Read A Man For Triena Page 10

  Chapter 9

  It was close to ten o’clock that night before Jeff finally contacted Triena. Her com-pad beeped and she just sat and stared at it for endless moment, too afraid to open the email. She had spent the evening alone and tense, unable to eat or sit still until she had news of Jethro’s mare. Now here it was, and she was too afraid to tap the screen.

  Teril had met them as soon as they drove up and whisked Jethro away to the pod, to check arrangements for the horse’s transportation, house plans and now, fencing. Teril was determined that Tasha’s wedding gift would be perfect. The man would do whatever was necessary to make his life-mate happy.

  Luckily, Tasha had been too busy to notice all of the activity as she had spent all of her spare time organising their wedding. It was to take place the following Saturday, on the beach in front of the apartment building.

  Now, Triena had to face the news in the email, good or bad. Giving the screen a firm tap she held her breath as she read. Not believing what she had read, she started all over again. It still said the same thing, also, that Triena was welcome to ring Jeff immediately if she cared to discuss the matter. Triena immediately used the video phone on the com-pad to ring him.

  Jeff was sitting at his computer and answered immediately with a huge grin on his face.

  “Hi Triena, what do you think of our news?”

  “I’m stunned, how did you do it?”

  “Buying her was the easy part. Getting her delivered was what has taken me so long, I’ve only just tracked down a friend who is coming up here to a show in a couple of days and will bring her directly to me.” He laughed happily. “I can’t wait to see old Jethro’s face when he finds out what you’ve done for him.

  The good news was starting to sink in, making Triena shake with relief.

  “I was so afraid that you were having trouble buying her; that I didn’t have enough money. Now you’ve managed to buy her for half what I would have paid.”

  “That was never a problem. Old Frank is a good guy and when I told him what kind of home Jethro would give her, he was only too happy to sell at a reasonable price. You’ve got her for only a little more than the price of the service to his stallion.” Jeff sounded satisfied with the deal he’d made and Triena was only too happy to give him credit for his work.

  “I can’t thank you enough for what you’ve done. I’ll deposit the purchase money immediately into the account you’ve sent me. I would also like to pay you or buy you something special, as thanks, if you’d let me.” Triena asked tentatively, not sure of the etiquette involved in thanking someone for this kind of favour. She didn’t want to insult him.

  “I tell you what. If you really want to do something special for me, you can buy tickets for the three of us to go to the ‘The Australian Outback Spectacular’ next Tuesday. I’ve been meaning to go for years and even though it’s just down the road, I’ve never managed to get there.” Jeff cheerfully filled in Triena on the show and food that brought the outback alive, in a unique experience for the audience.

  Triena agreed instantly, working her com-pad swiftly as she continued to listen to Jeff’s enthusiastic conversation. She spotted a ‘Top Rail Package’ and immediately booked it for the three of them.

  Triena broke into Jeff’s happy monologue to inform him of what she’d done. “I can’t wait to go if it’s as good as you say.

  “It’s even better. Jethro will be happy as a pig in mud when he finds out. But you shouldn’t have paid all of that money over. I’ve got friends that work there and they would have given you a discount, too late now you’ve paid, I’m afraid.”

  Triena felt a light bulb go on inside her head and a slow smile spread across her face. “Jeff, would it be possible for you to arrange a special event there for me? I want to make a formal proposal to Jethro and present him with his mare as an engagement gift. Do you think it could be done?” She asked, hopefully.

  “I’m not sure. They do arrange parties and things so you might be lucky. Leave it with me and I’ll see what can be done. I’ll get back to you as soon as I have some info.” Jeff started to laugh and seemed to be having trouble stopping. Triena was confused.

  “What’s so funny Jeff? Don’t you like the idea?” Triena asked, worried that she was making a big mistake.

  “It’s just the thought of Jethro’s face when you propose in front of a thousand people. Luckily I know he’s crazy about you.” Jeff scratched his head in puzzlement. “I thought you were already engaged though?”

  “Yes. Jethro has made his intentions clear but, there still remains the matter of the formal proposal that I have to make. Teril, my superior, made it all very clear to me.” Triena answered casually, not noticing Jeff’s complete confusion as she busily plotted away in her head.

  They ended their conversation soon after that, with Jeff still laughing.

  Triena went to bed that night to happily dream of flying horses and Jethro walking towards her, smiling, with love in his eyes.

  The next few days passed slowly, with Triena back on the pod doing further tests on Sam’s blood work and genetic trace. As she had suspected he was a Teeron descendent and she now had to try and link him to one of the two blood lines. He was either a relative of Jethro’s or Jenna’s.

  Jenna had been the first Teeron descendent to be discovered on Earth. Triena worked tirelessly, her work essential if they were to trace all of the living descendents of those distant unrecorded bondings.

  At least the work kept her from missing Jethro too much. He had been spending all his time with Teril, as they raced to put the final touches on the house plans before the wedding. Triena and Jethro had only managed a few hurried, desperate kisses and too brief embraces as they passed in the hallway of the units or the pod. Both were looking forward to next week when they would have more time for each other.

  At least now Triena had her proposal plans to give her something to work on. Jeff had contacted Triena and gleefully informed her that their plans had been approved and were in place. Jethro’s mare had arrived safely from Sydney and had settled in well. Jeff would take her to the Australian Outback Spectacular venue on Tuesday afternoon and settle her in a stable ready for the big reveal.

  Jeff was enjoying his part in the proposal. He’d never seen a big, tough, SASR melt before but, he figured it was going to happen on Tuesday. He silently laughed to himself every time he thought of it. He’d known Jethro for years and never seen him lose his composure. He figured he would see it happen on Tuesday night.

  Teril and Tasha’s wedding went off without a hitch if you didn’t count the bride breaking down into happy tears after they exchanged vows and Teril presented Tasha with the plans for their new stud. Teril had a large screen, video presentation set up on the altar they were standing in front of. The large screen was big enough for all the guests to see the land, with a 3D presentation overlay of the house and the mares grazing there. Teril had been careful not to include a view of the twin suns. No point in making the Earthling guests curious.

  There was then a more realistic view of the house foundations going in and the fences being built. Teril was so pleased with himself that he picked his new bride up and spun her around until she was laughing happily again, all tears dried up.

  Jeff had been invited to the event as had Sam and Staren. Jethro wandered over to talk to Jeff who was looking slightly bemused as Jethro approached him. “What’s up buddy, don’t like the beer?” Jethro grinned.

  “No, the beers fine, it’s the guests that have me curious. Do all of Teril’s family and friends come out of the same mould? I’ve never seen so many tall, black haired, good looking people in one place in my life. It could give a man an inferiority complex,” he complained good-naturedly.

  Jethro roared with laughter. “You get used to it after a while. They’re certainly a good looking family that’s for sure. The region they were all born in hasn’t married outsiders for hundreds of years. Tasha will liven up that gene pool, that’s for su

  Jethro looked over at a glowing Triena in her soft, flowing bridesmaid’s dress. “Of course my Triena is the best looking of the lot.” He stated with certainty in his voice.

  Jeff grinned back at him “You wouldn’t be biased now, would you? I tell you what, find me a woman that looks like Triena and can ride and I’ll marry her tomorrow.”

  Jethro gave him a sniggering smile before answering. “Careful what you’re asking for, I just might do that little thing.” Slapping Jeff happily on the back he left him to go and make some time with his fiancé, it seemed years since he’d managed more than two words with her.

  He had last seen her yesterday when Teril had called him into the command centre where Triena waited to announce her official proposal plans. He’d been stunned and amused to be wooed by his own fiancé, however, after seeing Teril’s serious expression he’d thought better of cracking a smile and accepted graciously. This was obviously serious business to a Teeronite. He still hadn’t worked out why Jeff was part of the evening but, wasn’t going to question Triena’s arrangements.

  “Hi sweetheart, you look beautiful.” Jethro tucked her carefully into his side as he led her away from the crowd around Tasha and Teril. “If your bridesmaid duties are over I think I’ll kidnap you,” he whispered into her neck as he breathed in her exotic scent and nibbled on her ear.

  Jethro’s caresses sent thrilling shivers racing up and down Triena’s spine. “Hail Hera” this man of hers was temptation on two legs.

  “I think I’m supposed to help Tasha change before they leave on their wedding trip to O’Reilley’s Rainforest Retreat. After that, I’m afraid I have to go back to the pod to continue with the work until Teril returns on Monday.” Resignation was clear in Triena’s voice.

  “Damn it, I’ve hardly seen you this past week. Will you have more free time when Teril gets back?” Jethro grumbled, as he hugged her close.

  “Yes, usually we’re able to rotate our lab time so that we both have time off. However, this tour we’ve done so much travelling that the lab work is badly behind. “Triena looked uneasy as she continued. “We leave for home in two weeks and the work must be finished by then.”

  “I promised Teril I’d return with him to help Tasha with the horses, will you be stuck here if the work isn’t done before the pod leaves?” He asked, tension tightening his shoulders.

  “No, I’m due leave and will return even if the work isn’t completed. Teril, however, would have to stay here.” That comment sobered both of them.

  “In that case I won’t hassle you about the hours you’re working.” He grimaced humorously. “I won’t like it but, I’ll live with it, we all need to go home together.”He leaned down to nibble her lips playfully. Triena giggled, she couldn’t believe that she was doing it but, she actually giggled. Jethro groaned in disgust.

  “Don’t laugh at me you minx. I’m due back on base in seven weeks and I need lots of time with you before then.” He bent swiftly and picking her up swung in a circle as he hugged her close. “Let’s dance so that I can hold you until you have to leave me again.” He kissed her slowly and thoroughly before letting her feet touch the ground.

  Triena spent the next few hours in a daze of love and laughter, as Jethro lavished loving caresses on her, right up until his final, searing kiss goodbye.

  “Hail Hera,” she thought, later that night as she slipped into bed. Her brain stopped working whenever Jethro was near, but, oh, how she wanted to be back in his strong arms.