Read A Place Where I Belong Page 16

  Chapter 16

  The exciting news seemed to boost Buddy’s spirits. He continued working even harder on his physical therapy exercises than before. He was determined to get well as soon as possible. Jody brought some new devices for his physical therapy exercises. She showed Buddy and Mandy how to use the different lengths of stretch bands to rebuild his weakened arm and leg muscles. Buddy worked diligently with them while Jody was there. Later on, Mandy helped him when he wanted to use them again.

  Little by little, Buddy's body filled out. His arm and leg muscles grew stronger. His chest and abdomen became firm and well defined. It was a gradual process, but each day he was able to do a little more than the day before. Based on Jody’s assessment of his progress, Dr. Owens said that Buddy could remove the back brace as long as he did not try to lift heavy objects, twist quickly, or bend sharply.

  The one thing that weighed heavily on his mind was that his legs had never moved spontaneously. The physical therapist still moved his legs manually. She encouraged him to try to concentrate and order his mind to make the muscles obey his commands. So far, he had not been able to make them move on his command. Although Buddy continued working hard, he was growing more frustrated, worried, and discouraged. Mandy kept praying for complete healing and encouraged him to just keep trying.

  One night, after an extremely strenuous exercise session, Mandy massaged Buddy's neck, shoulders, and arms. She finished by rubbing in a warm oily lotion over his upper body. “Thanks, Mandy, I love the way your touch makes me feel. It relaxes me and feels so wonderful; I hate when you stop,” Buddy said.

  “You worked so hard today, let me give your legs the same treatment. It couldn't hurt anything, and it might help you feel more relaxed,” Mandy suggested.

  “That sounds wonderful to me. If you don't mind doing it, I’d love it,” Buddy sighed.

  Mandy moved down and began with Buddy's feet. She removed his shoes and socks and washed them with warm soapy water. Next she rinsed and dried them. After that, she began massaging them with warm oil. She finally wrapped them in warm towels.

  When she moved up to his ankles and thighs, she repeated the process. She rubbed his calves, gently kneaded them until she felt the tightness relax. She moved up to his knees and thighs. She massaged his upper legs, being careful when she reached where his broken femur had been repaired. The incision had healed nicely with just a small scar.

  Mandy removed the warm towels from his feet, poured heated oil on his calves and began rubbing it into his skin. When she was massaging the warm lotion on his calves and knees, she felt a tense knot behind his knee. She put more warm oil on her hand and began applying firmer pressure where the nerve and muscle were attached to the bone. Gradually she felt it loosen. She pressed harder on the spot, and she thought she felt a slight movement. It had been so small Mandy wasn't sure if it had really moved or if she had just imagined it. She applied more heated lotion and a firmer pressure again. This time she watched carefully, and she saw his leg muscle moving. Quickly she moved to another area and began rubbing the warm lotion in with firmer pressure, concentrating on the point where the nerve and muscle met the bone. When she applied firmer pressure, she watched with growing excitement as the muscle moved in response to her touch. When she applied firm pressure to his calf again, his ankle definitely flexed. Mandy felt growing excitement, but she didn't want to get Buddy's hopes up unless she was sure it was really moving on its own. When Mandy moved her hand and massaged his inner thigh, she saw his leg move, but what caught her attention most was when she saw his penis also moved.

  “Buddy, can you feel me touching you here?” she asked as she pressed the spot again.

  ”Yes, I feel you touching me, but some sensations are stronger and feel different than the others,” he said. “Why do you ask?”

  “Wait a minute. I want you to see something,” Mandy said. Mandy got up, turned the crank on the bed, and raised the head section. She helped move Buddy up into a semi-sitting position. “I want you to see something. Watch carefully when I press here.” she said.

  When she applied firm pressure on his thigh, his leg moved again. She pressed on his ankle and his foot moved up. “Did you see that, Buddy? Your nerves work; your muscles work, too. The connections are intact. You're going to walk again. I just know you are going to get well! It may take more time and work, but you're going to get well!” Mandy cried with tears of joy running down her cheeks.

  Buddy looked down and noticed his left foot was twitching. He concentrated all his attention, ordered his foot to stop moving, and it stopped. He concentrated on his knee, willing it to flex, and slowly it began to bend. Like a little kid with a new toy, Buddy tried moving other parts of his legs.

  “I can do it, Mandy! I made them move! I'm going to recover, and it's all because of you. I just needed your special touch to awaken my body. I'm so happy, I feel like dancing! Will you dance with me?” he asked excitedly.

  “Anytime and anywhere you want me to,” Mandy laughed, “I want the first dance with you, and every dance after that one, too.”

  Buddy grabbed her and lifted her onto his lap. He pulled her close and kissed her passionately, joyfully, and gratefully. Mandy eagerly responded to his kisses. Playfully, she reached down and touched his penis. “You’re going to be able to do a lot more than just dance,” Mandy giggled. Buddy looked down with amazement when he felt and saw it moving.

  “Wow, I saw that, and I felt it, too!. I can’t wait until I can make love to you. It’s been so long since I’ve felt you that way, honey. I’ve missed it, and I have wanted you so much!” he whispered longingly.

  “You might not have to wait much longer,” Mandy whispered back. She slid off his lap, bent down, and drew him into her mouth. He gasped with pleasure and lay back feeling the amazing sensations. His body began moving in response to her touches. It seemed like his body had been asleep waiting for the magic of her loving touch. Slowly Mandy loved him with tender gentle kisses and caresses. She continued loving and kissing him until he gasped with pleasure. She felt his body shudder, and, once again, he knew the awesome feel of sexual release. Afterwards, she got up and lowered the head of the bed. She quickly undressed and snuggled next to his relaxed body. Later that night, they fell asleep in each other's arms.

  When Jody arrived for physical therapy the next afternoon, Buddy and Mandy told her that Buddy's legs had begun moving. Jody was so excited she called and reported it to Dr. Owens. He modified the physical therapy treatment to include electric stimulation. Jody brought in a TENS Unit, a small electronic device that could administer measured electric charges to targeted areas. As the voltage increased, Buddy's muscles began twitching and moving. Using the devise, Buddy began relearning how to control his muscles movements.

  “This is an amazing recovery! It’s almost like your muscles are just beginning to wake up. This proves your spinal cord is intact. We need to continue working on getting your brain to control your muscle movements. This is just like a miracle!” she enthused.

  Buddy looked at Mandy, winked and whispered, “Yeah,” he said, “it’s almost like the sleeping beauty story in reverse. I'm the sleeping prince, and you're my beautiful princess with her special magical kiss and touch.” Mandy blushed and turned away, but Buddy saw her shoulders were shaking with silent laughter.

  Later that afternoon, Mandy rolled Buddy up the new ramp into Robert and Madge's kitchen. When they shared the news about Buddy's legs moving, everyone began cheering and clapping. They hugged each other and praised and thanked God for Buddy's miraculous recovery,

  The next week, Jody brought in some new therapy equipment. Max and Bill helped move some furniture out onto the porch. They carried some large crates inside and helped assemble the new machines. First they set up a recumbent bicycle. Next they assembled a machine that looked like a treadmill with long, sturdy rails that extended along both sides.

  “The recumbent bicycle will help you strengthen your leg muscles. The faster we get your leg muscles strong enough to fully support your weight, the sooner you will be on your feet again. Dr. Owens decided to have you begin putting some weight on your legs as your muscles get stronger. The other equipment will help steady and support you when you begin to learn how to balance and walk again. Then he will start relearning how to walk normally,” Jody explained.

  “Let's get started!” Buddy said. “I'm tired of sitting around! Just tell me what to do first.”

  Jody helped Buddy get on the recumbent bicycle. She showed him how to adjust the tension.

  “In the beginning, you may have to use your hands and arms to push the legs. Hopefully, in a short time, your muscles will begin to start relearning the movement and nerve commands. As you pedal, concentrate on sending signals to your leg muscles. After some practice and repetitions, your legs will begin moving spontaneously without you having to concentrate as much. They will relearn the normal movements,” Jody explained. She strapped Buddy’s feet onto the pedals.

  Buddy started slowly pushing the legs. He learned how to do it quickly and smiled with happiness. Within two weeks Buddy had ridden the bike more than 600 miles, according to the bike’s odometer. Gradually he was able to begin moving the pedals without using his hands. His muscles were beginning to follow his nerves’ signals. He kept working harder and harder. He was determined to be walking before his wedding anniversary. He wanted to be able to walk and dance with Mandy by that time.

  Since Buddy still wasn’t able to put full weight on his legs, Mandy helped him get from his wheelchair onto the bike and then help him back into his wheelchair. Two weeks later, when Buddy wanted to ride the bike after dinner, Mandy put her arms around Buddy and got ready to move him from the wheelchair onto the bicycle seat. Buddy put his arms around her neck, and she braced herself to lift him up. He felt lighter than usual. She looked down and realized he was supporting his own weight. Smugly, he pivoted and sat down on the bike seat.

  “How long have you been able to do that?” Mandy asked.

  “Well, about a week,” he answered sheepishly.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” Mandy asked

  “Well, to be truthful, I really like feeling my arms around you and having your arms around me. I figured if you knew I could do it by myself, you’d stop holding me that way,” he admitted with a sheepish grin.

  “You old fraud! All you have to do is ask me, and I'll hold you anytime you want me to,” she scolded him.

  Within a couple of weeks, he was standing unsupported. The next step was getting his leg muscles to work together. They began using the machine with the support rails. He started with a few awkward steps. Within a week, he was easily walking back and forth. Mandy felt like she was walking on clouds. Buddy was getting his strength back. He had lost his worried expression, and good humor replaced his seriousness.

  The afternoon when Buddy walked beside Mandy to eat supper at his parent’s house was another milestone day. It seemed like each day he was growing stronger. Mandy’s prayers were filled with thanksgiving and praise. At supper that night Mandy came face-to-face with her last secret. Things had been so full of happiness for her that she had forgotten the last lie that still needed to be revealed.

  When Robert led the family prayer before the meal, he echoed the feelings of the whole Turner family. “Dear Heavenly Father, we thank you and praise you for all things that are in our lives. We especially thank you for healing Buddy and for allowing him to walk again. Thank you for this family's love for each other and thank you again for bringing Mandy into our family. Help us all to be honest and loving in everything we do. Bless this food and all who are gathered here today. In Jesus name we pray, amen.” It was a joyous occasion with lots of happy talk and delicious food.

  Mandy joined in with the others’ “amen”, but Robert's request that everyone be honest was like cold water being splashed on her. She suddenly remembered her promise to Robert that she would tell Buddy about her financial condition when he was well again. She had been so happy seeing Buddy steadily get better; she had pushed her promise out of her mind. Mandy thought, “It seems that God wants me to keep my promise to tell Buddy the whole truth now that he is well.” The thought of admitting the lies or half-truths to Buddy filled her with nervousness.

  After everyone was comfortably full, Madge asked Robert, “Have you received any bills from the hospital or the doctors for Buddy's care?”

  Robert looked startled. He shook his head and said, “No.” He looked quickly around and locked eyes with Mandy.

  “Then we have a mystery on our hands.” Madge continued, “This afternoon, I called the hospital business office to see how much we owed and to try to set up a payment plan. The clerk looked up his account. She came back and said that it had been paid in full. There's nothing left to pay. I asked her how it had been paid. She checked with her supervisor. When the supervisor came on the phone, she assured me that there was no balance on the account. She said all the bills had already been paid. I asked who paid them, but she said the ledger doesn't show who paid it, but we don't owe them anything.”

  Melanie said, “That's really weird. I know I didn't pay it. I can barely cover my monthly bills.”

  Robert said, “That is strange, but, if there is a mistake, I'm sure the truth will come out sooner or later. Until we hear anything different, let's not worry about that until we have to.”

  While they were talking, Mandy got up and quietly began clearing away the dishes. She took them into the kitchen and filled the sink with hot soapy water. She put the glasses and plates in to soak. Then she returned to the dining room table and got the rest of the dishes.

  She heard Buddy ask, “Could it be your homeowners or medical insurance that paid it?”

  “No,” Robert said, “our homeowner's policy only pays $10,000 per accident, and we cancelled our medical insurance last fall when we didn't have the cash to pay the premium. Let's just wait until they discover their mistake, if there is one, and we’ll face it then. I'm sure the truth will come out in God's time,” Robert added, glancing quickly at Mandy.

  While at the kitchen sink, Mandy remembered her promise to Robert that once Buddy was well, she would tell him the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Mandy washed and rinsed the glasses; then she began washing the dishes. She rinsed them, dried them, and put them in the cupboard. Finally she scrubbed the pots and pans “I have to come clean with Buddy now. Because of me, Robert is lying and is keeping secrets from Madge,” Mandy thought guiltily.

  When Buddy walked up behind her and put his arms around her, Mandy nearly dropped the last pan she was washing.

  “I think we’d better head home. I'm getting a little tired, and I need to rest a little while,” Buddy said.

  “Buddy, I can't believe you're actually standing here with me. It's a miracle!” Mandy said happily taking his arm. “I'm ready to go when you are.”

  “Mandy, you didn’t need to wash the dishes. I could have done them later,” Madge said.

  “That's okay. After eating that scrumptious piece of apple pie, I decided I needed to stand up for a while. Doing the dishes gave me a good excuse,” she lied. Mandy blushed when she realized that she had just told another lie.

  Holding Mandy's arm, Buddy carefully walked down the ramp. “Let's make a detour. I want to say goodnight to Buck and Thunder.” They walked together in silence. Buck and Thunder came trotting over at Buddy's whistle. They each fed apple slices to the two horses. When the treats were gone, the horses wandered off. Moonlight streamed through the trees while they watched the horses moving effortlessly through the shadows.

  Buddy sighed with contentment. He hugged Mandy and led her back to their house. Once inside the house, Buddy put his arms around Mandy and kissed her slowly. “Can we go upstairs and sleep i
n our bedroom? I've been practicing steps in my physical therapy. It seems like a lifetime ago that we slept together in our own bed,” Buddy asked shyly.

  “Lead the way, Buddy. I'll follow you anywhere,” Mandy whispered.

  After they were upstairs, Buddy sat down on the bed and pulled her down on his lap. “Do you remember before we got married, we promised to always tell each other the truth, even if the other person might not want to hear it?” Buddy asked slowly.

  “Yes, I remember that. Telling the truth about our feelings was what finally got us to admit our love for each other. The truth brought us together, and, hopefully, it will keep us together,” Mandy answered.

  “I did a lot of thinking while I was in the hospital. I realized I hadn't been totally honest with you before and even after we got married. I want to get it off my chest, so I’ll have no lies or half-truths between us,” Buddy said. Mandy held her breath waiting to hear what Buddy was talking about. “Mandy, I tried to fool you by putting on a show to make you think I was well-off. I talked like my parents and I were doing very well. I was self-conscious, because we’ve never made much money ranching. We didn't really have any money to speak of. We just had the ranch and lots of love. That was why I chose the Las Palmas Resort for our honeymoon, just to impress you. All the Turner family has ever really had is the land and the love that we share. I hope you can forgive me for trying to fool you about that,” Buddy apologized.

  Mandy breathed a sigh of relief. She gently touched his face and kissed him tenderly. “Buddy, there is nothing to forgive. Love is all that I ever really wanted or needed from you. I found everything I ever wanted and needed in your loving arms and in your wonderful family.”

  “I want us to always be honest and trust in our love to see us through everything. Is there anything you haven't told me about? I love you with all my heart, and I want us to start now with a clean slate,” Buddy said.

  Mandy looked at the floor for a moment, then she looked into his loving eyes. “Yes, Buddy, there are some things that I need to tell you. I started to tell you a long time ago, but you interrupted me, and then I just let you go on believing something that wasn't really true. After a while, I didn't know how to straighten it out.”

  “Mandy, just tell me everything. No secrets or half-truths. Don't you realize I love you so much that nothing could ever change my love for you. You saw me, loved me, and took care of me with such sweet, patient love when I was at the lowest point of my life. When I was helpless and couldn’t do anything for myself, you stood by me and loved me. I love you and trust you with all my heart. Nothing can harm our love and marriage. Trust me, darling,” Buddy begged.

  “I do trust you, and I do want you to know everything. Now that you have completely recovered, there are some things that I need to tell you about. Buddy, this goes back to when we first met. When you met me, I was traveling around in my old clunker with all my clothes and possessions in the back seat and trunk. I think you and Melanie saw that and thought I was jobless, poor, and homeless. That wasn't completely true, but I let you believe it. It was true that I didn't have a job or a permanent home, but I never was as poor as you thought,” Mandy paused.

  “Go on, Mandy. What do you mean?” Buddy asked.

  “After the accident that killed Jerry and the kids, my thinking was really messed up. I knew, no matter what, I had to get away from Jerry’s parents and the place and the bad memories. The pastor at the church I attended recommended a local Christian attorney. I went to see him, and he helped me with the funeral arrangements and all the other things that had to be done. Since Jerry and I were legally married for eight years, and he had no living children, all of his property and belongings went to me, because we lived in a community property state, just like this one. He helped arrange the sale of the furniture and household items, and since then he has handled all the other legal matters for me. I had the money from the sale of household belongings, farm equipment, and vehicles put onto a prepaid credit card. I bought an old car, packed everything I wanted to take with me in it, and just started driving. I had been travelling for nearly six months when I finally came to Carmelita.”

  “I remember you telling me you had been travelling for a while. You’re right. I did see your old car and all the stuff in it, and I thought you were homeless, lost and hurting. After talking to you and going to the cemetery with you that afternoon, I knew I wanted to take care of you,” Buddy admitted.

  “After I left the state, my attorney took care of the life insurance settlements, and the lawsuit with the utility company. Over the months since I left there and the time I have been here, he has received the insurance settlement checks and has settled the lawsuits with out of court settlements. I didn’t know until long after you were injured how much money I had. I am still living off the original money on the prepaid credit card, and I still have a lot of money left on it. That was what I used to pay for our wedding. I figured when I needed more money, I would call the attorney and see what I had. After hearing your parents talking about their money problems and worrying about how they were going to pay for your medical care, I overheard them talking about mortgaging or selling the ranch.”

  Buddy sat quietly listening to her. He squeezed Mandy’s hand and smiled encouraging her to go on. “What happened then?” he asked.

  “That was when I finally called my attorney and learned how much money I have.” Mandy explained. “When he told me how much money I had in the bank, it blew me away! By then he had settled the lawsuits and collected the insurance settlements. We had also received an offer on the ranch that I had listed for sale. I didn’t then, and I still don’t care about the money, but I was so thankful that I had enough to pay for your medical care and to help your parents. All I wanted was for you to get well and walk again. Because I remembered too well how you had reacted when I paid for the wedding costs and our stay at Bear Lake Resort, I was afraid to tell you about the money. Still, I didn’t want you or your parents worrying about the bills or money, so I arranged for all the medical and hospital bills to be paid out of the insurance settlements and I paid off the back payments on this ranch you all love so much. I love it, too. Please, don’t ask how much the medical bills were, because I don’t know exactly how much they were, and to be truthful, I don’t care. I am just so thrilled and overjoyed that I could get you the best care possible. Having you here with me now, alive and well, is more important to me than all the money in the world. Everything is paid for now, and I still have more money than I, or rather we, could spend in a lifetime,” Mandy explained.

  Buddy kissed her hand and smiled at her. Mandy continued, “Later on, all the things here began piling up on me. I was so terrified when Jason tried to rape me, but I couldn’t or wouldn’t tell you while you were already so worried and down. I finally talked to Robert and told him about the rustlers and the Sheriff and the money. Sharing those burdens with him, I felt such a sense of relief. I wanted to tell you everything, but you were still struggling and feeling so discouraged, I decided not to tell you then. I promised Robert that I would tell you as soon as you were well. Thanks to God’s miracle, you are well, and now I have told you,” Mandy confessed.

  Buddy looked deep into her eyes. “Is that all you’ve kept from me?” he asked.

  “Yes, that is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. No more secrets or lies ever between us.” Mandy promised.

  “Mandy, my sweet wife, I am so sorry you carried the weight of my injury and my family's money troubles on your beautiful shoulders. I loved you totally before the accident, and nothing can ever make me love you less. After the loving way you took care of me, I love you even more now. God blessed me with the most wonderful, loving woman to be my wife. I won't ask about the medical bills, but will you tell me how much money you're talking about?” he asked.

  “I really do have more than I can count,” she said honestly. ??
?After paying off all the medical bills, I had about $3,460,000 in the bank. Each day I just learned that it is earning interest, too, so it just keeps growing. The last time I talked to my attorney, he told me the ranch had finally been sold for $3,700,000 After paying off the old mortgage on the ranch, I had almost .$2,000,000 capital gain. That means we have almost $6,000,000 in the bank right now. I'm not sure how much taxes and other fees might come out of that, but that's still more than I can comprehend.”

  Buddy gasped and his mouth dropped open.

  “Wait, there is one other thing,” Mandy interrupted, “I asked your dad if I could invest some money in the Turner Ranch. He said he wouldn't make any decision about that without discussing it with you, Melanie, and Madge. I love you and your family, and I want to live here with you forever. I'm hoping he'll let me invest some money in the ranch. I'd love to see this ranch growing and prospering, so it will always stay in your family.”

  “This is so much to take in. I am bowled over by this,” Buddy stammered.

  “Buddy, I know you fell in love with a poor homeless woman. Can you still love me and accept me now that you know I’m rich? Actually, since this is a community property state, legally half of everything is already yours. That means we are both equally rich,” Mandy giggled.

  Buddy sat for a minute, silently taking in all the information. Finally he looked at Mandy and said, “Well, you accepted me and married me even though you learned my real name is Donald Lee Turner. I guess I can accept you and love you even if you are a millionaire. I’m sure I can love a rich woman as long as that rich woman is you, Amanda Turner,” Buddy chuckled, pulling her down on his lap and kissing her eagerly.

  Later as they snuggled together in their cozy four poster bed, Mandy said, “This feels like our wedding night—only we are in our own bed together, and I love you so much more than I did back them. I have missed you so much. I have dreamed about you holding me and making love to me for such a long time now,” she sighed.

  Buddy chuckled, “I remember that first time so well. It was amazing. This is almost like our wedding night all over again, but it's even better now. I have grown to know you, trust you, and love you even more through these long months while you took such great care of me after my accident. You showed me a love stronger than I even knew existed. Tonight I'm going to start making all your hopes and dreams come true. Come to me, Mandy, I want you and need you now,” he whispered brokenly.

  With trembling hands, he slipped her nightgown off and tossed it on the floor. He pulled her naked body against him. His mouth sought hers, and he kissed her with all the love and desire he felt. Eagerly they kissed, touched, explored, and caressed each other. Mandy moved her legs apart inviting him to come into her. He felt her growing desire for him. He moved over her and entered her waiting body. He began moving slowly, deliberately holding back while she came alive in his arms. He united with her with all the love and passion that had built up in them since his accident. They remained together until they both felt complete joy and total satisfaction. Afterwards they lay locked in the oneness and love that only a husband and wife can share. They snuggled together relaxed and totally fulfilled.

  “Thank you, Buddy, for loving me and sharing your life and family with me. Because of you, I found more than I dared to dream existed. You gave me a place to belong, a place to feel safe and loved. In your arms, I found all this and so much more here with you.” She snuggled against him and enjoyed the pleasures and deepest desires again.

  Gradually Buddy grew stronger and was back doing all his regular activities, including riding Buck and helping run the ranch. With Max and Bill still working part time on the ranch, life was much easier for everyone. As a family, the decision was made to accept Mandy’s offer to invest in the ranch. They updated and enlarged the barns and bought more cattle. Some long desired and much needed repairs were made to the houses. Each person got newer vehicles to drive. Robert and Buddy chose new pickups with four wheel drive. Melanie bought a SUV for herself and her children. Madge selected a sedan. Mandy wasn’t sure what to buy, so she decided to keep her clunker until she figured out what she wanted. Buddy and Mandy set up trust funds for each of Melanie’s children’s education.

  A couple of months later, the cattle that were ready to be sold had been separated and had been shipped off to market. The ranch was running smoothly. One day when the weather was unusually warm for a fall day, Buddy and Mandy decided to go out on a leisurely ride together. They packed a picnic lunch, saddled and mounted Buck and Thunder, and headed out early for a quiet day together. They rode slowly enjoying the early morning sunshine. The leaves on the trees were just beginning to change from green to gold and red. Mandy breathed in the fresh air and sighed happily. Buddy looked happy and relaxed as they rode along. He was still careful to avoid the danger of re-injuring his back, but he felt confident and at ease in the saddle. When Mandy looked over at him, she felt a surge of love and pride, and she smiled at him.

  “Buddy, did you hear Jason and the other two rustlers plead guilty. Jason’s father refused to try to get him out of this mess, so he is finally getting what's coming to him,” Mandy said.

  “Jason couldn't get enough time to satisfy me. I hate him for daring to touch you and trying to rape you,” Buddy spat out angrily.

  “I just thank God that he got caught and is out of our lives. Don’t hate him. It will only make you bitter and unhappy. Well, Buddy, as you know rustling in a cattle community isn't taken lightly. They each got the maximum sentence. He’ll be an old man before he gets out,” she said.

  “I’m glad you didn’t have to go through a trial and all the stress again. I’m just thankful he is out of our life. I know God says we have to forgive others, but it is easier to do that knowing he is locked away,” Buddy admitted.

  The horses picked their way across the range land. Buddy led the way up into the hilly section that had a large stand of pine and cedar trees. As they climbed up the hill, the aroma of cedar and pine filled the air. Mandy breathed deeply and realized where Buddy was taking her. She thought back to the time when she had broken down and told Buddy about her life in Montana. She was amazed at how much had happened in the months since they had first gone to Buddy’s favorite place on the ranch. They followed the stream that fed into the pooled area surrounded by the boulders where she had stood with Buddy on that special day nearly a year before when they had shared their first real kisses.

  Buddy dismounted and lifted Mandy down beside him. He tethered the horses. He kept his arms around her shoulders and walked over to the place where he had held her close and shared that first special kiss.

  “We’ve come a long ways since that amazing kiss, Mandy. I can’t begin to tell you how much I love you! I love you a hundred times more now that I did then,” Buddy said. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her again. Mandy melted into his embrace and returned his kiss. Gradually he released her and led her over to the edge of the pool.

  “I’ll never forget that special day with you, Buddy. You were so gentle and compassionate with me that day. I knew I had found someone I could trust. That was an amazing feeling for me after my experience in Montana. That may be why I broke down and told you about my past. Instead of turning away from me, you held me and comforted me. I will never forget how precious you were then, and you are even more wonderful now than then. I am so happy that God led me to your arms. I love you so much, Buddy,” Mandy confessed.

  “I love you, too, my precious wife. You have made my life complete, and I am so blessed by God to have you as my wife, my love, my joy, and my helpmate. I am so thankful for all you did to help me recover. I wanted so much to share this place with you again. Without your love and care, I don’t think I would have recovered enough to be able to come here with you again. Without you, I would have given up and died,” Buddy said.

  Mandy sat down on the rock and said quietl
y, “Come and sit here with me again. This place holds special memories for me. I can still remember the sweet tenderness and the hint of deep love and passion in our first real kiss here. I know now this is where I started falling in love with you. In some ways, it seems like years ago, but I remember it like it happened yesterday.”

  “That was about a year ago, Mandy. I am still planning on taking you out dancing next month for our first anniversary. So much has happened to us during our first year of marriage. Every day I love you more than the day before,” Buddy said. Buddy sat beside her and put his arm around her shoulders. She sighed happily and leaned back against him. Buddy touched her face and kissed her tenderly.

  “Buddy,” she began slowly, “I need to talk to you about something very important. I’m so glad you brought me here today, because I really need to tell you something, and I’m not sure how to say it. I don’t ever want to keep secrets from you again,” Mandy said softly.

  Buddy looked down at her serious expression and asked anxiously, “Mandy, is it bad news or another secret?”

  “Well, I hope you won’t think it’s bad news, but, right now, it is a secret,” she replied with a blush.

  “You can tell me anything, Mandy. Whatever it is, we can handle it together,” Buddy reassured her.

  “Yesterday while I was running errands in town, I stopped to see Dr. Jones,” Mandy said.

  “Are you sick?” Buddy interrupted her anxiously.

  “No, not really. I just need to tell you what he said,” Mandy paused, searching for the right words to say. “I don’t know how to tell you,” she stammered.

  “Mandy, just tell me. I love you. No matter what it is, we will face it together.”

  “Buddy, I’m pregnant! We’re going to have a baby in about seven months. You’re going to be a father! I’m going to have your baby!” she blurted out.

  “Are you sure?” he asked.

  “Yes, the pregnancy test yesterday confirmed it. I missed my last period, but I hadn't thought much about it. After all the years I was married to Jerry, and didn’t get pregnant, I didn't even think I could get pregnant. Of course, I didn’t want to bring children into that abusive situation. I never thought it would happen to me, but God had other plans in mind for us.”

  “Do my folks know?” he asked.

  “No, I wanted you to be the first person to know! We never talked about having a family. I wasn’t sure if you wanted children or not,” Mandy said.

  “Mandy, I love kids, and I've always wanted to have children. I didn’t talk to you about it either. I didn't know if you wanted kids, not after what happened in Montana,” Buddy admitted. “I'm just speechless and thrilled.”

  “I’ve always wanted children to love and cherish,” Mandy sighed. “I’m so happy that you want children, too. We’re going to have a baby together,” Mandy said happily.

  Mandy looked up at Buddy and said, “Remember before we got married, you asked what I wanted fixed in our house. I said I couldn’t think of anything that needed to be changed. I think it might be time to add a room to the house now. We are going to need a room for our baby.”

  “With you and all the love we have to share, I'd like a house full of kids,” he admitted. “If God continues to bless us, we might need to add more than one room. I'm so happy and excited! Having a houseful of kids sounds wonderful to me. We’ll just keep praying about it, and making love, and see what happens,” he promised.

  “Buddy, I like the way you think. Besides trying with you is so much fun. From what the doctor thinks, I probably got pregnant that night after we confessed our secrets. That was another awesome night I will never forget. You said you were going to make all my deepest dreams and desires come true, and you did! I love you so much, Buddy,” Mandy whispered softly before turning to kiss him again.

  “Remember that cabin at Bear Lake? Why don’t we go spend a couple of weeks there this winter while our house is being enlarged? I still want to snuggle with you before the fireplace. What do you think about that?” Buddy asked.

  “I think that sounds wonderful for the three of us,” she giggled. “You, me, and our baby.”

  At supper that night Buddy waited until the meal was over before he stood up and announced, “Mom and Dad, Melanie, and kids. I am very happy to tell you that the Turner Ranch is going to expand! Mandy and I are going to have a baby in about seven months. I'm finally going to be a daddy!” Buddy announced proudly.

  The grownups all praised God and hugged Mandy and Buddy. The kids laughed and hopped up and down.

  That night in bed, after Mandy kissed Buddy goodnight, she said a prayer of joyful thanksgiving.

  “Thank you, God, for all your blessings. You led me to this wonderful man who loves me. You gave me a family who accepts me and loves me. Soon I will have everything I've ever dreamed about. Thanks for the loving Christian husband you led me to, for this wonderful caring family, for this beautiful place where we can work and live together, and thank you for the baby who will soon be born to join our family. Please let our baby be healthy and give us the wisdom to raise it to honor and glorify you and our marriage. Thank you for bringing me here and for helping me find this wonderful place, this special place where I belong.”

  Book Notes

  All of the characters, situations, and plot ideas in this book are totally fictitious and are the product of the author’s imagination and are not based on any person living or dead. The story was written strictly for the purpose of entertaining the reader. Any resemblance to any real people is purely co-incidental.

  About the Author

  Mary has enjoyed writing all of her life, but has just begun sharing her stories. She has worn many different hats in her lifetime. She worked as a church secretary and proofreader in a small weekly newspaper in California while in high school and college. She taught for seven years before stopping to adopt her son. While her son was growing up, she managed a camera store for three years and then worked ten years in a municipal court system in California as a courtroom clerk. Next, she returned to teaching at a boarding school on the Navajo Indian Reservation in Kayenta, Arizona, teaching there for two years. She finished her teaching career teaching seventh and eighth grade special education students for fifteen years in Globe, Arizona. After retiring in 2005, she moved to Oracle, Arizona, to be closer to her family--her son, daughter-in-law, and her three wonderful grandchildren.

  Other books by Mary Tribbey

  Secrets or Surrender

  Fire and Ice

  Some Lips Tell Lies

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