Read A Modern Love Page 5

  Chapter 3

  Amy Helmer is our resident Barbie doll. Saturday afternoons is her standard appointment for a romp in the hot tub. For some reason I always find myself available for people watching at this time, though my wife either isn't aware or is simply kind enough to let it go.

  What I've noticed visually is a very skimpy two piece swimsuit, a tacky romance novel (heavy on the tacky and low on the romance), dark sunglasses, very red lipstick and a bottle of Budweiser beer for companionship. Make that several Budweiser's summoned one at a time with a slinky strut back and forth to her apartment (for all to see I'm sure) dripping wet in the afternoon sun.

  Amy is about twenty years of age and has an uncanny resemblance to a young (and slightly cuter, I think) Evelyn Keyes. Although knowing Amy she probably thinks she looks more like a beautiful mermaid, one that is just too beautiful to describe with mere words. All ego aside, and Amy does have a large one, she is a truly stunning girl; physically.

  Amy has a perfect complexion from head to toe. Not afraid to show it off, Amy's skin is like that first warm sunrise in April, warm and inviting. Her hair is somewhere between light gold and fiery yellow; as bright as the sun.

  With deep blue eyes that you could see from across a crowded room, Amy learned early in life how to smile with her eyes to open doors or shut you down with a bat of an eye lash. They say the eyes are the window to the soul, but sometimes they only reflect. I've also heard that the eyes never lie, but in a trance it's hard to decipher truth from fiction, especially when you long to see and hear what you desire. Amy's eyes had great power that even she had not fully understood. However, Amy would rather use them than understand them, so she termed them one of her many assets and called upon them at will. Assets that God had bestowed on her as a gift to rule all she desires. I suppose sometimes eyes are just eyes, not gifts from the Gods, but some folks (especially the extraordinarily beautiful) believe their beauty has a strong purpose. Amy was one of these folks, even though she didn't use her "God given beauty" for good, usually.

  Amy's smile was that of an innocent child. A smile that would make you think; no it would make you believe that everything is new and exciting. That all things are possible and life is long and ahead of you. But this smile was not on a child and with a finely tapered nose and sculpted eye brows, she was extremely sexy. A face that was sultry but almost indignant at times, like the sale of sex and violence as a package deal. It was like a combination of the grid iron action and the cheerleading squad as one immortal being. If you were a fool to jump in, the appearance could break your armor down and the words from Amy's lips could strike the killing blow. Amy suffered no fools.

  Amy moved like a 1930's movie starlet. Slow and deliberate with a proper twist here and a swerve there. As if to ensure that the camera and lighting always hit her at her best moment. Amy didn't simply "have" a body; she "wielded" her body like a finely sharpened Samurai sword. Like a weapon that can save you or be your ruin. So sharp as to be painless with a full blow, but sting like alcohol on a razor cut if just barely grazed. Amy's movements promised much to her viewers and often delivered. But it would be on her terms and at her desire. If you wanted Amy's moves or form it would take much from you or the smallest desire from her.

  Amy's movements and her overall demeanor were not always one in the same. Like a Moonrunner's stealthy hotrod, Amy could appear docile and unassuming at a standstill. Lying by the hot tub stretched out on a blanket beneath the sun, with the heat of the day providing the faintest beads of sweat and causing a glow like the earliest break of dawn, Amy looked sweet and inviting. That was your initial impression of her demeanor. But when Amy pushed on the gas and put her form into action, those movements changed her from a calm everyday sedan to a fire-breathing, horsepower pumping, torque ripping Moonrunner machine. With every sway Amy was what she willed herself to be. Still or in full motion, it was her choice and she would provide you with what she desired. Yes Amy could turn in a moment from still beauty to neck breaking sultry swagger.

  Amy's only outward tendency toward self-consciousness was the slightest tell in her behavior; that is Amy tended to constantly look about to see if she was attracting interest. She would scan the playing field to see if she had attracted the eye of any onlooker. If you watched her closely it would give you the feeling that Amy was not being herself at all, but rather playing for the camera or acting for the audience. However, most people didn't notice this slight tick in her physical facade or she simply received a pass because of her beauty. Amy loved attention and demanded it in fact.

  Yes, in my opinion Ms. Helmer leans toward overdoing the "I'm so sexy" theme. That said, not many seem to notice it or maybe just don't mind it. It certainly doesn't appear to harm her social life much at the moment. I do have the distinct feeling that if Amy continues this behavior she will wind up a busy and desired young lady and a lonely ignored older woman. One can't rely on looks forever, and once they go if a woman has no substance in her personality, honesty in her soul and love in her heart she may very well find herself alone and bitter.

  Amy was born and raised in Owensboro. She's remained, because being such a pretty girl; life has been an easy ride for her here and frankly (can I be frank with you as Frank would say) she's too lazy to start a new. She likes things just the way they are. She's a big fish in this little pond of Owensboro and even smaller pool of The Villa.

  Amy Helmer is an Atheist through and through. It's not beneath Amy to tell people she's a Christian though, if it serves her purpose. She's very concerned with material things and worldly pride/ego. While Amy doesn't usually say them outwardly, she has some codes she chooses to live by, such as: But what have you done for me lately? What's in it for me? I'll take what I can then go free. Hey, I can fake being in love with a rich man just as easily I can a poor man. And of course: It's better to have it all ? twice, and I'm not talking about cake darling! This is Amy's witty take on the; you can't have your cake and eat it too theme.

  Amy is single and plans to remain that way for quite some time, just too many fish in the sea to swim with right now. She figures that when she's about forty she'll just settle in (but not down) with a nice sugar daddy. No kids of course, and she doesn't actually plan to have any. She certainly wouldn't want to ruin her body for a brat nor does she believe she will slow down enough to have the time. She believes she will stay pretty and party forever.

  Amy tends to drink often; and often to excess. She claims she only drinks socially but she creates the social activity usually as means to a drunkards end. Yes, little Ms. Helmer is quite the bar fly, speak easy maiden, club rat and party animal. However, Amy will tell her pretty little white lie and say she's not, even to the point of speaking negatively about those kinds of folks.

  Amy believes that smart and "savvy" people get, or if need be take, all they can. It doesn't matter if you have to lie, cheat, steal or walk on people, the name of the game is take what you can get. Of course to be true to her internal philosophy she simply must be out to have it all times two. Any less would be strict naivet? to her.

  Amy's upbringing can only be described as "posh". Her father (a lawyer) gave her everything she ever wanted. Her mother (stay at home, lush) ignored her unless she could placate her with money, recreation, shopping or clothes. Amy is what one would refer to as "spoiled rotten". Perhaps it's not her fault; it's been her upbringing from the start. Possibly more nurture than nature? I suppose we'll never really know the answer to that one, but I also surmise that how Amy got this way is not quite as import as the fact that she is this way. This is particularly true for anyone who crosses Amy or stands in her path to her desires. It's not much solace to know that Amy couldn't help but be mean, or it's not really her fault her parents made her that way, when she's exacted her wrath upon you.

  Amy graduated high school in Owensboro. She was both homecoming and prom queen. She's a fifth grade school teac
her now with a bachelor's degree in elementary education. She got this because, hey, summers off and it's the easiest degree to get; so she thought anyway but with all her partying it was still a struggle for her. Deep down Amy simply despises her students though. Snot nosed brats Amy often refers to them as. To Ms. Helmer, her career is far less important than the man's. That is to say a man's career should bring in the dough.

  Amy's young adulthood was one of many silver spoons. As the pretty girl, lots of dates, any boy she chose, and she chose a lot, although she made sure they never kissed and told. Life was easy but never enough. Amy wanted and still wants more, more and oh yah, more.

  Currently Amy lives alone with her cat. She likes cats because they prey on things as she does. Amy's had boyfriends but swiftly dumps them when she has all she can get from them. She has no hobbies other than shopping, drinking and feeding off the blood of others; that is using people and tossing them aside. No interest at all in marriage or a real relationship, as that would intrude on her time.

  Bluntly put Amy is an aggressive lion on the prowl disguised as a house cat. Or even more bluntly stated in my words (though some may disagree, because she hides her true self so well); Amy is a consumer driven, power hungry, sociopathic, blood sucking vampire disguised as a beauty queen with sparkling eyes.

  But don't take my word for it, judge for yourself: When Amy was still just a teenybopper and jockeying for the homecoming queen designation she chose a rather harsh way to ensure her victory. There was really only one girl running against her which was much of threat. So Amy focused all of her negative energy towards the destruction of poor little Rebecca. And from what I heard, Rebecca was genuinely a nice girl.

  It only took Amy a few seconds to think through how to win against the equally pretty Rebecca. Rather than expend too much time or energy winning through fair play, that is to be a quality classmate and show some true leadership to the student body, Amy went straight for the underhanded tactics. Wrath beats effort any old day, she thought. If you want something then you have to be willing to do any and all things to accomplish it, right. Fair play and hard work is for suckers. Only na?ve people believe in the long hard path, when you can get to victory lane through a short cut. Any means necessary.

  As far as Amy was concerned Rebecca needed to be discredited, and in the worst possible way. That would ensure a victory. So with a few "naughty" favors to the football team's tailback, Joe Swenson, Amy had her plan's start well in advance of homecoming time.

  Joe would begin with an innocent request of Rebecca to attend a movie with him Saturday night. See Amy knew through the grapevine that Rebecca had a bit of a crush on Joe and would surely say yes. She did, and so Joe and Rebecca attended the movies, a romantic comedy as Rebecca liked. Joe found it extremely difficult with his pea sized intellect to sit through a tear jerking chick flick, but that was the deal and if he wanted the opportunity of more favors from Amy he would need to follow through with this arduous task. Joe definitely preferred the action flicks, one's with as many car chases, fist fights, gun battles and blood and guts as possible. Oh yah, and as little dialogue as possible.

  Joe didn't spend much time paying attention to the movie. Instead he let his mind wander over to memories of Amy's naughty favor. In extreme detail as only a horny hormone driven adolescent boy can summon, Joe spent his time in glorious achievement. As far away from the chick flick as he possibly could get in his mind, and as close to another notch on the bed post as his memory would allow. Joe scratched off count lines on the butt of his gun like the best quick draw in the west, or even better like touchdowns scored on the football field. He saw his youthful sexual conquests as one in the same with scoring valuable points for his team or for his ego. Football was OK and team play was OK, but it was just a means to an end for the other ego scoring. His coach would tell the whole team before each game: you score on the field this evening and you will score with the ladies tonight. Perhaps Coach Jones was being coarse and inappropriate with the young men, but there is little denying that he had a point. Many girls love a winner, especially a winner of a violent encounter like a football game.

  When Joe had exhausted his energy on memory he moved to the fantasy of the future favor promised by Amy upon her being crowned as homecoming queen. Never to leave much to the imagination, whether it is in attire or in speech, Amy mapped out in detail what she would do for Joe if he simply followed through with her plan. The slightest bit of conscience was easily pushed down to the depths of his soul by Amy's detailed promise. Joe would spend the remainder of the movie deep in the joyful accomplishment of his next encounter with Amy. He relaxed in the knowledge that she will deliver because Amy's more politician than human and she wouldn't want to get a reputation as a welsher on a promise.

  Once the movie date was done Amy could engage phase two of her diabolical scheme to destroy the pretty Rebecca. Again requiring the services of loyal Joe the football star; Joe was to inform the students with the biggest mouths in the school about his great date with Rebecca. This would of course include falsehoods about his deflowering of the young girl in tasteless detail and macho achievement. By insisting Joe tell Paul Weller and Kathy Arnet first, the absolute biggest mouths in school, Amy would ensure a speedy spread of the tawdry tale. Of course Joe carried Amy's demands out to a tee, as well as the unwitting Paul and Kathy.

  Now is when Amy really seized her opportunity to move in for the kill. We know that the pride of lion's often attacks the weak or injured prey first, the ones that are most vulnerable.

  Unfortunately, Rebecca's Grandfather passed away just the right amount of time after her date with Joe, as well as after the spreading of his vicious lies, or we could say Amy's lies. The right amount of time for Amy to perform her coup de grace on the weakened Rebecca. Amy saw this opportunity as a sign of how it must be meant to be for her to be homecoming queen. In her twisted thinking she actually believed all the pieces fell into place for a purpose; to ensure her victory as queen, and in life overall.

  Rebecca and her family had to spend quite some time away from Owensboro for the funeral arrangements and completion of her Grandfathers affairs, estate and such. A trip to Georgia would have Rebecca far enough away to allow Amy to begin her final blow. Not to dirty her own hands she again chose to enact the help of a friend. Anna at least thought Amy was a friend, but Amy knew better. Anna being a bit of a misfit with few friends jumped at the chance to please Amy and spark up a new friendship. Anna didn't like what Amy requested but soon found herself complying for the opportunity to strike up a friendship with one of the "popular pretty people". Of course Anna would soon find herself ignored and feeling shunned shortly after she completed her task. After Anna had finished her job Amy had no use for her, so she tossed her aside, both from her life and from her mind. This was easy enough for Amy.

  Once the rumor was started by Anna, at the behest of Amy that is, it spread like a wildfire. Once the student body believed Rebecca was not truly attending a Grandparents funeral but was actually instead receiving an abortion, her stock plummeted quickly. Rebecca was certainly the last to know though, which only added to the pain. She had virtually no chance to defend herself; hard to do from Georgia.

  Upon Rebecca's return to school she couldn't understand the snickers in the hall and the frowns from the teachers. She didn't expect a great deal of sympathy from the loss of her Grandfather but this was cruel, she thought. A few days later she found out about the rumor, she was crushed. Not being adept at such things, political turmoil mainly, she simply chose to draw herself into a shell and grieve silently. Amy knew this was the best thing and anticipated it. Without Rebecca defending herself everyone would simply believe the rumor and that would be the end of Rebecca.

  And so it was. Rebecca faded away from popularity. No homecoming queen, no dates, no real social life for quite some time; all for Amy's goals. Amy never felt remorse or concern for the e
vents that Rebecca suffered. In fact it never even crossed Amy's mind. To Amy, Rebecca deserved what she got, serves her right for getting in her way. How dare Rebecca even consider that she could compete with me, Amy thought. She felt insulted about the thought of Rebecca even trying to run against her for homecoming queen. Amy was very good at finding reasons, in her mind, for her behavior; and she was even better at moving on and never letting conscience hurt her. She would chalk this up to a win plain and simple. By any means necessary.

  So there is Amy Helmer in a nutshell. She's quite the handful. At least she keeps things from getting too boring around here.

  There's no doubt that Amy can be alluring but I actually hoped she wouldn't sing her siren song to David. David seemed like a nice person, the kind Amy might choose to engage, use up and then toss to the curb. Certainly he will catch trouble if he swims her way, but he is young and fit; maybe he can handle it. Well, if Amy holds to her normal M.O. she will capture David. At least things will be interesting here at The Villa, I suppose.

  Ya know it always amazes me how blind young men can be. A pretty face, curvy body, flirtatious nature and they're on the hook. Most everyone knows the saying "a pretty face doesn't mean a pretty heart", but many young men just jump in with both feet from a fifty foot drop into a shallow pool. I'm sure they wish for the best but perhaps lust, hope or simple naivet? is often the true cause of their downfall. David seems like a mature and intelligent guy. Let's just hope he can see past the superficial.