Read A Man For Darial Page 12

  Chapter 12

  Joe was stunned by what he could see. The pods were huge beyond his comprehension. He needed to move on and find buildings of a size that he felt comfortable with. His admiration for Callem grew; what dedication and courage to learn to fly something of that size.

  Callem finally stood Halli on her feet and, after a long welcome home kiss, tucked her under his arm and led the way towards their vehicle.

  Darial linked her arm through Joe’s and walked with him, trying to explain what he would see. “We have vehicles here on Teeron, named personal carriers. The name is commonly abbreviated to ‘cars’ is that not a strange coincidence?”

  “Do your cars use fossil fuels to run them or do you use another power source?” Joe wanted to know, as he enjoyed the feel of her warm body next to his.

  “Everything on this planet is run by solar power or a type of fossil fuel that re-generates itself after use. We learned centuries ago that pollution would destroy our existence, so, we spend all of our research time on improving the two fuel sources that we already have.” Darial smiled at Joe’s look of envy,

  “Boy, you Teeronites sure have got all your ducks in a row’” muttered Joe.

  Darial had no idea how ducks could line up and provide power but, carried on gamely.

  “The fossil fuel that runs our cars, planes and interplanetary pods, is a type that once ignited will run for hundreds of hours before losing its power. Once the car’s indicator signals loss of power, we switch to the secondary fuel tank. While that is running the first tank regenerates itself, ready to be accessed again.” Darial was proud that she was able to explain her planet to Joe, truth to tell mechanics was not her strong point.

  “What power source do your buildings use?

  “All buildings, private homes and military units use solar power. Only ‘cars’, of all different uses, and interplanetary pods and transporters use the fossil fuel.”

  As Darial finished explaining they reached Callem’s car and Joe got his first view of what he was going to ride in. Halli hopped up into the driving seat and waved to Joe to join her in the front.

  “I want to explain everything as you see it. I’ll stop for you to get a good look at anything that interests you.”

  The car was glossy red and about the size of an extra large four wheel drive. Not too high off the ground but, definitely not as low as Earth’s version. When Halli started it up the engine could barely be heard.

  “I want to get a look at how the homes are built here on Teeron.” Joe was starting to get worried. “Is it even legal for me to build here, I’m not licensed for interplanetary building after all.” Halli grinned over her shoulder at Callem and Darial. “I’ve got one more surprise left for you today and it will take care of the building licence problem.”

  Joe didn’t answer; he was too busy taking in the scenery. They had cleared the research facility and Joe was getting his first look at the world around him. Twin suns blazed happily side by side, high in a clear, blue sky.

  Buildings of all shapes and sizes were starting to appear nearby, tall, squat, long and round, set in blocks of land of approximately one acre in size. All were different but, without fail they all had bright blue domed roofs. Most were painted lovely soft pastel colours or, built of large bricks similar to Earth’s sandstone.

  “Okay, I’m pretty sure I can comply with the building codes, as long as I can work out how the roofs are incorporated into the build.” Joe said, mulling the problem over in his mind.

  Halli answered quickly. “You won’t have to worry about that. Here, all homes are solar powered, the company that you buy your solar unit from is responsible for building the roof that suits your build.”

  Halli pointed out a home that was under construction a short distance away. “Look, that home is built using the same system as we use in Australia but, instead of roof struts we cap off the roof area with a tarp like material until the roof arrives. The roof is pre-moulded and coated with the solar panel.” She finished off with a triumphant wave of her hand. “Viola! The solar company delivers, lowers it into place then locks it down, all as one job. No one ever gets an electricity bill on Teeron.”

  Joe was in awe at the beautiful, pristine suburbs, the clean air and blue skies. Very little traffic was on the roads which were wide and in immaculate condition.

  Callem spoke for the first time since they had left the research station. “You see Joe we have ideal atmospheric conditions on Teeron so, all citizens are brought up to revere and protect our environment.” No one smokes. We are all vegetarians, so there is no overabundance of cattle to produce methane. We are a planet roughly the size of Earth but, we only have a few million people, of one race, living on it.” Callem glanced at Halli as he continued, “We like it this way, don’t we Wonder Woman?”

  “Teeron is definitely the place to raise children,” replied Halli.

  Joe looked over at Darial and smiled. “Is it good for raising little green babies, honey?”

  Darial laughed happily, her laughter so contagious the others couldn’t help joining in. They were still laughing when Halli pulled up at the building site.

  Joe had drooled over the scenery as they drove alongside golden beaches and the bluest water he’d had ever seen. Now, here they were at Halli and Callem’s dream beach home.

  Joe was amazed at how much had already been done. He cast a professional eye over the frame and slab, workmen could be heard hammering and banging in the upstairs rooms.

  “Damn Halli, you hardly need me to help, you’ve got the place well under way. A couple of weeks more should do it.”

  Joe walked over to the nearest beam and ran his hand over it. “What’s this beam made of?”

  “It’s made of compressed fibres taken from a plant that grows here. Teeronites are trying to preserve their natural forests so, fabricating faux timber makes sense. It doesn’t attract worms or ants so, once erected these homes last forever.” Halli shrugged away any concerns he might have. “Don’t worry Joe it handles just like ordinary timber.”

  Joe stood back and had a long look at the frame, scratching his head in concentration.

  “You know, I could swear I’ve seen that workmanship before. If I didn’t think it was crazy I’d say it was---- Nah couldn’t be.” He shook his head in denial. “I must need sleep.”

  Halli smiled at Darial, breaking into laughter. “That other surprise I promised you Joe?

  “Yeah, what is it?” He replied cautiously.

  Halli walked to the bottom of the stairs, then, shouted up them in Teeronal, another shock for Joe.

  A few seconds later, loud pounding sounded on the stairs, as long legs came into view. Joe held his breath, he knew those legs. Daniel Smith, his best friend, entered the downstairs rooms and grabbed Joe in a bear hug. Joe and Dan didn’t stop pounding each other on the back for long minutes.

  “You’re supposed to be on a surfing safari around the world.” gasped a shocked Joe.

  “Best surfing you’ll ever get right here off this beach.” replied Dan.

  “I can’t believe you’re here. How, when?” Joe was desperate to know everything at once.

  “I was finishing renovating my last unit when I met Calli and that was it. She was coming back here so, I got you to take over the units and came back with her. We were married immediately, and now we have one month old twin boys.”

  Joe shook his head in disbelief. “You mean all those emails I get from you are actually from here?”

  “Yeah, I keep my own unit empty for when we or the others need a Gold Coast base. I built the house next door to this one as our permanent home. I thought that I’d be the only human on Teeron but then, Callem came home with Halli, and the rest is history.”

  He laughed at Joe’s stunned face. “We’ve all been looking forward to getting you here. I told them to get you drunk, and keep you that way if they wanted you to fly. I never figured Darial could persuade you.”

  Joe pulled D
arial close with a smile, “She had her own bag of tricks and now I can fly anywhere.”

  “Well, I’m glad you’re here because we need to get this place finished in a hurry, if we’re going to get one up for you.”

  Joe started to feel like Alice in Wonderland again.

  “What do you mean, mine?”

  “Well, we heard you and Darial are going to get married so, Halli and I put a deposit on the block of land on Halli’s other side, for you.” Dan turned to Halli for confirmation. “Tell him neighbour.”

  “I hope you aren’t mad Joe. I would really love to have you live close by, even if you are only here part of the time. Calli, Darial and Dan are my best friends, so we thought we’d start a beach community going.” Halli finished with a happy smile.

  “Damn, that would be great. But, how much will it cost me?” Joe questioned.

  “You don’t need to worry,” answered Dan. “Land here is a fraction of what we pay on the Gold Coast.” Dan swept his hand out over the view. “Well, what do you think of your new home?” Joe’s reply was swift.

  “Lend me a hammer and tool belt and let’s get going. Come on Henry let me see what you’ve done with the plumbing. I have to wait for all of my tools and gear to be delivered from the Pod but, we can get the job organised for tomorrow.”

  Joe turned suddenly, rushing over to Darial to give her a toe tingling kiss, before heading off after Dan and Halli. “Start drawing up your house plans honey, because Dan and I will have this finished in no time.”

  Darial and Callem stared at each other then, with a shrug of their shoulders, resigned themselves to being left to their own devices for the rest of the day.

  “Let’s go over to Calli’s house and offer to cook dinner for this crowd,” suggested Callem.

  “I will be happy to cook dinner but, it doesn’t look like our life-mates will stop to eat it,” she said philosophically.

  The three humans were working together again, intent on their project and oblivious to all else.

  Chapter 13

  Darial and Joe became life-mates five weeks later in a bonding ceremony that showered them with happiness and was so beautiful that even Joe thought he would cry; Darial did. She couldn’t help herself she was so in love. The ceremony took place on the beach on a warm summer’s day with a balmy breeze blowing in from the sea.

  All Callem and Darial’s friends were in attendance to witness their words of love and commitment, Halli and Callem standing between them to represent their joined families. Darial now truly had a family. Glowing with wonder and contentment; she knew what love felt like now. Joe had made sure of that with his warm embraces and loving words.

  At the conclusion of the ceremony, Joe drew a tearfully happy Darial into his loving arms, and speaking loudly enough for everyone to hear, asked,

  “Now, can we go home and start on our little green babies, please honey?”

  Halli choked on her wine, while Callem broke into hilarious laughter; joined by the rest of their friends.

  Joe the Joker was alive and well on Teeron and much loved by Darial.


  More books by Beth Sadler

  Twisted Dreams


  Book 1 Teeron Series

  A Man For Calli

  Book 2 Teeron Series

  A Man For Halli

  Book 3 Teeron Series

  A Man For Darial

  Visit Beth on Facebook

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