Read A Place Where I Belong Page 13

  Chapter 13

  When Mandy got out of the car, she saw Robert and Madge standing by the barn. She walked over toward them. While she walked up behind them, she overheard them talking in a very serious tone. It was already well past their normal bedtime. When they saw her approaching, they stopped talking.

  Mandy hugged them and told them that Buddy had learned he might be paralyzed and that he was really upset by it. She told them that he had been angry and thought they had not been honest with him, but that he didn’t still seem upset and angry any more. She started to leave, but stopped and asked, “Are you two all right? I haven’t seen you up this late before. You seem to be very worried. Is there something wrong? Is it news about Buddy?”

  Madge said, “Well, it’s partly about Buddy. We talked to our insurance agent, and he said our ranch’s insurance policy will only cover about $10,000 of Buddy’s medical expenses. We’ve been having financial problems for the last two years. We’re just too stubborn to give up. We thought, if we can get through this year with a good cattle sale, we might break even. Last year, we had a really bad time financially, and we took on a small second on the property and lowered our property insurance coverage. We cancelled our personal medical insurance to save money. Buddy, being so young, healthy, and stubborn, never did carry medical insurance for himself.”

  “We were just trying to think of ways to get enough money to pay for all the medical bills so we can get the best treatment for him. He’s going to need a lot of down time and extensive physical therapy to get him back on his feet. We are trying to figure out a way besides taking out a larger second mortgage on the ranch,” Robert added. “With the economy the way it is now and our financial condition, we might not be able to raise enough money even if we sell the whole ranch.”

  “Please, don’t do anything that will put the ranch in jeopardy. Let’s wait and see how it goes for a while longer. I have some ideas. I know some people who work with problems like these. Let me check this out. We may find a better solution. I’m sure we can find another way besides taking out a larger second mortgage or selling the ranch,” Mandy urged them.

  Madge hugged her close. “Thanks! We’re just talking about possibilities right now. We don’t want to do either one, but getting the best care for Buddy is our first priority. The ranch and everything else comes second to that. Everything else can be replaced, but Buddy can’t,” Madge said.

  Before heading to her house, Mandy told them that the nurse was giving Buddy stronger pain medication and that he would probably not be awake for visitors until late the next afternoon. Madge and Robert hugged her again and headed inside to go to sleep.

  Mandy got the guns out of the closet. She cleaned them and loaded them carefully. She strapped on the large pistol, and then hid the smaller gun in the bedroom closet again. She looked at the clock and rushed out to the barn. Behind the barn, she saw a tall shadowy shape moving around the corner. She froze and watched it come towards her. She put her hand on her gun and waited. Suddenly she realized it was Max. He had apparently been hiding and waiting for Robert and Madge to go inside. She walked over to him and gave him a quick hug. “Thanks for waiting for me. Anything to report?” she asked.

  “I see you’re wearing a gun. Glad to see you are being more careful. Nothing to report tonight. Neither Bill nor I saw anything suspicious, but I’m not giving up. I still think you are right. When they show up, we’ll catch them,” Max added solemnly.

  The next morning, Mandy got up and joined the others for breakfast. Since Buddy would still be asleep, Mandy decided to stay home and take care of some personal business.

  Robert was more cheerful than usual at breakfast. He said, “Mandy, thanks for getting Bill to work for us. He is a very hard worker, and he already knows how to do all of the jobs we do on the ranch. He has been a great help to me. He has told me some of the new things he’s learned in his classes. Some of them might help us save money and get better results in the future. He has a lot of energy, and I know we are going to be okay until Buddy gets well.”

  “That’s great news. I was impressed by him when I met him at the college. If he is that good, we may want to think about keeping him on after Buddy comes home. Maybe he can show us some new ways of doing things. It never hurts to keep learning,” Mandy responded.

  “If we can afford it, I’d like to keep him working here, too. You mentioned a second college student that might help. Bill is doing such a good job, I don’t think we need anyone else right now,” Robert said.

  Mandy answered, “I think you’re right, but it is nice to have other options.”

  When Mandy got ready for bed that night, she thought, “Here I go again. That’s another lie to add to the half-truths and lies on my conscience already. Have I become a compulsive, pathological liar? I should have just told Robert that I had hired Max, too; but, then, I’d have to tell him about the rustlers and Jason, too. How can I tell them I’ll pay all of Buddy’s medical bills, when they are just as proud and independent as he is? They think I don’t have any money. ‘Please God, help me find a way to help everyone and not lose their respect, love, or trust’”

  Mandy slept restlessly all night. So many fragments of memories bombarded her mind. When she awoke in the morning, Mandy still felt tired, but determined to solve at least one problem before the day was over. After breakfast and helping with the chores, Mandy hurried back to her house .

  She dialed an all-too-familiar phone number in Montana. She waited impatiently while the phone rang. When she heard Bob Wilson’s familiar voice, she relaxed and sat down. She remembered after the death of her husband and stepchildren how hard it had been to concentrate on anything. She was totally unsure what had to be done then. Her pastor recommended she should talk to Bob Wilson who was an honest, caring Christian attorney. Mandy had met with him and hired him to take care of all the legal and financial matters for her. He kept her informed and always took time to explain everything so she could understand what was happening. Besides funeral arrangements, there was the settling of the will, dealing with the insurance companies, and negotiating with the attorneys for the utility company whose driver had been found partially responsible for causing the accident. Over the months after the accident, Bob Wilson had proved to be a good attorney and a true friend. After leaving Montana, Mandy had only talked to Bob a few times. He was still working with the real estate agent who was handling the sale of the ranch, and was still trying to negotiate settlements with the utility company and the driver of the pickup truck that had hit Jerry’s overturned car. The life insurance companies were dragging their feet and trying to get out of paying off the benefits on the life insurance policies that covered Jerry and his two children. She had developed a sense of trust with Bob, and she was thankful for all of the painful, confusing details he had taken care of for her.

  “Hello, Bob. This is Mandy. I’m calling with a few questions. First, has anyone made an offer on the ranch property?” she asked.

  “Well, we did have one offer from your ex-in-laws. They offered $3,700,000, but the land is worth over four million. I can fax the details of their offer, if you are interested in considering it,” he answered.

  “Let them buy it for their offer amount. That land means more to them than it ever would to me. I know they treated me badly, but I really feel sorry for them. They lost their only son and their only grandchildren. I don’t hate them. Maybe getting the ranch land back will help them heal faster. I hope so. Just send me the papers that I need to sign. I will be glad to finally break all connections with them,” she said.

  “I’ll let them know you’ve accepted their offer. I’ll send the papers for you to sign as soon as the real estate agent gets them signed and back to me. How are you doing now? Last time we talked, you were travelling around the country. Are you still moving around, or have you found that place to belong?” he asked.

  “I’m doing fine now. I did find that perfect place to settle down. I’ve never been happier than I have since I’ve been back in my old stomping grounds. That’s partially why I called you today. I want to find out how much money I have in the bank now,” she said.

  “I just got bank statements last week, so I can give you a fairly accurate answer. All of the court cases have finally been settled. The utility company’s driver was found to be responsible, in part, for causing the accident. They agreed to settle before going to trial and pay $485,000 plus your attorney fees. Jerry’s life insurance policy and the policies on the two children have paid the full face value of $320,000 each. After taxes and legal fees, you should have a little over $1,450,000 in the bank right now. Add to that the profit from the sale of the ranch and you should have about $4,250,000 in all,” Bob reported.

  “I can’t believe it! I had no idea it would be anywhere that much!” Mandy gasped.

  “We have deposited all the money we have received so far in an interest bearing savings accounts. We’ve been investigating possible investment plans for you to consider,” he added.

  “Hold off on other investment plans for right now. There is some property here that I may want to invest in. I’m going to open a bank account here, and I want you to transfer $350,000 to my new account as soon as you get the paperwork. I’ll send you my new address, the bank account paperwork, and account numbers later this week. By the way, I got married in the middle of July. My new name is Amanda Turner. It was rather sudden, but I didn’t think I’d ever be this happy in my life. I can’t begin to thank you enough for all you’ve done to help me through this terrible mess. If, or when, I decide to invest the rest of the money, I will contact you,” Mandy added before hanging up the phone.

  Mandy sat there in stunned silence by the amount of money she learned that she had in the bank. She decided her next stop should be opening her new bank account. After finishing up a few quick chores around her house, she got into her car and drove to Ventana. She went to the post office and rented a post office box. At the bank in Ventana, she filled out the documents to open a checking and savings account. She had the bank fax the information to Bob Wilson’s office in Montana. Finally she instructed the bank and Bob Wilson’s office to send all correspondence to her new post office box address.

  It was a little after two o’clock when she pulled into the parking lot at the Regional Medical Center. She got out of the car and hurried into the main building. She asked to speak to the person in charge of medical billing. She was shown into the office of Hilda Bronson, the finance department manager. Mandy explained that her husband, Buddy Turner, was in the hospital now and that he didn’t have medical insurance. Mandy explained that she would personally be paying for all his treatment costs. She asked that all correspondence, bills, and statements be sent to her new post office box address. Mandy explained, “I don’t want anyone to know who has been paying the bills. I’m hoping you will keep this a secret. If anyone asks about the costs of treatment and amounts due, please just tell them that the account has been paid. My husband Buddy and his family are very proud people, and they don’t want ‘charity’ or help, not even from me. I don’t want them to feel obligated to pay me back,” Mandy explained. “I hope they just believe that insurance has paid for the charges. “How much is due now? Next Monday afternoon, I will bring you a check to pay for all charges he has incurred until now.”

  “This is a very unusual request, but I will make a note on the ledger sheets that, if anyone calls, they are to be told that the account has been paid,” Hilda replied.

  “Thanks so much for your understanding, Ms. Bronson. It really means a lot to me,” Mandy said before shaking her hand and leaving the office.

  When Mandy left the business office and walked to the elevator to go to Buddy’s room, she smiled to herself. “Well,” she thought,” that’s more than one thing accomplished today, but it is also more lies or half-truths to add to my list. I’m just thankful that I have the money to get the best treatment for Buddy.”

  When Mandy walked into Buddy’s room, Robert and Madge were already sitting by his bed. She walked over and kissed Buddy. Then she pulled a chair over to the opposite side of Buddy’s bed. She took his hand in hers and smiled at them. “Sorry I’m a little late; I had a couple of errands to run, and they took more time than I expected,” she apologized.

  “Don’t worry about it. We just got here a few minutes ago. Buddy was just asking about the ranch,” Madge said.

  When Mandy looked at Buddy’s face, she could see he wasn’t as cheerful as usual, but Madge kept the conversation going.

  Buddy asked, “Is Buck all right?”

  Robert answered, “He got a little scrape on his flank, probably from that bull’s crooked horn. Other than that he seems fine.”

  “Every night before going to bed, Mandy goes out and gives Buck and Thunder treats. She’s done that every night since the accident,” Madge added.

  Buddy turned his head to see Mandy better. “Thanks, Mandy. I appreciate that. The accident wasn’t Buck’s fault. Thanks for taking such good care of him for me.”

  “I’m happy to do it. When you come home and feel better, we can do it together, just like we used to do,” Mandy said.

  Buddy’s face clouded over, “If I am ever well enough to go out there again,” Buddy said gloomily.

  “Buddy, Mandy told us that Dr. Owens told you that you might not ever walk again. Don’t worry about anything he said. We are sure God will heal you. People all over this state are praying for you to get well. Don’t get discouraged. God is faithful,” Madge explained.

  “Don’t blame Mandy for not telling you about the possible bad outcome. We encouraged her to wait until we knew more. If you are angry with anyone, it should be me,” Robert said.

  “Thanks. I’m not angry or upset about that anymore. After I thought about it, I realized you were thinking about what was best for me. I’m so sorry I reacted so badly, Mandy. I was just scared that there might be even worse things you weren’t telling me about,” Buddy apologized.

  Mandy squeezed his hand and smiled down at him, “Don’t apologize. That’s all said, done, and forgiven.”

  Robert looked at his watch, stood up, and said, “We hate leaving so early, but Bill and I are planning to move the bulk of the herd in the morning. I want to get a little extra shuteye. That guy is a bundle of energy, and he sure does get things done fast. He’s a real blessing to us right now, thanks to Mandy.”

  After they left, Mandy checked Buddy’s supper tray. It had barely been touched. She stabbed the ‘beef’ or whatever it was. It was tough and looked grayish and full of gristle. He had only eaten part of the pudding and half a biscuit. The milk carton was empty. “Are you still hungry or thirsty?” she asked.

  “No, I’m not really hungry, but a sip of cold water would help wash away the taste of that stuff. I don’t know what it’s called, but if I knew its name, I’d never call for it again, if I had my choice,” he quipped.

  Mandy laughed. It was good to hear him joking around, but she hated that he wasn’t getting good tasting meals to help him build his strength. After spooning the cold water into his mouth, she got busy getting him ready for bed. She got a washrag and a small basin of warm water. First, she washed his face, his arms, and his hands. She rinsed them off and gently toweled him dry.

  Buddy watched her wistfully. “I hate having people take care of me like I’m an overgrown baby, but I love the gentle way you touch me. I miss being home with you and the rest of my family. This place is crazy! They give you a pill to help you sleep; then they wake you up a couple of times during the night to see if you are sleeping. I know I’m not a patient person, although I’m forced to be one since all I can do is lie here. I wish I could have you near me all the time. I know you spend most of your awake time here with me, and I realize all you are doing to
help Mom and Dad. The long dark nights are the hardest time for me. When I can’t sleep, I just lie here and fears about the future torture me. I know I shouldn’t burden you with this. You are already doing so much for us. I hope someday I will be able to make this up to you. I realize I can’t do anything for myself right now. I can’t even get a drink of water without your help. I can’t get along without you, Mandy. I am so grateful, so thankful, for your love and for your loving care and touch,” Buddy said seriously.

  Mandy bent over the bed and kissed him deeply. She touched his face and whispered, “I’m so thankful I can be the one to take care of you. I love you so much.” Mandy sat beside him until he fell asleep, and then she quietly snuck out to her car. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw a large black pickup truck turn onto the road behind her. She felt her jacket pocket and was relieved to feel the small revolver safely tucked inside it. Looking back, she was relieved to see the truck was being driven by an old man, and it turned right at the next corner.

  Mandy was a few minutes later than usual when she walked into Buddy’s room the next day. His lunch tray had already been delivered and was sitting on the table. The food was stone cold. “Don’t they understand that he can’t feed himself? What do people do who don’t have family to come and take care of them?” she fumed. Mandy quickly washed Buddy’s face and hands and began feeding him. It was some kind of watery looking soup, a package of crackers, and a green gelatin salad. Buddy ate without enthusiasm.

  “I’d love a piece of Mom’s pot roast and vegetables! This food is awful,” Buddy sighed.

  “Maybe I can sneak some food in tomorrow. I wish you could be eating her food, too. I’m sure you’d get stronger that way,” Mandy said. “I’m sorry I was a little late today. While I was grooming Thunder, Buck came over and rubbed against me. Buck let me brush his coat. He hasn’t been ridden since your accident, and I don’t think he’s let anyone really groom him either. I was so happy that he let me curry his coat. Robert suggested putting Buck in a larger pasture so he might get more exercise. What do you think about that?” Mandy asked.

  Buddy answered, “That sounds like a good idea, but I think he would be happier if he stayed close to Thunder. He’d probably get happier exercise chasing around after her. They seem to get along very well. I feel so helpless lying here doing nothing when all of you are working so hard. Having to lie here flat on my back in this hospital room is driving me crazy,” he griped.

  “I know that really bugs you. I have an idea. When you get home, we’ll let you do all the chores, and we’ll go on vacation. Would that make you feel better?” Mandy kidded.

  Buddy glared at her. “How can I help you or do chores when I come home crippled in a wheel chair or trapped in a bed? That’s no life for me, and it’s definitely not the life for you either. I can’t stand the thought of being a helpless burden on everyone,” he growled.

  “Only God knows our future. I still believe you will get well. Don’t give up on our dreams. All I care about right now is that you are alive and talking to me. No matter what happens, we will face it together. I want you to be well and healthy like you were when we met, but I didn’t fall in love with you because of your legs. I love you, all of you. I’d rather be with you, even the way you are right now, than to be anywhere with anyone else. Stop feeling sorry for me. I’m where I want to be, right here with you!” Mandy said.

  Five weeks after the accident, Buddy had a new set of CT scans and x-rays. Dr. Owens reported to Buddy and Mandy, “New bone appears to be forming around the damaged vertebrae. Your femur looks like it is healing perfectly. Everything has been making excellent progress. It is time to consider transferring Buddy to a convalescent hospital. He will need physical therapy, including manipulation of his legs to increase blood flow and to stretch his unused leg muscles. Being in the full body cast has undoubtedly caused his muscles to atrophy. They will need to be strengthened and stretched before we can begin trying to get Buddy up on his feet. He will still need care 24/7, but he no longer needs the level of medical treatment that he gets in the hospital. If things continue the same way, I recommend we get him moved to another facility next week.

  Buddy asked, “Do you think I will be able to walk again?”

  “It is still too early to tell. We need to see how your legs and muscles react to the physical therapy. You’ve made great progress so far. That is remarkable considering how badly your vertebrae were fractured. If you get your muscles stronger, we may see signs of spontaneous movement. That is the next thing we are hoping to see happen. I am more confident that you will have a positive outcome than I had when you first came out of the spinal surgery,” Dr. Owens admitted happily.

  Buddy seemed more relaxed after getting a more positive report from the doctor. Mandy held his hand and listened to him ask where he might be sent. Dr. Owens told them the names of three facilities in the area that would meet his needs. Mandy agreed to check into them and see which one had available space and would be best for Buddy.

  Later on, Mandy caught up with Dr. Owens and asked to speak to him privately. They went into the waiting room and sat in one corner. Mandy said, “I am wondering if there is any way that Buddy could recuperate at the ranch. I believe being around his family in familiar surrounding would be the best medicine he could have to get well. What would we need to do to take care of him at our ranch?”

  Dr. Owens said, “It would be a lot of work. He won’t be able to do anything for himself. He will need someone to take care of him around the clock. He will be able to do a little more for himself after his body cast is removed. Then he will be in a sturdy back brace. He would be able to sit up. He would be able to move his arms so he could do some things for himself. He would have to be watched carefully and monitored to make sure he doesn’t do too much and re-injure his back. He would need physical therapy at least 3 times each week, but once each day would be even better. In the beginning, a visiting nurse would need to come and check that his wounds are healing and there is no sign of infection. He would need a hospital bed, wheel chair, and other medical supplies and equipment. It would be very difficult to do the 24 hour care he would need by yourself.”

  “Between his parents, his sister, and myself, I know we could take care of his needs. He has missed his sister’s children and his Mom’s home cooking so much. I’ve talked a lot with his physical therapist, and I think she would be willing to do his therapy at home. If I can arrange for a physical therapist and a visiting nurse to come and provide services at the ranch, would you release him to our care? I know we can rent or buy the necessary hospital and medical equipment. If I can get everything arranged, could he come home by the end of this week,?” Mandy asked anxiously.

  “Yes, I would agree to home care, if you could show me that everything is in place. I am willing to let you try it. I’ve watched you and am convinced you could handle his nursing care. I know you’ve been doing most of the tasks the nurses are supposed to do. Being in more familiar surroundings might be the best thing for his recovery. Let me know how things work out,” Dr. Owens added.

  Mandy checked with Jody Watson, Buddy’s physical therapist. She was happy to get some extra money and lived fairly close to Loomis. She said she would check with her best friend who was a nurse who wanted some part-time work.

  Later that day, Mandy called and located a hospital bed, wheel chair, and the other items Dr. Owens said she needed at a hospital supply store in Ventana. They had everything she needed in stock and assured her they could deliver and set it all up before Friday. Two days later, Mandy approached Dr. Owens and showed him that she had everything arranged. He checked it out and agreed to release Buddy to her care. Once Mandy was sure everything was in place, she went to tell Buddy.

  Buddy was listening to a show on the television when Mandy walked into the room. She walked over to his bed. He turned when he saw her enter, and he turned o
ff the TV. He smiled and said, “Hi, honey, you’re early today. I’m glad you’re here. I love you, Mandy.”

  “I love you, too,” Mandy said. She walked over and kissed him gently. She wasn’t sure how to tell him that he was going to be coming home to the ranch sooner than he expected. With a sigh she said, “Buddy, I won’t be coming to visit you at the hospital next week.”

  Buddy looked at her and quickly asked, “Why won’t you be coming? Is something wrong? Are you okay?”

  Mandy smiled and said, “I’m fine. It’s just that you won’t be here. I got permission from Dr. Owens to move you to a different location. I reserved a private room for you at the Turner Ranch. I’m taking you home to our house! You’ll get your care and physical therapy at home. I got everything okayed and an ambulance will transport you home on Friday. I’m so excited to bring you home!”

  “Are you teasing me, Mandy? Am I really going home? How did you arrange that?” he asked.

  “I convinced Dr. Owens that you’d recuperate better at home than at any convalescent hospital. I’ll be your nurse. Your mom will provide the good home cooking. Madge and the kids else will keep you entertained. I’ve missed you so much! You do have to promise to obey your nurse’s orders and behave. Will you do that?” Mandy asked happily.

  “That depends on what my nurse wants me to do,” he said with a grin and a sly laugh. “Sometimes I might want to spend time alone with my wife, not my nurse.”

  “I’m sure we can find a way to take care of all your needs better at home than we can here in the hospital,” she kidded with a blush spreading over her cheeks. She bent over and kissed him joyfully. Buddy looked into her eyes and saw tears of joy. She kissed him again, and he eagerly returned her kiss. When she looked at the smile on his face, it expressed his emotions better than any words ever could.

  Before Buddy was scheduled to go to the ranch, Dr. Owens checked his most recent CT scans and his nervous system responses. He noted that Buddy’s legs muscles were slightly atrophied from his prolonged bed rest. He had not experienced any spontaneous leg movements, but he did feel some sensations of pain in a few areas of his legs and feet. The physical therapist and Dr. Owens were encouraged by that.

  Jody, his physical therapist, explained to Buddy and Mandy,” Since he has some sensations in his lower legs, it means the spinal cord was not completely severed. It may take some time and hard work to get his muscles and nerves working together again. When they do, he has a great chance of making a complete recovery.”

  Mandy was so anxious to have Buddy at home, she could barely wait until he would be surrounded by his family’s love and could eat his mom’s great home cooking. Mandy was sure seeing Paul, Lisa, and Chris would help cheer him up, too. She was positive the combination would help Buddy get well sooner.

  By Friday, everything was in place. The ambulance picked Buddy up at the hospital and drove him to the Turner Ranch. It parked in front of his house where a wooden ramp had been built to enable the gurney to be rolled into the living room where the rental hospital bed had been set up. Melanie and Mandy had re-arranged the living room furniture to make room for the bed and assorted medical supplies. Melanie brought in fresh flowers from the yard and put some new magazines on the table near the bed.

  Robert, Madge, and Melanie hurried over and joined Mandy at the back of the ambulance. Robert helped the ambulance attendants roll Buddy’s gurney into the living room. Carefully, they lifted him onto the hospital bed. They checked his vital signs to make sure he was stable, and then they left.

  Madge kissed him. “I’m so happy you are finally home,” she said.

  “It’s so good to be out of that hospital room,” he said. “I’m looking forward to some good home cooking, Mom! That plastic hospital food is enough to make or keep a patient sick.”

  “Welcome home, Buddy,” Melanie said. “Paul, Lisa, and Chris have been driving me crazy since your accident. They wanted to come and visit you in the hospital , but they were too young to see you there. Let me know when you are feeling up to having them come to visit. They have really missed their ‘favorite uncle’,” she explained.

  “I’m their only uncle,” Buddy laughed. “I’d love to see them. Maybe later today after supper, they can come and visit for a while. Right now I’m tired, and I’d like to rest for a bit. I was too excited to sleep much last night,” he admitted with a sheepish grin.

  Madge, Robert, and Melanie left a few minutes later. Mandy turned off the overhead light, pulled the curtains shut, and started to leave.

  Buddy quietly asked, “Mandy, will you stay here with me for a while?”

  “Of course, Buddy. I’ll stay as long as you want me to. I’m so happy to have you home. This house has been so empty and lonely without you here in it. I love you, and I have missed you so much!”

  “Please lie here beside me, so I can see your face while I fall asleep,” Buddy whispered. Carefully Mandy climbed up onto the hospital bed beside Buddy. She stretched her arm out and caressed his face. She leaned over and gently kissed him. She left her hand gently resting on his cheek.

  Buddy sighed happily and whispered, “I’ve missed having you beside me each night in bed. What a terrible mess I’ve made of everything. My body is bruised and broken, but my heart still aches to touch your beautiful body.”

  “I know, Buddy. I long for yours, too. Just rest for now. We are together again, and I’m not going anywhere,” Mandy promised.

  Buddy closed his eyes and fell asleep. Mandy lay beside him, happily watching him sleep, until she dozed off. After they woke up, Mandy pushed the bed over by the window so he could look outside at the pasture where Buck and Thunder were grazing.

  “When you are feeling better, we’ll do all the things we used to do together. Just rest and get well,” she said.

  “I sure hope so, Mandy. I want to get well and be able to hold you and love you the way I used to. That is something worth working for. I promise I’ll be the best patient and the hardest worker ever. I’ll do all my therapy, so I can hold you in my arms again. I want to be able to dance with you on our wedding anniversary and make love to you later that night”

  “I’ll definitely reserve that dance and many, many more dances for you, my precious husband,” she whispered and kissed him eagerly.

  At suppertime, Madge brought over a tray with two plates of piping hot chicken and dumplings. Mandy waited for it to cool a bit before she began feeding Buddy. She patiently cut it and fed him. He ate it eagerly. When it was gone, he sighed contentedly. “That was delicious!” he sighed. She brought him a small dish of ice cream and watched him gobble it up.

  Mandy cleared away the dishes and removed the tray. She had just finished washing his face when they heard a knock on the door.

  Paul, Lisa, Chris, and Melanie walked inside and asked timidly, “Is this a good time for a visit?” Melanie asked hopefully.

  Buddy called out, “Come on in! It’s a perfect time for a visit. I’ve missed you all so much!”

  Melanie cautioned, “Remember, kids, settle down and don’t bump Uncle Buddy.” The kids dashed over and stood next to his bed.

  “We made cards and pictures for you,” Paul said.

  Lisa smiled at Buddy and said, “You were gone away so long. I wanted to see you, but Mommy said I was too little.”

  Buddy said, “Melanie, lift Lisa and Chris up on the bed so I can see them and what they made better. Paul, do you want to sit on the bed, too?” Soon all three kids were settled on either side of Buddy’s bed.

  “We are sorry you got hurt. Are you OK now?” Paul asked.

  “I’m not completely well, but I feel so much better. Just getting home and getting to see you again really makes me happy. I still need to heal and learn how to walk again. How are all of you? Is there anything new?” Buddy asked.

  “Mommy says we may get a dog soon. The man down the road has seven puppies.
I hope we get to have one,” Lisa said.

  “Who’s going to feed and take care of the puppy? They need someone to give them food and water and take them for walks and clean up after them?” Buddy asked.

  “We will. We really want a dog,” Paul said.

  Melanie said, “We are still talking about it. They will be able to leave their mother in about four weeks. The kids are going to help take care of feeding the chickens this month to see if they really want a big job like taking good care of a dog. Next week we are going to go look at the puppies again, if they still want a dog.”

  “What are you holding, Paul?” Buddy asked.

  One at a time, Paul, Lisa, and Chris held up their cards and drawings so Buddy could see them. He smiled and listened to their excited words. He thanked them for their pictures and for their visit. “I really missed seeing you every day. I think you all grew bigger while I was in the hospital. Have you been minding your mom and helping grandma?” he asked.

  “Yes,” they all said. After visiting a few more minutes, Melanie gathered them up to leave. “Say goodnight to Uncle Buddy and Aunt Mandy. You were very good visiting with Uncle Buddy. Hopefully you can come and visit again soon,“ Melanie praised them. “Let’s go get ready for bed.” They all gave Buddy a kiss and said good night to him.

  After they left, Buddy said, “It’s so good to be at home! I really missed seeing those little kids. Thanks for arranging all of this for me. I’m afraid taking care of me here is going to be too much work for you.”

  “I actually think it may be easier for me to take care of you here. Besides this isn’t work for me; it’s a labor of love. It makes me feel so happy when I can do things to help you feel better. Isn’t that how you felt when I was sick with the flu and you did special things for me? Love is always give and take. That’s the way it is when you love someone,” Mandy explained.

  Later Mandy got Buddy ready for bed. It was the first time she had done all of the nurse’s tasks without having her work checked. She carefully removed his colostomy bag, thoroughly cleaned the area, dried it, and attached the new bag. She checked and replaced the dirty catheter. After she finished with those tasks, she gently cleaned his face and hands, adjusted his pillow, straightened his bedding, and turned out the lights.

  “Mandy, my sweet wife, thanks for all you do for me. I hate having to depend on anyone for anything. I have always felt so proud of my independence. Now that I’ve been helpless as a baby, I’ve learned what unselfish love is all about. I can feel deep love in your gentle touch. Whenever you touch me, I feel loved and cherished. I hope someday I can make this up to you. I know you’ve been up since early morning, and you’ve done so much for me already today. I know you need your rest, but I wonder if you can stay here with me in this bed. Since the accident, the nights being alone and totally helpless have been torture. I’ve had such awful nightmares. If you were here with me, I don’t think I’d have these terrible nightmares anymore. Of course, if you can’t get the rest you need here, I will understand. The most important thing is that you get plenty of rest,” Buddy said humbly.

  “Buddy, my precious husband, I’d love to sleep here with you. Just relax for a few minutes. I need to go outside and give treats to Buck and Thunder. Let me hurry out and do that, then I’ll come in and go to bed here with you. Just promise me, if you are in pain or need anything, please wake me up no matter what time it is,” Mandy said.

  Mandy grabbed a handful of treats and hurried down to the corral. While she was there, Max walked over to her. When she saw Max, she gave him a quick hug. “Anything to report?” she asked.

  “Nothing today, but I did have an idea. Do you ever put cattle in the field around the loading dock to graze? I got to thinking that the rustlers may be checking to see if there are any cattle close to the loading dock to gather up and steal. It would be easier, quicker, and safer for them to do it if they didn’t have to spend a lot of time rounding them up. I wonder if that’s what they’re checking on,” Max suggested thoughtfully.

  “Max, I think you may be a genius! That makes a lot of sense. Tomorrow, I’ll try to get 40-60 steers moved over to that section. If you’re right, that might be the bait we need to spring the trap.” Mandy agreed. “Thanks for being so faithful and for this idea. Hopefully, we can catch those skunks red-handed.”

  Mandy rushed back to the house. She quickly got ready for bed and hurried down to Buddy’s bed. He was still awake when Mandy climbed into the bed next to him.

  “I promise not to get fresh,” Buddy joked.

  Mandy laughed, “Well, I won’t make that promise to you,” she whispered in a sexy voice. She saw his eyes following her movement. She kissed him and tenderly caressed his face. Because of the bulky body cast, she couldn’t really get close enough to snuggle against his body, but she left her hand touching him reassuringly. In a few minutes, they drifted off to sleep.

  When Buddy awoke the next morning, Mandy was no longer beside him. She came rushing in a few minutes later carrying a tray with coffee and a delicious breakfast for two. “Good morning,” she called setting the tray down near the bed. ”How did you sleep?”

  “Great! No nightmares and no fear about the future! Just knowing you were near me, I felt safe and loved. I slept like a log. The only bad thing is that I can’t get my arms around you and hold you close,” Buddy said.

  “Just be patient. That will come in time. Don’t think you’ll always get served breakfast in bed when you are well.” Mandy cut up his food and fed him. “Your mom is so happy today. She was so sad while you were in the hospital. She made your favorite breakfast today—sausage patties, scrambled eggs, biscuits with sausage gravy and strong coffee.”

  “At this rate, I’ll get fat as a pig eating this delicious food and not getting any exercise. I wonder if they make a XXX size body cast?” Buddy kidded.

  After breakfast, Mandy returned the dishes to Madge. She told Madge how Buddy had gobbled it up and what he’d said. Madge laughed happily until tears of joy rolled down her cheeks.