Read A Modern Love Page 14

  Chapter 9

  Amy is a person that rarely spends energy on thought without taking some action. She's all about the action. So, she stepped right out her front door, marched over to David's apartment and knocked with authority. When David didn't immediately answer she tried the door handle but it was locked. She banged on the door again and said, in just below a yell, "Oh David dear ? you home"?

  David answered the door just a moment later. Amy immediately said, "Ok, we're going dancin' at the club this Saturday". David noticed that she had no look of doubt on her face, as if no was not an option. He wanted to go out with Amy again, though not really dancing as he's not much for that sort of thing, so he simply replied "sure".

  "Good, it's a date then; I'll pick you up around 10:30. I don't like getting to the club too early there's no one there until about 11:00 and you look like a jerk alone on the dance floor. I'll drive this time, David, I'm not sure I can take another spoiling in your fine machine," Amy said with an intent stare at David with her lips lifted on one side as if about to say tsk-tsk. Again, David got the point about his auto.

  "You got some casual slacks and dancin' shoes, Oh yah and nice shirt," Amy asked but didn't wait for an answer? "Good, see you then," said Amy as she turned and quickly left. Always leave them wanting more she thought as she strutted back to her apartment.

  David thought to himself, I thought I wore a nice shirt the last date, oh well. He didn't have casual slacks and certainly didn't have dancing shoes. He had his work clothes and his jeans; he never really had a need for "clubbing clothes". So David was off to the mall and help from a nice lady in the men's clothes store. She fitted him well with a "nice shirt", casual slacks and some uncomfortable but stylish dancing shoes. Oh and better throw in a new pair of socks. David paid the hefty bill and thought, I'm gonna feel damned uncomfortable in this stuff; just ain't me.

  As David and Amy approached her car he was a little shocked. He'd thought Amy would have a nice car, being so particular and all, but he didn't think she could afford such an expensive machine. Only the best for Amy, he thought.

  He didn't actually know what it was even, one of those foreign jobs he guessed. Anyway, it was curvy, low to the ground, convertible and lipstick red; really bright red. It looked brand new and David couldn't stop wondering how she could afford such a thing. Best not ask, as money talk is rude. The interior was a rich medium brown and leather throughout. David loved it, it smelled like the inside of his little league baseball glove. He remembered, just for a second, chewing the loose laces on that glove and wondered if these car seats tasted the same.

  Amy turned the key and then pushed the starter button. David noticed it wasn't like most cars it was like a push button start on a race car, pretty cool. The foreign racer came to life with more of scream than a rumble. Not loud really just different than a V8 American car. It didn't growl it purred sort of. David was never really into cars much but this one caught his fancy for sure. "Nice car Amy," David said as they pulled out of The Villa. His expression was one of a long-time fan just meeting his favorite actress.

  "I know," Amy replied as if she didn't need a reminder of what she already knew.

  I'm not going to get into bashing women drivers (Elizabeth's actually a better driver than I am), but Amy drives very; very fast. Maybe it's just the car that makes her do it, being so racy, or it's just her general demeanor but she drives fast I tell ya. When sober she drives really well actually, when not sober (which is often behind the wheel) not so well. Dangerous is the word I'm looking for here.

  Amy took the scenic route all the way around town before heading to the club, as she didn't want to get there early. She was serious about being fashionably late. Screech to a halt and out of the car Amy was on the move and David was working to keep up. As Amy approached the front door she slowed to a strut and was more brandishing her skin tight outfit than wearing it. She didn't hold back on her club nights. There was so little left to the imagination that a man's imagination could kick into overdrive; if you know what I mean. It definitely had the desired effect on the room. As Amy entered the club all heads turned. Guys wanted to be with her and girls were jealous of her, but still knew she was hot. David laughed to himself as he walked up close behind Amy. Just for a second he was imagining that all the turned heads were for him.

  David felt as if he were an eight year old boy tagging along with his fifteen year old sister at the mall or something. He was with her but not really with her. He got the vibe that Amy was more interested in the event than his company.

  Amy made her way straight to the bar with David in tow. She ordered two whiskey doubles without even looking at David, then turned and walked away leaving him there to pay the bartender. David looked at his drink and asked if he could make an exchange for a beer? The bartender was one of those guys that thought he was witty, "sure for an extra four dollars you can exchange that for a beer". David looked up and saw a little sign that read "Beer $4.00". Wow, what a deal he thought. He paid for both the whiskeys and then added another five dollar bill for the beer. The bartender sat a beer down more than an arm's length away from David then picked up both the whiskey and the money, rolled his eyes, muttered something that sounded like "light weight" and walked off. He never returned with David's change, he must have considered it a tip.

  David just wheeled around and assessed the room while sipping his beer. A nice place for a small town he thought. A little smoky though and certainly pricy. Amy was nowhere to be found and the place was starting to get pretty crowded. David found the only place he could with an extra chair in case Amy ever decided to join him, he really wondered if she would. It was after about twenty awkward minutes of being alone with everyone around him drinking laughing in groups and such before Amy finally came over to David; well Amy and three of her "friends". Two guys and girl they looked more like a double date to David.

  "What the hell are ya doin' all the way over here Wall Flower" asked Amy more as an accusation than a question?

  "Just watching," replied David then thinking that probably sounded a little creepy. He noticed Amy's three friends were looking him up and down as if sizing him up. With turned up noses and obvious dislike for his appearance, or demeanor or something, David thought this is nice.

  "Hi I'm David."

  No reply at all in fact Amy just turned her back to David to face her three friends and said "let's go get some drinks, I'll start a tab". David's not a tight wad or anything but the thought of buying drinks for Amy and her friends turned his stomach inside out. Polite David let it ride though and chose to hold his tongue.

  They got their drinks and went to the dance floor. After a while David got up the nerve to ask Amy to dance. She just replied that you don't ask in a club you just do. So David danced up to Amy, along with several other guys, and that was their dance. David danced poorly. After just one song he made his way over to the bar for another beer and then sat back down. It seemed to him that Amy wanted to mingle more than to spend time, and especially dance, with him. That's Ok, he thought, I'm more comfortable over here anyways. However, he did note that Amy's behavior was a bit weird, or at least the whole situation made him feel weird. He was even so bold as to think of her behavior as rude. David rarely thought negatively of folks but this, he felt, was pretty well deserved.

  Along the same vein as date number one, but even worse, Amy got toasted again. Sticking with the expensive stuff throughout the night she put them away at a marathon pace, steady and continual. This didn't hamper her dancing much, David noticed. She seemed to be dancing with everyone in the place, except him. She was definitely the life of the party. David wondered what else he should have expected. The prettiest girl around, she's going to bring attention and all, but Amy didn't just bring it she had an insatiable need for it. A bottomless pit of desire to be groped over, wanted, desired, loved, etc; but not by one man, not just David, but everyo
ne in the room men and woman alike. David thought it was a little pathetic really.

  As the night came to a close Amy made her way back over to David and slurred "Pay up hon and I'll meet you in the car". David had the distinct feeling that if he didn't hustle she'd forget about him and leave him there. Not in the mood for walking, he moved quickly toward the bar to pay the tab.

  Who has a tab in a dance club, David thought? She must come here often. "Can I pay up," asked David to the same bartender he had the joy of meeting earlier?

  "Oh, yah and you're gonna love it," said the bartender with a smirk like he was about to snap David on the bottom with a rolled up wet towel in a frat house. David prepared himself for the worst and reached for his wallet. The bill was only slightly larger than his worst fears so he chose to live with the loss. Paying for Amy alone was expensive; her consumption rate must be legendary. But paying for her, so called, friends as well would make shopping for groceries over the next month more of a bargain hunt than a leisurely shopping trip.

  David quickly made his way out to Amy's car, only to find her there with several young men. Each of these fellows was hitting on her in their own way and David wondered if he was going to have to fall in line to get to Amy. Instead, Amy immediately shouted "David" as he came toward the car. This obvious affectionate tone made the young men agitated and a couple of them slinked off to their cars. The rest of them hung around and eyed David like what's he got that I don't got? As they finally moved on David heard them talking negatively about his chances of keeping a girl like that or something. Whatever, he thought.

  David knew immediately he was going to be driving home. No way was he getting in a car with Amy at her level of inebriation. With just a small argument from Amy, she handed over the keys. David wondered if she would be sick, but figured she was a pretty good drinker and also wouldn't want to up chuck in her pride and joy sports car.

  Just as David pulled the foreign machine out of the club parking lot Amy leaned over and put her hand high on David's thigh. David wasn't too surprised really but intrigued none the less.

  "Listen hon," Amy spoke slowly. "Don't bang up my car Ok ? I don't want it to wind-up lookin' like your smelly jalopy." Amy gave a devilish grin and patted David on the top of his head like a dog. She then slumped back over to her side of the car and started playing with the radio dials. David thought it would be cool not to comment on Amy's request, but she was having none of it. "Ok," she nearly shouted.

  "Got it," David said politely but wished he'd just told her to shut the hell up. Amy wasn't bringing the best out of David at this point. He even thought about scraping the curb going around the next corner, but realized how childish that would be.

  As they pulled into The Villa's parking lot David was just glad to be home. He thought about pulling Amy's car up to some front parking slot. There were a couple empty he noticed. Let her have the wrath of Frank, he laughed inside. He then thought that would be mean, so he put her car back where she was previously parked.

  David walked, and Amy somewhat staggered, up to her apartment door. She grabbed his hand as she opened the door and they went inside swiftly. She led him to the sofa where he sat while she made her way into the kitchen without a word. As Amy opened the cabinet David heard her say "night cap". As usual, without asking David, she poured two double whiskeys and then added a bit more to each glass. David watched and thought to himself, that much whiskey is more of a sedative than a "night cap".

  David's nerves were a bit shot from the odd evening of sitting alone while everyone else was having a great time, so he decided not to fight Amy on the drink. He took a large gulp and it quickly calmed his nerves. Amy took a double large gulp.

  Aggressive was the word that came to mind when David realized that Amy was on top of him. He was lying back on the couch and she was right on top of him providing a deep kiss. He wasn't shocked at the kiss, just the speed of her attack. But, it kind of turned him on though.

  Amy wasn't pulling any punches at this point she was going all out so David went with it. They spent several minutes running through the bases without removing any clothes. Amy had some serious skills, thought David, in the necking department. She had found some pretty nice spots around his ears and neck that lit up the fireworks. As handsie as Amy was getting David thought it would not be polite to keep his hands to himself so he made ample use of them. Addressing every curve on the scantily clad Ms. Helmer was quite invigorating and only enhanced by the slight buzz he had from the whiskey.

  Suddenly Amy hopped up off of the couch. David leaned forward as she stood up and she had her hips directly in front of his face. She was panting and her face was flushed a little. She reached over and picked up her drink. Finishing it off in a gulp she said, with a seductive smile, "I'm going to powder my nose, don't go anywhere David". She then quickly made her way to the bathroom. David noticed she wasn't staggering a bit now.

  As she closed the bathroom door David took a deep breath and finished off his whiskey in two quick gulps. He deduced that he would need a little calming for what she had in store upon her return. After a few minutes of waiting he became a bit nervous and began biting his nails. When he realized he was doing this he stopped and instead chose to flip through a magazine he saw on the coffee table to occupy his mind. Just as he reached to do this, out of the corner of his eye, he thought he saw Amy shoot, like a muzzle flash, across the hall into her bedroom. What's she up to, he thought?

  David just sat there in shock for a moment wondering what was going on. Was she going to come back to the living room in a little nightgown, was she just getting some make-up she left in there, hell maybe she even forgot he was there and was just going to bed; she was pretty drunk. Well maybe she was drunk, she can sure hold her liquor, he thought.

  It didn't take long for David to have an answer to his concerns. "David honey, come back here," said Amy in a soft siren voice almost too soft to even hear from the front of the apartment. But with David's heightened senses and arousal he could have heard a pin drop. His heart was pounding as he made his way across the living room. The hallway looked like the length of a football field as he took the first step into it.

  Now let me tell you; David doesn't do things like this very often. He figured Amy might be offering him something that he figured they both really wanted, but he usually didn't just jump into these things so fast. He's a thinking young man and he knows better than to get intimately involved with girls too quick. Complicates things and can call a halt to the start of something really good. But David was in the on mode and he certainly wasn't thinking fully with his brain.

  Hell, David thought to himself as he took one more step down the hall, it's been a very long time and she's so attractive. I'm a nice guy and sometimes nice guys should win too.

  Funny how young men think of scoring with a pretty girl as a win; it's more like points really. I guess. I mean as you get older you realize that winning is a relationship. But with all those hormones running around in a young body ? Oh I'll keep my opinions to myself for a minute.

  David finished his trek down the hall and felt a little dizzy as he turned to enter Amy's bedroom. At first he thought his eyes were deceiving him. Amy was lying across the bed wearing nothing but a "come hither" stare. I won't go into details but she wasn't really just lying on the bed, she was striking a pose that was so provocative as to make a grown man cry.

  At this point instinct took over for David. His head in a whirlwind of emotion and caught in the moment; nothing else mattered. He moved to her quickly and with strength, like a Jaguar on his prey. David took Amy in his arms and she whispered her breath into his ear, saying "tell me you want me".

  David panted back "I do".

  And so they made love, more than once and with a great deal of passion and physicality. Well David would call it that (he's such a romantic), but Amy would have another word for what they did; a word that is raunch
y and doesn't include love or a long-term plan for a relationship.

  It was great for David and he was certain, based on Amy's vocalizations that it was for her as well. In fact Amy did truly feel the same way; she was impressed by his aggressive approach to the act when compared to his unassuming personality. She was even taken aback a bit by the difference between his normal reserved demeanor and his bedroom prowess.

  David stayed the night and awoke with a slight headache from the large whiskey he drank so quickly. He was quite surprised that Amy didn't appear to have even the slightest hangover. She certainly drank more than him and probably weighed no more than a buck o' five. Upon waking and thinking through last evening with a sober, yet foggy mind, he felt empty and bad. He should not have jumped in so quickly. It was great and all and it had been so long it's not like he didn't deserve to have a physical relationship, but he felt it was too soon and might spoil things to come. David's feelings were only reinforced by Amy's cold behavior and lack of tenderness.

  Amy quickly moved from the bed to the bathroom and when she came out all she said to David was, "I'm going out for my morning coffee; you can let yourself out hon". She didn't even smile she just said it matter-of-factly and hustled out the front door of her apartment. Wow, thought David; that was special.

  Upon returning to his apartment David felt drained, something he normally didn't feel in the morning. It was too late for his morning run and with the little hangover headache he had he realized he probably couldn't do it anyway. He decided to go to his bed and think about whether last night was a mistake, or not, later.