Read A Pirates Adventure Page 1

’s Adventure

  By: Gerty So

  Published By:

  Copyright 2012 Gerty So

  My name is Julie and my boyfriend’s name is Ian. I hate that we have to keep running; I can’t seem to keep up with you Ian. “We have to keep moving Julie, so the pirates won’t get to us.” I’m running as fast as I can Ian, I wish I could run faster. My legs are killing me. Ian and I are hungry. “That’s nice, Julie, but we have to find a place far enough away that they can’t find us. We really need a place to camp for the night Julie.” They keep traveling awhile, until they spot a nice place on a hill with a waterfall nearby and some place to build a fire. “We will have to stop here for the night, Julie. We don’t know how long we will have to travel tomorrow.” Well this is a wonderful place to camp the night. It has a wonderful waterfall down the hill and a nice place to build a fire, Ian.

  “We need to go get some food because, I’m hungry and I bet you are hungry too Julie.” I need to get a bath in that waterfall down the hill there Ian. Ian has brown hair and hazel eyes and Ian’s skin is white but a little bit tanned. Julie has red hair and green eyes. Julie has pure white skin. Julie heads for the waterfall and Ian follows close behind her. “Last one at the waterfall gets to hunt tonight, Julie.” They both start running really fast and Ian beats her to the waterfall. “See I told you, Julie, I will be glad to hunt for food for us tonight. I will be right back and you will stay here seeing as they are still chasing us.” Ian goes hunting leaving her behind. Well, that was just great. I guess I will have to take a bath alone then, Ian. She decides, yep, I am going to take a bath alone and she gets undressed. She puts her toe in the water and boy its cold.

  She laughs and says, boy I better just jump in, that way maybe it won’t be so bad. She goes ahead and jumps in. She shivers. Boy, that water was cold. She swims around awhile and then, she figures, she had enough and she gets out of the lake dripping wet.She now sees Ian coming towards her and she smiles. She hurries up and hides behind some bushes. He is carrying two rabbits. He sees her and he starts smiling and laughing. Ok, Ian, what are you laughing at? “Well, I see you are hiding behind some bushes. It’s just funny that’s all.” Excuse me Ian; I guess you could give me my clothes now. “Ok, Julie, here’s your clothes.” He gives her the clothes over the bushes. She starts laughing then and kicks him in the butt and he falls in. I think it’s funny you fell in Ian. “I sure don’t think it’s funny. Laugh all you want, I will get you for this. You will soon see how bad I can be.” I bet you will Ian. I want to bet you, you won’t do anything to me. I will be staying clear of you.

  She jumps back in the water and thank god it wasn’t so bad the second time. Ian drunks her head under the water and he laughs. He lets go of her and she says that wasn’t funny. “Well, I sure think it was funny Julie.” Julie notices the water is clear. She can see that there’s a snake swimming in the water. I think it’s time to get out of the water now Ian. Ian sees it and gets her out of the water first and then himself. “You better get some clean clothes on Julie, you are soaking wet.” So, Julie gets back behind the rose bushes and Ian hands her some clean clothes again.We seem to have company now. They notice two horses coming towards them but with no riders. “Julie what is going on here?”

  I don’t know Ian, but it seems weird. Ok now the horses are closer to us. Close enough I’m going to grab the black one and you get the white one Ian. He he, I thought it would be funny for you to ride on a white horse Ian that’s all. “Well, I sure don’t think it’s funny. Here, I’ll go get our food.” He gets the food out of his horses pack. He says, let’s eat Julie, I am starving.” They go ahead and eat their meal that was cooked over an open flame fire. “Oh, that meal was so good, Julie, I loved our supper. I loved the ale we brought along also. It was my idea after all Julie.” Oh, shut up, Ian, I want to go to sleep, I’m so tired. “But Julie you can’t be tired, I’m not tired. I want to tickle you Julie.”

  Hey Black Knife and Red Scar How are you doing buddy? “We are doing fine, Wildfire. Was just wondering where our buddy Ian has gone to. Last thing we knew he was on the ship one minute and gone the next.” Black Knife says I bet that it’s that stupid woman that he was looking at on the dock. Red Scar says I bet he didn’t tell her he is a pirate that made them both start laughing. Their shipmate named Wildfire said I hope we find the treasure pretty soon, that emerald might disappear if they get there first.We might just need Ian to help us. They all start laughing then. Black Knife has black hair and a knife wound in his back from a long dead pirate. He has brown eyes. All the pirates are white but have a lot of tans. Red Scar has a red scar on his face that stands out like a sore thumb. He has brown hair and hazel eyes. Wildfire has dark red hair with flames of gold in it and he has dark brown eyes. Well we better get the ship going. Ahoy mates, put the sails up. We have to get the firefly going again.”

  Ian, come on, I’m tired I told you. “Well, I am not tired. It seems that I need to tickle you yet Julie.” Ian come on, let’s go to sleep. There’s always time when we are not pooped out so much Ian. “Ok Julie, I guess I could sleep for a couple of hours at least.” So they both go to sleep. They sleep the whole night through. They both wake up about 4 am to hearing a strange scratching sound.They both get up in a hurry. There’s a raccoon going through their leftover meat from the night before. Ian hurries up and grabs his shotgun. He hit the animal in the face. The animal had a wound on its head, but managed to run away. “Oh heck, was hoping I would have got that stupid animal, Julie.” Oh well, Ian maybe next time. For now we have to get out of here. We have to keep traveling.They get all the way up and they pack all their stuff up and get on their horses. Ian gets on the black horse this time. Julie sees how beautiful the county side is. Yeah, Ian, it’s wonderful. They see a pretty mountain and some lush green grass around.The horses stop for a second it would seem to eat some grass. They get going again. They notice a forest in the distance. They both get excited and kick the horse to go faster so they can be in that forest.

  They are in the magical forest now. The magical forest has green grass everywhere and trees as high as the sky. “Julie, I don’t like the looks of this place. The trees are scary.” Yeah, Ian, I know, I was thinking the same thing. Pretty soon they see a tree move and the tree starts to talk to them. It says welcome to our magical forest. We have been expecting you. Ian, what are they talking about? “Julie, I don’t know.” The tree moves its limbs and says well I ought to introduce myself, my name is Amanda. The witch has been talking about you guys every day. Now you guys are finally here. Keep walking north and you will find her cabin. “Ok, we will sure do that, Amanda.” They keep going and then they see the witch’s cabin. The witch comes out of her cabin. Hi, Ian and Julie.

  Nice to finally see you guys made it here and right on time in fact. My name is Sadie. I was told long ago about a prophecy that would take place. Those two young riders by the name of Julie and Ian would be heading into this forest. I’m going to tell you something. Go back to the place with the waterfall. It has a secret in it. The witch moves closer to Ian now. She whispers in his ear. You have to tell Julie the truth before you get to this waterfall. “Ok, I sure will, Sadie. Thank you for telling us to go back. I wasn’t sure where to go next.” They walk awhile until they find their horses and get on them. They head back the way they came.

  Ian this is a pretty forest. “Yes, it sure was Julie. I loved it there.” Oh well, Ian glad we got going again. “Hey, Julie, there’s something I have to tell you.” Ian and Julie both get off of their horses. Oh, really, Ian what were you going to tell me? Were you going to tell me that you kissed the witch or something? “No Julie, I was going to tell you. Well ah, I am an ex pirate. I saw you on the dec
k that day and realized I had to get out of there.” Oh, really, Ian a pirate. Julie starts laughing until she looks at his face. She sees he is telling the truth.

  Ok, Ian, well at least you’re an ex pirate. “Well, we should keep moving Julie, so we won’t