Read A Place Where I Belong Page 14

  Chapter 14

  Mandy hurried outside to help with some chores. She gathered eggs from the henhouse, got fresh water and food for the two horses. She fed Buck and Thunder, took the eggs to the kitchen, and then rushed back to Buddy’s side. Mandy felt tiredness weighing her down, but she realized it wasn’t lack of sleep that was causing it. While she slept several hours, strange dreams filled with thoughts of Jason and the rustlers kept her mind in turmoil. She knew it was those worries that were sapping her strength. Mandy realized she had reached her limit. Even though she hated to do it, she knew she had to confide in someone. Her first thought would normally have been Buddy, but she knew he was buried under with worry already. Knowing about these extra problems and not being physically able to do anything to help would cause him too much frustration. She remembered Melanie telling her that her dad was a good listener and had a good head on his shoulders. “God, I know I can’t carry this load without help. Please help me make Robert understand and believe what I need to tell him,” Mandy prayed.

  When Jody came in and began working with Buddy’s physical therapy, Mandy slipped quietly outside looking for Robert. Mandy found him in the tack room repairing and cleaning the bridles and saddles. “Robert, can I talk to you for a few minutes?” she asked anxiously.

  “Sure,” he drawled. “Is something wrong? Is Buddy all right?”

  “Buddy’s having his physical therapy right now. I need to get some things off my chest. There are some things that I need to talk to you about,” Mandy said nervously.

  Robert wiped his hands clean. “Let’s go sit down on the bench behind the barn. It should be cooler out there,” he suggested.

  “I want to thank you again for the way you’ve accepted me into your family. I have been missing my dad a lot lately. In the past, whenever I had problems, I could always talk to him, and he would listen and help me figure out what to do. I feel the same way about you. Would you mind if I called you Dad sometimes? I love you like I did my own father. You and Madge have made me feel so accepted and loved,” Mandy said.

  “I’d be honored to be called Dad by a wonderful woman like you. I’m so grateful to God that you are part of our family, Mandy,” Robert answered with a strong hug.

  Mandy fought back tears and said, “There are some things I haven’t told you or Buddy about. He and Melanie assumed some things about me when we met, and I just let them believe they were true. Now, especially since he got hurt, I don’t know how to straighten it out. I feel like I’ve lied to him and all of you, but I’m too scared to tell him while he is so worried about not being able to walk.”

  “Relax, you can talk to me about anything, and I won’t tell anyone about it until you say it is okay. No matter what you tell me, I know you, trust you, and love you. Nothing can change that,” Robert said.

  “I sure hope that’s true. The only time Buddy and I have had angry words or disagreements has been about money. When he learned I had paid for everything in the wedding, including Madge and Melanie’s’ clothes, he seemed insulted and angry. He said that he had enough money to take care of those things. Then when we went to Bear Lake Resort, the same thing came between us. When I checked in, I prepaid our lodging bill. That’s the way I always did it when I travelled. I didn’t think anything about it, but he was furious when he found out I had already paid for everything. He kept saying that he was the breadwinner, the man in the family, and he could take care of us. I didn’t mean to upset or hurt him. It seemed like such a small thing to me, but it was a big deal to him,” Mandy explained.

  “I can almost hear him say that. I think I can explain where that attitude came from,” Robert said.

  “When I first met Buddy, he saw I was driving an old clunker. The back seat and trunk were stuffed full of clothes and other belongings. I had been travelling a few months, and didn’t have any other place to store the things I wanted to keep. I think he figured I was a poor, homeless person. From the way they brought me here to your ranch, I think he and Melanie assumed I was down on my luck. Like a stray kitten, they brought me home with them. I was so touched by their caring and by the way you all welcomed me, a complete stranger, that I didn’t correct him. In a strange way, I was glad they thought that. When Buddy talked about loving me and wanting to marry me, I knew he loved me just for me,” she added softly.

  “Mandy, part of that probably came from how he grew up. Madge and I lived with my parents after we got married. Melanie’s house is the one Madge and I built next to my folks. We were very happy together, especially after Buddy and Melanie were born. We were poor as church mice, but we were always rich in love. Thanks to my mom’s and Madge’s green thumbs, we always had fresh fruit and vegetables to eat. Any leftover produce was canned or made into jelly. When we ran short of meat, we would butcher a steer. We lived well, but we never had money for the extra things that a lot of the other kids in school had. Madge is a genius at cutting down and remaking clothes for them. It is just wearing hand-me-downs and re-cycled clothes most of their life made him feel less than his friends. He never complained about it in words, but I remember seeing his face darken when other kids had new clothes, fancy shoes, or toys. He hated feeling like a charity case when people gave us their used clothes. It drove him to go out as young as he could to find extra work to earn his own spending money,” Robert recounted.

  “I can sure identify with that feeling,” Mandy agreed. “I never had many ‘store-bought things’ growing up. It was a lot worse after my mom died. She did the same kind of things for me that Madge did for him. After she died, my dad became both a mom and dad to me. He tried to take care of me and run the ranch without her loving help. It was just too much, for him, but he wouldn’t take ‘charity’ either. He worked for a few years as a part time deputy to try to keep the ranch going. In the end, he couldn’t make the payments on the mortgage, and he lost the ranch. After that, we moved and he worked for other ranchers. He was a great dad, but he lost that pride of owning his own land. I know where Buddy got that fierce desire to be independent. I have that desire, too, but I learned that everyone needs help sometimes. It is much easier on my pride to be the ‘giver’, but I also learned being the ‘receiver’ allows someone else to have the blessing of being the ’giver’. After I got into a terrible situation in Montana and things got unbearable, I had to admit I couldn’t survive without help,” Mandy said.

  “How did you two finally settle the money issue?” Robert asked.

  “That’s part of the problem now. We never really did. We never got around to settling it. While living on the ranch, it didn’t seem important any more. I just don’t know how to straighten it out now with Buddy hurt and unable to support us. My problem right now wouldn’t be a problem for most people. Because of Buddy’s attitude about money and being independent, it’s a big problem for me. The truth is, after my husband and stepchildren were killed in an auto accident, I received four very large insurance settlements. I have more money right now than I can count. I’m afraid it will intimidate Buddy to find out I’m rich and can support us,” Mandy admitted.

  “Why were you driving that old car and carrying your stuff with you?” Robert asked.

  “I didn’t have a lot of money when I left Montana. I sold off most of the things I owned up there. All I had was just what I got from selling our furniture and other personal property. I bought that old car after a mechanic checked it out, because I thought I’d be safer if I kept a low profile. A single woman in a fancy new car might draw the wrong kind of attention. I was so lost and hurting then, I needed to get away from everything in Montana, but I didn’t know where I wanted to settle down, so I loaded all the ‘stuff’ I needed in my car. I didn’t want to leave things in storage there. I just wanted to leave there forever. My goal was to blend in and not be bothered,” Mandy explained.

  “That must have been a terrible time for you. I can’t imagine fe
eling so hurt, lost, and alone starting out without any plans,” Robert said pulling her into his arms.

  “Thanks, Dad. I was a mess when I left there, but God was always with me. I could feel his protection. A lot of the journey is a blur to me. I believe he led me here to the Turner Ranch to Buddy and all of you. I have never felt so loved as I have since I came here hurt and confused. Thanks for everything you have done for me. There is still something else I still need to tell you about. Another thing I haven’t told anyone for the same reason is that I have arranged to completely pay off all of Buddy’s medical and hospital bills. Each time a bill comes to my ‘secret’ post office box, I send them a payment. That is also how I hired two college students to help out on the ranch. They are getting college job experience credits, but I am also paying them for their time.”

  “You hired two ranch hands?” he asked.

  “Yes, that’s another thing I need to set straight. Before I go any farther, Bill, the ranch hand you know, works in the morning with you. Max, the other student, has been working for me every night on the ranch. I discovered, after Buddy’s accident, that you have been losing cattle to rustlers for probably the last year or two. When I was out riding alone a couple of hours after midnight just after Buddy was taken to the hospital, I found truck tire tracks and other evidence that someone had come onto your ranch and used your own loading dock to steal your cattle. Sheriff Larson, an old friend of my father’s, came out, looked at the evidence and agreed that things didn’t look right. I hired Max to stay out near the loading dock at night and watch for the rustlers to return. As of now, we know how it is being done, and I have a good idea of who is involved.”

  “Who do you think is stealing our cattle?” Robert asked.

  “It’s a rotten bully named Jason Burton, but I can’t prove it yet. He’s been coming around the loading dock area and scoping out the land during the day and often at night. Yesterday Max came up with a good idea. He suggested moving about 60 head of cattle over to the field near the loading dock. That may be what they keep checking for. It would make it much easier to steal the cattle if they were closer to the loading dock. Would you consider moving some over there and bait the trap? When they show up at the loading dock, I have a plan with the sheriff for how to catch the rustlers. We’re just waiting for Max to give the signal when the cattle truck arrives. Then I call Sheriff Larson, and he and his deputies will came and catch them red-handed,” Mandy explained.

  “How in the dickens did you figure this out? I didn’t even think of that possibility? I never thought of rustlers, not even after our count was short. I just figured I’d counted wrong. If I were going to steal cattle, I’d want to be able to do it quickly and then get away before anyone knew it had been done. Moving cattle closer would make a lot of sense. That sounds like a good idea. Bill and I will move some cattle over there tomorrow morning. Hopefully that will bring them out in the open, and we can spring the trap. I am amazed that you’ve been able to handle all of this on your own.”

  “Sometimes I’ve wondered if I have handled things that well. I have hated keeping secrets, but I wanted to wait until there was proof. I just realized that I needed help. I hope you can understand why I didn’t tell you sooner,” Mandy apologized.

  Robert said, “Mandy, with all the stress of Buddy’s illness and spending so much time taking care of him, how have you managed to carry all these things on your shoulders? Why didn’t you tell me this sooner?”

  “I knew you were already worried about Buddy, and I figured you probably felt the same about ‘charity’ as Buddy did. I want to be the one to tell Buddy about my money (actually our money since this is a community property state) after he is well. I don’t want anything to upset him and possibly keep him from making a full recovery. I hate all these secrets, but I’m honestly trying to do what I thought was best for everyone,” Mandy said breaking down in tears.

  Robert put his arms around her and held her until she was quiet again. “What else have you been burdened with? I want you to trust me with everything. We are family now, and we always stick together. Remember, a burden shared is never as heavy as one carried alone,’ so tell me more about this guy who’s been snooping around.”

  “That’s another burden, or rather a fear, that’s really been weighing me down. When I first came here, Buddy and I went out to eat dinner. We ran into a guy I used to know in high school. I don’t think he recognized me or ever figured out that I knew him back then, but he and Buddy don’t get along very well. He came over while we were eating, made some rude comments, and started flirting with me. Buddy was getting angry. Basically, I told this creep to go away and leave us alone, that Buddy was more of a man than he would ever be. He did leave, but I could see he was steaming. Since then, he has cornered me a couple of times and made lewd comments. The last time, he snuck up on me when I was alone in the western section fixing a broken fence wire. He grabbed me and tried to rape me. Luckily my dad taught me some effective defense moves, and I was able to get away from him with just a couple of bruises. He swore he’d get even with Buddy and me, and he insinuated that we would end up losing the ranch. Max and I have both seen him in his pickup truck looking around over near your loading dock. I feel sure he is in on the rustling. I sure hope he is! I’ll feel safer if he gets locked up for a long time. Since he physically attacked me, I don‘t go anywhere without a loaded gun. I got the necessary permits so I can legally carry one, but I felt guilty keeping that from you, too. If he tries to touch me again, I’ll make sure he won’t ever be able to try it another time,” Mandy said seriously.

  “Mandy, if I could get my hands on him, I’d shoot him myself!” Robert swore. “Is he related to Bill Burton, owner of Triple B Ranch?”

  “Yes, that’s his dad, but don’t say anything yet. We don’t want anyone to know we are suspicious or aware of anything. I am hoping, in the very near future, Sheriff Larson will catch him, and he’ll be locked up for a long, long time. I don’t want to kill him or anyone else. I just want to keep him from hurting me or anyone else. Let the law and God take care of vengeance.”

  “What can I do to help you?” Robert asked.

  “You’ve helped me a lot already. I was afraid you might not believe me. It is such a wild assortment of problems. I feel guilty for keeping so many secrets from all of you, but I didn’t want you or Buddy worrying about anything more than you already knew about. I just couldn’t hold it all in. I felt like I was going to explode,” Mandy said. “When Max calls that the rustlers are at the loading dock, do you want me to call you so you can go out with me to meet the sheriff?”

  “You’d better believe it! You’ve really been carrying a load of worries on your shoulders. It’s about time you confided in me and let me share some of the load. I won’t tell anyone about this until you have the opportunity to talk to Buddy You should do it as soon as he is well—if not before. You don’t have anything to worry about! Buddy loves you, and nothing can destroy that,” Robert said.

  “I sure hope you’re right about that. Each time I’ve talked to my attorney in Montana, the problem gets bigger. I just learned that the settlement money has been earning interest. Now I have a little more money every month. I don’t want to hurt Buddy’s pride or feeling of being the ‘breadwinner.’ I love him and all of you. I love this wonderful old ranch. It is so full of your family’s history. I’d like to invest some of my money in this ranch, if you’d let me. We could get more modern equipment, expand the herd, hire more help, and have money to pay off our bills and mortgages,” Mandy suggested.

  “That is too much for me to take in all at once. Let me think about it. I don’t usually keep any secrets from Madge, but I will keep this in confidence. Of course, I won’t make any decisions without talking it over with Buddy, Melanie, and Madge,” Robert promised.

  “That’s how I want it to be with Buddy and me. I don’t want to ma
ke the decisions, I just want to be included in making them. I want us to talk things over. Buddy is the leader, the head of our family. I trust him and his judgment completely. I love him so much, Dad. All I want is to be his wife, his helpmate, and his friend. I just hope Buddy can forgive me for keeping all these things from him. Will he be able to trust me after he hears about all this mess?” she cried.

  Robert put his arms around Mandy’s shoulder and hugged her. “Nothing can ever keep him from loving you, Mandy.” Together they walked back into the barn. Mandy hurried back to watch Buddy finish doing his therapy. The therapist was helping him slowly manipulate his legs. She showed Mandy what to help him with before his next session. Afterwards, Mandy gave him a quick sponge bath to help relax his tired muscles.

  Mandy felt like a giant weight had been lifted off her shoulders after confiding in Robert. The days at home were always busy for Mandy. When the visiting nurse arrived to check Buddy out, Mandy stayed close and observed all she did. She checked for obvious signs of infection. Because Mandy was so careful and cleaned Buddy so thoroughly, no infection was ever found. Although Jody only came three days a week, Buddy did his physical therapy exercises each day. Mandy helped him do his exercises each day when he needed help. Buddy pushed himself to always do more than the required number of repetitions. His muscles began filling out, and each day he seemed a little stronger.

  On the next Tuesday, the ambulance arrived in the morning to take Buddy in for a CT scan and x-rays. Afterwards, Mandy and Buddy waited together for the results. Finally Dr. Owens walked into the room. He was smiling. “Your femur is completely stable and your hip is in the socket just where it belongs. It looks like the bones in your lower spine have stabilized and are healing nicely. Everything looks good. We need to keep you here overnight, so we can now reverse your colostomy and reattach your colon. We will also remove your catheter, and we can get you out of that body cast. We will measure and fit you for a much less restrictive back brace. You will still need to be very careful. No sharp bending, heavy lifting, no weight on your legs until your leg muscles are stronger. After this long in that body cast, your leg and torso muscles will have lost muscle tone and strength, but you will be able to sit up and use your arms. We will be better able to manipulate your legs, and you will begin gradually putting weight on them. I will write new orders for your physical therapist to begin working more on rehabilitating your torso and leg muscles”

  Before the surgery, Buddy’s body cast had to be removed. With a special saw, Dr. Owens carefully cut down each side of the body cast. Carefully, like a snake shedding its old skin, he pulled off the top section of the body cast, revealing pale white, sickly looking skin on his chest and abdomen. They turned Buddy over and removed the back section. His skin was white and wrinkled like a child who had stayed in his bath too long. After removing the layers of gauze over his spinal incision, the doctor examined the wound. It was healed and showed very little scarring.

  After that, they rolled Buddy into the operating room, administered anesthesia, and reversed the colostomy. They closed the opening, bandaged it, and removed the catheter. Afterwards he was taken to the recovery room. Mandy watched Buddy as he slowly came awake. She smiled when he opened his eyes and looked at her. She kissed him and let him go back to sleep to recover his strength. By the next morning his bowels and bladder were both functioning normally. Later that day, they fitted Buddy for a back brace. They decided to leave a gauze bandage over his colostomy repair and to put a light cover over the nearly healed spinal incision to prevent the brace from irritating it. Each night, Mandy would loosen the back brace, remove, clean, and re-bandage the colostomy area. She would re-fasten the back brace.

  When they helped Buddy sit up for a few minutes, Buddy grew pale and dizzy. They quickly adjusted the brace, and he lay back down again. Dr. Owens said, “That’s normal after all the time you were flat on your back. It will take time for your body to regain your muscle tone and strength. I’m really pleased with your progress. Just don’t over-exert or re-injure your spine.”

  When can I start trying to walk?” Buddy asked eagerly.

  “That depends entirely on how quickly you regain your muscle tone and strength. We still can’t tell if your nerves are all healthy and intact and will work in coordination with your muscles. The next thing to look for is spontaneous muscle movement. After that it is a matter of training your muscles and nerves to work together at your command,” Dr. Owens said.

  “I’ll make sure he follows your orders. We definitely don’t want any setbacks,” Mandy said. It took nearly an hour to adjust the back brace to Dr. Owens’ satisfaction.

  The nurse helped Buddy into a wheel chair. They pushed him out of the hospital building to Mandy’s car. The nurse showed Mandy how to lift Buddy up and move him into a wheelchair so she wouldn’t strain her own back. After a couple of tries, Mandy maneuvered Buddy into the front seat of her car. He winced, but didn’t make a sound. Mandy loaded the wheelchair into the trunk, got in the car, and started driving Buddy back to Turner Ranch.

  Buddy leaned back against the car seat. Gingerly he moved his arms and shoulders. He turned his head from side to side. “It sure feels strange to be sitting up again. The world really looks different from this position. I still feel as weak as a kitten, but it feels fantastic getting out of that hot, scratchy body cast. Now I can begin doing things for myself,” Buddy said happily.

  “Some things, Buddy,” Mandy reminded him.

  “I know, but now I can feed myself, get a drink of water when I am thirsty, answer the telephone, read a magazine, or write a letter. Best of all, I can hug and hold my beautiful wife,” Buddy enthused.

  “That’s wonderful, Buddy, just don’t take any chances. Now we can work on building up your strength,” Mandy said. Getting out of her car, Mandy pulled the wheelchair out of the trunk and pushed it around to Buddy’s car door.

  “You can start practicing right now by hugging me around the neck and hold on tight to my shoulders,” Mandy ordered. Buddy followed her directions, put his arms around her neck and held her tight. Mandy used her leg muscles and lifted him out of the car. She pivoted slightly and lowered him into his wheelchair. Robert rushed over and helped Mandy push Buddy up the new ramp into the living room. Once inside, Buddy grabbed the wheels and maneuvered himself around the room. He laughed and grinned from ear to ear.

  “This is wonderful,” Buddy whooped. “I can go from place to place without needing help. Do you know how fantastic this is after being flat on my back in a bed for the last s[x weeks.”

  Robert, Madge, Melanie, and Mandy scooted out of his way. They laughed and cheered him on. Finally Buddy slowed down and turned to face them. “It is so great to be home. Thanks for everything you all did to get me home and for all your help while I’ve been hurt. You don’t realize how much I missed being here on the ranch while I was in the hospital. You built a ramp and rearranged the furniture and got the things I need to use to get stronger. I don’t know how to thank you,” Buddy smiled at each one. “I think I understand how a baby feels when he begins to stand and walk by himself. If it weren’t for all of you, I don’t think I would have lived through this. I love you all,” Buddy said.

  “We are so happy to have you home. We have all missed you, too. It just didn’t seem like home without you here,” Madge said. “I am going to enjoy cooking for you.”

  “Well, Mom, I am going to continue to enjoy eating your cooking! Have you ever eaten hospital food? Most of all, I missed being with my family. I learned a lot about myself since the accident. I learned things can change suddenly. I never dreamed I would ever be flat on my back, unable to do even the most basic things for myself. I hated having to admit that I needed help, but the accident forced me to accept it. I learned what true unselfish love is like while Mandy took such gentle, tender care of me. I would not have survived without all that she di
d for me. I had lots of time to think, and I felt all your prayers. I don’t know how to explain it, but I felt so close to God. I had lots of time to think and learned a lot about myself. It taught me to be thankful and patient. No matter how much I wish it, I am not in charge. I had to accept help, and I learned it did not destroy me. It helped me be more grateful and to realize the most important things in life are God, family, and love. I thank God and all of you for bringing me home again. I love you all,” Buddy concluded.

  After several more welcome home hugs and kisses, Madge and Melanie went back to their houses. Robert put his hand on Buddy’s shoulder and gave it a squeeze. “Welcome home, Buddy. It is wonderful having you back home. If you need anything, just holler,” Robert added as he walked out and went back to the barn.

  Mandy smiled at Buddy and said, “We can move some of the furniture out so you can have more room to roll around.”

  “No, let’s wait on moving anything. This is fine for now. You can’t imagine how great it feels to be able to move myself around. This experience has taught me to be more thankful for things I never thought to be thankful for before. I never thought about the joy of walking or just sitting up, and drinking a glass of water when I feel thirsty, or being seeing my family every day. I’m so thankful for all the progress I’ve made, but I won’t be fully satisfied until I can stand up, walk around, ride my horse, and make love to my beautiful wife. At first I hated so much being waited on by everyone, by anyone, even you, Mandy. But I came to understand how gentle, patient, and loving you were through it all. I would not have survived without you and all you did for me. It was a painful lesson, but I learned that I had to accept help if I wanted to get well. I am so thankful that God brought you into my life. I am so happy that you fell in love with me. I love you with all my heart, and I’ll never forget how lovingly you cared for me. Please forgive me for the times when I was grouchy, irritable, and rude,” Buddy apologized with tears sparkling in his eyes.

  Mandy kneeled down by his wheelchair. “You handled this so much better than I would have. I knew how scared, worried, and frustrated you were, because I was just as terrified and worried, too. I knew you were in a lot of pain, but you rarely said anything or asked for more pain medication. The one time you lashed out in anger and frustration at me, I walked out for a while so you wouldn’t see the tears in my eyes. I wanted to be strong for you, but when you turned away from me, I felt hurt and rejected, and I ran away and left you alone. I’m sorry I failed you that first time you expressed your pain and fear. I was never angry at you; I just didn’t know what to say to you. It was so terrible seeing you in pain and not being able to take it away. I am so happy I was the one who was there to take care of you and help you whenever you needed anything. That brought joy to me.”

  Buddy moved closer to Mandy. He pulled her gently down onto his lap and hugged her tight against him. His lips sought her mouth, and he kissed her passionately. She returned his kisses with total joy and passion. She stayed in his arms and savored the feel of his body warm and so close to hers.

  “Tonight, if you’ll let me, I want to hold you in my arms and never let you go,” Buddy promised eagerly. Later that night, long after the supper dishes had been returned, and Mandy had given treats to Buck and Thunder and met with Max, Buddy kept his promise. He held her close, tenderly sheltered in his arms. Even with the back brace covering his torso, it felt like heaven being in his arms. He turned slightly towards Mandy and cradled her against his body. Mandy turned and rested her head on his shoulder. Her heart beat with joy and wonder as she heard the steady beating of his heart beneath her ear. She kissed him happily and caressed his face, shoulders, and his chest. She sighed and snuggled closer, and they fell asleep curled up together.

  In the morning, Mandy gave Buddy a quick sponge bath. She helped Buddy put on a loose fitting shirt and walking shorts over his back brace. She slipped sandals on his feet. She put her arms around him and hoisted him into his wheelchair.

  She carefully wheeled him down the ramp and onto the path leading to the corral. Buddy whistled and both horses raced over to the railing. Buck edged closer to the fence and poked his head between the rails. Buddy stroked his head. When Mandy pulled out some apple slices, Buddy laughed and handed one to Buck. Buck eagerly took the treat from his hand. Both horses kept munching until all the apple slices were gone.

  “Thanks for taking such good care of Buck and me,” Buddy added. “It feels so wonderful being outside in the sunshine. I love feeling the sun on my back and the breeze blowing through my hair. I’ve missed this so much. You have no idea how hard it was on me to lie in that hospital room day after day unable to do anything for myself. Without your visits and your loving help, I would have just shriveled up and died. I can’t explain how happy and excited I felt when you walked in every day and came over and kissed me. I lived for those times when you were near me. You were my sunshine, my refreshing life giving breeze, and all I needed to feel safe and hopeful.” They sat outside holding hands and talking quietly until lunch time.

  Robert and Bill walked over after they finished their morning chores. Robert said, “Buddy, I’d like to introduce Bill, our new ranch hand, to you. He has been a great help with the work. He’s got a lot of bright new ideas and an endless supply of energy.”

  Buddy reached out his hand and said, “It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’ve heard how helpful you have been. I really appreciate all the work you’ve been doing. It was really worrying me how Dad would manage without my help. I am so happy to hear you were helping out. Now I can concentrate on getting well and back to work.”

  Bill shook his hand and said, “I’m really enjoying working for your Dad. I think this ranch is beautiful, and the work experience credits will help me finish my graduation requirements earlier. I appreciate your hiring me to fill in until you are well.”

  Melanie joined them for a quick visit before leaving to pick up the kids at school. About an hour later, Melanie drove back in and parked her car. Paul, Lisa, and Chris raced over to show Oreo, their new tiny black and white beagle puppy, to Uncle Buddy. Paul carried the puppy over and let Uncle Buddy hold him. Although he was full of wiggles, Oreo snuggled down in Buddy’s lap and licked his hand. Buddy scratched him behind his ear, and the puppy’s hind leg began twitching. Buddy handed the puppy back to Paul, and the children began playing with the dog. Melanie gathered the kids and dog up and headed for their house.

  Mandy wheeled Buddy up the ramp and went to get supper from Madge. After eating, Mandy massaged Buddy’s shoulders and gave him a warm sponge bath. She helped him get undressed and ready for bed. She moved him from his wheelchair into his bed. She sat beside him while they watched a television show.

  Mandy excused herself and went to return the tray and supper dishes to Madge. After returning them, Robert and Mandy walked quickly over to the barn. Mandy introduced Max to Robert. Max reported that Bill had seen the black pickup near the loading dock gate earlier in the day. Mandy quickly reviewed the details of the plan, especially for Robert’s benefit. After Max got on his horse, he said, “I think they’ll be coming soon now that the cattle are by the loading dock. I sure hope we can catch them very soon.”

  “If your reasoning is right, it could be very soon. Thanks for watching out for us and for coming up with that idea. It can’t be too soon for me. I have a score to settle with them,” Robert added.

  “Just remember, Dad, we need to let the sheriff and the law catch them,” Mandy said.

  “Of course, but I hope I get a chance to knock the devil out of that one guy who hurt you,” Robert added.

  “As long as he gets caught and convicted, I’ll be satisfied,” she laughed.