Read A Modern Love Page 4


  David must have had a couple of weeks of downtime before he began his new job in town, because I noticed him in and about The Villa during the day for about a week after his move in. I did observe that he seemed to be getting into a routine though. Not that I clock the folks I watch but after about three days it was pretty obvious that he had a serious disciplined schedule, almost military style really.

  David would wake at 5:30am each and every day (including weekends). Lights would go on in his bedroom and bath, so I assumed teeth brushing. Good dental hygiene is important ya know.

  By 5:50am he was in the courtyard stretching with running attire and some serious running shoes to boot. By 6:00am David was on the road and returned each time within approximately twenty-one minutes, so I assumed (along with his dedication to running) he was running about three miles at seven minutes per mile, but can't be sure.

  After a bit of stretching and cool down David would be back at his front door by 6:35am, this guy is on a strict schedule. I had to surmise what occurred next in his schedule, but based on the running and the previously observed weight lifting equipment, I assumed he had a bit of lifting before onto a shower and breakfast.

  At approximately 7:30am David would materialize at his front door clean shaven and hair still wet. Jeans and a white t-shirt appeared to be his normal casual attire. With a book in one hand and a glass of ice water in the other he would make his way to the pool side for an hour of reading. Once the day would begin to heat up David would return to his apartment for just a few minutes and then make his way to his car.

  David drove a jalopy that some would say had what is called a "nice patina", and others would say it was junk. Well one man's garbage is another man's treasure, I suppose. Anyway, it was fairly obvious that either David didn't care much for appearances in this regard or would put this on his list of new job/more income items. I was later to find out that David just didn't care or even notice appearances that much.

  Again, I could only assume what David was doing these days before he began working, but with a recent move in I would assume he was doing all the little things like getting drivers license address changed, getting insurance information updated at his new agents, perhaps registering to vote, etc. And you know what? I can almost guarantee David spent a ton of time checking out the public library. In fact I bet David did that before he even accepted a job here in Owensboro. We do have a fine public library ya know, apparently good enough to attract David the bookworm.

  David would usually arrive back at The Villa at approximately 12:50pm. I think he would have lunch at a different place each day before returning home. No real reason to think this other than David seems to be the kind of person that would want to experience every different cuisine Owensboro has to offer. Ah, the finer things in life.

  Afternoons for David were a bit less regimented. Some dipping in the pool, some laps in the pool as well, soak in the hot tub, reading in the gazebos (depending on which had the least direct sunlight).

  David would also spend some time in the late afternoon playing his keyboard and violin. After hearing him play it was definitely a violin, not low enough for a viola. OK bowing technique but he could use another twenty years of practice to polish that up. He'd be a great fiddler but I think Bach is a bit of stretch at this point. Perhaps choosing some country music would be good for around these parts, but something told me David would be sticking to the more cerebral classical genre.

  You can't hoot with the Owls and then soar with the Eagles. David knew this well, so he was early to retire. Seemed it was lights out most evenings by 8:30pm. This appear to be a good schedule for a workday, but probably not very helpful to a young person's social life. It appeared to serve David well though.

  Yah, I'd have to say David Kerr appeared to be the rare young man with an old soul.

  From the start I thought David would struggle a bit to fit into the culture of Owensboro; that he might find some of the local yokel's a bit tedious to understand and deal with. However, I also had to admit that David had a very likeable way about him and appeared to be content on his own. These things led me to believe that David would eventually find relative happiness in our little town.

  As far as how David would fit in at The Villa, I was fairly certain he would acclimate well. See, we have all types here and one more isn't going to stick out like a sore thumb or anything. In fact, on the contrary David's easy going demeanor should be a welcome addition to our small village. My thoughts are; it will take ten easy going David's to balance out the one eccentric Professor Frank. We can always hope one will suffice though. We'll just have to see.