Read A Place Where I Belong Page 15

  Chapter 15

  Buddy lay in bed wondering why Mandy had been gone so long. She didn’t need to go see Buck and Thunder, because they had given them treats in the afternoon. He tried to see out the window, but he could barely see the edge of the corral. He hated any time when Mandy wasn’t with him. Buddy sighed when he realized how much he depended on Mandy, and how important she was to him and his happiness.

  It was completely dark outside when he heard the noise of a horse near the corral. It didn’t sound like Buck or Thunder. He scooted down the bed and tried to peek out the window. All he could see were black shapes in the deep shadows near the corral. He thought he saw Mandy standing near a man. She gave him a hug. Then they disappeared into the darkness. Buddy wondered what she was doing outside in the dark and who had she hugged. He scooted back up to the head of the bed where she had left him.

  A couple of minutes later, Mandy came hurrying inside. She came over and kissed him, “I thought you got lost; you were gone so long,” Buddy said.

  “I’m sorry, Buddy. Robert and I went to the corral to check on Thunder. Your dad thought he was limping earlier today, but he seemed fine tonight. Then we visited a while. He’s been so kind and helpful to me, even more so, since your accident. I gave him a hug and kiss on the cheek before he went back to his house. He’s so happy and excited that you are home now and doing so well,” Mandy explained.

  “Sorry, honey, I know you spend most of your time with me. It is just that I miss you so much when you aren’t here with me. Have I told you lately that I love you?” Buddy asked.

  “Not in the last ten minutes,” Mandy said with a soft laugh, “but feel free to say it anytime. I love hearing it. I’m going upstairs to get ready for bed. I’m very tired tonight, so I won’t be long.” She turned and hurried upstairs and changed into a silky nightgown.

  “Are you almost ready for bed?” he called up the stairs.

  “Here I come. Was I gone too long?” she asked. Buddy watched her walk down the stairs. His heart beat faster when he caught a glimpse of her slim body through the pale blue material. Mandy climbed into the bed and snuggled up beside him. She turned and kissed him tenderly. “I’m sorry I was gone so long. Was it worth the wait?” she teased him.

  “You are always worth the wait, honey. You are so beautiful; you take my breath away,” Buddy replied. He gently caressed her face. Mandy turned and kissed him and sighed happily.

  Unable to suppress it, Mandy yawned sleepily and stretched lazily. “Today has been so wonderful with you home. I don’t know about you, but I’m really tired tonight. I would love to get some extra sleep,” she said and yawned again. “Can we talk more in the morning?”

  “Of course, honey, just close your eyes and rest. I’ll be here in the morning. Sweet dreams,” Buddy said. Mandy rolled over and curled up on her side facing away from Buddy. The last thing she remembered was the feel of Buddy’s hand gently rubbing her back. With a deep sigh, she fell asleep.

  Buddy watched her lying there, and then he drifted off to sleep. About 3 hours later, Mandy felt the vibration of her cell phone which she had tucked beside her on the bed. She quietly picked it up. Quickly she climbed out of bed and hurried up the stairs.

  “Hello,” she whispered softly.

  “Mandy, this is Max. The cattle truck is driving through the loading dock gate right now,” Max reported excitedly.

  “Great! I’ll meet you there as soon as I can. Keep watch, and be careful to stay out of sight until we get there,” Mandy whispered. She quickly called Sheriff Larson. When he answered, she said, “This is Mandy Turner. The rustlers are at the loading dock right now. I’m getting ready to head out there now. It’s time to catch those skunks.”

  Sheriff Larson said, “We’ll be there in about twenty minutes.”

  “Great! I’ll meet you there. Remember to wait for the flash to grab the crooks.” Mandy dialed Robert’s phone and waited impatiently while it rang. When he answered, she said, “Dad, the trap’s sprung. The rustlers are here, and the sheriff is on the way. I’m getting ready to go.”

  Robert said, “Wait for me at the corral. I’ll get dressed and meet you there.”

  Mandy quickly pulled on her darkest work clothes and boots. She grabbed her holster and gun and buckled it around her waist. She put her small binoculars and cell phone in her pocket and quickly tiptoed down the stairs. The living room was dark and silent as she snuck out the front door.

  Buddy was half awake, lying in bed, listening to the muffled sounds. When Mandy got out of the bed, he felt her move away. He lay in bed listening and waiting. He watched her as she quietly snuck out of the house. His mind was full of questions. He had heard snatches of her words when she was talking on the cell phone. “I’ll meet you there.” “Who could she be meeting now in the middle of the night? What’s going on?” he wondered.

  Mandy quickly saddled Thunder. Robert ran from his house to the barn. He saddled his horse and hurried to meet Mandy. From the living room window, Buddy saw Mandy hug a man. Then they mounted their horses and rode off into the darkness; then they disappeared into the blackness of the night.

  Fully wake now, Buddy used his arms to lean over and pull his wheelchair close to the bed. Carefully, he lowered himself onto the chair and pulled the blanket off his bed. He struggled to move across the crowded room to position himself by the window. Once there, he wrapped the blanket around him as he sat staring out the window at the darkness outside. When his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he saw the corral near the barn. Buck stood at the corral fence and stared off in the direction the other riders had gone.

  Robert and Mandy galloped through the dark night. The sky was filled with clouds, and there was just the sliver of moon that appeared and disappeared through the breaks in the clouds. About one eighth of a mile from Max’s vantage point, Mandy and Robert dismounted and led their horses up to his position. Robert and Mandy tethered their horses nearby and then snuck up and crouched beside Max. In the darkness of the night, they heard and saw shadowy figures riding around moving the cattle into the loading pen. One man stayed on his horse while the other two hurried to the gate and opened the chute that led up to the loading dock. Mandy could hear them shouting and urging the cattle to move along faster. Reaching into her jacket pocket, she retrieved a small pair of binoculars. She strained to see if it was Jason, but it was too dark to tell for sure. Mandy and Robert scanned the fence line leading up to the gate. A few minutes later, they saw three men outside the fence moving stealthily toward the gate. When they were about ten feet from the gate, they crouched down behind some bushes and drew their guns. Mandy pointed them out to Robert. She felt relieved that Sheriff Larson and his deputies were in place and ready to spring the trap.

  Mandy was waiting until she was sure some of their cattle had been loaded into the cattle truck. She silently signaled Max and Robert, and they all mounted their horses. She slipped the binoculars into her jacket pocket. She pulled out her cell phone. She quietly moved out of her hiding place and slowly, silently moved forward through the darkness. She raised her camera phone to her eye, aimed it at the cattle truck, and pushed the button. Suddenly a bright light flashed illuminating the corral area. The men were startled and were momentarily blinded by the light. They were anxiously searching for the light’s source. She aimed at the man on the horse, pushed the button again, and saw a second flash light up the scene. The last flash caught the two men on the ramp and loading dock, frozen in place. By the time the third flash had exploded in the dark night, Sheriff Larson and his deputies had rounded the truck and had seized the two men on the loading dock.

  Max, Robert, and Mandy saw the man on horseback spin away and spur his horse into a gallop. Max and Robert turned and rode toward him. Mandy noticed the rider had apparently seen them and changed direction and was angling away from Robert and Max. Taking that different angle, she
was afraid he would get away. Mandy rode to intersect him and force him to change direction again.. As she rode, she drew her gun and took aim at the rider. As he got closer to her, Mandy aimed her gun about three feet in front of his horse’s hooves and fired. The blast shattered the silence of the night. The bullet struck the ground in front of the horse’s front hooves and sent up a spray of dirt and rocks. The horse, spooked by the noise and flying debris, reared wildly. The man on the horse screamed as he flew off and slammed into the ground. Before he got to his feet, Robert and Max had captured him. They dragged him back to the cattle truck where Sheriff Larson and his deputies had the other two men in handcuffs. Mandy rode Thunder over to join the others at the truck.

  Before Mandy rode up, Sheriff Larson turned on the truck’s headlights so he could clearly see who had been caught in Mandy’s trap. The first man was Clayton Gill, a high school dropout and a local trouble maker. The second one, Mandy recognized, was Bradley James, the stocky guy who had been with Jason at the Branding Iron Bar. When Max and Robert drug the last rustler into the headlights, Mandy was thrilled to see Jason Burton being handcuffed.

  Jason looked up when Mandy rode up on Thunder. His mouth dropped open when he recognized her. Mandy smiled at his look of anger and fear. He was no longer the arrogant bully who had tried to rape her. Mandy still had her gun in her hand.

  Sheriff Larson said, “That was mighty fine shooting, Mandy, but why didn’t you shoot this sneaky skunk who’s been tormenting you? You could just as easily have killed him from where you were. After all he’s done to harm you and your family, no one would have blamed you.”

  “I know I could have killed him. That would have been an easier shot for me. I had him in my sights, but I’m not a cold blooded killer. For all the people he’s hurt over the years, he deserved to die, but that is not my job. That’s up to a judge and jury. Let the law take care of him. With these pictures I took as evidence, and all the witnesses here, even if his dad was a multi-millionaire or governor of the state, he can’t intimidate or buy all of us off. I just want him out of my life. Jason, I told you not to underestimate me. I told you to stay off our land and to leave me and my family alone. Remember, Jason, I let you live this time, but if there ever is a next time, I won’t aim for the ground!” Mandy said seriously.

  While they waited, the deputies retrieved the sheriff’s cars and brought them to the loading dock gate. The deputies loaded the men into their cars and prepared to take them to jail. Before the sheriff got into his car to leave, he said, “Mandy and Robert, could you be at my office about 3 pm tomorrow. We have some things to discuss.”

  Robert said, “Of course, we’ll be there. Thanks for believing Mandy and for your help in catching these guys before they stole the rest of our cattle.”

  Max, Robert, and Mandy mounted their horses and rode back across the range land to the ranch houses. They rode quietly up to the barn and went inside. Once inside, they removed the saddles and took care of the horses.

  When Buddy heard the horses ride up to the barn, he watched Mandy and two men get off their horses and hurry into the barn. He had been awake sitting there in the dark, staring out the window since Mandy had ridden away nearly three hours before. He had been going crazy worrying about her and wondering what she was doing. The thought of Mandy sneaking out to meet another man was unthinkable. He knew Mandy loved him, but what had she been doing? What was going on?” he asked himself.

  Max asked, “It’s so late and cold outside, may I leave my horse here in your barn overnight? I’ll bring my horse trailer to get him tomorrow morning?

  Robert answered, “That sounds like a great idea. There’s plenty of food and space for him anytime. I really appreciate your help in solving this mystery. Leave him here as long as you want.” Max secured his horse in a stall in the barn while Mandy led Thunder back to the corral where Buck was waiting.

  Buddy saw Mandy bring Thunder over to the corral and put him inside. Buck came trotting up and neighed greeting to Thunder. Robert and Max walked over to the corral. Mandy was so happy and excited about the success of the plan that she threw her arms around Max and gave him a big kiss on the cheek. She did the same to Robert.

  Mandy said, “Max, I owe you big time! A lot of the success of this plan is due to you. Your idea about putting the cattle by the loading dock drew them out. Without your being so faithful and observant, we would never have caught them. If you still want to work and earn job experience credits and extra money, I know we can still use you. If you want to, come in the morning about 6:30 and have breakfast with the family. If you prefer, come later in the day. We can work out hours and plans later”.

  Next Mandy hugged Robert and kissed him on the cheek again. “I feel so relieved this is all over! When I recognized Jason, I felt like shouting for joy! I’m sure it is wrong to feel so happy about someone going to jail, but I still am thankful he will be out of my life. Now that we are back home, the adrenalin has stopped flowing. My excitement has changed to relief and tiredness. You guys must be tired, too. I know I’m exhausted! Robert, I’m afraid Madge is worrying herself sick at your rushing off in the night. It’s time for all of us to go home and get some rest. Dad, sleep in late if you want. I’m sure Bill can get the important things done without your help. Thanks so much to both of you for believing in me.”

  Now that the excitement was over, Mandy’s adrenalin had rapidly worn off. She felt a wave of exhaustion sweep over her body. She quietly walked over to her house and stepped inside. She had just tiptoed partway across the living room to the stairs, when Buddy called out, “Where have you been, Mandy?” He switched on the lamp, and turned his wheelchair to look directly at her.

  “I saw you sneak out earlier and go riding off with that man. Now I see you come sneaking back in here after hugging and kissing him. Who is it, Mandy? What’s going on?” he asked brokenly.

  Mandy felt so tired and numb inside. She walked back and opened the front door. She whistled and called, “Come here.” She stood at the door until heavy boot steps echoed on the ramp. She stepped aside and Robert and Max walked inside.

  “Buddy, this man is Max, our newest ranch hand. The other man is your father. I’ve been out riding with them. These are the two men I hugged and talked with at the corral, and I admit, I did kiss them on the cheek. Thanks, guys,” she said. “Go on home. I’m sure you’re as tired as I am. I hope you can get some extra sleep. See you in the morning,” she added stifling a big yawn.

  When they left, Mandy closed the door. “I’m sorry you lost so much sleep and were worried. I didn’t mean for you to see me leave.” Mandy noticed she was still wearing her holster and gun. She quickly unloaded the gun, put it back in the holster, and put both on the dining room table. She noticed Buddy’s startled look when she pulled the gun, but she was too tired to explain anything right then.

  “Everything happened so quickly tonight, Buddy; there was no time to stop and explain anything. I couldn’t tell you anything anyway, because I was afraid you’d try to stop me or, worse yet, try to go with me and re-injure your back. I couldn’t take a chance on that happening. That’s why I snuck out. I’m sorry you lost so much sleep,” Mandy said, starting to cry. “Can you trust me until tomorrow? If I promise to explain everything in the morning, will you just let me sleep beside you tonight?” Mandy begged.

  “Mandy, you look exhausted. Just tell me this—are you all right? If you are safe and well, just come to bed and let me hold you in my arms. I was worried sick when you didn’t come back for so long,” Buddy answered.

  Mandy stumbled over to the bed. She helped move Buddy back in bed. She pulled off her shirt, boots, pants, and underwear. She climbed in beside him and snuggled against him. The sight and feel of her sweet innocence lying beside him drove all his doubts and fears away. He held and kissed her gently. She moved in his arms and returned his kisses and caresses.
She snuggled closer to him, sheltered in the safety of his embrace and fell into a deep exhausted sleep.

  When they woke up in the morning, Mandy began at the beginning and told him what had happened last night. Buddy listened mesmerized as the incredible story unfolded. She told him about her discovery of the cattle theft and her plan with the sheriff to catch them. She explained about Max and the part he had played. She dreaded telling him about Jason’s harassment and how she had barely escaped his attempt to rape her. Buddy listened to that part with horror and growing rage. He swore angrily and vowed to kill Jason. Finally, she told Buddy how the plan had worked, and how they had caught Jason and two others red-handed trying to steal their cattle. She explained her talk with Sheriff Larson and explained she was carrying a gun because of her fear of Jason. She answered Buddy’s questions and reassured him that she was safe now and could finally relax and just take care of him.

  Finally, she apologized to Buddy, “I’m sorry I kept all of this from you. I wanted to tell you all about it, but you’ve been so hurt and worried. I just didn’t want you to worry about all this stuff. I didn’t want anything to keep you from concentrating on getting well. Recently I told your father, and he helped catch the rustlers. I hope you can forgive me for not telling you about this until afterwards. When you are well again, I swear that I will not keep secrets from you. I love you, Buddy, and I ask you to forgive me and trust me,” Mandy begged.

  “Mandy, my precious Mandy, I’m so sorry you carried all of this by yourself. Even though I can say that you should have told me, I don’t know if I could have rested or handled things knowing you were in danger. Honey, I know you love me, and you put my health and safety above your own. There is nothing for me to forgive. You are my wife, and I thank God every day for you being in my life. I’ve been so blessed by God. Thank you, my love and my wife,” Buddy whispered.

  By noon, the whole story of the rustlers had been told and retold until everyone on the ranch knew what had happened. Bill and Max came in and joined the family for breakfast. Max and Bill carried Buddy’s wheelchair up the steps into the main house to join the others for breakfast. It was a time of happy celebration for everyone.

  After much talking, the adults gradually left to go about their daily activities. Melanie and the kids went home. The kids were so excited that Melanie let them stay home from school with her.

  About 2 pm, Melanie and the kids went to stay with Buddy while Mandy and Robert drove to Ventana to the Sheriff's Office. When they walked inside, the office’s waiting room was crowded with men. Everyone was wondering what the emergency meeting was all about. The men greeted Robert warmly with handshakes. At 2:30 Sheriff Larson led them into the conference room.

  After the men were seated, Sheriff Larson said, “Some of you may have already guessed why I called this meeting. I appreciate how many of you were able to meet on such short notice. After talking to many of you over the last month, I know a few of you have already figured out you are missing cattle. Some of you may not even know you have been robbed. Recently I learned we had a gang of rustlers operating in this area. The rustlers were very clever and patient, because they didn't steal the whole herd at one time. They just took small groups that might not be noticed as missing.”

  The ranchers began talking excitedly about the news. The Sheriff called for attention. He said, “I have great news! Last night, we captured the rustlers. After searching their local ranch lands, we found almost 500 head of cattle on their land that carried some of your brands plus many that have obviously already been rebranded. All of you who have lost cattle will get your cattle back after we get pictures and counts for evidence purposes.” The ranchers all began talking at once again.

  The sheriff called for attention. “Gentlemen, I can't take the credit for catching the rustlers. The person who discovered the problem, created the plan, and caught them red-handed is the beautiful young woman sitting beside Robert Turner. She is the daughter of Wayne Dalton, one of my former deputies. Her name is Amanda Turner, Buddy Turner's young bride.”

  The men turned in astonishment and stared at Mandy. She blushed scarlet at being the center of their attention. The Sheriff briefly told them what she had observed and how she had brought the plan to him. He explained that the rustlers had been caught last night while they were attempting to steal more cattle from Robert Turner’s ranch.

  “Who’s been stealing from us?” one of the ranchers asked.

  Sheriff Larson said, “The men we caught last night are all local men. They are Clayton Gill, Bradley James, and Jason Burton.”

  When Jason’s name was mentioned, several clapped. One man said, “It's about time that the Burtons’ get what they deserve. Jason’s always got away with too much because of his dad’s money and powerful position in this county. Old man Burton’s been buying up ranches in this county that had gone broke during the last few years. He always seemed to know who was having money trouble. Now that we know that Jason has been stealing our cattle, I'll bet they were in it together.”

  The Sheriff called for order. “We don't have enough evidence to prove that Bill Burton is involved, but we are looking into it. Another thing,” the Sheriff said, “after I told the Cattlemen's Association about the possible cattle theft, they offered a generous reward for the arrest and conviction of the rustlers. For the work she did, the reward will be awarded to Amanda Turner once the men are convicted. With six eyewitnesses to the theft and the pictures Mandy took of them, I'm sure they will all be convicted.”

  “Even old man Burton doesn’t have enough money to get Jason off this time! Now the rest of us can stop worrying about our cattle and our daughters,” one man laughed. Several others laughed and whooped their pleasure.

  Mandy was totally shocked by the news about the reward. She stood up quickly and said, “I don't want the reward money. I'd like to have it divided among all the ranchers who have lost cattle. This economy has hit all of us hard. Even though we may get our cattle back, we all probably lost some that have already been sold and are long gone. If it's okay with Robert, I want the reward split equally among the ranchers who were victims of theft. I’d like our share to go to the two young men who helped us catch the rustlers.”

  Robert quickly said, “I agree with Mandy. Let the reward be split evenly.” After the meeting ended, the ranchers gathered around Mandy and shook her hand.

  On the drive home, Mandy apologized to Robert. “I'm sorry I spoke up about the reward. That was actually money for the Turner ranch. I shouldn't have spoken for you.”

  “Don't be silly, Mandy. You figured it out, you made the plan, and you helped catch them. I didn't even know we’d lost cattle. It was your plan, and it’s your reward. I'm glad you suggested dividing it with the other ranchers,” Robert said. “I am so proud of you!”