. Did he just do that? Jack was both excited and a little scared of the possibility.

  And with that brief moment of fear the light he had created flickered out. Jack was going to have to figure this out, but for now he was tired. Perhaps Mom was right about getting some rest.

  - Episode 18 -

  Slow and steady the sun began to slide down in the sky, ready to turn its attention to other places. As the fiery orb gracefully said its daily goodbye people went about their days like they always did. Shadows lengthened and street lights began to flicker on.

  For Mr. Graves though, it was a magical time. He could hear a sweet music in the air as the daylight faded. No matter what people told them, there was always a part of them that still feared the night and its darkness. And it was just that fear that Mr. Graves found to be simply delicious.

  "Hmm," the shadowy Mr. Graves whispered to himself. "Maybe a snack is in order, I do feel rather hungry." The idea sounded too delightful to ignore, so with a grin Mr. Graves decided to leave the basement. He began to twist and melt as his shape changed until he was just so much darkness in the room. In a flash he poured out of the windows and up to the streets.

  Hissing he soon discovered how uncomfortable bright street lights could be. Getting near one made his skin sting and burn. It was almost as annoying as having to listen to those kids in his class day in and day out. Furious he concentrated on wanting to smash the street lights and as he watched shadows formed into black bird shapes. They circled up into the air and in seconds the street light exploded.

  The relief washed over Mr. Graves and he sighed. That did feel so much better! But there would be more bright lights all over town and now he felt even hungrier. He would have to do something about all the lights before he could begin hunting through town for that irritating boy.

  Just then Mr. Graves began to giggle. If something were to happen to the big power lines to the town then all the lights would go out. But first, wasn't it almost time for that young lady to be walking home? Yes, he was sure it was. He could wait to have a quick snack first; after all h
e was going to have a busy night.

  - Episode 19 -

  Jack woke up suddenly, he wasn't sure why but all at once he was wide awake and sleeping just didn't seem like something he could do if he tried. So he looked around his hospital room - all the little machines were still there, beeping and blinking. He couldn't tell for sure if it was night time or not because the nurse had closed all the window blinds. But by the clock on the wall he was pretty sure it must be. Telling the time by the hands on the clock was something Jack never had quite gotten the hang of but he knew enough to know that the way they were pointing was normally after dark.

  Jack couldn't quite shake the feeling something wasn't right though. It was sort of like the day outside of school. Just thinking about it made his head still hurt, he couldn't remember anything about what happened. All he could remember was begging Mr. Graves to get back inside and then he was having some weird dream.

  And then there was the glowing. How had he done that anyway? He had tried to be brave and then he felt that gentle warm tingle... There it was again! Excited, Jack concentrated again and tried to imagine a little strip of light in his hand. And just like something from an episode of The Force Guardians there it was like a little dagger of white light. This is so awesome he thought!

  But as amazing as it all was Jack couldn't help but worry about his teacher. What had happened to Mr. Graves? A faint cold chill began to tickle at the back of Jack's neck. Something bad was coming, he could feel it somehow. And if he had any kind of powers like his favorite heroes then maybe he could do something to help!

  Quickly Jack started to unplug the various wires they had stuck all over him and decided he would check on his parents. They were supposed to be outside his room catching a nap. They worried too much. But now it was his turn to worry, because while he looked around for his shoes every light in town went out.

  A whole town was dark, and it made Mr. Graves smile.

  - Episode 20 -

  The humming of electricity was quiet and now a whole city was bathed in darkness that was like heaven to Mr. Graves. He could almost hear panic and fear building in waves as people all over town were realizing there was no power. That meant no lights, no T.V., nothing worked. An entire town that was now beginning to be afraid, afraid of the sudden dark that they told themselves couldn't hurt them. Only now, it could.

  With a short squeal that he couldn't help Mr. Graves shaped packs of shadowy hounds. "Now," he told his creations, "go and find me that little boy." He watched delighted as they scattered in all directions flashing through dark patches of the night. They would hunt until they found Jack, and then Mr. Graves would deal with him.

  Jack could feel the unnatural darkness racing through the city; he could feel so much fear growing. He knew what it was like to be afraid of the darkness, but he also knew you could stand up to it. As fast as he could he decided to forget looking for his shoes and instead rushed out the door into the hallway. His sock feet slipped on the slick floors and he almost fell when he bumped into something.

  "Almost forgot," Jack muttered to himself before imagining a little ball of light that instantly was floating in the air above him. "What's going on?" his Dad asked in a panic, startled by the sudden strange floating light. Mom was just starring blank at her son who was now standing by her in his socks and a gown.

  Something was prowling up the hall; Jack could just make it out at the edge of the light from his floating glow ball. He couldn't let anything hurt his parents, but whatever this thing was it was heading right for them. So he imagined the first thing he could think of and stepped in front of them.

  A bright wall of white exploded into life that the black beast slammed into before it evaporated. When Jack turned around his Mom was crying and Dad was holding her, he could tell they were scared. "Mom, Dad," Jack tried to explain, "There is something I have to do." He had to pause for second to make sure they could hear him. "There is something bad coming and I have to try to stop it, I have to help."

  "Why, son," Dad interrupted, stopping Jack before he could continue. "You are just a little boy, what can you possibly think you can do if there are more things like that out there?" Jack didn't even have to think to answer his father; he already knew what to say. "Dad," he said in a calm voice. "What do you call those special bullets people shoot up into the sky in an emergency?" The question confused his Dad, all he could do was reply; "do you mean a flare, buddy?"

  "Yeah, those," Jack confirmed with a grin. "When there is trouble people always shoot one of those up, and you know what? It brings hope. I can be like one of those flares," Jack explained. "Because people need me to be, look what I just did Dad by being brave. Everyone is scared and if more monsters are out there in the dark then maybe I am the only one who can stop them."

  Slowly his father began to understand and smiled at his son - he really was becoming just as brave as he knew he could be. "I am proud of you, Jack," his Dad whispered. "You go be that flare, and do the best you can." As Jack slid off down the hall he could hear his Mom still crying but he was sure Dad would take care of her.

  "Time to bring some hope... and light," Jack said to himself. But what if he couldn't do it? He would just have to trust what his dad had told him and do his best.

  - Episode 21 -

  Speeding through the endless patches of darkness that blanketed the town Mr. Graves raced his way toward the hospital. He had felt one of his little pets as it was destroyed and the fact made him curious. Whatever it was he had to know, up until now nothing had managed to be a threat to these incredible new powers he had.

  A single light greeted Mr. Graves as he slipped up closer to the hospital. It hung in the air just above the doorway to the building and its very presence was an irritation. Carefully he studied the light; it wasn't part of the building and it clearly wasn't a streetlight. But where was it coming from? Was it this strange light that had defeated his shadowy servant?

  Lost in thought, Mr. Graves was startled when his eye caught sight of a small figure as it moved just under the hovering mini-moon. It was a little boy; he was still in his sock feet and a hospital gown! "Oh what wonderful luck," Mr. Graves thought to himself. Here before him, helpless and all alone he realized was none other than that annoying brat - Jack.

  Reaching out Mr. Graves called to his night hounds and brought them to him. He almost wanted to giggle to himself as he sent a pair of his pets charging in to attack. But almost instantly his grin vanished when Jack turned to face the approaching dogs of darkness. "I'm not scared of you," Jack roared as he threw his hands out in front of him. Each hand exploded into a blast of white hot light that rocketed straight into the hounds vaporizing them.

  And then Jack looked past the monsters that had attacked him to see Mr. Graves surrounded by dozens more. "Look out Mr. Graves, it isn't safe around those things," Jack yelled. Furious, Mr. Graves could only see a child who was still defying him. And to him it was just a child who had to pay.

  Melting back into the deeper darkness Mr. Graves pointed his finger at Jack as his pets swarmed towards Jack. "Destroy him," he commanded. Jack watched as his former teacher vanished but he didn't have time to chase him. He was going to have to deal with this mob of monsters first. Then, he was going to have to find and stop Mr. Graves. If he could make things as bad as these shadow dogs, then Jack knew it would only be a matter of time before he did worse things.

  - Episode 22 -

  Dogs of darkness rushed and began to circle around Jack until they became a blur of black. It always seemed easier when the Force Guardians dealt with monsters like this. But, then again, they were a whole team of heroes. Jack was just one little boy.

  "Let's light things up," Jack said with a smile. He had to admit it was kind of fun to say it and it was the kind of thing he always saw superheroes do on T.V. In a bright flash Jack's skin started to glow brighter and he could see clearly now that these shadow monsters didn't like it one bit. Growling, they leaped from all around him t
rying to claw and bite at Jack. Each time he could feel the cold touch of the empty darkness they were made from. With every attack some of the beasts were destroyed while others circled back around to try again.

  The longer the monsters attacked the more Jack could feel himself getting tired. He was going to have to do something else to speed things up. These things were moving to fast for him to try to blast them all one by one. He couldn't risk using up all his energy that way especially if he missed, then he might be powerless against these creatures.

  "Light bulb," Jack roared aloud as an idea struck him. He had just remembered stick fighting with Walter in the back yard because his brother had taken all his toy darts for his dart gun. With a thought he formed a shinning sword of starlight in his hand and held it up to face Mr. Graves pesky pets. Slashing and moving he fought to strike at the shadows as they continued to attack him. But still he could feel the chill of the darkness draining him; he could feel himself starting to become afraid.

  "I can't believe I said light bulb, I'm starting to sound like Dad," Jack joked while he tried to catch his breath. There were still a few more dogs of darkness left and it was becoming so hard to keep his light going. He was just getting so tired and cold.

  Hope sparked to life from a window behind Jack, and as he felt it washed over him with warmth. Wiping a single tear from her cheek, Mom watched filled with hope as her brave little boy faced the dark he had feared for so long. The surge charged Jack's light even brighter.

  It was time to introduce these shadows to what happens when you turn the light on.

  - Episode 23 -

  In a slow ripple hope began to spark to life as other people could see a brave little boy standing alone against monsters of shadow. An entire town had gone dark and outside the hospital was a single light that defied the night. As it spread Jack could feel his own power growing, but he could also still sense the spreading blanket of darkness.

  "Smile," Jack said with a chuckle. One quick pulse of power and an enormous flash exploded in the air above him. It was like a hundred photographer flashes all going off at once. "Aww," Jack remarked to himself, "they forgot to say cheese." In a single blinding moment he had wiped out the last of the dark dogs that had been left. He could feel the drain it had taken on him though, if not for the surge of hope he might not have managed it on his own.

  But, Mr. Graves was still out there. Jack didn't have any idea what he was up to but he could feel the cold fear drifting through the town. Even with the power out and so many people scared though, hope still managed to slowly spread. Because there was still a source of light to drive back the dark. It made Jack smile, the idea that he really could do it. He could be a hero, just like the Force Guardians.

  "I've got to find Mr. Graves," Jack told himself. "Before he hurts anyone else," The thought reminded him he still had no idea how Kim or Ben was. And if his teacher had been looking for him he might go after his friends. That’s what the bad guys always did on Force Guardians and if anything Mr. Graves was just as bad - as or worse than them.

  Behind him Dad leaned over to whisper in his Mom's ear. "Told you honey, he's a brave little man with a huge heart. I always knew he would do something special one day." Neither of them had ever expected anything like this though, and the night was not over yet.

  - Episode 24 -

  Moving through the night like a liquid shadow Mr. Graves hunted for something he was sure would help him get his revenge. He knew for sure that little James or Jack or whatever his name was friends with those other two kids. That annoying know-it-all girl had pestered him after getting to class early, insisting that she be allowed to sit directly behind him. And then there was that little cowardly kid - what was his name? Wasn't it speedy or something like that?

  Yes, he was sure those two were close to the bothersome boy. It was so very delightful watching his little play-things surround this struggling child. These new powers were just so deliciously wonderful, and he couldn't help but notice how the more afraid everyone became the stronger he was becoming.

  He couldn't leave this task up to mindless shadows, no - he was going to see to these two personally. "Now, if I am not mistaken," Mr. Graves told himself. "That other boy lived right around the corner here." But he had to pause and think for a moment about the girl. "I believe the girl is a couple streets over."

  Ben was easy enough for Mr. Graves to find - he was the most terrified kid on his block. He was shivering under a bed sheet when thick strands of darkness wrapped around him and pulled him to Mr. Graves. But just as he tucked the black blob behind him an upsetting feeling settled into his stomach.

  Jack had just wiped out all of his night hounds that he had left to take care of him. That was impossible! And why did it feel like there was a growing warm feeling pushing back the fear? Oh, that child was becoming far too annoying! But once he had little miss-smarty-pants he would make him suffer.

  Mr. Graves hadn't forgotten that day in class. Oh, no, indeed he remembered quite well the look of terror on the young man's face. It was much like the look on another boy's face. And he knew just how to punish little boys like that.

  - Episode 25 -

  Even in the darkest patches of night a single glimmer of light can spark hope in the hearts of those who see it. Jack knew this better than anyone, since he had been terrified of the dark for so long. But, just like Dad had said, the darkness was nothing more than a bully. It needed you to be scared, it needed your imagination to allow it to win. If you stood up to it and choose to be brave then it lost all power over you.

  He had been right when he told his Dad that he could be a flare. Fighting against these shadow monsters Jack had not only defeated them but he had also given people something they needed. A single little boy had shown them how to be brave even in the face of something scary, and he had done it by making his own light. Powers or not, Jack was a hero.

  The growing ripple of faith in everyone who could now see this shinning hero in a hospital gown still flooded into Jack. But he knew Mr. Graves wouldn't stop spreading fear and terror throughout the town. He knew Mr. Graves was a mean teacher, but how could he have become such an evil man? Whatever had happened to them that day had it done this to Mr. Graves? Jack didn't know for sure but he did know that if he couldn't save Mr. Graves from this thing he had to make sure to stop him from hurting anyone.

  "Hey, Flare," Dad yelled with a grin from the doorway to the hospital. "Jack, sweetheart, at least put these clothes on," Mom begged. "I have to hurry," Jack tried to explain. "It was Mr. Graves, something bad has happened to him and I think he might hurt more people. My friends could be in danger!"

  Mom bent down to look her youngest son in the eye, and when she spoke her voice was soft and clear. "You come back safe, my little brave hero. If anyone can bring light to those afraid in the dark, it is you my little angel." Dad didn't have to say anything; Jack could tell by the look on his face that he was proud of him.

  Charged by his own courage and the hope he was bringing to everyone Jack looked out at the empty night covering his town. "Well this is a really big emergency," Jack noted. "I guess we're going to need a really big flare." Both his parents agreed with a smile as their son started off into the dark in a run.

  "Good thing this town has me to help light the way," Jack said loudly as he launched bright blasts of light up into the sky as he went. Now, if he was going to hunt down a shadow in the dark the first thing he was going to need to do was shed some light on things. With every little flare that glowed to mark his passing people looked up and began to be less afraid. And with every spark of hope Jack felt more and more like he could really do it. He could stop Mr. Graves.

  All he had to do now was try to make it to his friends before Mr. Graves. The only problem; he might already be too late.

  - Episode 26 -

  Mr. Graves watched from outside a bedroom window as he calmly calculated the next step of his plan. Even now Jack was on his way through town
to try and stop him. But he already had one of his dear friends and soon he would have the other. This was going to be easy!

  As usual the little know-it-all was sitting in her room with a battery powered light and emergency radio. She had apparently been prepared for situations like this, but one thing she couldn't have expected were shadows oozing into her room. Curiosity kept her at first from screaming before instinct overwhelmed her and made her scream in panic.

  "This isn't real," Kim mumbled to herself as the darkness started to look like her teacher. "This can't happen, it's not possible," she tried to remind herself. Kim had read a lot of books and things and she was sure that shadows couldn't do things like that. But sure enough, standing in her room and smiling with glee was Mr. Graves.

  With a wave of his hand a wave of black swept through the room and all light vanished. Darkness wrapped around Kim and even though she tried to struggle and fight it was just too strong. It squeezed and held her tight until she couldn't move.

  In the distance bursts of light exploded in the air that gradually were getting closer and closer. "Late again," Mr. Graves whispered to himself quietly. "But let's see if you remembered to study for the test." "A test," Kim managed to ask with a groan. "Yes," Mr. Graves confirmed, "a test over the use of traps involving live bait."

  For once Kim didn't know what to do, but she hoped desperately that whoever was coming did.

  - Episode 27 -

  Jack dashed down the street as he hurried to find his friends. He knew he was getting close but as he turned the corner something just didn't feel right. It was so dark down this street, darker than it should even be without any street lights. Better to be extra careful Jack decided as he slowly walked forward to check things out.

  The feeling of hope that Jack had been able to sense spreading through the town now seemed like a faint echo in the distance. There was a strong fear here and its icy presence made Jack wish he had a winter coat on. "I know you're here Mr. Graves," Jack shouted even though he couldn't see him. Deep down inside a small part of Jack couldn't help but feel a little scared as he tried to spot Mr. Graves.

  "So glad you could join us," Mr. Graves hissed from somewhere in the deep darkness. "We've been waiting for you, me and some friends of yours. Sadly they were neither fast enough nor smart enough to escape me." Jack had been too late, Mr. Graves had his friends now and he wasn't sure what to do. "Oh, what would the Force Guardians do?" Jack tried to ask himself. But he wasn't sure what his favorite heroes would do in a situation like this.

  "Please," Jack tried to beg, "don't hurt my friends I'll do anything you want!" He still couldn't see Mr. Graves and every time he could hear him speak he couldn't even tell where his voice was coming from. "I know you will," Mr. Graves told him.

  A box of thick black darkness began to form in front of Jack. "Get inside the box," Mr. Graves commanded. "Once you are inside then you won't have to worry about your dear friends any longer." Jack wasn't sure where his friends were but he did know that if he even tried anything Mr. Graves could still hurt them. He didn't have a choice.

  So, Jack took a deep breath and stepped into the box. Instantly it sealed shut and he found himself in nothing but pure darkness. And all he could hear was Mr. Graves laughing as he felt himself becoming afraid again.

  - Episode 28 -

  It was so very dark in the box. Not even Jack's own glow seemed to be shedding any light at all. It was just blackness all around him, it just didn't end. Fear held him tight like a steel chain that refused to even let him breathe it felt like. As he became scared he could feel his power slipping away. Very soon he wouldn't be able to do anything and right now there wasn't anything he could do.

  "I'm sorry everyone," Jack apologized. "I tried to do my best but I guess I just didn't do well enough." A single scream pierced through the emptiness, it was Kim! His friends still needed his help. But Mr. Graves said they would be okay, he had promised. "No! I made the biggest mistake in the book; you never trust a bad guy!"

  Black claws reached into the air all around Kim and Ben as Mr. Graves enjoyed the complete terror on their faces. "Help us!" they pleaded and begged. Locked away within a prison of darkest night Jack could hear their screams. It called to the very core of him and instinct demanded he act.

  Blinding white light slammed out of him and exploded against the black walls until they shattered into bits. "Let my friends go, now!" Jack demanded with eyes that burned like white hot suns. He could never truly be afraid if someone he cared for was in danger, for he had the heart of a hero.

  And now Mr. Graves was going to have a lesson of his own - he was going to learn just what that meant. Power flooded through Jack and his light was already building brighter and brighter. "Last chance, Mr. Graves," Jack reminded his teacher.

  "Time to finish this," Jack thought to himself. He had decided, once and for all that no matter what it took he was going to end this right now.

  - Episode 29 -

  There was no room left for fear inside Jack, his heart was a pulsing white hot engine of courage and determination. He watched as Mr. Graves angrily tossed Kim and Ben to the ground. This wouldn't be as easy as fighting off a whole horde of hounds like before, Mr. Graves was smart and mean. Jack knew he would have to be careful, so he covered himself in armor of light complete with a blazing sword and shining shield.

  "Let's see just how you handle someone who isn't afraid of you - somebody who can fight back!" Jack challenged Mr. Graves. Already shadows were swirling around him like a sinister swarm. Dark claws tore and slashed at him as Mr. Graves tried to find an opening to hurt Jack. There was still so much fear in the town, so many people scared that there really was monsters in the dark waiting to get them.

  Jack stood his ground with his shield up and only cut at the shadows that managed to get too close. With each strike the strands of black would vanish and Mr. Graves became even angrier. But while Kim and Ben watched they saw Jack fighting Mr. Graves and he wasn't even scared. If Jack could stand up to Mr. Graves then they could too, there was no reason for them to be scared anymore.

  The less fear there was the weaker Mr. Graves became. He needed it, desperate he tried anything he could think of to scare them. The teacher of terror tried to change his shape into a giant nightmarish monster but it wasn't working. Too many people all over town had seen Jack's flares of light and even now they could see his bright glow pushing back the thickest darkness. Hope was spreading.

  With a mighty swing Jack chopped a huge part of the shadow monster Mr. Graves had become. He didn't even pause; he just kept up his attack - kept cutting and spinning like a whirlwind of light. Darkness vanished in flashes and puffs as Mr. Graves himself started to be afraid for once.

  "Time to face the light of day," Jack yelled. The brightest explosion of light ripped forth out of him and it was almost like the very sun itself had just rocketed right up into the sky. Only a tiny sliver of shadow managed to flutter out of the way and into a drain. And as Jack fell to the ground exhausted to be claimed by a deep sleep he almost thought he heard Mr. Graves voice. It was so very faint but it almost sounded like he said "This isn't over!"

  But Jack was already helplessly fast asleep.

  - Episode 30 -

  "Wake up Jack, you're going to be late for school," Dad said from the doorway. Jack opened his eyes and looked around; somehow he was in his bed. He glanced out the window and to his excitement the sun was already up in the sky saying hello in its own way. But how was he home, the last thing he remembered was fighting Mr. Graves?

  "Um, Dad," Jack called for his father. "What do you mean I have school today?" His Dad returned immediately standing in his doorway wearing a huge grin. "Well, buddy," he began to explain, "it looks like somebody fixed the problem last night and they have managed to get the power back up this morning." Dad started to walk back down the hall but stopped and poked his head back in. "I wonder who we have to think for all those flares last night?" he asked with a chuckl

  He had really done it; he was really a hero just like the Force Guardians! The whole way to school he felt like he was walking on air. Everything seemed brighter, everyone was smiling and happy, it was a great day. Jack even managed to get to school a few minutes early and saw a whole bunch of other kids were gathered around outside the school. Kim and Ben ran over to greet him.

  "What’s going on?" Jack asked his friends. "Look what a bunch of people have been finding," Ben told him as he held out his hand. In it was a small strange piece of rock, Kim held one up as well. "I bet it's from that meteor the other day," Kim said as she studied hers. "How many were there?" Jack asked concerned.

  "A bunch," they both answered at the same time. Jack had hoped they were going to say anything but that. It seemed like things were only just beginning to be interesting in his little town. Well, at least they had a bright flare for emergencies!

  About the author:

  Ever since he has been able to hold a pencil, Matthew C. Gill has been scribbling down stories. Burdened by an over-abundance of imagination and discovering a lack of fitting bedtime stories for his children he set himself to attempt to create his own. What he never could have expected was the interest of all four of his children as they eagerly awaited each new ‘episode’ every night. He now lives as a slave to their literary appetites.

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