Read A Man For Darial Page 11

  Chapter 11

  The Great Hall was made of a material that looked like huge blocks of pale blue marble shaped into an immense circular dome, and bigger than ten football fields. As this was the equivalent of an airport on Earth Joe was not surprised to see the area it covered, although, he figured it must be four times the size of any airport he had heard of. It was planned around a circular configuration that allowed all processing to take place in this one central open plan area. Unfortunately, Joe still couldn’t see the world outside the frosted windows.

  Before entering the hall the crews from all Pods were held in smaller rooms, spaced out at regular intervals around the dome, to wait. When it was their turn to be processed an official inside the hall buzzed the door open, and they all filed in following Callem to be greeted with large smiles and handshakes.

  Joe was pushed and dragged to the front of their queue where, he was welcomed by the officials. Many uniformed officers left their desk stations, crossing the room to hug him and shake his hand. “Teeronites were a very demonstrative people, if this was anything to go by,” thought Joe Shouting and cheering could be heard all over the hall. Joe didn’t understand a word that was spoken and was stunned by the reception he was getting.

  “I told you that you would be welcome when you arrived,” smiled Callem. “Halli’s brother is an honoured guest and also the chosen life-mate of Darial Tarkon. You’re a celebrity,” said Callem with a contagious grin.

  Predictably Joe just laughed.

  Forty five minutes later, the teams were released from duty and able to exit through a large central door to the outside and freedom. Joe tried to follow them, impatient to get his first view of Teeron but, Callem held him and Darial back, leading them into a small waiting room near the main doors.

  The minute Joe entered the room a small figure launched itself at him, hanging on like a limpet, legs wrapped tightly around his waist. He recognised the body and scent of the little woman wrapped tightly around him, instantly.

  “Hi Henry, How’re you doing? I hear you’re a hero around here.” Damp tears wet his neck as he breathed in the essence of his little sister. He felt moisture glaze his own eyes too.”I missed you kid.” he hugged her for all he was worth.

  “Oh Joe, I love it here but, I miss you and the rest of the family” Halli sniffed into his collar and rubbed her wet face dry on his shirt. “And I told you I’d bop you if you called me Henry again.” Joe shook with laughter at the memory.

  “Yeah but, just look how well that joke turned out. You bopped Callem when he called you Henry and then he married you.” Broad shoulders shaking with happy laughter he tucked Halli under his arm like a football and walked towards the door with her feet dangling. “Henry I’ve just got to get a look at this planet or, I’m going to bust with frustration.” As he passed a smiling Darial, he grabbed her with his spare arm. Come on darling, show me everything”

  “Joe Grant” Bellowed Halli, “How many times have I told you and Dad to stop carrying me this way. Let me down this minute.” Joe just carried on walking towards the door ignoring her pleas.

  “Can’t stop squirt, I’ve got your house to build, marry Darial, get a look at this planet and I’ve only got six weeks to do it in.”

  Callem looked across at Darial and then, the two of them joined in the tearful laughter.

  Joe stopped suddenly just outside the door, gazing in rapt attention at what stood before him. Callem had to admit that three pods side by side was an impressive sight, even for him, and knowing that there was another three around the other side of the dome, was awe inspiring. Joe was so shocked he handed Halli over to Callem without taking his eyes off of the sight before him.

  Callem casually tucked his love up under his arm and ignored her sigh of frustration. This was a family tradition and he intended to keep it.

  Joe finally took a deep breath and sighed deeply. “You know, Callem, I was born on the wrong planet. Do you have any idea how much fun I could have playing with one of those suckers?” He said wistfully.

  “I’m sorry Joe but it takes eight years of study to learn how to fly those pods.”

  “Yeah? Well I’m going to start studying the minute I get this house built.” He joked.