Read A Matter of Trust Page 7


  The men all came back to the back patio about fifteen minutes later. Trish stood up and gave John, Callie’s grandfather, a big hug.

  “I sure am glad to see you, honey. I kind of miss those two kids of yours, though. Callie said they were on vacation with your folks, but you’ll have to bring them by for a visit when they get back. I got another rabbit to show Trevor. He’s spotted and real gentle with kids.”

  Trish smiled. “I’ll bring them by when they get back, John. You’re so good to Trevor. He really does think of you as another grandparent.”

  “He’s a fine boy, Trish. And that little Lexie is just as pretty as a picture. Looks like her mama.” Trish smiled again at the elderly man who her kids had taken such a liking to.

  “I’m starving, Granddad. When’s supper ready?” Callie smiled as she handed her grandfather a glass of iced tea.

  John thanked Callie for the tea. “It’ll be ready in about fifteen minutes. We’re having chicken with all the fixins’.”

  “We brought a, I mean I brought a salad. It’s in the fridge.” Trish stood up to get it.

  “Hey, I helped chop stuff,” Jake stated indignantly.

  “Yes, you did. So, I guess we did bring a salad. Sorry.” Noticeably uncomfortable with the reference to them as a couple, Trish went inside to get the salad.

  Too bad, sweetheart, you’ll have to get over it eventually. I’m not going anywhere.

  As usual, the Dubeck/Scanlan barbecue tasted delicious coupled with great company and atmosphere. It felt strange to Trish not to have the kids in tow. She usually had to leave early, so she could get them in bed at a decent hour, but tonight she felt as free as a bird. It felt weird in a good way. Sort of.

  Trish helped Callie and Eva clean up, and everyone left around nine. It was a quiet drive home, which gave Trish plenty of time to think, which wasn’t necessarily a good thing. The closer she got to her parents’ house, the more nervous she became. Jake hadn’t made a pass at her all day, despite her drunken invitation of last night. She couldn’t figure out if she felt disappointed or relieved. She was a mother of two now. She still had a pretty good figure, though, and she’d worn her hair down just like he liked it. Maybe she’d imagined things last night. Maybe his kisses weren’t as steamy as she remembered. She had been under the influence at the time. Maybe he wasn’t quite as enthused as she’d thought. Probably for the best.

  Jake pulled into the driveway and turned off the truck. She wanted to jump out and run inside before he had a chance to follow, but she forced herself to walk slowly with him beside her. She unlocked the door and turned to look at him.

  “Thanks for everything today, Jake. Showing me the house, driving me around, everything. You’re a good friend.”

  “So you said last night. And you’re welcome. Mind if I come in?”

  “Uh, sure. I mean, no, I don’t mind. We have to work tomorrow, though. I need my beauty sleep.” Trish laughed nervously.

  They walked inside together. Trish acted fidgety. “Can I get you something? I don’t think I have any beer, but I might have wine.”

  “I’m good, thanks.” Jake sat down on the couch. “Come talk to me, Trish.”

  Trish’s blue eyes were as big as saucers as she made her way to the couch and sat in the furthest corner from where Jake sat. “What do you want to talk about?”

  “Last night, mostly.”

  “Last night? Okaaay. I had fun at girls’ night and had waaaay too much to drink. Thank you again for being the designated driver.”

  “Sure, Trish, no problem. I’ll be your designated driver anytime. All you have to do is ask.”

  “That’s very nice of you, Jake. You are a true friend. I don’t think I’ll need a DD anytime soon, though, plus it’s really not fair to you. I’m sure you were bored out of your mind.”

  “You’re rambling, you know. Are you nervous or something?”

  “Rambling? Nervous? Me? That’s silly. I’m simply thanking you and watching out for your best interests. That’s what friends do for one another.”

  “Kind of like you watched out for me last night when all those loose women were bothering me?”

  “Yes, I mean no. Well, yes.”

  “Which is it, Trish the dish? Yes or no.” Jake turned his body to face her and scooted a little closer.

  “Yes, I watched out for you. Like a good friend.” Trish nodded sensibly.

  “Like a friend? Funny, I thought you were kind of trying to … mark your territory?”

  “Mark my territory? Of course not! That’s ridiculous.”

  “I don’t know. The look you gave that woman when you led me over to your table looked a little sinister and a lot possessive. Did it bother you seeing her propositioning me?”

  “Bother me? Of course not. I just didn’t think she was your type, that’s all. You’re a nice guy, and I could tell you didn’t want to hurt her feelings, but I could also see you weren’t interested.”

  “You saw quite a lot, didn’t you? So, what do you think my type is, Trish the dish?”

  “Why do you keep calling me that? And I have no idea what your type is. Look, if I was out of line, I’m sorry. I’ll never interfere in your love life again. Now, if you don’t mind, I’d like to go to bed now.”

  Jake pulled her across the couch into his arms. She felt off balance, and he wanted her to stay that way. “I told you last night I’d stay if you asked me again. Are you asking me again, Trish?” Trish looked up at him with her big blue eyes wide open. Then, she made the mistake of looking at his lips and thinking of the kisses they’d shared the night before.

  Jake slanted his mouth across hers. Pure heat scorched her. If anything, she’d underestimated the affect he had on her. She really tried not to encourage him. She tried really hard not to kiss him back, but good Lord in heaven; she just couldn’t resist the temptation of tasting him. She opened her mouth to him, and he didn’t waste any time diving in and teasing her tongue with his.

  Neither could seem to get enough of the other. Trish wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer, moaning into his mouth as he leaned back against the arm of the couch, pulling her on top of him. His arms held her tightly against his body as he continued to kiss her over and over again.

  Trish lost herself in the passion of Jake’s kiss. She’d never been kissed like this in her life. My God, who even knew kissing could be like this? It was making love to her with his mouth, and she didn’t want it to stop there. It had been years since she’d had sex, since she got pregnant with Lexie. Shortly afterwards, her life and her marriage began to unravel. How could she have ever thought that she could live without this? She needed this. Desperately.

  Jakes hands were smoothing down her back and around her rear, pulling her hips against his own. She could feel the hard length of his erection clearly and wanted – needed – to get closer.

  “Trish, honey, if you’re not ready to finish this, we need to stop now. I want you more than I can say, but I don’t want to rush you into anything. Do we stop or do we finish?”

  “Bedroom. Now.”

  “Thank you, Jesus.” He angled her off his chest and stood up, picking her up and carrying her to her bedroom, kissing her the whole time. He laid her on the bed and followed her, covering her body with his, grinding his hips into hers.

  “Oh my God, Jake. Make love to me, please. For once, I don’t want to think. I just want to feel. Make me feel, Jake.”

  Jake leaned up on one elbow and reached for the buttons on her blouse, undoing them slowly, and kissing her the whole time. He parted her blouse, running his fingers down her throat, and down the center of her torso, all the way down to the waistline of her jeans and back up again. Then, he bent his head down and licked the edges of her lacy, beige bra all the way across the top. He dipped his tongue underneath the lace, almost, but not quite reac
hing her nipple. He reached behind her and unclasped her bra, then lifted her back off the bed to slide her blouse and bra down her arms.

  As soon as Jake got her completely topless, he laid her back down on the bed and ran his hand all over her, cupping her breasts, rubbing her nipples with his thumb, squeezing them between his fingers. Trish took turns gasping for breath and moaning.

  When he took her nipple into his mouth, licking, sucking, Trish thought she would die a perfect death. God, she could never remember feeling this hot before in her life. The depth of pleasure consumed her. Only one thought ran through her head, don’t stop, don’t stop, don’t stop, as she reveled in the feelings that swamped her.

  After the first shock of pleasure from Jake’s mouth, Trish suddenly couldn’t wait to give back. She started tugging at his t-shirt, desperate to feel the texture of his skin. She couldn’t get it off fast enough, and when she did, she couldn’t seem to satisfy her need to touch him. From the rough feel of the hair on his chest against her breasts to the smooth texture of skin on his back to the rock hard muscles she encountered everywhere she explored, Jake was perfection incarnate.

  From the moment they began touching each other, they lost themselves in the intensity radiating between them. Everywhere they touched, kissed, licked, and bit each other taught a lesson in passion they’d never known before. It wasn’t just the physical pleasure they gave each other, it was the feeling behind it, the need to reach each other on a higher level.

  Jake shifted them to their sides facing each other and pulled Trish’s jean clad leg over his hip, running his hand up her thigh to cup her rear in his large, strong hand, squeezing, kneading, as he kissed her deeply.

  Not enough. Trish swung up and straddled his hips, moving him onto his back and pressing against the solid length of his erection through their jeans. The both groaned as they pushed, pulled, and grinded against each other in the efforts to get closer. They both reached for the buttons on each other’s jeans at the same time, desperate to get rid of the last barriers between them. They helped each other and themselves, speed being the operative word. Jeans and underwear were stripped off together and kicked off frantically to fall on the floor, and then back into each other’s arms in reunion after what had seemed like much too long a time. Trish lay on her back, pulling Jake’s head down to her hungry mouth while he threw his leg over her hips. Trish ran her nails down his back, across his hip and down the thigh holding her trapped underneath him.

  Jake lifted his head to look down at the woman in his arms. Trish’s eyes were barely open, dazed with passion as she reached for him again. Jake intercepted her hand and placed it over his heart then reached up to touch her face, cupping her cheek in his rough, warm hand. “Trish, you’re beautiful. I’ve never wanted another woman like this. It’s killing me.”

  “I don’t want to talk, Jake. Make love to me.”

  Time for talking would have to come later. He had to have her now, but even as he reached between them to stroke her breast, tweak her nipples, and moved lower to sift through the damp curls at her core, an emotional deluge overwhelmed him, and he didn’t know what to do with. Making love to Trish transcended the physical connection. It encompassed him, and he knew he would never be the same.

  He parted her with his fingers spreading her moisture to coat her and ready her for his entry. He tested her with the tips of his fingers then sank deeper inside.

  “Jake, please. I can’t wait any longer.”

  Jake shifted his weight, reaching down to the floor and pulled his wallet out of his back pocket and pulled out a foil packet, ripping it open with his teeth.

  “I’m glad one of us is thinking. All I can think of is you inside me. Hurry.”

  Jake suited up and rose above her. “Look at me, Trish. I want to see your eyes when I get inside you.” She looked up into his face, and he cupped her cheek as he entered her. “God, you feel so good.”

  Trish closed her eyes again as he began to move inside her. Jake kissed her eyes, her cheeks, her lips. He moved down to her chin and jaw, then her neck where he bit her gently between her neck and shoulder, bringing up goose bumps and moan. He moved down to her breasts, kissing, sucking, nipping, licking. Trish thought she’d die from the feelings erupting throughout her body and mind, even her soul. She ran her hands up and down his back, kissing his neck and chest, grabbing his rear and tilting her hips up as she bent her knees to take him deeper.

  As close as they were, Jake wanted closer. He couldn’t get enough of tasting her, couldn’t hold her closely enough to suit him, to soothe his hunger. He didn’t know how he could get any closer, but he desperately sought a way. He was torn between bringing them both to climax now and drawing out their pleasure. He wanted the heat to last, the joining to be forever. Covered in a sheen of sweat, he searched to find a balance between the two urges.

  Too far gone to wait any longer, Trish clasped his hips in her hands urging him to go faster. “Jake, Jake, my God.”

  Jake took his cue from her and moved faster and harder until he felt her climax closing around him, calling to him to join her in completion of ecstasy. He dove over the edge with her, extending both their pleasure as he continued to stroke her and wring out more spasms so intense, they were both shuddering from their impact.

  They were both still breathing hard when he rolled his weight off of her and laid on his back, pulling her to rest across his chest, her head between his neck and shoulder. She stroked his chest, as he lightly ran his fingertips up and down her back and arm and stroked the disheveled hair from her face. Fully sated, they fell asleep in each other’s arms, both sighing in contentment, both feeling more complete than they had at any other time in their lives.