Read A Place Where I Belong Page 10

  Chapter 10

  Buddy turned out on the highway heading north, and soon they were driving out of the city. After leaving the city traffic behind, the road narrowed to two lanes. When they had driven about an hour to the northwest, the road began a steady climb. They went from open rolling hills to sparse evergreen forests. Gradually the forest grew denser and patches of lupines spread a lavender carpet along the road. The sharp smell of cedar and pine trees filled the cab of the truck. Mandy drew in a deep breath and sighed happily.

  When they passed the small town of Pinegrove, Mandy said, “We’re almost there. Look for a sign on the right that says Bear Lake Resort. It should be around the next bend, if I remember correctly.”

  A hand carved wooden bear holding a sign marked the entrance to the road that wound its way to the center of the resort. They passed three loops that wound through wooded tent campsites. There was also a road leading into a separate section filled with campers, trailers, and recreational vehicles. After that, they pulled into a parking area in front of the large office/recreation building.

  When they got out of the truck, Buddy stretched and looked around with a smile on his face. “I like the looks of this place,” he said.

  Mandy suggested, “Why don’t you look around while I go inside the office to check in and get the keys?” Buddy scanned the area getting the lay of the land, while Mandy headed over to the large building. When she entered, she was greeted by a friendly hello.

  “Mandy, it’s great having you here again! We have the cabin you admired so much last time. It’s all stocked for you with basic foods, like including eggs, bread, milk, bacon, coffee, sugar, and a few other things I thought you might like,” Jenny, the dark haired young woman behind the counter, bubbled.

  “Thanks, Jenny. I knew I could count on you to get everything ready. After we get settled, we’ll come back to the store and pick up anything else we need. When I come back, I’ll introduce you to my husband. We got married on Friday,” Mandy explained, happily showing off her rings. Jenny hugged her excitedly

  Before returning to the truck, Mandy pulled out her wallet. She handed Jenny her debit card. “Just like the other time I stayed here, just keep a running total and put all the charges for the week’s stay including the groceries on it.” She signed the slip and headed back to Buddy.

  In a couple of minutes, Mandy was back beside him with the key in her hand. “What do you think, Buddy?” she asked.

  “This looks great! It’s so much nicer than Las Palmas Resort!” he exclaimed.

  “Our cabin is down the last road on the left. Let’s drive down there and get our stuff unloaded. After that, we can take a hike or just relax by the lake,” Mandy suggested.

  When they drove up and parked by the cabin, Buddy smiled. “What a perfect setting for a log cabin.” He walked around it inspecting the way the logs were notched and joined together. After they walked inside, Mandy went over and opened a window to let in the gentle breeze that was blowing through the evergreen trees clustered around the cabin. Soon the scent of pine and cedar drifted in replacing the stale air that had been trapped inside only moments before.

  Buddy placed the suitcases on the floor in front of the fireplace and looked around. “This place is beautiful, Mandy. I wouldn’t mind living in a cabin like this, if you’d stay here with me.”

  “Me, too! It is so cozy and lovely, and everything we need is furnished. It is more like a motel in that respect than a campground. Actually, it is better than a motel. There are clean linens and towels in the closet, and extra blankets if the weather turns cold. The kitchen is set up with pots and pans, silverware, dishes, and even a coffee pot. Since we were arriving in late afternoon, Jenny brought in some basic groceries so we could fix a meal this evening if we want to. We can cook our own food here or go over and eat at the little sandwich bar and cafe by the campground store. Although I didn’t stay in this cabin when I was here before, I talked to the young couple who were here then. I loved the location and the beautiful hand crafted furniture. Look at the amazing carving on the bed and dresser. I doubt if we will need the fireplace, but I can imagine how warm and cozy this place would be in the winter. It almost makes me wish we would get snowed in here. I‘d love to be snuggled up with you on a blanket in front of a glowing fire or snuggling under the quilt on the four poster bed. Forgive me, Buddy, I guess I am still a hopeless romantic or incredibly horny,” Mandy laughed apologetically.

  “Maybe this winter we can come up here and stay a few days. I’d love to see you lying on a bearskin rug with the firelight reflecting off your body. Maybe I’m a little romantic, too,” Buddy said, “or I’m just turned on by the thought of seeing your naked body looking so sexy and inviting there.”

  It only took a few minutes to unpack their suitcases. They changed into shorts and short sleeved shirts and went out exploring. The weather was warm and clear. Buddy held Mandy’s hand as they wandered down a trail behind the cabin that led to a small private beach. A cool breeze blew from the lake causing ripples to spread across the surface of the water. The peaceful rustle of the aspen tree leaves sounded like gentle whispers that murmured secrets from ages past around the cove. There was a small strip of white sandy beach along the shore. At the edge of the beach area, there was a sturdy looking wooden picnic table and two benches. Nearby was a raised barbecue pit. A large picnic umbrella completed the scene.

  Buddy hugged Mandy and happily kissed her. She snuggled against him. Feelings of peace, joy, and love washed over her, and she sighed contentedly.

  “No more suit and tie dinners or pushy white coated waiters! It is just us in our own special paradise,” she sighed.

  “I’m so glad you suggested coming here! This is such a beautiful, peaceful place. I wonder how warm the water is today,” Buddy mused.

  They looked at each other, then quickly pulled off their shoes and socks and hurried down to the water. The first step felt cold, but the warm sun shining down on their backs made it feel refreshing and exhilarating.

  Like two children, they waded into the lake. Playfully splashing water, Mandy shot a stream of water at Buddy. When it splattered him, he lunged for her. She shrieked and tried to duck out of the way. She stumbled and started to fall into the water, but Buddy caught her and lifted her into the safety of his arms. Mandy threw her arms around his neck and clung to him. He laughed and said, “Now you’re going to get it for trying to douse me with cold water!”

  She laid her head on his shoulder as he carried her back up the trail and deposited her inside the cabin. He pushed the door shut and pulled her fiercely against his body.

  “Mandy, you set me on fire with your beauty and your loving touch. When I touch you and feel you close to me, my body responds, and I long to make love to you. Please, my wife, fulfill my dreams and desire again,” Buddy implored her.

  “Of course, my darling, I always want to please you. Come now, I’m yours,” she responded eagerly. They quickly took off their clothes and made tender, passionate love. Afterwards they lay totally satisfied in each other’s arms.

  Later that afternoon, they walked down to the store and bought more groceries so they could cook a special dinner. They bought thick steaks, corn on the cob, two baking potatoes, chili beans, and sodas. Coming back to the cabin, Mandy cleaned, buttered and spiced the corn on the cob and wrapped it in aluminum foil. They packed a small ice chest with sodas, the steaks, corn, and potatoes.

  Mandy carried the small cooler while Buddy carried the food, charcoal, and the other cooking supplies down to the beach. He lit the charcoal to get the fire ready for grilling. When the coals were ready, Mandy put the foil wrapped potatoes and the corn to roast on the edge of the grill; later, Buddy began grilling the steaks. Mandy stirred the beans and toasted slices of bread. When the steaks were done, they fixed their plates and settled down to eat at the picnic table. Sitting side by side at the table fac
ing the lake, the sun began sinking behind the nearby hills while they feasted on the meal they had prepared together. After eating, they lingered beside the fire watching the sunset paint vibrant colors on the clear blue water of the lake.

  “This isn’t Madge’s pot roast,” Mandy said, “but this is a delicious meal! .Everything tastes better eating out here by the lake. Best of all, we cooked it together,” Mandy cooed. “It’s wonderful doing things like this with someone I love.”

  Reluctantly, they doused the barbeque fire, packed up all their gear, and headed back up the trail to their cabin. Later in the evening, they hiked over to the recreation building. There was a huge bonfire in front of the building with a raised dance floor a short distance away. A country western group was playing, and a few people were dancing outside under the stars. They walked inside and saw clusters of people sitting around talking, playing cards, and relaxing in chairs around the room. Some people were playing pool, checkers, and board games. In the far corner a man was strumming on a guitar while some others sang. The room was busy, but it still felt very relaxed and homey.

  Mandy drew Buddy across the room to meet Jenny, one of the owners of the resort. She greeted them warmly, hugged both of them and congratulated them on their marriage. Later they wandered over and watched the pool game. After the game was over, Buddy patiently showed Mandy how to play. She was a quick learner, and they laughed and cheered each other on. When Buddy sank the last ball and won the game, Mandy threw her arms around him and kissed him happily.

  When it got late, they walked outside and wandered over by the bonfire which had burned down to glowing embers. When the band played a slow song, Buddy led Mandy onto the dance floor. The flicker of the fire’s embers and the distant glow of the moonlight created a magical setting. Buddy drew her into his arms, and they began dancing together,

  “You’ve come a long way since I practically had to drag you onto the dance floor at the Branding Iron bar,” Mandy teased.

  “Yeah, I was afraid I’d make a fool of myself and scare you away. Luckily, I had the best dance teacher in the world,” he kidded back. “Then after I felt how sexy it was holding you in my arms, I was hooked. I had to keep dancing, so I could keep feeling you leaning against me. Now, I can hold you against me whenever I want, but it is still so sexy feeling you moving with my body that I look forward to dancing with you many more times. Come to think of it, even the thought of holding you and dancing with you drives me crazy,” Buddy explained.

  Walking back to the cabin with Buddy’s strong arm around her shoulder, Mandy felt her heart swell with so much love and contentment that she feared it would explode with the sheer joy of living.

  During the rest of the week at Bear Lake Resort, Mandy and Buddy spent hours beside, in or on the lake. One day, they rented a pedal boat and explored a small island in the middle of the lake. They landed the boat and wandered through the trees. They sat in the shade of a tree and listened to the melodic sounds of the birds in the trees. One friendly blue jay hopped over near them. It cocked its head and looked at them as if it were trying to figure out what they were doing on his island. Mandy laughed at his comical expression. Suddenly, it took off and landed in the top of a tall pine tree. From there, it scolded them with a raucous voice. They also quietly watched a small squirrel darting about the clearing searching for food. Mandy pulled a crust of bread out of her lunch bag and threw small pieces on the ground. Timidly, the squirrel snatched the pieces and rushed back to the safety of his tree.

  The following day, Jenny told them about a cave that had recently opened for viewing. They borrowed a canoe from the resort and rowed across the lake. They ventured into the cool darkness of the cavern. Inside it gradually grew darker and darker. Buddy had a flashlight so they wandered a little farther inside. The tunnel opened up to a small room. When he shined the flashlight around, they saw stalagmites rising from the ground. Inside the cave, it was much cooler than the temperature outside. Mandy shivered from the cold and the excitement of being so deep underground. Buddy wrapped his arms around her, turned off the flashlight, and kissed her in the complete darkness of the cave.

  Standing in the total blackness of the cave, Mandy felt Buddy’s hand push her pants down to the ground. He slipped his down, lifted her up and guided her body down against him. Mandy wrapped her legs around his body. With a gasp of excitement, she joined her body to his. She sought his lips and kissed him. In the blackness all she was aware of was the rhythmic movement of his body as he united his body with hers. As she reached the pinnacle of excitement, she cried out with amazement at the feelings that exploded in her. She clung to him, enthralled by the sensations that surged through her. She was aware of perfect joy sweeping through her body.

  Buddy held her close and gasped, “I think I’m in heaven, Mandy. Each time I’m with you, I fall more in love with you. I can’t describe how I am feeling now, how you make me feel. God has granted me all the desires of my heart. You are all I have ever wanted or needed in my life, my dearest love, my amazing wife.” He held her close and kissed her tenderly. Mandy kept her legs wrapped around him. She shivered as she felt him slowly slip out of her body. By the dim light of the flashlight, they put on their clothes in reverent silence.

  Slowly they retraced their steps to the cave’s entrance. The sudden light and warmer temperature greeted them. They walked back to the boat. “I’d never been in a cave before,” Mandy said, “I’m so glad you were with me! Without you, I would have been terrified by the darkness.”

  Once back at the boat, they donned their swim suits, swam, and splashed happily in the clear cold water of the lake. Later, they got in the boat and went out fishing. Mandy watched as Buddy cast his line into the water. By the end of an hour, he had caught three nice sized trout. That night, they cooked the freshly caught fish on the barbeque grill. It was another wonderful memory that Mandy treasured in her mind.

  After dinner, they went to the recreation center and played pool and visited with other campers. Before heading back to their cabin, they finished each night with a slow dance under the stars. Too quickly, the week flew by. Reluctantly, they packed their suitcases, tidied up the cabin, and prepared to leave. They loaded the suitcases in the back of the truck and drove to the main parking lot. Mandy headed over to the boat ramp to return the last of the fishing equipment she had borrowed for their fishing trip.

  Buddy went into the office area. Jenny said, “Are you ready to leave now?”

  Buddy shook his head and said, “This has been a wonderful place to stay. Everyone here has been so nice to us. We’ll never forget our stay here. We are hoping to come back again, maybe in the winter.”

  “Just let us know when. You and Mandy are welcome back anytime,” Jenny said.

  Buddy pulled his wallet and the cabin key out of his pants pocket. “I guess this makes it official. Now, if you’ll give me the bill, I’ll pay you for everything,” Buddy said.

  “There is no bill to pay. Mandy paid in advance for everything when she checked in. All I need is the cabin key, and you’re all set to go,” Jenny said with a smile. “Have a safe trip home.”

  Buddy put his wallet back in his pocket and walked slowly back to the truck. A dark shadow crossed over his face. His smile disappeared, and he took a deep breath to calm himself down before he got back to the truck. He bowed his head and asked God to help him control his temper. By the time Buddy reached his truck, he was feeling calmer, but he was still annoyed.

  Mandy was already seated in the truck when he walked up. He opened his door, slid inside, and started the engine. Slowly he guided the truck down the campground road and turned onto the highway. Soon they began dropping out of the dense evergreen forests. Mandy laid her head on his shoulder and gently kissed his cheek.

  “What a wonderful honeymoon!” Mandy sighed. “I enjoyed every minute of it.” When Buddy didn’t respond to her comment, Ma
ndy opened her eyes and looked up at Buddy’s face. She said, “You seem to be miles away. Are you all right? If you are too tired or sick, I can help you with the driving.”

  Buddy sighed and said, “Sorry. I was thinking about something else, and I guess I didn’t hear what you said.”

  “Is something bothering you, Buddy?” she asked quietly.

  “Yeah, but I don’t know how to say it,” Buddy replied.

  “Just tell me straight out. That’s the only way I’ll ever understand what you are thinking or feeling,” Mandy said

  “Mandy, why did you pay for our stay at Bear Lake Resort? The honeymoon was my gift to you. The groom always pays for the honeymoon,” Buddy explained. “I have enough money to pay for it!”

  “I’m sorry, I guess I’m just a creature of habit. I always pay for my motel room when I check in. That way I can leave any hour of the day or night without having to chase down a desk clerk. Sometimes, I decide to leave earlier than the office opens. It just seems easier to me. I didn’t think about it. I just put it on my debit card. I never thought you couldn’t pay for it,” Many explained.

  “You don’t have to do that anymore when I’m with you,” Buddy said. “When I went to return the cabin key and tried to pay, Jenny told me you had already paid it. I felt stupid and embarrassed because I didn’t know what my wife had already done. Paying for the things we need is my job, because I am the man of the house,” he explained.

  “Déjà vu!” Mandy exclaimed. “Didn’t we have this same kind of conversation when we left the Las Palmas Resort? Money, or a lack of money, must be a real sore spot for you. I’m sorry I didn’t think of that before I paid at Bear Lake. I didn’t mean to upset you again. I’m sorry. I’ll try to do better next time, but, I guess, I just don’t understand what difference it makes. Now that we are married, aren’t we pooling our money? I think we need to talk about money and finances more later, but can’t it wait a few more days? I don’t want anything to spoil any part of our honeymoon.”

  “You’re right, Honey. I’m sorry I mentioned it, but I’m just supposed to be the one who pays the bills and manages the money. I don’t understand why it bugs me so much, but it does,” Buddy admitted. “We‘ll talk about this later. Someday I want us to come back here again,” Buddy promised her with a kiss. “Now it’s time to go home and start the next part of our life together.”

  “Even though I loved our honeymoon, I have missed the ranch and seeing your family. I’ve missed the sounds of the ranch waking up, seeing the horses in the pasture, listening to the birds outside my bedroom window, and watching the sunsets with you at the coral. I have even missed the chores and the early morning rides and walking in the evenings to give treats to Buck and Thunder. It will be good getting home again, too,” Mandy sighed.

  “Remember it is now our ranch and our family. For better or for worse, you are a welcome, valued part of the Turner family. I’ve missed everyone, too, but I’m looking forward to sleeping in my big four poster bed with you! Have I told you lately that I love you, Mandy?” Buddy asked.

  “Not recently enough. I love hearing those words and the way you say my name, but I especially love hearing you say those words when your arms are around me. I never knew life could be so wonderful,” Mandy sighed.

  “Well, we are almost home now. In just a few minutes, I’m going to carry you over that threshold, Mrs. Turner. Living with you will be the most incredible adventure and joy of my life. I want you here beside me always,” Buddy said. “Maybe I should just carry you all the way up to our bed. I’d love to make love to you now, but then I always want that.”

  It was after 8:00 pm when they drove down the Turner Ranch driveway and parked beside their house. True to his promise, Buddy lifted Mandy up into his arms and carried her over the threshold. He put her down and went out to bring in their suitcases. Mandy looked around the living room. She noticed there was a bouquet of fresh flowers on the dining room table. Leaning against the vase was a note that read, “Welcome home! We put a light dinner in your refrigerator so you won’t have to worry about cooking dinner tonight. Come on over if you want to or we will see you tomorrow for breakfast. We love you. signed Mom.”

  “Look, Buddy,” Mandy said. “That was so sweet of her to do this for us.”

  Buddy nodded agreement. “What do you think? Should we go over right now or wait until morning?” he asked.

  “Whatever you decide is fine with me,” Mandy replied.

  “Let’s wait until tomorrow morning, so we can get some extra sleep before starting back to ranch work in the morning,” Buddy decided.

  They heated up their supper, ate at their little dining room table, washed the dishes, and straightened up the kitchen before going upstairs. Buddy lifted Mandy up into his arms and carried her up to their bedroom. Mandy quickly unpacked and put away their clean clothes in the dresser and closet. She gathered up the dirty clothes and put them by the washer to be washed the next day.

  “Welcome home, Mandy! We had a marvelous honeymoon trip, but now we are beginning the rest of our life together. Come to me, my wife, my lover, my dearest friend. I want to make love to you in our own bed,” Buddy whispered tenderly.

  Mandy moved eagerly to Buddy’s side. She put her arms around his neck and pressed her mouth against his. Eagerly they undressed each other. Soon, they were wrapped in a passionate embrace. Later, totally satisfied, they drifted off into a deep, peaceful sleep.

  The next morning, when the alarm went off, they got dressed and walked over to the main house. Madge and the others were already seated around the dining room table. They were welcomed back with hugs and kisses by all. They dished up steaming plates of eggs and bacon and sat down with the others.

  “Well, how was your honeymoon?” Melanie asked.

  “It was great!” Mandy answered with a happy smile.

  “We decided not to stay at the Las Palmas Resort after the first night. It was too formal and fancy for us. We ended up at a beautiful place in the mountains called the Bear Lake Resort,” Buddy explained. “It was more our style. It was so peaceful, and there were lots of fun things to do, but it was good getting home last night, too.”

  “We really missed all of you. Thanks for the dinner last night. That was so thoughtful of you, Madge. It gave us some extra time to get things put away. We are settled in now and are looking forward to getting back into the routine here on the ranch,” Mandy added.

  “Well, it’s great to have you back. I hate to have to put you right back to work so soon, but we need to move the main herd to the next section where there is more water and grass,” Robert reported. “I need to get a rough count of the herd so we can plan how many steer we should send to the next cattle auction. Then we can better see how we are doing.”

  “May I come along with you? It would feel good to ride Thunder again. Besides, I might be able to help, too,” Mandy said.

  “Of course, come along if you want to. The more hands, the lighter the load,” Robert added.

  Each morning started with the family gathering for breakfast, and the daily chores were divided up. In the evening, everyone ate supper together and discussed the day’s work. Mandy filled her days with whatever needed to be done. She enjoyed helping Melanie with the kids when she wasn’t working outside. She helped with the cleaning of the three houses. The work seemed to agree with her. She grew tanner and her body grew trimmer and stronger. Sometimes she relieved Madge and helped cook supper. She introduced some of her family’s favorite recipes. The good thing about everyone working hard on the ranch, they were usually hungry and were willing to eat whatever was put in front of them. The family especially enjoyed her Swiss steak and pan fried potatoes, sausages, and onions, her homemade chicken and dumplings, and her Asian style Polynesian beef and rice.

  As the days flew by, Mandy felt happier and more at peace than she had since her father had died. A rout
ine settled in filled with time for work, family togetherness, and love making. Each evening, Buddy and Mandy strolled together to the corral to give treats to Buck and Thunder. Afterwards, they walked home together and spent the rest of the night together in the big four poster bed.

  One day, when Mandy was running errands for Madge, she came out of the general store in town and found her car blocked in by a shiny black pickup. Sitting in the driver’s seat was the all too familiar face of Jason. He hopped out of the truck and said, “Let me help you with those bags. A sweet young thing like you shouldn’t have to do hard physical labor.”

  Mandy replied, “No, thanks, Jason. I can do this myself. I don’t need or want your help”

  “Come on, I just want us to be friendly—real friendly,” he added with a wink.

  “Don’t you get it? I am happily married to Buddy, and I don’t want anything to do with you, Jason. Just move your truck and leave me alone.”

  “All right, for now anyway, but we will meet again. Next time you may change your mind. Remember what I can give you that your broken down cowboy can’t!” Jason said as he pulled away.

  “There’s nothing you have that I want. Buddy is all I need,” she called back.

  Mandy sat in her car steaming over the way Jason had talked about Buddy. “There won’t be any next time, if I can help it,” she fumed as she drove back to the ranch.

  Once at the ranch, she dismissed Jason’s words. She helped bring in the eggs and made a fresh peach cobbler for dessert.

  A few mornings later, she rode out with Robert and Buddy to help count the cattle in one area. Robert was trying to figure out how many cattle would be ready to be sent to the auction for sale in the fall. While they were riding, Mandy saw a small steer stuck in a muddy wash. It was struggling to get out of the mire. Mandy used her lariat and lassoed it. She guided Thunder and soon had the calf pulled out of the muck. Robert and Buddy came over when they saw her ride into the wash. Gently, they saw her pull it to safety. She dismounted and quickly felt it’s legs. “It seems to be unhurt. I’m glad I saw it before it sank any deeper,” she called. She removed the lasso and released it. She remounted and herded it back toward the rest of the strays.

  “That was good roping. You’ve got a gentle touch with the calves, too,” Robert commented.

  “Thanks, I had a great teacher. My dad made sure I learned about a lot of things most little girls didn’t get to do. I think sometimes he treated me like the son he always wanted, but never had. He was tough as nails and was into martial arts, competitive shooting, law enforcement, and every job that needed to be done on a ranch. My mom died when I was four. He became my mom and dad. Since we didn’t have any family nearby, I generally was toted along with him wherever he went. I learned to ride at four and fired my first gun when I was about six. While he learned judo, I tagged along and picked up a lot of the moves. He always answered my questions, and I believe it tickled him to see me copying what he did. I probably wouldn’t have survived after he died if it weren’t for all the things he taught me. He was my father and my hero, and I still miss him a lot!” Mandy explained.

  “It seems like you remembered what he taught you very well. I wish I’d known him back then,” Robert said. “It would be a pleasure to shake his hand and thank him for all he did for you. You are such a blessing to all of us. I am amazed when I see how well you fit in our family. It is almost like we’ve known you forever.”

  Mandy blushed with pleasure at his praise for herself and her father. She rode along with him as they resumed their count.

  “Counting cattle is like trying to count flies in a huge open room. It is nearly impossible to get an accurate count, because they move around so much. It’s hard to tell whether you’ve already counted them after they move, but you can at least get a better estimate than just guessing,” Robert said.

  That night at supper, Robert said, “We need to count again. It doesn’t come close to the last one. We must have missed a group or two. We’re about 100 short from our last count.”

  Mandy remembered how careful Robert had been about sectioning off the range land. She couldn’t understand how they could have been that far off. The next week, they started to recount the cattle again to decide how many steers to get ready for the fall cattle auction.