Read A Pirates Adventure Page 2

be late. I want to get there in plenty of time before it gets dark.We have to look at the waterfall.” They get back on their horses and start traveling again.I still don’t understand Ian, why you couldn’t tell me this sooner. “Well, Julie I was afraid that you would get really mad at me for it.Besides I’m an ex pirate now.” Ian from now on we don’t keep secrets from each other. “Ok, Julie, I sure will tell you everything. I won’t keep any secrets from you ever again.” That’s sure nice to know Ian. Glad we can now trust each other to tell secrets.

  Wildfire sees an island in the distance. He says ahoy mates we must be heading in the right direction. Let’s go stop here and see if Ian and the stupid woman are still with him. The shipmates go ahead and get the sails back up and they get to the island really fast. They put the anchor down Hey, Red Scar; it’s about time we got here. Yeah, Wildfire, It seems like we have been on the ocean forever.They put the wooden plank down on the ground so they can go onto the island. They go down one by one down the plank right on beautiful sand. They start kissing land and say man been a while since we have been on land. They see lush green grass and tall trees.We still need that emerald Red Scar. I know we do Wildfire. We will get there, as soon as we can. They start walking through the forest and see a few beautiful horses.One is white with black spots and the other one is dark red. Hey, Red Scar, you grab the white one and I will grab the other one. So they both grab the horse that they want. They keep moving into the deep forest when a tree moves.The tree starts moving its limbs. I think it’s time to turn back Wildfire. The tree starts to talk to them. What is the password to get through this forest? I don‘t know. What do you think it is Wildfire? I told you I don’t know Red Scar.

  The tree starts to move closer to them blocking their path. They look all around them for a way out.They notice a cave in the distance. They turn around the way they came and make a left. That way leads into the cave. They get off of their horses and tie them to a tree. They go into the cave really slowly. Man it’s sure dark in here Wildfire. Yes, it sure is Red Scar. I have a secret. I hate the dark Wildfire. So do I Red Scar. Well that makes both of us. According to the map the emerald should be in this cave Red Scar. They see plenty of beautiful rocks shining in the cave. The stalactite provides some light. Wildfire those are sure pretty. Yes, they are and they do provide a lot of light Red Scar.

  We are almost to the waterfall Ian. I don’t think I can make it to the waterfall before we have to stop again. “Well, Julie go ahead and go in the bushes right there.” Julie stops her horse and jumps off of her horse and goes into the bushes nearby. Ah, that feels good Ian to stop and take a rest. Glad we could stop awhile, Ian. “Yeah me to Julie, I had to stretch my legs anyway.” After about 15 minutes they get back on their horses and start riding again. They ride for another 15 minutes and they are back at the waterfall. So glad we are back at the waterfall Ian. “Me to Julie. Now we must find that secret the witch was talking about Julie.” They both jump into the lake. Boy that’s still cold water. Let’s hurry up and go through the waterfall. I just about bet, I know where the secret is. They slowly get unto the river bank. Oh, Ian you were right, I see a cave.

  They slowly go into the cave. “Man it’s sure dark in here, Julie.” Yes, it sure is, Ian. Wow, look at all those shiny rocks on the top and on the floor. They move carefully around in the cave.They see a wall. In the wall they see a flaming sword. There’s a note lying on top of the wall here. It say’s here’s the treasure, you seek. I see it has an emerald in it Ian. Ian pulls with all his might. He manages to get it loose. He lifts the flaming sword out of the stone wall. They hear a voice say, I am the mighty word of god. Hi Julie and Ian. You were both meant for this sword. The sword will always be in flames to protect you. I have kept my word. I will tell you how to get out of this place. Go north and you should be out of this huge cave. Ok, we sure will god, nice talking with you. What is to happen to the pirates? Just let me handle it Julie and Ian.

  The Pirates get walking again in the cave. They see a flaming sword. “Red Scar, I think that there’s no treasure.” I think so to Wildfire. “Let’s just get out of here.” So the pirates get out of the cave. They notice that someone must have taken their horses. Well, I guess we just have to run all the way back to the ship, Wildfire. “Yep, we sure do Red Scar.” They go ahead and run like the wind to get into the ship. They get in the ship and put the sails up. The pirates sail away from the island in a big hurry.

  “Do you know what those pirates left here?” No, I don’t know what the stupid pirates have left here Ian. What did they leave us? “They left us a rowboat.” Well, Ian, if it’s alright with you, I would love to stay here permanently. “It’s alright with me Julie. That reminds me Julie will you marry me?” Yes of course, I will marry you Ian. I love you. We have been through a lot together. “Yes we sure have.” The trees start singing the words. Glad you guys will be staying with us. We can’t wait to show you more of the island. The trees stop singing and just start talking to them normally now. We have to show you guys some more secrets. There are plenty secrets still on this island.Come and follow us we will show you the secret treasure the pirates couldn’t find. All the trees in the forest start laughing then. “Hey, Julie, let’s go ahead and follow them.” Ok, Ian we sure will. They head deeper into the forest this time. Boy this forest is sure bigger than it appears, Ian.

  “Yeah, I know, Julie. No wonder the pirates couldn’t find the treasure.” They keep going even farther in the forest. They come across a big bounder. I just bet you, Ian that this boulder moves somehow. Julie looks the boulder over and sure enough she was right. Oh look, Ian, there’s a hidden lever on the back of the boulder. “Julie, please help me move this boulder.” They move the boulder with ease. They move slowly into yet another cave.This cave is much bigger than the other. “Hey, Julie, I will use my flaming sword for some light in here.” Ok, Ian, now I see there’s an unlit candle stick on the wall. Go ahead and light it up Ian. So, Ian goes ahead and he lights it up. “Wow, look at that. All the treasure in the world must be in this room.

  Yeah, Ian, I see candle sticks with emeralds in it. There are a lot of old coins. I see some silk and a whole bunch of gems. “Well, glad we found the treasure instead of the pirates, Julie.” Yeah me to Ian. They go outside the cave for a moment to thank the trees for helping them. How can we thank you enough? “Ok, that’s weird, Julie, where did all the trees go to?” I don’t know they must have hurried up and went back into the forest. Oh well, let’s go back inside the cave. They go back inside the cave. “Ok, Julie, can I tickle you now that we are inside the cave?” Yes, you sure can Ian. Only if, I can tickle you back you know. “Sure that’s fine Julie. Do you hear that sound, Julie?” Yeah, I hear some water running, Ian. “Well, let’s go check it out.” They go further inside the cave. They see a big giant.

  The giant moves towards them. He says where did you guys come from? Well, ah sir, we just came from the smaller part of this cave. Are you guy’s names Julie and Ian by any chance? “Yes sir, our names are sure Ian and Julie. If you don’t mind we were hoping to find the way out of this cave.” You guys can’t leave yet. The trees told me that, I was to show you some more stuff. “What kind of stuff is there left to see?” Well, there are still plenty of secrets all around this place. You just have to know where to look. “What’s your name giant?” My name is Allen. “Well nice to meet you Allen.

  When we got here we thought maybe there wasn’t any treasure to be found. We found some treasure already. Surely that has to be it.” Nope what you guys have seen is just the tip of the ice burg. Follow me and I will show you what you guys have not yet seen. Ok, Ian, let’s follow him. We might get to see even more treasure. They follow the giant into the cave some more until all of the sudden the giant stops in his tracks. This is the place. Wonderful site it sure is. They see another big waterfall and in the middle there’s a lot more coins and gems and fur coats. You were right, Allen, this treasure it goes all the w
ay to the sky. “Thank you for helping us finds it.” You guys are sure welcome. Here, get on my back, I will take you guys for a ride through this entire cave. Sure, what do you think Ian? “Well, I think it couldn’t hurt. Our legs are hurting from walking this entire place, Julie.” They get on his back and Allen picks up his pace.

  They start to feel sick. “Julie, if he goes any faster I will puke.” Ok, Allen, can you please stop now. Allen finally stops then. Julie and Ian get off of his back from the long ride. Thank you for the ride anyways Allen. We are not used to going that fast. You are welcome to ride on my back any time. Sorry if I got a little bit excited. I have been told this before. I need to slow down for humans. I know humans can’t take that kind of speed. Julie and Ian I have come as far as I can go now. It was sure nice meeting you guys. “It was a pleasure meeting you to Allen.

  Where do we go from here then?” Well you are almost there. Just keep walking and you will be there. They