Read A Man For Triena Page 9

  Chapter 8

  The trip from the Gold Coast to Sydney had gone smoothly. Jethro had knocked on her door at six, greeting her with a brief, but, oh so satisfying kiss, before getting them to the airport in record time.

  The Sydney traffic had been a nightmare and it had taken the help of the in–car navigation system to get them out of the city and into the suburbs. They were now happily driving down the main road to Windsor, a mostly rural suburb on the outskirts of the city. The stud they were visiting was only a few minutes away now.

  Tall wrought iron electronic gates guarded the stud’s entry, blocking access to casual visitors. They had to announce themselves into an intercom system before they were granted an entrée; obviously security was taken seriously here. A sign halfway down the drive pointed the way down another road to the stable complex. It seemed that this stud was all business and not the friendly, relaxed kind that they had visited yesterday.

  No cuppa on the veranda today, thought Triena.

  A tall, immaculately dressed man, who looked to be in his forties, emerged from a doorway and approached their car.

  “Hi, I’m John, the stud manager. I believe you wanted to inspect some of our Scimitar bred mares?” The man spoke crisply though not in an unfriendly manner. Jethro didn’t seem fazed by all the security and professionalism so Triena had to assume this was not an unusual set-up.

  “Hi, yes, I’m Jethro and this is Triena.” Jethro said, with a nod in Triena’s direction, before continuing. “We’re a little early for our appointment I hope that won’t inconvenience you?” Jethro raised one eyebrow, querying the other man, however not really expecting a refusal. After all big money was involved here.

  “That’s not a problem, thank you for your concern; however we are always ready for buyers, international or interstate.”John spoke calmly and with authority. Triena bet this man ran a tight ship.

  “I can’t wait to see some of the beauties that I’ve only seen in magazines. I’ve spent too many years overseas in the last ten years to have been able to attend many shows.”Jethro spoke with enthusiasm as he exited the car.

  John opened the door for Triena giving her a good look over as he helped her out of the car. “I’m happy to welcome you to our stud.” He murmured in a deep, sexy voice; a little too much emphasis on the ‘you’ in Jethro’s opinion.

  Jethro wondered how much extra it would cost him for the mare if he punched the oily salesman in his grinning mouth. The man hadn’t moved his eyes off of Triena’s breasts since he’d opened the door. Suddenly the man dropped Triena’s hand like it was on fire.

  “Oh, I’m sorry,” she gushed in apparent sincerity. “I usually don’t offer my hand after a car trip. Static electricity you know?”

  That’s my girl chuckled Jethro to himself. Don’t mess with a guardian if you don’t want to get burned. Luckily, he was fireproof with this particular guardian, but, he wondered what trick she’d used to zap him? He’d make sure he found out later.

  “My fiancé has an affinity with electricity,” Chuckled Jethro. “Fortunately I’m not affected.”

  John suddenly lost all interest in Triena and became all business, leading the way to the stables.

  Triena trailed after them happily, after all, Jethro’s fiancé had to get used to horses hadn’t she?

  Triena prepared to spend a few hours in Jethro’s wake, as he checked every inch, of every horse on the property.

  She was totally surprised when Jethro quickly chose only three mares to inspect out of the fifteen offered. He wasn’t wasting any time with friendly conversation, instead made his choices swiftly and asked for them to be displayed. Triena had to admit that the indoor arena that John used to show the mares was first class. They all leaned on the arena rail and watched the mare’s floating gaits as they trotted and cantered around, displaying at liberty, one after the other.

  Jethro was obviously impressed by all three but, it would all come down to available sperm as to which mare he eventually picked. Jethro signalled Triena to run her AI searches and sat back to watch the last mare in the arena spin and rear in obvious joy at her freedom from her stable.

  John was quietly watching the mare with Jethro when he made a suggestion. “Would you like to view our stallion barn? The mares you’ve picked out are excellent but, one that is already in foal to our Scimitar bloodline could possibly be a better buy for you.”

  “My problem is that these mares are to be shipped overseas for my sister’s new stud. I didn’t want to risk one slipping a foal due to transit stress.” Jethro was obviously wavering; the quality of these animals was mouth watering.

  “I think with a little care it could be done successfully. Come and check our stallions before you decide. We limit the get of our senior stallion to only a few a year and the mare that I’m thinking of has just gone into foal to him.”

  Once in the stallion barn Jethro got a familiar glazed look in his eye and Triena knew they would be there for awhile. John had the senior stallion displayed, in another, even bigger arena than the last. Jethro drooled; there was no other word for it, he drooled. John grinned at Jethro’s avid gaze.

  “Would you like to see the mare I mentioned that’s in foal to this boy?” Did he change your mind about a mare in foal?” John tempted.

  “I’m impressed but, I have to think about the transport. However, I’d be interested to see her before I decide.” Jethro was clearly torn by the decision he had to make.”

  Triena sorry for him, he so obviously wanted to take them all. They entered yet another immaculate barn and walked down a centre aisle with large loose boxes on each side, several had horses in them. “These mares have just been vet tested that’s why they’re inside, all are proven in foal and have certificates.” said John. “The chestnut in the end stall is the one I thought would fit into your breeding program.”

  Halfway down the barn a delicate head with wide spaced eyes and flaring nostrils lifted her head over the door and watched their approach. Her short, pricked ears twitched towards them, obviously listening to John’s voice.

  “What’s that beauty’s story?” Asked Jethro, as he glanced over the door at the dapple grey mare inside and became immediately smitten. From her delicate head, short, level back, to her straight legs and deep, wide chest, she was a beauty. Jethro felt a sadness that he couldn’t explain as he rubbed a gentle hand under her chin.

  “She can’t run with other horses for some strange reason,” answered John. She has to be yarded and stabled or the other mares chase her all day. We’ve been putting her in with the weanlings but, she just stands miserably in a corner and they avoid her. The stud owner has made the decision to recoup his purchase price by selling her in foal to our senior stallion; she’s just too much trouble for a stud of this size.” He shook his head in perplexity. “I’ve never come across this problem before.” However, as much as I’d like you to buy her, I don’t think she will suit your needs.”

  Jethro rubbed her chin gently for several seconds, and then reluctantly left her to check out the chestnut mare. A quick look and he made his decision. “No, I think I’ll stick with one of the three that we looked at earlier as long as Triena has had success finding available sperm.” Jethro replied.

  Triena took her com-pad over to Jethro and showed him her results.

  “Okay, that looks good.” Thanking her, he turned to John letting him know his decision. “I’ll take the bay mare, as long as we can settle on a fair price and transport to the Gold Coast can be arranged in the next two days.”

  “I’m sure we’ll be able to come to an agreement,” smiled John. The oily salesman back on full display again.

  Triena followed them closely, listening to the negotiations carefully. She was a fast learner and was sure she would be able to buy the grey mare for Jethro that he so obviously wanted. Whatever was wrong with her he would fix, she was sure of that. “Hail Hera” She thought happily, she was going into the horse breeding business with her fiancé.

  While Jethro sat in the manager’s office and negotiated with John, Triena slipped outside pretending she wanted to use the toilet facilities.

  Once far enough away from the office she used her com-pad to quickly contact Jethro’s friend that she had met yesterday, begging his help in arranging her surprise gift for Jethro. Jeff enthusiastically joined in on her plans, offering all the help she wanted.

  Triena filled him in on the mare’s details and gave him a budget to work with, crossing her fingers in the hope of success. Jeff promised to ring the stud owner immediately and deal directly with him, bypassing the manager. Apparently the owner was a friend of his father and would deal with Jeff. If successful he would then contact her with all the details for her to deposit the agreed amount into the stud owner’s account.

  After leaving the stud Jethro drove them back into the city for a late lunch by the harbour followed by a sightseeing tour of the Opera House and a close-up look at the famous bridge. He said it was only to add authenticity to their trip but, he seemed very content walking her around the sights.

  Triena would have been just as happy walking through mud with him as, Jethro kept her tucked lovingly under his arm most of the time.

  Triena still hadn’t heard from Jeff by the time their flight landed at Coolangatta airport, she was beginning to think that she’d failed Jethro. “Hail Hera,” she had been so sure that the mare would be his.

  Triena became aware that Jethro was speaking to her; he’d obviously had to repeat an earlier question and was giving her a curious look. She’d better pay attention or he was going to get suspicious.

  “Sorry Jethro, what did you say?”

  “I said. Are you okay? You’ve hardly spoken a word since we left Sydney airport.” Jethro was worried that she was getting bored with all of the rushing around.

  “I’m fine, thank you.” Triena had to think fast. “I didn’t mean to be so withdrawn. I was just trying to memorise all the bloodlines and fit them to the horses we saw today. I’m stunned by their beauty.”

  Triena laughed softly as she thought of how popular Tasha was going to be. “Everyone on Teeron is going to want to visit Tasha when we get them home.”

  Jethro smiled reminiscently. “They certainly are beauties. I’m looking forward to getting to the stage when I can afford to stock my own land.”

  He frowned when a new thought hit him. “I need to speak to Teril about fencing the land ready for these mares. He’ll need to get that done before they arrive and it might be cheaper if we get both properties done at once. We can run it as just one big property for the moment.”

  A deeply, satisfied look, crossed his face. “Yep, that’s the way to go. Once we’re all settled in on Teeron we can work on the internal fencing.” Jethro seemed taken up thinking about this new arrangement so Triena was able to go back to worrying about her own problems.

  Please, please, contact me soon, Jeff, Triena begged silently.