Read A Place Where I Belong Page 9

  Chapter 9

  Once outside the church, they walked quickly over to Buddy’s truck in the parking lot. It had been cleaned and polished for the occasion. Someone had decorated it with streamers and a ‘Just Married’ sign. They climbed into the truck, waved goodbye and drove out of the church parking lot. Some of the young people climbed in their vehicles and followed them down Main Street yelling and honking their car horns to see the happy couple off on their honeymoon. When Buddy turned off Main Street, most of the cars dropped away. In a short time, they were driving alone on the road out of town.

  Mandy leaned against Buddy’s shoulder and sighed happily. “I’m so happy that everything went so well, but I’m even happier that it is all over! Where are we going now, Buddy? You said it was a surprise” Mandy asked.

  “That’s right. You’ll find out when we get there,” Buddy answered mysteriously. “If I tell you now, it won’t be a surprise.”

  “Is it a long ways from here?” Mandy asked.

  “It’s about an hour away. That’s all I’m going to tell you for now. Relax and enjoy the ride.”

  After a while, Mandy noticed that Buddy had been silent for several minutes. She glanced at him and saw a serious expression on his face.

  “Are you feeling all right, Buddy?” Mandy asked quietly. “You look like something is bothering you.”

  Buddy shook his head and tried to smile, but his smile did not ring true.

  “Remember, Buddy, we agreed to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth—even if we don’t think the other person really wants to hear it. What’s bothering you?” Mandy asked again.

  “Well, there is something on my mind. Mom let it slip that you paid for everything, even her dress and shoes, Melanie’s gown and shoes, and new outfits for Paul, Lisa, and Chris. I was just wondering if you even paid for the clothes Dad and I were wearing. Mandy, my family isn’t so poor that we need someone else to buy clothes for us. We aren’t rich like Jason’s parents, but we do all right. I don’t like accepting help, Mandy. I’m your husband. I’m the breadwinner in this family. I can pay my own way. I’ll pay you back for my family’s clothes,” Buddy said seriously.

  “Buddy, I’m sorry you are upset about this. Remember I told all of you that I wanted to pay for all the wedding expenses. I never thought you couldn’t pay for the clothes. Think about this, Buddy! Your parents have let me stay in their house for five weeks at no cost to me. They have fed me and provided everything I needed, plus they gave me love, acceptance, and peace. I didn’t buy the clothes because of ‘charity’. I bought their clothes as a gift of my thanks and appreciation for all they have done for me. I’m sorry you are upset by it, but I am not sorry I did it,” Mandy said firmly.

  Buddy heard the hurt in Mandy’s voice. Although Buddy knew he meant what he said, he wished he could erase his sharp words and bring the smile and joy back to Mandy’s face.

  “I’m sorry I spoke so harshly. I guess I’m just reacting to all the excitement and tension of the last few weeks. I have always been fiercely independent, even as a child. I wanted to earn my own way and not have to take anything from anyone. I’ve always worked hard on the ranch to pay my own way. I don’t take charity or handouts from my parents, from Melanie, or from anyone else,” he explained.

  “Buddy, everyone needs help sometimes. We can’t always be the givers of help. We feel joy and pride when we can help others, but I believe everyone needs to be able to receive and to give. Being proud and independent are both good traits in moderation. I can’t be just a ‘taker’. That would make me feel like a worthless nothing, like the way I felt in Montana.”

  “I don’t want you to ever feel like that again,” Buddy said.

  “Then, please, don’t lock me out of any parts of your life. Money handling and financial decisions are a large part of marriage. Since we are married now, it is no longer ‘your money’ or ‘my money’. It is all our money.’ Please don’t exclude me and make me feel useless. I don’t want to take over and make the decisions. I just want to be included in everything we do.” Mandy added.

  “Please, forgive me, Mandy. I have so much to learn and much to unlearn, too. Be patient with me. I need your patient love to help me understand you and us. I don’t ever want to do or say anything that makes you feel sad or hurt. Give me time to learn how to share everything—the good and the bad. Please come and sit closer to me. I want to feel you close to me, now and always.”

  Mandy slid over and put her arm around Buddy’s waist and laid her head on his shoulder.

  “Are we almost where we are going to stay tonight?” Mandy asked.

  “It is just a few minutes away now,” Buddy answered.

  Mandy watched the scenery fly by while they rode along. About twenty minutes later, they ran into more city traffic. As they approached Moonstone, Buddy slowed his truck. Finally he spotted the entrance, turned right, and pulled into the Las Palmas Resort. After driving through the adobe archway, they pulled under a large canopy area at the resort’s entrance.

  Mandy noticed two young men in uniforms standing beside the front doors. One man wore a red velvet jacket and black slacks; the other one wore a white dinner jacket and black slacks.

  Before the truck came to a complete stop, both men rushed forward. The one in white opened the door for Mandy. The one in red opened Buddy’s door and waited until he stepped out.

  “I’m Thomas, the Head Valet. If you give me your keys, I’ll park your truck in our secure indoor parking garage.” Buddy pulled their suitcases out of the cab, then handed the keys to the valet and headed over to rejoin Mandy.

  The man in the white coat introduced himself. “I am Jacques, the Bell Captain. If you give me your luggage, I’ll take them and escort you to the reception desk in the main lobby.” Jacques picked up the suitcases and led Mandy and Buddy through the plush lobby and up to a huge mahogany reception desk.

  The tall red haired woman behind the counter greeted them warmly, “Good afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Turner. We’ve been expecting you. Your room is ready for you, Mr. Turner. If you will sign our register, then Jacques will escort you to your room.”

  Mandy watched Buddy carefully sign them in as Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lee Turner. The clerk took the card and handed the room keys to Jacques. Just as Buddy finished registering, Thomas returned and handed Buddy his truck keys.

  “Please follow me, and I’ll show you to your room,” Jacques said. As they walked out of the side door of the lobby, they entered a maze of twisting pathways leading off in several directions through formal gardens with manicured lawns, large white marble statues, and animal shaped topiary shrubs. Jacques pointed out the location of the swimming pool, the poolside outdoor bar, the dressing room area, the tennis courts, and the path that lead to their eighteen hole golf course. When he approached their room, he pointed out the ice and vending machines. He explained how they could order food and beverages from room service. “If you have shoes that need polishing or clothing that needs to be pressed, just put them in the hallway outside your door at night, and they will be cleaned and delivered to your room by 7 a.m. the next morning.”

  When they reached the door to Room 113, Jacques opened the door and led them inside. He, turned on the room light, deposited their luggage on the baggage stands inside the closet, adjusted the air conditioner, and handed the room keys to Buddy.

  “If you have any questions, please dial Operator on the room phone. One of the desk clerks will take care of your needs. We hope you have a pleasant stay at Las Palmas Resort,” he recited. Then he turned and left them alone.

  Mandy looked around the room. “This room is really plush! I don’t think I’ve ever seen as much velvet and brocade material in one room before. It is so fancy!” Mandy said. “I feel like royalty, like a queen in her royal chamber. Would it ruin the royal effect if I kick off my shoes and go barefoot? My feet are aching from al
l the standing in these heels.”

  “That sounds like a wonderful idea to me,” Buddy said, “May I also get more comfortable? You know I dislike wearing suits and ties.” He pulled off his tie, shoes, and suit coat. He loosened his shirt collar and sighed, “This is so much better!”

  Mandy smiled at him. “I never got a chance to tell you how handsome you looked today at the church, but I think I prefer you in jeans and a sweater. Thanks for getting dressed up for the ceremony,” Mandy said as she watched him relax into a chair beside a small table.

  Mandy sat down at the table with him. “Why did you choose this resort for our honeymoon? Have you stayed here before?” she asked with a puzzled look at him.

  “It sounded like a perfect place to take the most beautiful woman in the world to be pampered and treated like a queen. I just want our honeymoon to be a perfect memory to last a lifetime,” Buddy answered. “Don’t you like it?”

  “It’s really beautiful and rich looking, but it seems a little too ritzy for me,” Mandy replied truthfully.

  “It isn’t my normal style either, but this is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Don’t worry, I can afford it, Mandy. We do very well with the ranch.”

  “I’m sorry, Buddy. I didn’t mean to imply that you couldn’t afford it. We’ve never really discussed money or finances. We should do that when we get home so we are on the same page. It’s just that fancy, expensive things don’t mean much to me. I’ve been relatively poor in my life and I’ve financially been well off. I’ve learned it isn’t money or expensive things that make me feel happy. It’s love of family, good friends, and being at peace with myself and others. That’s what makes me happy. It’s being in your arms that ties it all together; you’re my best friend, my love, and my husband. I love you so much, Buddy.”

  The ringing of the room phone interrupted their conversation. When Mandy answered it, a recorded voice announced. “The last seating of dinner tonight will be served in thirty minutes. Suits and ties are required for gentlemen. Ladies are to be suitably dressed, also.”

  “Don’t look now, but we need to get back into our ‘fancy’ clothes and go over for dinner now. Put on your shoes, tie, and jacket. I’d better slip into my heels and comb my hair. This will be our first ‘formal’ dinner together as husband and wife,” Mandy told Buddy.

  Buddy sighed and put on his coat, tie, and shoes while Mandy touched up her makeup and hair. They walked out of their room back through the maze of cement paths to the main building. People milled around waiting to be escorted to their tables for dinner. Everywhere Mandy looked, she saw white coated waiters and bus boys standing at attention. After the dining room doors opened, the Maître’ de called each party by name. They went forward, were met by a while coated server, and escorted to their table. When Buddy and Mandy were called, a waiter appeared at their side and led them to a table for two tucked in a small alcove.

  The table was beautifully decorated with expensive looking china and gleaming crystal stemware. A row of silverware was arranged on either side of their plates. Buddy looked down at the table, “There are enough forks on this table to take care of my whole family. Some of these things I don’t even recognize,” he said shaking his head.

  Mandy giggled and said, “Me, too. I hope no one is grading our table manners.”

  Soon, the waiters began bringing each course. The waiters hovered like vultures, swooping down to snatch dishes away almost before they were emptied. The food was tasty, but neither Mandy nor Buddy was sure what they were eating. One after another, the waiters brought different courses: appetizers, soup, salad, main entrée (some kind of seafood and pasta), cheese, raspberry torte and ice cream. The tall crystal water glasses were constantly being refilled. Wine was brought to their table during the meal, but neither one drank any. Finally a tiny cup of a thick coffee was placed on the table. Last was a tray with after dinner mints, a small bowl with warm soapy water and a small finger towel arrived with a check to be signed.

  Mandy laughed and said, “Well, I think that’s the last thing. I lost track after six dishes. The service here is not just ‘perfect,’ it is overwhelming! It is beautiful, but not a very relaxing way to enjoy a meal. If this is how royalty lives, I’m glad I’m a country girl,” she drawled in her best Texas accent.

  “I didn’t know eating one meal could take nearly two hours! Mandy, I’m so glad you’re a country girl, because this is one old cowboy who is thrilled to be married to you! Is it safe to get up and leave now? I’d hate to have to knock one of those white coated guys out of the way so we could leave.”

  Mandy laughed at the thought of Buddy blocking a waiter. “Let’s take a chance on it and get out of here. We have better things to do than sit in this room,” she added with a raised eyebrow and a slow suggestive smile.

  As they walked back to their room, Buddy laughed. “That was quite an experience, I have no idea what I just ate for dinner, but eating it here sure took a long time.”

  “I thought those two eager beaver bus boys were going to get into a fight over who was going to clear off the table next to ours. Maybe they get paid by the dish,” she giggled.

  Once back in their room, they kicked off their shoes and got comfortable again. Mandy went into the bathroom and changed into her new negligee and dressing gown. She loosened the hairpins holding her hair in place and let it fall down loosely to her shoulders. She dabbed a small splash of perfume on her body. After checking her appearance in the mirror, she smiled and hoped that Buddy would like it. “I want this night, his first time making love, to be a night he will never forget. How special it will be to share this first experience with this wonderful man I love,” Mandy whispered.

  Mandy walked out of the bathroom and slowly crossed the room to stand in front of her husband. When Buddy looked up, Mandy saw the way his eyes moved slowly over her. They started at the top of her head and moved slowly down her body taking in every curve and detail.

  “Mandy, you look amazing!. You simply take my breath away. I can’t believe that you are really here with me like this. I am the most blessed man in the world. I have wanted to touch you and feel you in my arms since I first saw you. Now that you are here, I worry that you’ll be disappointed in me,” Buddy admitted.

  “Darling, Buddy, I am not worried about that at all. It isn’t special skill, experience, or tricks that makes sex between a man and woman wonderful. It is the love they share that really brings total satisfaction. I know you love me, and I love you. God brought us together for this moment and for this purpose. Come and let me love you completely,’ she begged.

  Buddy walked up to Mandy and gathered her into his embrace. She felt his hands moving slowly over her body. She leaned against him and began unbuttoning his shirt. She slid it off his shoulders. She slipped her hands inside his undershirt and slowly slid it up his chest and over his head. She let it drop to the floor. With trembling hands, she unfastened his belt and unzipped his trousers. She began pushing his trousers and shorts down until they fell in a heap on the floor with the rest of his clothes.

  Buddy kissed her parted lips. He moaned with the strength of his arousal and need. He lifted her up into his arms and carried her to the waiting marriage bed. He put her down and slipped the negligee off her body. He gasped when he saw the perfection of her naked body. Mandy ran her hands over his body feeling the strength of his muscular chest and arms. She leaned against him and tenderly began kissing his chest. Buddy lowered her onto the bed and climbed in beside her. His eyes drank in the sight of her. His hands began moving gently, but possessively, over her body, caressing and kissing her. Buddy felt his body throbbing with his long delayed desire. He gently slid his hand between her legs, edging them apart. Mandy moaned with desire as she felt his hand moving into her body. He lowered his body over hers. Mandy reached down and stroked him, feeling his body shudder at her touch. She gently guided him into her. An
explosion of excitement united them. He began moving instinctively in the exquisite, passionate dance of love. He kissed her hungrily while he thrust deeper and deeper. His breathing came in gasps of pleasure and delight. She felt the moment when his body shuddered as he reached the climax and poured himself into her. He sank down on Mandy’s body, exhilarated and exhausted at the same time. He lay on her enjoying the feel of their bodies’ union.

  Buddy kissed her tenderly and held her close. “Now I know what it means becoming one flesh. Mandy, I’ve never felt anything like this in my life. I never knew it would feel this amazing,” he whispered between kisses.

  Mandy moaned sadly when she felt him slip outside of her, “You have nothing to worry about, my love. You were amazing. I have never felt so loved and fulfilled. Was it worth the long wait, Buddy?” she whispered into his ear.

  “It was incredible! I may never let you go, my precious love,” he sighed.

  “I’m not going anywhere! We are truly ‘one flesh’ now, joined in marriage. I have never felt happier or more loved than I do right now in your arms. I want to explore your body, kiss you, and memorize every delightful inch of you! I could explore it for a hundred years and still ask for more time to love you,” Mandy whispered while placing light butterfly kisses on his neck and shoulders.

  Buddy rolled off her and lay totally satisfied beside her. Mandy quickly slid out of the bed went to the bathroom and returned with a warm wash cloth. Tenderly, she cleaned him off and kneeled beside his feet. She gently began massaging his feet. She moved up to his ankles and calves and stroked him, gently touching him and kissing him where her hands had just massaged. She moved up to his knees and thighs and repeated the loving massage. She continued moving up to his stomach, chest, shoulders and face. She kissed his face, his lips, his eyes, and his neck. He sighed with pleasure at her gentle, loving touch. She stroked his hair and ran her fingers through it.

  Buddy,” she purred. “I can’t get enough of your body. You are so much more than I dreamed anyone could be. I love you. Will you let me finish the one area I skipped?”

  “You can do whatever you want to me, Mandy. Your touch feels amazing,” he sighed.

  Mandy moved down and began touching and kissing his body. She moved her hand slowly until she touched the source of his manhood. When her hand brushed it, she felt it move at her touch. With great tenderness, she satisfied his desire again. Mandy heard Buddy making soft moaning sounds as she continued loving him. With a final cry of pleasure, he pulled her close and kissed her again.

  “Mandy, you have bewitched me. That was beyond words! It was fantastic. I never knew that was possible. Thank you. Being with you is so much more wonderful than I ever imagined. I love you,” Buddy sighed happily.

  Buddy rolled over on his side and drew Mandy into his arms. He touched her body and kissed her tenderly. Mandy lay encircled by his arms. She felt safe, secure, and loved. She heard Buddy’s breathing slow and deepen. Mandy looked at his face and saw he was sleeping. She lay still contentedly listening to him breathe as she fell asleep in his embrace.

  Always an early riser, Buddy woke up before Mandy. He felt her warm body cradled in his arms. He looked over and saw her face lying on the pillow beside him. When he looked at her sleeping body touching his skin, he felt an all-consuming love for her.

  He bowed his head and thanked God, “Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for bringing Mandy into my life and for allowing me to marry her. Help me to protect her, keep her safe, and love her for the rest of my life. She is all I have ever wanted in a woman. Let her find love and joy and peace and be satisfied here with me as my best friend and wife.”

  He stared at her face and was fascinated by her beauty. He thought back over his wedding night. Just the memory of how his body had come alive in her arms brought shivers of pleasure to him. He remembered how the incredible burst of pleasure, more intense than anything he had ever felt before, surged through him. He longed to kiss her and touch her now, but hesitated not wanting to disturb her sleep.

  Slowly he saw her begin stirring in his arms. Her eyelids fluttered and then gradually opened. She turned and looked into his eyes.

  “Good morning, Buddy,” she murmured. “I love you.”

  Buddy kissed her tenderly and sighed, “Good morning, sweetheart. I love you, too. Did you sleep well?”

  “Yes,” she purred. “After making love with you, I was filled with so much love and happiness, I drifted off to sleep in your arms. Last night was so wonderful! It was awesome, and you were incredible! Thank you, my love.”

  “I hope I always wake up beside you, feeling you snuggled against me,” he replied.

  “That’s what I want, too. Relax, I’m not going anywhere. You are stuck with me for life. We are definitely ‘one flesh’ now, and I have the Marriage Certificate to prove it,” she teased him.

  Buddy hugged her and drew her close against his body. “I don’t know if I will ever get my chores done. When I feel you here in my arms, all I want to do is make love to you.”

  “We have a problem then, because that’s what I want to do, too. For today, let’s forget about chores and everything else, and do what we both want to do,” she said with an inviting smile.

  A while later, feeling totally satisfied, they climbed out of bed. After a long steamy shower, they dressed in clean clothes. Hand in hand, they walked along the garden path to a small café next to the main lobby. As they ate a light breakfast, they discussed plans for their day together.

  “What do you want to do first?” Buddy asked.

  “We already did that,” she teased him. “What other activities do they have here?”

  “Their brochure listed tennis courts, swimming pools, bird watching in their formal garden, golf, and billiards,” Buddy answered.

  “Do you like playing tennis, golf or billiards?” Mandy asked.

  “No. I don’t really know how to play them. Do you”?”

  “No, I don’t play them either. Do you like swimming in a pool, Buddy?”

  “I don’t know. We always swim in a lake or stream. Paddling around in a little cement pond doesn’t seem like much fun. Besides, it really looks crowded,” Buddy answered.

  “This resort is a beautiful place, and I am glad we spent our first night together here, but it doesn’t really seem to fit us. All those people hovering around make me feel smothered and self-conscious. How long are we planning on staying here?” Mandy asked hesitantly.

  “Well, I made reservations for the week. Did you want to leave here and go someplace else?” Buddy asked.

  “I don’t want to hurt your feelings, but maybe we could find a place that fits us better like a cabin by a lake where we could be ourselves and be surrounded by natural beauty instead of these formal gardens,” Mandy suggested.

  “That sounds good to me, but are you sure you want to leave here?” Buddy asked.

  “I don’t care where I am as long as I am with you. I’d be happy in a tent. I don’t want to leave, if it would hurt your feelings, but this place is too stuffy for us”

  “Well, I certainly don’t enjoy getting dressed in a suit and tie to eat food I don’t even recognize. I say, let’s go get packed and get out of here. I want to find a place where “we belong”, as you told me the day we met.”

  “I think I know a place that would be perfect. A couple of months ago, I stayed in a beautiful place. It’s about two hours’ drive from here. It isn’t fancy, but I think you would love the area. It has forest land, a gorgeous lake with lots of room for hiking, barbequing, fishing, and boating, and friendly owners,” Mandy enthused. “I have their phone number in my cell phone. When we get to our room, I’ll call and see if they have room for us, if you want me to,” Mandy suggested.

  “That sound’s perfect. Let’s get out of here and go there,” Buddy agreed. They quickly packed their bags. While Buddy went to check out early, Mandy ca
lled and made reservations for that night and the rest of the week. Since they remembered Mandy, Jenny, the woman who owned the place, said she had the perfect cabin for them. She agreed to get it ready and stock it with basic groceries so it would be ready when they got there later that afternoon.

  As soon as Buddy returned from the office, they grabbed their suitcases and walked to the parking garage and retrieved Buddy’s truck. As they drove out of the parking garage, they waved goodbye to the parking attendant.

  “It was a nice place to visit -for one night- but I don’t want to stay there any longer than that,” Mandy giggled.

  “I agree, Mrs. Turner. Let’s find a place where we really belong,” Buddy added with a grin.