Read A Pirates Adventure Page 4

house. I forgot how big it was Ian.

  They knock on the door. The butler answers the door and say’s hi Julie what took you so long? Who’s this fellow with you? Well Mark this is my husband Ian. We were running from some pirate’s and now I want to talk with my parents. Oh ok, I’ll go get your dad. Come in and have a seat. Make yourselves comfortable. They make themselves comfortable. Boy, I didn’t realize, I missed my parents so much when we were traveling, Ian. Yeah, I must admit Julie, I sure miss my mom. My mom died when I was 8. I didn’t know you lost your mom. Sorry to hear it Ian. Yeah, well I thought I should tell you in case someone asked about my mom. What about your dad? Well my dad is a drunken Julie. He was always drinking. He never would help me at all. I was just supposed to just suck it up. I pretty much grew up without a father. Sorry to hear that Ian. Yeah I agree with you to Julie.

  Julie’s father comes down the stairs of the huge mansion. I see that you have come home finally Julie. How are you doing honey? Well I am doing fine dad. I just wanted you to meet my husband. Oh ok, so that’s who this handsome man is in my living room. Yeah that would be me. My name is Ian. It’s nice to finally meet the family.Hey Julie; I will go get your mother. She’s upstairs at the moment. Ok dad we will wait here for you. Julie’s father goes up the stairs once again to get her mother. Pretty soon you see her mom and dad come down the stairs. Hi Julie, How are you doing? I am fine mom. How are you? I’m fine I was painting when your dad told me you were here. I couldn’t believe it. I’m so glad you are home Julie. We have both missed you.

  Julie’s mom gives her a hug. So I heard about you having a husband. I’m pleased to meet you. Ian gives Julie’s mom a hug. The butler comes back. Can I get you guys something to drink? Yes you sure can. Get us some ice cold water and iced tea please. Please excuse us Julie and Ian. We are heading upstairs. Ok mom and dad, I will see you later then. They head upstairs. What was Julie thinking? She got married without telling any of us. Yeah I know honey. She is of age. I know, I was just hoping that maybe she could write us a letter. Wish she could have told us somehow. Yeah me to, but like I said she can make her own decisions now.

  I wonder what is going on Ian. I don’t know Julie. I’m hoping everything is alright. Why wouldn’t it be? I was just wondering why they left and went upstairs all of the sudden. It’s probably nothing honey. I sure hope so. I would not want anything to be wrong. The butler comes back and gives them their iced tea and iced cold water. Thank you so much Curtis. There’s a big tip on the table right there for you. Thank you so much Julie. I depend on tips from good tippers. Yeah I sure bet you do Curtis. Since my mom and dad have been up there awhile, I think we should leave Ian. Yeah agree with you to Julie. I am right behind you. They go about their way. They grab their horses and take off. They head towards the ship. They hurry and grab the puppy and get unto the ship. It’s back to the island we go Ian. Yeah it’s nice being on the ship again.

  Well Ian, I’m so glad we got going again. I hate when my mom and dad treat me badly. I know Julie, I feel the same way. I remember when my dad was drunk. He would beat me sometimes. I would run out of that house. I would go over to my friend’s house for some comfort and safety. I am so sorry to hear that Ian. I didn’t know you had to go through all that. I wish my mom was still here Julie. She would have loved you.

  Yeah I bet, I would have loved her with all my heart Ian. She would have been a lot better than my mom was. I still can’t believe she would not come down and say something to us. I believe she was mad at you for some reason, Julie. I know, I should have written her a letter Ian. How was I supposed to know she would be mad at me Ian? There’s no way to know how parents act sometimes Julie. Yeah that is for sure Ian.Well glad animals love you for who you are. Yeah I agree with you too Julie. Hey the puppy is barking. What in the heck is going on? Well I think I see what the puppy is barking at now. It’s a mouse crawling across the floor. Yuck I hate mice. It appears the puppy does not like the rodent either. Let me go get a broom Ian.

  Ok here you go Ian. I am so glad the dog found that rodent. I hate rodents. Ian goes ahead and throws the rodent overboard. I am so glad we got rid of that yucky rodent. I know I hate them to. They travel awhile on the sea until all of the sudden they see something swimming in the water. Hey Ian, I see something swimming in the water. What the heck could it be? Well it looks like an alligator. Oh dear honey, we must have went too far. Yeah it appears that way. Well, we just have to turn around then. They go ahead and turn the ship around and head north. Ok, Ian I see the island. Yeah I see it to Julie. They leave the puppy on the ship. They hurry up and get unto the island again.

  It’s sure nice to be here Ian. Yeah it sure is Julie. The trees come over to them. Amanda says we have missed you. Where did you guys go? Well I and Ian went to go see my mom and dad. It turned out to be a waste of time. My mom was angry at me. I still don’t know why she was so mad at me Ian. It doesn’t make any sense. Yeah, I know it sure doesn’t make any sense. Oh well, I know a lot of things don’t make sense.Well Julie and Ian, we are glad you are back. Welcome back. We are glad to be backing Amanda. We have missed you and the waterfall. I just can’t wait to go swimming in the waterfall, Ian. I know me too Julie. Hey Julie and Ian can you follow me, I want to show you guys something.

  They go on their way toward a big elephant. Hey Ian, do you see that? That is a pretty animal is it not? “Yes, it sure is a pretty animal. Julie, I have to lie down for a moment. I think I’m going to faint.” Ian lies down and takes a long nap. Meanwhile, Julie and Amanda decide to go take a ride on the elephant.They get going pretty fast on the animal. This is so much fun Amanda. I know it sure is. I enjoy all the special animals in this forest. I feel the same way Julie. How long have you been in this forest Amanda? I have been here a long time, Julie. I remember seeing the birth of Jesus. Well, that’s neat Amanda. You are right Amanda you have been here awhile.

  Hey Julie we have to get Ian up. I need to show you something you will both think is pretty.They go ahead and jump off the elephant. Julie leans down and pokes Ian awake. Ian jumps up really fast. Hey what was that for Julie? Are you trying to be funny? No I’m not trying to be funny Ian.I had to wake you up.Amanda has to show us something.Well I sure hope that whatever she has to show us will be worth it. I’m sure it will be worth it Ian. They follow Amanda for quite a while until they come to a huge lake. Wow this sure is pretty. Amanda starts to point to something coming up to them. Ian looks at the mermaid.She is sure beautiful. The mermaid is red on the bottom part of her body and gold on top. So glad to see you Amanda. Hi Amanda, How are you doing? I am doing fine Donna. These people here are my friend’s Julie and Ian. Welcome to this huge island Julie and Ian. It’s sure nice to meet you. It’s nice to meet you to Donna. It was sure nice to see you again Amanda.Nice to see you too Donna. I have to get going. There’s a fish that needs my attention. I will see you later Amanda. Yeah take care of yourself Donna. Amanda says, Well I think I should show you guys the rest of the island.

  They get back unto their horses and travel awhile. Suddenly they hear a strange sound up above. What is that Ian? I don’t know. They finally see what is causing all of the noise. It’s a whole bunch of parrot’s Ian. Well, we will be ok as long as they don’t poop on us. I hope you didn’t give them any ideas. I hope not either. All of the sudden the parrots fly away. Well good, at least they won’t poop on us now. I am so glad they left. Now we can all live on this island forever if you want to. Yes of course I want to live here. It’s our home now. We better go get the puppy off of the ship. It must be missing us. Julie goes ahead and gets the puppy off the ship. The puppy licks Julie all over. Now Ian we are a happy family.

  Hey Ian, I want to go swimming in the waterfall again. “Ok, Julie, let’s go.” We get on our horses and head towards the waterfall. This place still amazes me Ian. We finally make it to the waterfall. I get off of my horse in a hurry. I walk the very short walk to the waterfall. I take off in a dead run and I jump
in the water. Ian is smiling at me, when I look at him. Ian walks over to me. He gets close enough to the water, now is my chance. I grab Ian by the shoulders and he falls in. He is soaking wet right now. He gives me a dirty look. I swim away towards the big waterfall. I get really close to the waterfall. I suddenly hear a loud roar. Ian hurries up and comes over to me. I see a big dragon. He is flying towards us.

  The dragon is moving to the ground now. He is on the ground. I must admit, I am scared now. He is purple on the top of his body and blue on the bottom. It appears he has green eyes. He winks at both of us. Ian starts laughing for no reason at all. Hey Ian, why are you laughing anyways? That dragon looks dangerous. Ian looks at me now like I have two heads. “I bet Julie, that the dragon is nice. He winked at us, after all.” Yeah he sure did. The dragon comes over to me and smiles. He leans down way to the ground. He says, “by the way my name is Alan. I am not a dangerous dragon. I might look dangerous but I assure you, I am