Read A Modern Love Page 13


  Indeed Amy was thinking about David; through somewhat foggy memories anyway. More double whiskey's than I could count will do that, Amy thought. I like going out on dates 'cause then I can afford the most expensive whiskey. Hey, if I'm not buying than who cares about the cost? I always know when I've had just enough whiskey for an evening; it's when I try to count my drinks and I can't remember each one individually, Amy ponders with a grin. On my own it's the cheap stuff, Jim Beam usually, but on a date I always go for the most expensive thing they have. Don't really care about the name 'cause hey if it's the most expensive it's got to be the best right? Fit for the Queen that I am. Come to think of it, I rarely have to buy my own drinks.

  Amy continues on thinking to herself. It was a good evening. Good food, great whiskey and if I remember correctly some good conversation as well. I know David loved the date, 'cause you know when I'm there what's not to love, she thinks with a smug flip of her hair. But to be honest with myself I really can't remember much about the date. I was certainly tight that's for sure, I'm lucky I didn't have a worse hangover than I did. The big meal probably helped, that always works for me. A big meal with a big dessert will help that hangover if you've gotten too tight.

  I'm trying to think about how we even got home from the goddamn restaurant, Amy thought long and hard. Shit I was pissed. Oh it doesn't really matter anyways. I had a good time and hooked another fish. This one's so nice he lets me lead him around like nobody's business. Hell he follows me around like a little puppy. That will serve me well for a ?

  Oh, son of a bitch, now I remember how we got home from the restaurant. Same way we got there in that run down piece of shit. What a pile of crap that car is. I'dve thought twice about agreeing to go out with David if I'd a known I'd have to ride in that thing. I mean shit, get some class for Christ's sake.

  Amy took the time to rethink each thing she found appalling about the car. She was very good at tearing things down she didn't like. I swear to God I thought I was gonna fall right threw the floor board and onto the ground, she thought. I mean the thing had more rust than paint, and that's not the worst of it. I mean the doors squeaked the seats were all cracked and the arm rest was all dusty and stuff. When I tried to touch up my makeup in the rearview mirror the goddamn thing nearly came off in my hand. How could anyone drive such a hunk of junk?

  Amy was getting sick to her stomach just thinking about David's car, but she continued on with her little rant to herself. I mean I had to have most of those whiskeys just to survive the embarrassment of pulling up to restaurant in that thing. I hope no one saw me; Amy became even more upset with this thought. I had to have the rest of the whiskeys just to be able to calm my nerves enough to suffer through the ride home in that thing. Gross.

  Amy was feeling pretty bad at this point so she decided to make herself feel better with a more positive subject. He's a hottie though; she giggled to herself and smiled wide. I mean I wouldn't kick him out of bed for eating crackers that is. That reminded her of a joke her friend (if Amy even has real friends) Beth told her. You know what's worse than little cracker crumbs in bed, Beth asked Amy ? little bits of toenails. Now that's gross thought Amy with a little shiver; back to my little hottie David now.

  He may not have a nice car and he doesn't dress very well, I mean I usually just see him around The Villa in jeans and a white t-shirt. But, he's got a fine body; what an ass. He's kinda short for my taste, I like 'em well over six feet, but he'll do in a pinch. He looks like he works out a lot he's got real definition to his arms and stomach. His legs are pretty well defined and he's got those nice brown eyes. Big brown eyes, I wonder if he's big all over; Amy enjoyed being naughty.

  He'll do for a while anyway, Amy pondered with a little sigh. I mean guys like David are a dime a dozen. I'll just see what he's good for, I mean I've seen his type before. He'll play it cool in the beginning then fall in love with me and get all serious and clingy and shit. I hate that. Then I'll have to cut him loose and he'll cry like a little baby and I'll send him away to pine for me for a long time. Hell guys like him continue to pine even after they seen me out with another guy, I mean grow some cojones and gain some pride would ya. If I saw my ex out with another girl I'd make his life a living hell, I sure wouldn't want to snuggle back up with him and get back together. I've always been good at that, Amy thought with a swelling of pride in her chest, when it's over it's over and I don't look back, I just move on; 'cause I'm tough and that's the truth.

  Amy was a little surprised though when she found herself thinking good thoughts about David. She sincerely liked him, almost anyways.

  He does have a nice way about him I have to say, Amy felt a little stir in her stomach. On the corny side he's well mannered and shy and he kisses pretty good as well. If I remember correctly that is, I mean I was darn tipsy.

  Amy thought back to the kiss and let it sweep her up in the moment. She remembered well now. Guys like David, shy and unassuming, love it when the girl makes the first move. He was shocked a bit but I could tell he liked it. I'm good at it too. I mean the way I step in real close and brush my hip against his manhood, guys love that. I kissed him long and hard and he kissed back soft and sweet, ha ha. He did kiss really good though; I was getting kinda hot really. I did the right thing though, with the quick exit. Always leave them wanting more ya know. Guys say they hate a tease but they don't really. I mean they love the chase and so I stir them up and leave them hanging for a while. They've just got to learn who's in charge. It's kind of like house training a puppy. Positive rewards for good behavior and rub his nose in shit if he messes up.

  Amy ended her thoughts on David in her normal crass manner, but she could not escape her true feelings she pushed deep down inside. She really likes him, he's a nice guy and she utilizes her rudeness and using of people as a defense mechanism so she doesn't get hurt. Getting hurt was the last thing she wanted. David scared her a little bit in that regard.