Read A Man For Triena Page 8

  Chapter 7

  Thirty minutes later Jethro pulled into a quaint pub in Canungra for lunch. The studs they had visited this morning had all been close by, in the foothills of a mountain range leading to the Lamington National Park and O’Reilly’s. This was their first break since they had left the coast and just what Triena needed to further her cause.

  Jethro headed for the shady, garden restaurant, which luckily was empty of other patrons at this time of day. She needed to get his undivided attention if she was to win his love.

  Before she was even settled into her seat, Jethro started to eagerly talk about the land he had bought on Teeron.

  “Teril sent a video of the land to your com-pad address, have a look and tell me what you think, honey. I hope you’ll like it as much as I do.” Triena sat frozen in her seat, too scared that she was misunderstanding him to say anything.

  “Why is it important to you that I like it?” She finally managed to query shakily.

  “Well, I figured that we would eventually be living there full time so, you need to feel comfortable there. You’ve handled getting up close and personal with the horses so, I know they won’t be a problem to you.”

  Reaching for the menu he continued speaking. “I’ll teach you to ride as soon as we get the horses settled, you’ll love it,” he finished happily, satisfaction oozing out of him as he reached for the menu.

  Triena was first stunned, and then vaguely disgruntled. No talk of love, no professing undying faithfulness. She knew that Earthlings approached bonding in a different way to Teeronites but, wasn’t he being just a little too casual in his approach? She was about to tell him that he could kiss the bonding goodbye when, she noticed how white his knuckles were as they fiercely gripped the menu, a waiting tension tightened his lips.

  “I would be honoured to view the land that you have bought,” she answered softly, love welling up to choke her voice. “I’m sure it is perfect.”

  Jethro let the breath out that he’d been holding in and rushed into speech. “Teril has already organised the house builder. I just have to send through the plans once we’ve decided what we want.” Triena smiled serenely at his, once again, ‘in command’ tone.

  The next minute Triena found herself sprawled across Jethro’s knee being kissed senseless. Strong, long fingered hands kneaded her slender back and waist, moulding her hips in a firm grip, every sensitive nerve ending found and stroked into screaming desire, setting her core on fire with searing lust. Firm lips nibbled around the soft skin of her neck, sending shivers of desire into her breasts and tightening her nipples into tight buds of need. Jethro’s breath was like a blast furnace on her skin, as he scorched a path over tender flesh on his way to her lips. Once there he took them in a soul destroying kiss.

  The approach of the waiter into the garden was the only thing that saved her from melting onto the ground and begging for immediate consummation. Jethro tenderly lifted her back into her seat, giving her a loving look, before picking the menu back up.

  “Hail Hera” Jethro had made his intentions clear with that kiss.

  Triena went through the rest of the day in a dreamy haze, trying to get her mind organised enough to plan the courting ritual, while all the time staying composed enough to be of help to Jethro.

  By the end of the day Triena’s mind was buzzing with plans for her formal proposal, also what she would buy Jethro as his wedding gift. Her Executon would need to be consulted but, she thought that he would be willing to stretch the cargo to one more horse. Also, Teril would need to be brought in on her plan to help with the surprise. She was feeling more cheerful by the minute that she could pull off this part of the bonding ritual successfully.

  Triena settled back in her seat and watched Jethro’s strong fingers skilfully guide the jeep down the steep mountain roads towards the coast and home. She shivered as she remembered the desire those same fingers could evoke from her body. She quickly switched her mind away from Jethro and to the coming evening, she needed to keep her mind on the job at hand.

  Teril was cooking a BBQ dinner on the beach for them all tonight. he had really embraced the casual lifestyle after discovering vegetarian sausages and hamburgers in a local shop, much to Tasha’s delight. Tasha loved the man but, she wasn’t about to abandon her BBQ for him.

  Triena just wanted time with her man away from horse people. “Hail Hera” these people were fanatical. They would talk for hours about bloodlines and horses they had seen or owned, then hike five kilometres across rough paddocks to view a foal, all while cheerfully negotiating for the best price or the next horse.

  Jethro had purchased a stunning chestnut mare late this afternoon and had happily knocked the owner down several thousand dollars with the promise of immediate payment. They both shook on the deal with a smile so Triena had to assume that this was how you bought a horse.

  Jethro planned on travelling interstate to visit a renowned Arab stud in the morning. The stud carried several mares with the bloodlines they wanted so he was confident that Teril would have his gift in place by the time the wedding took place. Triena had already booked a hire car and their flights. He needed time with Triena now. This plan of his to keep her by his side while horse hunting, was fine, as far as it went but, he hadn’t found any free time to court her yet.

  Later that evening Triena found herself alone with Tasha in the kitchen, clearing up after the BBQ. It had been a friendly meal however, Triena wasn’t able to relax in case she let slip what she and Jethro had been up to. Jethro had just casually mentioned said that he and Triena had gone for a drive to visit some old friends of his.

  “I’m so glad that Jethro has found you,” Tasha said enthusiastically. “Hopefully he’ll leave the army now and settle down somewhere safe.”

  “I’m not sure that he plans to leave the army just yet.” Triena replied in confusion. “Why would meeting me make him change his career?”

  “Surely he will want to stay home with you full time, either here or on Teeron?” Tasha’s smile slipped slightly as she waited for Triena’s reply.

  “Jethro has not mentioned leaving the army just yet but, I did hear him mention to Sam that he was looking forward to his training rotation back in Perth.”

  “Damn! I was hoping that he would leave the army now, he’s given it enough years of his life.” Tasha studied Triena’s face closely. “Aren’t you worried for his safety?”

  “I’ve spent too many years as a guardian to worry over what can’t be changed. A warrior’s heart will always lead him to fight for the weak and oppressed. I understand your brother’s need to protect.” Triena smiled conspiratorially with Tasha. “Perhaps we can persuade him to become a guardian on Teeron where he wouldn’t have to fight in wars. We will cross our fingers, yes?”

  “Yes,” answered a much happier Tasha. Giving Triena a quick hug she kept her arm around the other woman’s waist as she led the way in friendly harmony to where the men waited in the lounge.

  Jethro rose from his seat as soon as the women appeared.

  “Time to get you home, honey, you need to be fresh for our flight in the morning. Luckily the airport is only fifteen minutes drive away.” As he spoke, Jethro tucked Triena’s arm under his and firmly led her to the front door, ignoring Tasha’s appeal for them to have a cup of coffee first.

  He’d told Tasha that he was taking Triena to see the Opera House and The Sydney Harbour Bridge as a cover for their trip to Sydney. Speaking over his shoulder he added. “I’ll be back as soon as I’ve got Triena’s safely inside her unit.”

  Triena felt her heart racing as, Jethro pulled her close to his side while they descended the stairs to the ground floor. This was the closest she’d been to him since the kiss at lunchtime and all her female hormones were screaming with joy. She found herself holding her breath as her heart raced and a lump lodged in her throat, breathing didn’t seem important anyway. Turning her face casually into his neck, she sneakily breathed in his unique male scent.
r />   Warm lips reached down and captured hers in a kiss so tender that she felt like crying with the relief at the love she felt in it. If this man wasn’t her true life-mate she didn’t think one existed. Every feeling she had ever heard about seemed to be in this tender claiming kiss.

  Jethro relaxed his hold on her shoulders to turn her fully into his strong arms, melding them together from chest to knee in an embrace that made the one at lunchtime pale in comparison. She only realised that they had reached her front door when the knob punched her in the back as Jethro leant in for another blistering kiss. She must have made a sound of distress because he immediately broke the kiss and leaned away.

  “Are you okay?” He frowned. “Did I hurt you?” Jethro looked worried as he waited for her answer.

  “No, I’m fine, just the door knob pressing into my back.” she replied softly, lifting heavy eye lids to try and focus on his handsome face.

  “Damn! You’d think at my age I’d be able to kiss a woman goodnight without maiming her, wouldn’t you?” He muttered in disgust. “I’m sorry, honey, I got so involved in you that I forgot where we were. Forgive me?” His sexy green eyes smiled beguilingly into hers.

  “Oh yes, I believe I would forgive you just about anything.” Triena was starting to believe that was true, she needed some thinking time before she said or did something absolutely stupid. Time to go inside.

  “I’ll see you in the morning, about six?” She questioned, as she turned to unlock the door. Teril would be arriving soon to occupy the second bedroom and she didn’t want him to catch her necking at the front door. Not a good impression to give her boss.

  “Six it is, if that’s what you say. You’re in charge of our travel arrangements.” Pulling her close he kissed her swiftly one last time, before turning to run up the stairs.

  Triena closed the door and drifted dreamily through the unit to her room, tomorrow couldn’t come fast enough for her.