Read A Pirates Adventure Page 5


  Want to have a ride on my back Julie?” Sure why not, it looks like Ian doesn’t mind. He looks like he fell asleep. I suddenly hear Ian snore. Well, we had better get going, so we can be back before, Ian wakes up again. I go ahead and jump on his back. Alan takes off like someone is chasing him. I have to hold on for dear life. I can feel the wind blowing in my long hair. I have to now shut my eyes, because my eyes are stinging. I open my eyes again to seeing the most pretty blue sky. It is awe inspiring. I see some nice and fluffy clouds to. I feel like I can just about touch the softness. The dragon all of the sudden he takes a nose dive.

  The dragon has to shout to be heard over the noise. “Sorry, about that Julie. I just love when I can take a nose dive. It makes me feel almost human.” Shouldn’t we be backing Alan? I am afraid; Ian might be worried where I went. “Yeah, well, let’s go back then Julie. I have a feeling Ian will be waking up and worried sick about you.” We start to go back towards where we left Ian sleeping. Ok, Alan, please let me down, I am starting to feel sick. The dragon gets back down to the ground and I jump off his back. I must say that was some ride. Thank you Alan for letting me rides on your back. “You are sure welcome, Julie, anytime. I just miss having someone to share the sky with, that’s all Julie. Ian wakes up suddenly and sees me. “I am glad you are backing Julie, I missed seeing you.”

  I missed seeing you to Ian. Alan here, he was taking me for a ride through the sky. It was so neat. My knees are still shaking from the ride. “Julie I had better get going now, I have to get something to eat. I will see you later maybe. It was sure nice meeting both of you.” I see the dragon take off like he was struck by lightning. I better sit down Ian. “Go ahead and sit down. I will go get you a drink of water from the lake. I will be right back Julie.” So, I see Ian take off to the water fall and come back with a handful of water for me to drink. I drink all of the water down and I feel much better.

  Thank you, Ian for getting me the water. “You are sure welcome. You didn’t look too good, when you got off of the dragon. You looked a bit green.” Yeah, for some reason I was a little dizzy. It was at least fun to ride the dragon. I will always remember this for years to come. I can’t wait for yet another adventure. I see the dog run up to me, like he is in trouble. It appears he has some chocolate on his lips. What did you get into? He then runs away from me into Ian. Ian grabs him and looks the dog all over. “Hey, Julie, it looks like he went into the cocoa plant over there.” He probably did. Ian comes closer to me and hands me the dog. I hold the dog in my hand. I grab some leafs and clean the puppy off with them.

  There, that is better. Now the puppy is all clean again, although, I’m not sure for how long. Oh well, I guess if everything went perfect, it would be boring. “Yeah, it sure would, Julie. I will have to get a rope for the dog, so he can’t get into any more trouble.” I know there are some ropes in the ship Ian. “Ok, Julie, I will go back unto the ship and find the ropes.” Ian takes off for the ship. I and the dog follow Ian unto the ship. “There, I found it, Julie.” Ian puts the rope on the dog. I can tell the dog doesn’t care for it. “Hey Julie, let’s go somewhere. It has been awhile since we have traveled into the sea.” Ok, Ian let’s go. So, we take off in the big ship, to god knows where, to have yet another adventure.So, where are we headed Ian? “We are headed south. I don’t have a destination in mind. We will travel until we find another island. We can check it out when we get there.” Speaking of islands, Ian, I see one. “Ok, well, I guess we should go check it out huh.” I am hungry Ian. We forgot to pack enough food again. I hate when we can’t plan on how long we will be on the sea. “I hate it too Julie. Well, we are sailing into that island.”

  We go into the island and the dog is getting excited yet again. I hear a lot of birds overhead. I untie the dog from the pole he was tied to and we get the ship ready to land. I see a helicopter flying low to the ground. We dock on the island, finally. The helicopter is landing on a landing strip, just in front of us. We hurry up and get off of the ship and the puppy goes running off the ship and into some grass. He is actually eating the grass. Oh, well, the puppy looks happy now. I just hope the dog doesn’t throw that grass up.

  I look in the window of the helicopter and it looks like a prince is in there. The helicopter shuts off and a person steps out of the huge helicopter. It is indeed a prince. He is wearing very nice clothes. It seems that his clothes are shining. I see some purple and red and blue in his clothes. He is coming over to us. I am not sure why he is coming over to us. He starts smiling at me like he thinks, he likes me. He is closer to us now. He looks at Ian funny. I think he wonders if I and Ian are involved. “My name is Mike, by the way.” Well, nice to meet you, Mike. My name is Julie. This right here is my husband Ian. I see Mike make a funny face.

  Why are you here Mike? Ian all of the sudden asks. “Well, I was concerned when, I didn’t see you for a while, Ian. I quit being a pirate awhile back and I am so glad I did. I couldn’t stand being bossed around. I missed seeing you around. I missed teasing you also. I see you have a lovely lady with you.” Yeah this is my wife, Julie. As you know Mike, we had to take off. Black Knife and Red Scar were after us. They ended up getting scared off thank god. “So, Ian, do you still have the sword with you?” Yes I do Mike and the lord told me not to lose it. So, I will always keep it with me for safe keeping. “Well, that’s good Ian. This place here is my own island. I call it pizza place. There are some strange things about this island. Pizza actually grows off the trees here. I start laughing until; Mike gives me a dirty look.

  If you don’t believe me go up to one of the trees and see for yourself. I go ahead and go over to the trees. What I see amazes me. There are pepperoni pizzas and cheese pizzas and hamburger pizzas. Wow, I didn’t know there was such a thing as a pizza tree. I will have to tell some of my friends. I bet though, they won’t believe me. So, I think for now, I will keep it a secret. “Hey Ian and Julie, I will have to show you around this island.” We then follow Mike around this very strange forest. He was right, when he said it was strange. I even see pigs flying around. That one made me laugh. Ian looks back at me laughing and that starts him laughing to.

  “I am glad; you two think it is funny. But please be aware, sometimes things aren’t always, as they seem here. Hey, what is that dog doing? He shouldn’t be off of his rope. You guys should know some things are poison here.” Ok, Ian, I will go get the rope and I will hold unto him until we are back on the ship. I go off to go get some rope while Ian and Mike are talking. “She sure is a pretty woman isn’t she?” Yes, she sure is Mike, but remember she is mine. “OK, I get your point. It’s just I haven’t seen a woman in so long it hurts.” I bet it would hurt you more if I punched you. “Hey, settle down Ian jeepers creepers.” I will go find Julie to see what she is up to?

  Ian goes a few yards, when he sees me, cleaning up the puppy dog. The dog ended up throwing up all of the grass on the beautiful sand. It took all of my wits not to yell at the dog or get sick myself. Oh, the wonders of owning a pet. I have yet to see an animal that doesn’t get into trouble sooner or later. You know Ian; I love it here on this island. Would it be ok, if we stayed on the island just for a little while? “Sure why not. Who knows what new adventure’s awaiting us now.” Well, we will be fine here. I guess that this is the end of our adventures, Ian. The End Thank you for downloading my eBook. Please take a moment to leave a nice comment on the site from which you downloaded it.

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