Read A Pirates Adventure Page 3

keep walking awhile and they finally get out of the cave.They see a red road approaching them. They see a little girl about 18 standing in a meadow picking roses. Her hair is golden brown and she has blue eyes. They approach her really slowly. The girl starts to talk to them. She say’s what are you guys doing here? Who are you guys anyway? “Well, little girl, our names are Ian and Julie. What would your name be?” My name is Wendy. “Oh, Wendy, we are trying to find a way out of this place. How do we get back to the island?” What Island. I sure don’t know what you guys are talking about. Oh, well, guess I have been picking flowers to long.

  My only guess is to go back the way you came. “Ok, Wendy, we will sure do that. Thank you for your help.” You are sure welcome Julie and Ian. They wave goodbye to Wendy and head back the way they came.They spot some horses in the distance. One horse is white with a lot of black spots and the other one is red. They get closer to the horses. They jump onto the horses and get going again. They go for quite a while until they spot the waterfall. Ok, Ian, we are finally backed at the waterfall. “Good. Well I am so tired I think it’s time for a nap Julie.” Yeah I feel the same way, Ian.

  They go to sleep then. They both have wonderful naps and then they wake up. They see a ship. Well, look at that Ian. It’s an old abandoned ship. It looks like it has been there awhile. Let’s go take it. So as the ship gets closer they take the ship and take off. “It sure was nice on that island.” Yeah, it sure was Ian. We need to get some more clothes then we will go back to the island. “Sounds like a plan, Julie.” I need for you to meet my folks, Ian. “Well, good, maybe if we can go back to New York you can meet my dad.” I would love to meet your dad too Ian. I just can’t wait. We are on the ship now Ian McPherson. What do we do now? “Well, we wait Julie. It’s going to be awhile until we get to a harbor.” It’s just that my father Jim Walker is waiting to meet his new son in law. “I know honey there’s still awhile to be on board. I think maybe a couple of months on the water are in store for us.” Oh, look, Ian, there’s a little ship port right there. Let’s stop there. I’m hungry. Are you hungry Ian? “Yes I am Hungry Julie.”

  Well, I guess this place is as good as any place to stop and rest. They go ahead and pull into the ship port. They put the sails down and the plank down also. They slowly go down the plank and get unto land. Hey, Ian, look there’s some free puppies over there.

  They get to looking at puppies. They find one they both like. It’s a terrier with thin white fur and it is a male. He has the cutest short stubby legs. Wouldn’t you agree Ian? “Yes I think the dog is cute. What is his name Julie?” Well, his name is Duke. What a cute name. Well, let’s bring him home with us. “Are you Sure Julie? You have to feed him and clean up the messes it makes.” Yes, I want the puppy, Ian. “Ok, we will get the puppy then, Julie.” They pick the little puppy up and look it all over. Well, he’s sure pretty clean. “That’s good, Julie. We wouldn’t want a very dirty puppy.” Nope, we sure don’t want that. The puppy is so excited it runs on board the ship they just came off of. Oh, isn’t that cute? He already knows who is taking him home. Glad the puppy was free. It must be our favorite word.

  “Yeah, it sure is, Julie.” They move around in a big crowd of people. They find some food they can take with them. They get some extra hamburgers for the dog. They enter the ship and the dog has had some fun on the ship while they were gone. It had been chewing on some ropes. “Uh oh, the dog is already causing trouble.” Oh, well, I bet after a while on the ship the puppy will behave. “Yeah, the puppy better behave.” Are you ready to set sail again Ian? “Yes, I believe we are, Julie.” Good. They get the sails back up and get on the sea again. Hey, Ian, there’s some birds flying in the sky. I was wondering if the dog can see it. The dog starts barking at the birds. He starts jumping up and down. “Man, that dog is sure hyper.” Yeah, he sure is Ian. All of the sudden you see the birds take off. You also see storm clouds coming in quickly. The rain starts to come down in torrents.

  There’s a storm rolling in, Julie. Go down to the cabin and wait for me there. Quickly grab the puppy Julie.” Ok, I sure will, Ian. I will keep the dog with me until you tell me to come back up, Ian. “Ok, Julie, I will see you later. Oh heck who am I kidding? I can’t stand here in the pouring rain.” Ian decides he needs to dry off for a while. He goes down the stairs to the cabin and shuts the door quickly. “Hey, Julie, is you glad I came down to see you?” Of course, I am glad to see you are safe and sound. We are sure going to keep dry down here. Well, what do we do since we are down here in this cabin Ian? “Well, Julie, there’s some games called checkers and cards over there.” Well good. “Would you like to play cards with me tonight?”

  Yes, I sure would love to play cards with you, Ian. I’m quite good at cards. Did I tell you my daddy taught me how to play? “No, you didn’t tell me anything about your dad.” The ship starts moving side to side. Boy, this is making me sick, Ian. “I know honey. I hope the storm quits here pretty soon.” Yeah me to, I’m not sure I can take any more of this.Early the next morning the storm is done. Well, Ian, I don’t know about you, but I want to see what the damage is to the ship up on the dock. “Ok, Julie, let me go first and I will go take a look. I will come and get you when I know it’s safe to come up.” Ian goes up the stairs really fast. You hear Ian say, oh my. What is it Ian? Is something a matter?

  “Yeah, something is definitely wrong here. All the sails are missing.” Julie hurries up the stairs and she can’t believe her eyes. “Wow that must have been some storm last night.” Yeah, all the sails are missing, Ian and there’s a whole bunch of small tree limbs all over the ship. “Well, I guess it’s time to clean this huge mess up, Julie.” Yeah Ian, I will go get the wheel barrel and that should speed things along.

  They start to clean up the mess at amazing speed. Thanks to the wheel barrel. “Well, Julie, I’m so glad we got this mess all cleaned up. What do we do for sails though?” I have an idea, Ian. They both go down the stairs. They go into the cabin. “Well, what’s your idea Julie?” Well, here it is. I know we have extra clean sheets in the chest. I want to use the sheets as the sails. “That’s a great idea, Julie.” Well let’s get to it. They go back up the stairs. The puppy greets them at the top of the stairs. Well hello you cute little puppy. Julie grabs the puppy and carries him along with her. Julie puts the new puppy down so she can get the sails up. The puppy gets to run all over the ship. Julie and Ian put all the new sheets up for the new sails. Oh Ian that’s so cute. I didn’t know you liked sheets with kittens and puppies on them. Yeah I admit I do like kittens and puppies Julie. They are so cute. How could you not like them? I like animals to Ian.

  Hey, look, Ian there’s the harbor. “Yeah, I see it Julie.” It looks like we are finally here. It has been a month since we have been on this ship. Yeah, it sure seems like too long to be on the water. “Yeah, it sure does, Julie.” What do we do now Ian? “Well, we need to pull into the harbor.” They go ahead and get the ship into the harbor. That was easy sailing for the most part.Oh no, don’t look now, Ian, but do you see who’s over there? “Yes, I see who it is. It’s the other pirate’s by a large ship on the dock.” Do you think they saw us Ian? “Well, I hope not. Let’s hurry up and get off of this ship.” They quickly grab the dog. They hurry to get off the ship before the other pirates see them. Oh, man, Ian, that was a close one.

  We better find a place to lay low for a while. “Ok, Julie, I have an idea. Do you see the nuns over there by the church?” Yes, I do Ian. “Ok, good, you take the small one and I will get the bigger one. Meet me outside in 10 minutes.” Ok, will do, Ian. Ten minutes later, Julie is waiting for Ian outside. He hasn’t shown up yet. Gosh, what in the heck happened to him this time? Pretty soon you see a very big nun in front of Julie. Oh my. . Ha-ha. Ian, I sure hope that’s you. “Yes, it’s me Julie. I’m not too happy dressed like this you know. I just thought that we could avoid the other pirate’s that’s all, Julie.” Oh ok, well it’s seems to be working so f
ar. Well, let’s go get something to eat, while we are here. We didn’t bring enough food on board for a week, much less a month. “Ok, Julie since we are both starving let’s go get something to eat.” The puppy is sure growing fast Ian. “Yes, he sure is honey.”

  They head east until they spot a bar on the corner. Well, this looks like a nice place to stop. Hey, Ian was wondering if we could change, it looks like the pirates are taking off again. See look, Ian. They are getting unto another ship and leaving. “Well good. Yeah let’s go change.” They change in the bathroom at the bar. Ok, that’s better. “Yes, it sure is Julie. I think I must have made the worst nun ever.” Oh well, we really couldn’t help it though. We wouldn’t want to get caught. “Nope.” Well, let’s go eat now. They go ahead and eat inside the bar. Once they are done eating they leave the bar and head north. Ok, this has to be the right way. Julie sees a big house right in front of her. Could it be her house? Hey Ian, there’s my parent’s